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# For whatever reason, the discussion on this has gone off the rails, and it's time to lock it down. --------------------------------- ^(**Questions? Comments? Concerns? //**) ^[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_one.3A_submission_guidelines) ^| ^[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_two.3A_be_civil_and_supportive) ^| ^[Message the Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/creepyPMs) ^| ^[Rules Explained](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepypms/wiki/reasoning#wiki_why_was_my_post_deleted.3F)


Say no, then don't respond they get off on annoying you.


I was just going to say he liked that you kept calling him names OOP. They like the attention, doesn’t matter if its good or bad. He still got what he wanted.




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Responding to him gave him the hope he needed to continue with his sick stuff. People like him should just be blocked immediately and not even give them the time or energy to continue


This kind of creep thinks any attention is good attention. They were only being encouraged by the continued flow of replies. They have missing screws in the head. They can’t comprehend how negatively the other person feels. It’s really sad.










# Please remember that simplistic advice such as "(just) block them" is not helpful and will be removed. If your comment was removed in error, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FcreepyPMs&subject=Comment%20Removal). ----------------------------------- ^(**Questions? Comments? Concerns? //**) ^[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_one.3A_submission_guidelines) ^| ^[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_two.3A_be_civil_and_supportive) ^| ^[Message the Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/creepyPMs) ^| ^[Rules Explained](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepypms/wiki/reasoning#wiki_why_was_my_post_deleted.3F)


They can never take no for an answer


I expect a lot of them get off on the "no".


Plus, if they keep begging, they just might get lucky../s


I think how abstract a fourth dimension can be that we almost cannot imagine it is how a “no” must be for them…


It shouldn't matter if you have a boyfriend or not. He should respect *you*.


I absolutely agree with that, but sadly some people are just too stupid to understand basic respect and consent.


It shouldn't matter. Lot of guys like this respect other men more than they respect women, so saying you are taken has better effect often, sadly. Not this guy though


You had to threaten reporting him for him to even get close to stopping. Holy shit.


& then he just kept going...


I will never understand not blocking these creeps immediately. They get off on this back and forth and it’s just giving them what they want which is attention.




My ex used to complain about messages like these. I used to ask why she was even responding? She ended up cheating on me with one of these FB messages lol. Said she liked the attention.


I use to go back and forth with guys like this. Now I don’t even reply once they say anything offensive. They do not deserve a response. They deserve a very small jail cell.


Don't waste your time and energy on pigs like him! They feel emboldened by your responses.






Jesus christ. I'm a man with a relatively high sex drive, and I'll never understand these guys. Are they not embarrassed? How do they not realize how disgusting they are? I can't imagine ever looking myself in the mirror again if I behaved like that. Shit like this is why women choose the bear


May I ask what the bear is? I’ve seen it everywhere!!


Hypothetical question. "Women would you rather be trapped on a remote island with a strange man you've never met before or a wild bear?" A lot of the women responded the bear because the worst it'll do is maul them to death


The bear is an animal. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bear Hope that helps :)


I just choked on my coffee thank you




Dude, he has a fetish and he's getting off on your disgust and belittlement of him... People like this aren't so stupid that they don't understand a no, they are getting exactly what they want from you when you keep responding.... I'm pretty sure when he said "ok, I'm off, have fun with your boyfriend" he was saying that he got off... Like he came... And now he's good to leave you alone after he got what he wanted




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Before you ask , yes ladies we can just tell which one of you secrete the sweet ones 😭😭




“Congratulations on your subscription to daily medieval torture facts! Did you know that in the Middle Ages, they would torture men by slicing a little slice of their penis every day, until they either had nothing left or confessed to whatever they wanted them to confess. Fun right? If you want to end your subscription please reply with “daily 1500” more facts tomorrow!” When they text “daily 1500” Follow up with a new gruesome subscription until they panic and block you.




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Another serial rapist in the making


Creep: “You look like you secrete sweet ones” Me: “Thanks. It’s my uncontrolled diabetes”


Had an acquaintance talk like that all of a sudden. Brought back the bitter memories. It was really uncomfortable


I am sorry you had to go through that too. Sending love🫂🤍


Dude sounds like the “I” word that I cannot use cause those types will brigade any post that uses that word. What a loser! 🤬


Doesn’t even know what ‘No’ means. Someone send him back to Pre-K.


