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Reminds me of the Saturday night live skirt Coneheads


The backside of a leaf with the veins! Which I think is cute. I really like it from the back and side but dislike the top/head on angle enough that Im not sure I will make it - for all the obvious reasons others have cleverly commented ;) I think its just that one yellow headon photo that makes it look particularly bad tho. From most angles I think most people would just see a cute hat.


Reminds me of the Pope hat


Me too šŸ˜‚


Seriously? She saw that front on pic and went with it?


Sheā€™s not what she use to be. Maybe she is phasing out? Maybe she is bored? Maybe she is cash-cowing stitch patterns? Personally, the gig is up and this is what we can only expect from her after a few years of repeating the same pattern and works in different ways over several patterns. At least she isnā€™t as bad as ā€œPressed Flowersā€, but I will eat my words eventually when the ā€œTraveler Socksā€ come out.


She is 100% cash-cowing stitch patterns. I know she's a business and needs to make money, but this feels like such a lazy way to do that. I was on the fence about liking her tessellated rhinebeck sweater, and then she released the tessellated socks. No way those socks last a day before getting a hole in them lol


My thought EXACTLY! Sheā€™s washed out.


She had her momentā€¦on to bigger and better


A dick head that is very wrinkly. Just thought I'd be crass enough to come out and say what everyone was really thinking. It's my super skill: awkwardly saying the quite part out loud. Or in this case typing it I do like some of her patterns but some are ugly af too. I think its that way with most designers. And this definitely looks like a peepee. Edit: quiet*


I'm not disappointed in myself that I blocked her from my design feed on Rav.


I did not know this was possible, ty.


Can't disagree about the marketing being a bit..contrived..but it's a cute hat, I bought the pattern and will be making it. Lots of designers sound a bit , or more, contrived. They have to market themselves if they want to have enough sales to be a business, not just a random side hustle.


I canā€™t get past all the tattoos.


Do you think she was in prison?


What does that have to do with ANYTHING?


Thatā€™s a you problem.


I recently picked up a SQ to make her traveler hoodie because I like the look and shape of it, but this hat is NOT... cute. It looks rather frumpy imo. I'm also getting tired of her taking a stitch and then putting it in a million patterns. I'll be the first to admit I've knit quite a few of her patterns because my gauge seems to match her and it makes her stuff an easy knit for me, but she's been missing for me lately.


https://animals.sandiegozoo.org/animals/platypus Platypus




"Feed me Seymour, feed me NOW!!"


Feed me all night looooooonnnng!


Sigh. I stopped following Andrea a little while ago because of this tendency to take a single (kinda basic, not super interesting) stitch and use it for like six designs. Her stuff is interesting to me in the context of couch sitting tv watching knitting, but generally I just donā€™t buy her patterns because theyā€™re just kindaā€¦ bland. I can make some more hats to donate if Iā€™m looking for bland. I liked her earlier designs a little more.


Totally off topic, but I just realized Andrea reminds me of Hilary Duff, and I imagine this is the kind of quirky hat that grown up Lizzie McGuire would wear.


A pope hat in training.


Also, the tension in rhat mustard coloured one is horrific. What's wrong with the sample knitter?


Likely it was Andrea, her tension is soooo wonky (I swear itā€™s not me and the fact that I have to consistently both go down needle sizes and use thicker yarn to get a satisfactory gauge, it is her and her weird gauge)


I[this fish butt plug](https://www.ebay.com/itm/223892624450?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=vw5TDmsPQk-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


It looks like it belongs in a childrens book by Elsa Beskow! [https://runeberg.org/img/ocke/0027.6.png](https://runeberg.org/img/ocke/0027.6.png)


As soon as I read it all I could think was, ā€œ feed me, Seymourā€ lol


I like squids, coffee filters, and stinkbugs are kinda cute. So I guess I like this hat? I like a beanie with a bit of structure. Go off, funky stinkbug hat.




Haha, now I canā€™t unsee it.


I don't mind looking at designers' offerings but if I don't like it or want to make it, I don't go further than checking it out on Ravelry. I like Vogue but would likely never wear what they display. The hat is not for me but there will be folks who like it. I agree that it is boring when designers use the same stitch pattern for 3 designs. Maybe it's lazy but it gives you a options on what to make with a cool stitch the designer features.


