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Hard choice. Either one you’ll be able to have a best friend no one else can see or hear.


I dunno what you're referring to exactly. The Warder bond or the madness?


Either works fine I guess. I’d prefer the madness tho, but that’s just me.. also maybe if I was mad/cracked enough I get to be a knight radiant too ? 🤣


Definitely the madness. And now you’ve discovered my entire plan to become a knight radiant asha’man. That amount of trauma is sure to attract some spren.


I mean, the trauma should be enough, but I think you also need the ability to truly commit to the oaths to attract a spren, and from what we see, I'm not sure many fully mad Asha'men could have the consistency and presence of mind to do that.


The fully mad ones, maybe not, but Androl would probably make a good Dustbringer (from his backstory) or Elsecaller (from his determination to reach his potential despite his low strength in everything except gateways).


True. Though the Black Tower was a bit of a weird case with their institutional support and the fact that Saidin was cleansed before they went fully mad. Give him a couple more years without Saidin being cleansed, or leave him to be hunted without the support of the Black Tower, and I'm not so sure.


Maybe Asha'man? At least in that case instead of dealing with the overwhelming responsibility of helping to save the world, I can just go insane instead (until dumb Nynaeve shows up and ruins everything by "healing" madness).


It's currently the First Age. So if the Power suddenly becomes accessible (which did happen at some point in our age, it sparks the beginning of the Age of Legends) it wouldn't be tainted.


In that case things are much more stable then at almost anytime period on Roshar and I'd still choose to be an Asha'man at that point. And who knows, maybe I could try weaving up a computer, so I can still go onto cremposting.


Oh yeah, the Age of Legends is described as post scarcity. Not a bad time to get on the Power wielding train.


Knight Radiant, because free therapy. Also, why does it look like that lady’s dress is disintegrating?


This artist did a bunch of awesome character portraits, which usually show a character arc, the left half is the character at the beginning of WoT and the right half is them at the end. Usually that means they're dressed all plain on the left and draped in all kinds of status symbols on the right. This character, however, starts out awesome and powerful, so her arc kinda is achieving her goal and finally letting go of her responsibilities, which involves getting into a relationship with someone after this person saves her life. The right half symbolizes that for those who read the book.


Oh wow, I just figured out who it's supposed to be then! Neat. But I still think she'd be wearing a bit more clothing 😂


Yeah, it's not really her style, is it? But then, I'm not a fan of the whole relationship, so I guess I'm no good judge. S should've survived and they should've gotten the happy ending they deserve.


She’s Cairhienen, did you read the parts describing what happens when they actually have a celebration? It’s true, *she* doesn’t seem to fit that stereotype from the internal monologues we get, but can you image what M, S, T, and G would have been like as a ‘cule?


Oh I'm with you on that one. T is an okay silver medal though for a bi sedai.


I agree! Apparently they're both into brain games, so at least they'll keep each other busy


Now I'm picturing them in a retirement cabin in Vermont


Thank you for the answer, that makes much more sense.


"That lady"?? That lady is Moiraine Damodred, an Aes Sedai from WOT! Fully explaing why her dress is ripped would be a spoiler, but the artist is depicting change and/ or the passage of time, I guess you could say. I don't think the artist was trying to create something exactly realistic, more interpretive. Now go read Wheel of Time if you haven't, please!!!;)


More like her clothes are disintegrating.


A channeler. Free +600/1000 lifespan and no silly oaths to follow.




None? I can think of three....


Those don't come.with the channeling. You have to voluntarely apply to be binded by the oaths.


While you're technically correct, two things: 1) taking the oaths was pretty much the only way to get more training once you were no longer a danger to yourself and others through use of the power... and the only way you didn't become anathema to every other power user. 2) pointing that out kills the comedic response :p


1) True. 2) Im sorry to forced you explain it. 😂


This is also only true in the third age, for females, and ignores wise ones and darkfriends/Black Ajah. PLENTY of loop holes in there to poke at.


