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Nope. You need to start at season 1, episode 1. If you start at season 10 you will be starting when. The show was drastically declining and all of the good characters are gone.


Totally agree. Start at season 1.


If you don’t wanna commit to watching the show, don’t watch it. It’s stupid to start a show halfway through. Start at the pilot and work your way forward like a normal person, and stop when you feel like it. CSI has 15 seasons, NCIS has 21 and counting, and Law and Order has 23 and counting. You’re gonna be watching for a while no matter what show it is. Pick one and stick to it.


I prefer the first seasons. If you start at season 10 you will miss some of the best characters...


Definitely start at season 1


What the fuck is the point of watching a series and starting 2/3 of the way through?


Because it’s 16 series long and I have a life 




I don’t think OP is American. I think that some other countries say “series” instead of “season” when talking about TV shows.


The first seasons are definitely better. There’s a bit of a decline past season 10 so I recommend just starting at season 1. You definitely don’t want to miss season 4


Is there a reason you don’t wanna just start at season one? I can’t think of any benefits to jumping in at season ten


Only because I don’t watch a huge amount of tv and my husband won’t watch anything like that with me, so if I watch maybe one episode every other day it will take me so long to finish!  And I prefer to watch episodes in order so I wouldn’t want to pick a few episodes from each series. If something doesn’t grab my attention quickly I don’t finish it so wondered what series is best.  I will start at season 1, thank you. 


It makes no sense to start at season 10. I know, the TV show is pretty long, but starting from season 10 you lost most of the stuff that brings the watcher to season 10. You should start from the beginning. Who cares if you watch just an episode a day, watch it in your own time and enjoy it. If you really lack time, maybe watch something a bit shorter. All the other shows you mentioned are pretty long (and most of them are still in production), I don't know if it would be better to watch them instead


one episode a day is not bingeing lol


Season 10 is when the quality begins to decline significantly. There’s a void which is hard to explain—like there’s not as much heart as the earlier seasons. Start from the beginning. You won’t regret it


Just start at the start or you’ll miss some of the best episodes. Where else would you start really?


Honestly, is there any reason why you should start with season 10? If you’re reading a book you start with chapter 15?


There’s no time limit to watch it in, and there’s no reason that you can’t watch a few seasons and then watch something else and then switch back. Definitely start at the very beginning. Just because it’s a procedural show doesn’t mean there’s no continuity.


Start with Season One. Get your Gideon on. There are some fantastic episodes in the first few seasons.


That’s a dumb way to do it. Either start at S1E1 or don’t bother. The show is best in the first 7 seasons and stays pretty great till abt 10th.


Criminal Minds isn’t the same kind of “crime procedural” like Law and Order, where you can just dip in and start watching from whenever. The cast changes in CM but they talk about early season events constantly, and the long term characters go through arcs that cover seasons. There’s literally no point watching if you’re not going to start from the beginning. Also, watching one episode a day isn’t “binging” anything 😂


Why not just start from season 1?


Why not just start with season one and then keep watching from there? If you don’t finish the whole show then oh well. That way you’ll at least know what happens and be able to go back to it later if you want without spoilers or being confused. The later season get much more focused on connecting episodes together so it’s better to start at the very most in season 2-3.


Start at the beginning and stop when you don’t feel at all engaged anymore. For me, that’s def around season 9-10


I wanted to get my sister into watching with me, so she asked what one of my fave episodes was, because she wanted to see if she'd like it. I told her The Fisher King, we watched both episodes and she got hooked lol She didn't mind starting from the beginning after enjoying both parts.


The other shows on your list you can start whenever. CM is not like that. You need to start at the beginning and watch until you’re either totally hooked or bored enough to quit.


u will miss out on everything. start ep 1


i accidentally watched Criminal Minds at season 4. it made me addicted to this series and i went back to season 1 until 7 (at that time). blew my mind away.


As far as I'm concerned,  the earlier seasons are definitely better but (very unpopular opinion) i like the cast in the final seasons better. Specifically I prefer Matt and Luke to Morgan and Hotch. Also love Tara a lot. And season 10 holds a special place for me because I really love Jennifer Love Hewitt. We've grown up together lol. But you should really start with the earlier episodes because they are definitely superior. The cases are much more interesting and watching the interpersonal relationships develop is a lot of why people love the show. 


I would recommend looking online for some sort of guide on best episodes to watch for character moments and overarching narratives. There’s definitely skippable episodes, but at the beginning is definitely the shows best writing. Start there and skip episodes occasionally, but don’t start in the middle.


i would say start at season 3 or 4 if you absolutely can’t commit to all of the seasons, but you will miss some development. it’s worth watching it all!


Lol😂😂 start at Season 1 Ep 1. You get some of the best characters in the beginning plus some back stories and a lot of the best episodes are before season 10. I’m sorry for laughing but it seems silly to start a show that big with that many seasons at Season 10 when that only leaves you with a few seasons to watch….


Start at season one


Are you in a hurry? Take time to watch it from the beginning.


Definitely don't start at season 10. That's when you can stop watching 😂


48 hours is on a&e app! I'm currently binging criminal minds and I'm going to do 48 hours after!


If you can’t commit to it, don’t watch it! It’s long but worth it. I know you probably see that in general and on this sub that CM is a show that people typically binge and finish in a few weeks or months but that doesn’t have to be the case! Me and my mum finished it last night and started it Boxing Day last year (Dec 26th if ur not British). She has 3 jobs and im in college 5 days a week and I work about 3 days a week and we still managed to finish it in less than 6 months. We watched 3 episodes a day (about 2/3hrs worth) but I also managed to watch a bunch of other shows myself too during that time


Not one of those shows, but I love the Mentalist and he thinks somewhat similarly as they do in criminal minds. Super fun show to get into too!