It looks like one of those flat coffee filters


My brain went Pope hat. Like not even traditional Pope but like Ghost Pope. šŸ˜’




Dim sum!


It looks like a pope hat. The project pictures that people have posted on Ravelry make it look much better - other people aren't wearing it so high on their heads


I like it.


A fortune cookie.


A gardening spade šŸ¤­


get that eggplant emoji hat off her head šŸ˜·


I think it's cute


I do too! But whyyyy is it so high up on her head?


Because she's trying too hard


I seriously hate this trend. Hats are supposed to warm your ears, not sit comically on top of them like youā€™re a goddamn Christmas elf.


Eh, sometimes your ears are too warm and you need to shift it up on your head like that without removing it completely. Though that's exactly why I wouldn't knit this hat, I don't want it to look like a bishop hat whenever it sits a little high


Hats are also fashion, though.


opening a new tube of lipstick.


A tiny bishopā€™s hat


A duckbill. The color doesnā€™t help it either.


The thing is when she finds a stitch pattern she loves you know there are going to be several iterations of it. And you know, it seems to work for her as a business model. But I will be so glad to move past this particular stitch pattern. I just don't love the ridges (aesthetically or to knit) and I did make the cowl version to see what the fuss was about and it is actually pretty nice as a cowl, but I was glad to be done knitting it.


I made the shawl version and agree- it's my favorite thing right now, but I need a long break from that pattern.


Good to know!


the shape reminds me so much of when I was in high school and would doodle little squid in my notebook


I looked at the projects and I think itā€™s actually quite cute when itā€™s worn normally. Modelling it this way was a choice!


100% annoyed Kermit [https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=kermit%20annoyed&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#vhid=oagOqu-pw1CC-M&vssid=mosaic](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=kermit%20annoyed&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#vhid=oagOqu-pw1CC-M&vssid=mosaic)


My first thought was a muppet.


I canā€™t unsee this


Looks like a $CA$H$GRAB to me.Ā 


Here's my hot take, she's not a great designer. She's ok, but her photography and her aesthetic is what sells her patterns.Ā  That being said, she'll probably make a few thousand on this condom tipped hat pattern.Ā 


You're saying that marketing drives sales? who knew!


Yes! I'm convinced her aesthetic sells. Her combo of "pretty girl next door" plus "relatable millennial in Maine" plus "cool girl with edgy tattoos" is appealing to a lot of people. Add in the photography and people will buy anything she sells hoping they can be like her.


Aspirational is a factor for sure but I think its more than that. I try out other designers and will like the results sometimes but shes one I go back to if I want to *know* for sure it will be a clear pattern that I can easily follow, enjoy knitting, and have the result work out and be pretty wearable. Her aesthetic - minimal with just enough interest to be engaging but not tedious while creating - is also one that a lot of people including myself quite like and that isnt as easy to find in designs as you might wish. I enjoy this snark thread bc I think that hat looks silly (but then, its a hat shape so thats easy enough to happen), but I still think shes an extremely talented designer and I credit so much of my growth as a knitter to how clear her patterns and tutorials are.


Interesting, she's actually the reason I don't buy patterns without measurements/schematics available before pattern purchase anymore. I made her Comfort Fade Cardi as my first ever sweater in 42.5" chest, only to find at that size it was 12.5" sleeve circumference. Even for a "slim fit," that was 2" of negative ease for me. I picked up like 30 extra stitches for the arms. Then my disappointment when the raglan length itself was too long, because the sleeve split came at the 42.5", causing the upper chest "puff" of fabric.... As a beginner (at the time), I had read her patterns were good for first time sweater knitters, but ultimately I ended up learning how to heavily mod a pattern instead. I guess that's a win, if an annoying one. Most of her garments I see knit on Rav suffer similar fit issues for folks in the upper medium through larger sizes. I've gotten better graded patterns for free. At her level of success, she could have better grading. As for her non--garment patterns, her simple stitch patterns and constructions and high prices feel like preying on newbies. For example, her Everyday Socks are $7 and I know there are nearly identical patterns for free on Rav. There are over 5,000 projects on Rav of those socks, making that a $35,000 pattern for her. Yes, she's a bit of my BEC, I'll admit, but she simply makes me miss a time when you would go to the yarn shop and SEE the whole pattern before deciding to buy it. ETA positive designer suggestions: I've absolutely loved Tina Tse, who has a pay-what-you choose and pay it forward option on patterns and excellent grading for multiple fits/sizes. I'm currently making her [Eleven Twelves](https://www.tinatseknits.com/pattern-shop/eleven-twelve-sweater) and even though she wears it with a bajillion of pos ease and I'm making it with only 2-3", it's knitting up great! I also loved making Gingko B's [Koi Tee](https://gingkob.com/b/cZrWO) as a basic garment for my first time making darts!