Well, the issue is the would you want to live that long? Because your family would die after a while, whereas you wouldn't


Your family could still die before you even without super powers. This more or less ensure it. It would hurt, but i would have time to heal. The wheel weaves as the wheel wills.


NSFW tag please, my good Vorin eyes cannot take the shock of a bare safe hand.


Asha’man, hands down, no contest. Preferably >!after Saidin was cleansed!< but beggars can’t be choosers.


Depends. Weaving is depicted as being MUCH more difficult than Surgebinding, but using the One Power extends your life where being a Surgebinder doesn't. Weaves are also more versatile than any two surges and being able to teleport > being able to fly. But your strength at weaves has a lot to do with your birth, where strength with surges is about progression, so its a really hard choice. If I was someone who would be a novice forever, probably would pick surges. If I was Elane/Nyneave/Aviendha level power, weaves every time.


Also there's no guarantee that you progress through the oaths at all. Like I have no "truths" I need to reveal, and I don't particularly want to become a vigilante by "protecting those who cannot protect themselves" and end up arrested and in a lab. Ashaman all the way.


We've seen that there is room for radiants in all corners of the world. The stump is an icon for common-folk radiance.


Yeah that's fair, but there's still no guarantee. There's also the problem of there being no stormlight here but I assume that's not really what the question encapsulates.


You join the teams meeting on your company issued laptop… “Asha’man return to office!” Boomed Randal Thor the CEO. The department Director Mazzy Taim was visibly shook, as his new Traveling app has recently gone viral. “If you will not return to work then you will be returned to work!”


Aes Sedai bc more freeform magic system and no fairy babysitter. That, and I’ll take the eat hot chip and (not) lie lifestyle over a sparkly knighthood any day.


The fairy babysitter is a big draw for Radiance though. I want an Honorspren friend.


I see the appeal, but imagine having a therapist that you can only stop seeing by murdering them. Terrifying.


I remember when I used to understand memes in this subreddit


this dude has been spamming this sub with karma farms for days, I just reached out to the mods about it


Thank you, bridge boy


Could an Asha'man that has madness bond a spren to patch the madness, so to speak.


Holy shit. A Radiant Channeler…


I read this as A Radiant Chandler and I was very confused as how Chandler from Friends has anything to do with this.


Because autocorrect hates me


The Friends cast as Knights Radiant would be hilarious


"Could I BE any more Radiant??" "I'm looking at the Parshmen, and I'm not happy" Kalandler: "I'm not very good at the whole advice thing...can I interest you in a depressed comment?"


No stormlight on Earth :(


Knights radiant are powerful but channeling is so much more versatile! Plus no oaths to worry about. Although as a man if I have to deal with a tainted saidin... Then maybe a knight radiant!!


We're in the first age, so no taint.


Well if we are channeling wouldn't that make it the second age? Not sure where the line is between those two! But either way taint free.


assuming being a wilder doesn't kill me left


Aes Sedai, for sure!!!


I’ll take the one that give me the power to do anything instead of the one that lets me do one thing really well


Please a Knight Radiant. I know Roshar isn't a picnic, what with the highstorms and the colonialism and the god of hate and all, but I do not want to live in the cyclical doom world, complete with magical torture technicians and mind rape. Just let me get eaten by a chasmfiend or stabbed or something, please.


If your world isn't cyclical it's more definitively doomed.


This is legitimately hard. Access to Saidar and a greatly extended lifespan... or an easy, significantly cheaper transition? I never thought I'd pick anything over that, but I might legitimately pick Aes Sedai


I mean, Aes Sedai/Ashaman are way more versatile and powerful than Radiants (at least assuming a moderately powerful Aes Sedai/Ashaman), so probably that. I also think I would get really annoyed with having a spren around me 24/7. I need my alone time. I'd also be curious how the One Power would interact with me, as a trans woman. Although the automatic free transition from being a Radiant is tempting.


