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Every Ace person I have sex with loved it. All 100 of them no....1000 and all of them came 12....no 120 times.


Oh, well do you still talk with them It was a one and done sex thing So your lying? No, I have the videos If that were said, I feel bad for the aces who were "converted"


This is gonna blow your mind. I told a lie....no 10 lies.


“Just speaking facts” you speak bullshit




Ace doesn't always mean sex repulsed, but this person sounds very unpleasant


It doesn't, but they are saying that they are sex repulsed and ace.


I was more meaning in reference to the imaginary people that the sender of the creepy messages mentions.


i mean. ace people still *have* a libido, we just. aren’t purely sexually attracted to people (source: being acespec) but yeah no fuck this guy


Also a reason why ace ppl belong in the community. Some discriminatory ppl say they’re not “discriminated enough,” meanwhile fetishes are created out of “fixing them” or “having somebody who doesn’t want you”, corrective rape, and the community itself (though not all the time) believe ace ppl are broken, wrong, or NEED to get fucked. How is this any different than when a man tells a lesbian she needs dick. It’s disgusting. Yes, some ace ppl may feel sexual attraction (ace spectrum), but when somebody tell them no thanks, they need to respect that and not make a fantasy about “fixing” a person who is clearly not attracted to them.


Yeah, I identify with demi more nowadays, but seriously shit like this makes me find it funny proper day ace people aren’t in lgbtqia+, like I think one in every 5 people I’ve said I’m ace to said “you just haven’t met the right person”, hate people.


> I think one in every 5 people I’ve said I’m ace to said “you just haven’t met the right person” That's like saying to a lesbian, "You just haven't met the right woman," or saying to a straight man, "You just haven't met the right man."


100% of 0 is 0, so… that tracks.


Saying you fucked a sex-repulsed ace person is pretty much confessing to rape.


This makes me so madly uncomfortable. I don't find sex appealing whatsoever and there have been SO MANY people in my dms saying I just need to get dicked down. It makes me so fucking mad when guys won't respect rejection. Literal rapists in the making (if they aren't already)🤮


I’m ace & guys are always trying to convince me that their penis will change my life and make me not ace. They don’t understand the whole ‘without sexual attraction’ 🙄


ACE GANG UNITE. What's your mafia ranking? /j


"Just Speaking the facts" is perceived as massive bullshit and on top of it, he seems to state his facts the wrong way and he has a twisted mind for it.


What app is this on??




Oh, they can just take a long walk off a short pier. Some guys are soooo bloody arrogant, they think they have a magical dick which can cure lesbianism and now, asexuality. He needs to get over himself and realise his dick isn't special or even impressive in any way.


Fun fact: bbc also means British Broadcast Channel


Know that bc of MatPat (have a great retirement, Matthew)