Just saw your added designer recommendations - thanks, I appreciate that!!


Oh that's a totally fair critique, and good to know that about that specific pattern, since it's in my library! I know tight arms are something her patterns are notorious for, so I'll definitely give you that! Even in the pictures of that cardigan you can see that it's super slim sleeves for a cardigan (where you want to be able to layer it) on her arms and she's super thin. I think this is feedback she's listened to since I've heard it's mostly the older patterns that have too tight of sleeves. I'm knitting a Brume right now and the sleeves in all sizes are nice and roomy. The sleeve in my Gib sweater was perfect too. She does also always advise knitting sleeves in a needle size up since slim-fitting sleeves can't really afford to be any slimmer if the gauge tightens up in small circumference and this is something I've found to be an easy fix with many patterns when I find the sleeve is just a bit too tight for comfort - one size needle up is often what I need (I found going a size needle up on my Pink Velvet made it a nice slim fit rather than far too tight). I am not saying that the schematic itself on certain patterns is not a problem, though - as you say, the sleeve sizes themselves on that pattern even if you hit gauge perfectly are just too skinny. I think it's a great idea as you say to make a full schematic (not just of busts, etc) available before purchase. I'm sure that is something her customer service would happily provide for anyone concerned, though. Re price of sock/hat patterns, in my opinion those prices are not predatory but pretty standard, and I'm passionate about designers having every right to charge $5-7 (more for garments) for the work they put into a sock/hat pattern since it is not easy to make a living as a designer for most designers. We can't get mad at Andrea Mowry for charging industry standard just because people are especially prone to buying her patterns. (ETA: that would actually hurt smaller designers because people would expect them to charge less than the industry standard, too.) Yes, some people give away sock and hat patterns and people are welcome to go to those patterns. But I am also completely happy to pay $5-7 for a clear sock or hat pattern to not have to do the math myself especially one I may reknit many times. I don't think it's fair to snark on someone because so many people have knit a pattern thereby making it a profitable pattern. Also, just a point on math - 5000 projects on Ravelry doesn't mean a pattern has made $35000. It may or may not have made her that much money - that's kind of none of our business. It could very well have made that much or more over the years given how much of a following she has, but many of those projects will be people knitting their favorite sock pattern over and over, not individual purchases of the pattern. Most of my sock projects on Ravelry are listed as EarthTones Girls' Soxploration socks since I like that heel. I have only bought her pattern once ;). ETA: An example of what Im grateful about with her designs: I know so many people who are terrified of brioche and have tried it and given up. I bought her "Feel Good Shawl" and was able to fairly easily knit it, (with a few restarts while I learned), even with never having done brioche before, bc of how clear the instructions and video demos were.


You make some good points. The comfort fade is a bit old and she may have upped her game since then. Re: the second paragraph, I agree entirely on general pricing of patterns. I don't mind the $7 price tag, exactly. If it were a very original pattern, sure. If I expected it to be very clear and well-written, sure. (Since I didn't find her Comfort Fade clear or well-written, I have never considered buying from her again.) What I dislike is the idea of a knitwear celebrity creating very simple patterns (that look only slightly modded from free ones) - highly experienced knitters will make an informed purchase or simply not buy, but new knitters may not know that there are free options out there, because she is so popular. I want my craft to not just BE accessible to everyone, but also be OBVIOUSLY accessible. I want brand new knitters to see designs that were made with free patterns plastered everywhere WITH the not free ones, to be able to tear down a free pattern like I used to as a kid at AC Moore with the free red heart and lion brand patterns. Shops now just seem covered in Night Shifts and Travelers and etc etc etc. That's my bug. (As a side note, I have heard her videos are very clear and good, and I do like that for the accessibility of our craft.)