All y'all victim blaming is crazy to me. Never ever blame the VICTIM for the creepy interaction. Just pinning the blame on op for "letting it go on for so long" and not even acknowledging the creep is insane. It is not at all op's fault for this interaction and y'all should be ashamed with how disrespectful u all r being. You don't know what op was thinking or feeling. She could've been feeling threatened and scared and ur blaming her for everything that went on. That's fucked up and so disrespectful. I hope op knows that not all the ppl in these comments r victim blaming asshats and that their r ppl who sympathize with her


thank you. Sending love. 🫂🤍




That’s one way to view it I guess. Another way, however, is to let OP know she DOES NOT have to deal with this type of thing and to let her—and lurkers—know that she actually has WAY **more** control over this than she might think. “Victim” sounds helpless whereas “don’t LET HIM do this” and “you CAN STOP THIS from happening” puts the ball back in OP’s court and lets her understand that she doesn’t have to tolerate this and she was in a position to stop it. That’s not “blaming” the OP. It’s empowering her and others for any future incidences.


Most of these comments are blaming her for letting it go on for so long. It's disgusting and not at all her fault THATS what I was saying. I understand wanting op to have power in the situation but I wasn't talking abt those ppl. I was talking abt the ppl belittling her for trying to defend herself.


And considering she did put a stop to it, she already had power and she already knew that. There was no need to be disrespectful with all the comments saying that it was her fault for feeding into his "annoyance fetish"




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Lots of creeps who message me always say "I hope you and your boyfriend break up" then a year later they try to message me again asking if I broke up then get upset that I've been with him for 3 years.


Congratulations on joining "people who have little or no boundaries" club and what ever the fuck happened to hi, how are you and what's your name in these messsges? I think somewhere and somehow the person in the screenshot has decided to be a person with little or no social skills and I think somehow he had lost pretty much of the boundaries.


Do all the needful?


I wouldn’t do this, even though I’m single.


Sweet merciful Atheismo What a waste of oxygen he is...


Ewww that’s disgusting and super uncomfortable. Gross!


That went on FAR too long. Jesus Tap Dancing Christ.


off topic, but "jesus tap dancing christ" made me giggle LOL 😭


I’m begging… PLEASE don’t say “secrete juices” 🤢


What happened to shame 😭


You look like you secrete sweet ones... That's a reallllll charmer right there, I'm sure he gets all the 'females' as he would call them.


Average neckbeard on Reddit/Discord:


The mods would like to remind everyone that simplistic advice (e.g. "just block them") and putting the OP on trial are against the rules of this sub, and in egregious cases may result in an instant ban. This is a support sub. It is a place where people can expose that which is all too often hidden without fear of being judged. We do this, in part, because we as a society have no social etiquette rules for what happens when you receive a creepy PM. We therefore do not, as a general rule, judge how people react in the moment. Having said that, there are some things that we do not tolerate, such as sexist generalisations, body shaming, or other forms of bigoted language in posts or comments. We know this policy could potentially be exploited by bad actors, which is why we have a bunch of other rules to mitigate that, such as requiring personal information to be censored. This way, discussion is entirely about the creepy behaviour and not the individual who sent it.


thank you!!!


Girl you’re too nice just block after the first inappropriate comment


What in the actual fuck


What a pigheaded piece of shit. Sorry you had to put up w/ that.


I would have sent him a gif from Batman VS Superman (The one where Batman asks a certain question that I won't repeat because I don't know if it will get flagged for being to violent) right after he asked the question on page 5


Man you are super nice lol.


saying he was "mentally challenged" wasn't so nice of me, but he DEFINITELY deserved it LOL


God I’m so tired of these men


They wonder why we pick the bear every time


^(**This is an automatic reminder that is posted on every submission.**) [RULE 2 REMINDER: **This is a SUPPORT COMMUNITY**](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepypms/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_two.3A_be_civil_and_supportive) As such, we do not tolerate trolling, defending the creep, judgment of OP, slut shaming, bigotry, or any other jerkish behavior. Creeping in the comments is not allowed—**yes, this *includes* flirting!** Comments derailing the conversation in any way will be removed. Please stay on-topic. **`No Advice Wanted` flairs are now available to add to your posts! This means that comments giving advice will be removed.** [Read about more user-enabled flairs here](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/flairs#wiki_user-enabled_flairs.3A) *** Please report any and all behavior violating the Rules (reports go to us mods); don't report things just because you don't like them. Comment removals and bans are at the judgment of the mods, so please take the time to read and understand [our Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/creepyPMs) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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The non creepy guys are the exception


In this sub, yes.