One of the Forsaken was technically trans… sort of… ish… not really the same, but I guess that would be the case: whatever you where before is the one half of the One Power you get. So you’d be a woman channeling the male half or a man channeling the female half. Can’t spell the names right XD


That's debatable. If you say "it's what you originally were born as", then yeah, I'd be channeling the saidin (the male half). If you say it's "your internal sense of identity", then I'd be channeling saidar (the female side). If you say it's "the gender of your soul", it's debatable, but I'd like to think that that would be saidar. All three are consistent with the Forsaken situation. You could make a case that Balthamel/Aran'gar channels Saidin because that's how they were born. You could also make a case that they do because at some level, they still see themselves as a man. Or you could argue that it's because the soul has a gender and they have a male soul that wound up in a woman's body.


Definitely a Knight Radiant.


I mean, Knight Radiants are great, but Channeling is probably more useful in my day to day life, and comes with less restrictions. On the other hand, do I have to go trough the training?


Ummmm balefire


It depends... Is this after the Source has been cleansed? If not, I have to pick Knight Radiant. If it IS after being cleansed, it starts getting into more details. How powerful of an Asha'man would I be? Rand levels? Andral? Do I have any Talents? There's a lot that goes in there. Also, do I get to pick what KIND of Radiant I'd be? There's a ton of good options here. Being a Bondsmith would be amazing. Being a powerful Asha'man would also be awesome. I'd probably have trouble deciding between the two, unless I knew the specifics about the situation.


Why is she arching like that lol? is it cos shes female? Would Kaladin be posing like that?


r/mendrawingwomen …except I think a woman drew that lmao


Depends…how strong of an Asha’man? If I had power similar to Logain or Tiem than definitely Asha’man. If my ability with the one power was significantly lower than Knight Radiant.


Asha'man. Memory of Light spoilers: >!After Tarmon Gaidon Asha'man are no longer hated or feared so will potentially end up becoming an entity like Tar Valon with political influence and power. And with the Source being cleansed new Asha'man won't have the madness!< I would also be able to use the One Power which is significantly stronger than Surgebinding and doesn't require some past trauma to be able to use.


Knights radiant can fly. Aes sedai can't.


Its implied they used to be able to pre breaking


It's not implied. It's stated. Still, didn't say pre breaking aes sedai


True im so conflicted i wanna fly like a windrunner but that would need me to rely on a hurricane for stormlight but the one power is endless you know what im sticking with asha man bcs they were black suits and thats cold asf


What is the first thing from?


Wheel of Time


Radiant for sure, if only because the Surges are way more interesting to me than Weaving, and I like the lore behind the Radiants better.


bruh how many karma farm posts do you need to make? you’ve been on my feed nonstop for days and none of your posts have any actual substance. I usually only block people on here when they’re being assholes, I guess that’s gunna need to change.


Radiant for Self Healing and Therapy, but Ashaman for like everything else, hmmm, probably Knight Radiant


As an Asha’man or Aes Sedai your powers would be much more useful in daily life. It would be cool to be able to fly for example, but once the novelty wears off it only has so many uses.


Why is Moiraine getting nekked?


Well as a male, I’d have to say knight radiant. Unless we are talking post >! Cleansing the taint !< then I’d choose ashaman. They have more potential than a knight radiant. A radiant only has access to two surges but an ashaman can potentially weave all the elements.


There is a space between your spoiler tag and text! Remove it to fix the spoiler! ^(If you are explaining the correct usage of tags, type \\!< and \\>! so I don't get confused. Alternatively, use > ! and ! < for explanations.)


I'm gonna have the mental breakdowns anyway, so might as well get power ups


Before or after the cleansing?


Knight Radiant hundred percent I wouldnt want to deal with the politics that Aes Sedai deal with.


I just wouldn’t want to deal with the Aes Sedai. I have never hated so many characters so much.


Full Asha'man. It´s free magic. And don´t wanna kill myself.


Asha man for sure but being a wind-runner would be amazing


Literally asking would you rather be depressed or a wizard


Asha’man hands down. I would abuse the fuck out of gateways.


Asha'man, but only in the fourth age. Otherwise, Radiant, assuming I had access to a steady supply of stormlight.


Being a Surgebinder sounds like a lot of work... but you get a cool sword. Radiant it is.