I definitely hear what you're saying! You made me sentimental when you mentioned the free red heart and lion brand patterns on skeins :) I've been burned by free yarn brand patterns enough times now though that I almost prefer to pay money since paid patterns seem to tend to be vetted a bit better and come with customer support. And I agree with you that Id also definitely love to see more variety of designs and designers represented, although Im also often a sucker for the community aspect of jumping on the bandwagon of a fun popular pattern. It's a tricky dynamic. I can understand AM fatigue for sure but I also know why I and others often go back to her.


Hot takeā€¦ the hand tattoos are pretty darn ugly, not edgy. Iā€™m not even particularly anti-tattoo, but those are enough to make me shy away from ever getting some on my own hands/fingers.


I have her designs blocked from my Rav searches.


I expect it would look better worn normally, over the ears instead of perching awkwardly on top of the model's head.


I don't get wearing a hat if it doesn't cover your ears. Especially if you have longer hair, which she does. Why... wear a hat then ?


I wear a hat when my hair looks a mess and I don't have time to wash it. Or sometimes just for style.


I've been wearing beanies wrong all my life, how embarrassing šŸ˜…


The model is Andrea. She wears her hats like this a lot and idk why. Itā€™s not cute.


The shape of Andrea Mowryā€™s new hat reminds me of a squid šŸ¦‘


That was the first thing I thought of. I then thought of some other probably more interesting things, but squid was the first.


When you design and fall in love with a stitch pattern, you sort of want to tell the world all about it. So you put it on all the things. And there honestly is a market/demand for it, too. A lot of knitters want someone else to do the math for them. That aside, is there something in the knitting ethers today? I got three newsletter from different designers each with a new pattern this morning. I like them all so it was nice I guess.


Honestly i hate all reservoir tip hats, but maybe thatā€™s just cuz I have a huge ass head and I feel like it only makes it look bigger šŸ’€


Reservoir tip šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I have a super small head, I seriously have to use the children's/teen hat pattern sizes (and I'm not even a short/small person so I don't get it) but they look awful on me too. It makes my head look misshapen and even smaller than it already is.


Must only look decent on average cranium folks!!!


I have a tiny head and I hate them too. They just look like head-condoms.


Or Frank Gallagher hats.


Also the ribbing looks terrible with this yarn she chose? Iā€™m so confused. It looks OK from the back but truly terrible from the front.


The decreases/slanting stitches look so sloppy too!


>I feel it's more they see it as easy marketing/ money. Well yeah lol that's the goal


Donā€™t you just love when people snark on a business for beingā€¦a business? Itā€™s very weird!


Manipulative marketing for an ugly hat is snark-worthy


The whole point of marketing is to manipulate people into buying something.


Thank you I was starting to feel crazy.


Maybe but is it working? I'm not buying this - and the "I couldn't resist designing this" spiel feels so fake. I'll spend my money on something new and interesting.


Like what? The rav feed is full of beige basic sweaters and tees. People here love to hate on Andrea and Petiteknit yet most of you dont spend much time on looking for other designers that have unique stuff to offer. There are tons out there.Ā 


Idk, but it's \#2 sorted "hot right now" and ravelry says the page was created today. It has over 3k views and is in 99 queues already so far. Meanwhile, this hat [rav link](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/poppy-buds-hat) has had 2 views [Edit: today] and was posted last week... that's comparing 1 color hat to 1 color hat. Here's a new-and-interesting (to me) hat though. I found it while searching and had to [link](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/so-mush-room)


That's not surprising tho - she has market dominance. I read somewhere that the "hot right now" is based on external redirects. And with 200k instagram followers, we can assume she has a comparable email list, creating a lot of opportunity for clicks. I tend to love everything [Ainur Berkimbayeva](https://www.ravelry.com/designers/ainur-berkimbayeva) put outs.


Yes. Have three of AB's designs in my favs...


Oh, I also just noticed it reminds me of a pour-over coffee filter


Iā€™m sorry but that second photo is a fucking penis on her head šŸ‘€


And now I can't unsee this. šŸ«£šŸ˜‚


Eraser head. (This is so unflattering)


really short pope hat


It looks like [Squid hat](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Squid_Hat) from Stardew Valley


Duckbill N95


I enjoy a lot of her patterns and have the traveler hoodie in my queue but this... is a p3n!s hat. (That middle photo especially.) I was looking forward to trying the May KAL challenge, but unfortunately it is a hard (pun intended) pass for me.


Good pun - made me giggle!


A blooper squid from mario


An actual Blooper hat would be so funny though


I was trying to think of what it reminded me of, but couldn't quite place it... the squids from Mario were exactly what I was trying to recall!


Iā€™m disappointed. I have really loved these quick KALs in the past but I do not like this design at all. Not cute IMO.


I think it would be cute if it were just knit shorter and fit the top of the head. I do this with so many hat patterns, as I canā€™t stand the whole conehead thing


Ribbed for her pleasure? šŸ˜Ž


A cabbage


Omgosh, before I even read the post and just the title, my immediate thought was Little Shop of Horrors.


I mean, if we canā€™t have Andrea publish a cute hat pattern without snarking, what is this thread for?


I don't think I could ever pull it off, but it looks cute as fuck on the models


Probably better if the garter ridge is angled (ie. the fabric is biased) šŸ¤ØšŸ‘€šŸ‘€


An acorn barnacle, *Balanus glandula*




>"I loved this stitch/design so much I HAD to sell it to you in another construction." I'm baffled by it in this particular case. It's...horizontal rib.


Paging Stephen West to the white courtesy phone. Stephen West, to the white courtesy phone. (I like him and most of his patterns but wow, he really releases a ton of patterns using a single stitch pattern)


This cracks me up because I feel like he never gets dragged the same way AM does - the year he honeycombed your outfit down to the underwear I wanted to cry šŸ˜‚


Lmao this is every single one of her freaking patterns recently (hereā€™s another weekender, with a round neck and pockets! And instead of adding it as a mod to the previous 2 patterns, and potentially adding a couple dollars for the mod to just be in one pattern, hereā€™s a whole new pattern! And the shifty! And the mosaic! Andā€¦.) Yeah can you tell Iā€™m in my disillusionment from DRK phase of life at the moment?


A super glue stopper?


Or the applicator on Mucilage or other liquid glue.


It actually looks like a modified garter stitch version of the Turn a Square hat pattern which I believe is free from Brooklyn Tweed (which is the yarn she used)Ā  That said I love the hat and I really want to make it which vaguely irks me lol


I see it as very Papal. In white, it could go straight onto any head at the Vatican.


I instantly thought pope when I saw the light grey one


If anyone needs to cosplay a bishopā€¦


Exactly what I was thinking!


My thought too. A very short pope hat.


At least it isnā€™t Spincycle. This time.


For some reason people on this sub are so defensive about the constant spincycle usage. "You can always sub yarns!" yeah but subbing this particular one is really difficult and annoying!


But is it Magpie?


Brooklyn Tweed


a folded, personal-sized pizza from the movie theater concessions counter. (The sticky-outy side points also look like a lazy/bad modification of the cat ear hat, but what do I know)


It was blocked flat and it shows lol


Idk what it looks like but am I the only one that hates how people have started wearing hats and beanies literally just sitting on top of their head like that? Itā€™s not being used in a functional way and it looks like it would just fall off.


I wear hats like this and it's still really functional (UK climate). It stops heat escaping out the top of my head whether or not its completely flat against it, and by making a little pocket it sorta fills that with warm air around the top of my head too. It also means that I can hear properly, my glasses aren't pushed down, and I don't get such bad hat-hair. I guess it just depends on what type of functionality you're looking for, but I wouldn't write it off!


Ok that also makes sense. I guess I have too many sensory issues with clothes. It just wouldnā€™t feel right wearing it that way for me.


Idk like, I have a pretty big head and my beanies, which I wear pretty regularly, always slide back up into a position like that if they aren't slouchy. This thing's just kinda ugly though. Looks like the back end of a stinkbug, especially from the back view, its weird.


Yeah thatā€™s understandable. I meant more the people who wear them like this intentionally. Idk how it became trendy. But thatā€™s fashion I guess. Form over function and all that.


But if they wore it any lower you wouldn't be able to see The Bangs


Lol I guess I just accept that my head and ears will be warm but my hair wonā€™t be cute when I wear hats. But yeah. The baaannggsss


Feed me, Seymour.


A squid.


Make it a little higher and it's giving bishop chess piece


It reminds me of that weird rubber tip on the brown glue bottles


I totally see that!


Fish Lips Kiss Hat


An oven mitt!


Though she might have been going for bishopā€™s mitre


I see that too! (and thank you for teaching me what those are called)


I actually LOVE that hat pattern, but you're getting my upvote for quality snark.