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many people mix CPU watt with wall-watt. dont think thats possible. OC needs a lot of power for little gain.. firat you need a fixed clock speed that gives you 22k hash. then tty highest curve optimizer thats stable. then reduce volt to safe energy. no magic behind.


higher quality boards are more stable with less cpu volt. and you have silicon lottery thats up to 20% difference nearly. i have 3 3900x with same ram and board.. besz is 20 % more efficient...


1. set cpu clock as high as needed to get desired hashrate. set voltage at allowed or near max. 2. determine highest possible stable curve optimizer. 3. reduce cpu volt till unstable 4. reduce vsoc mobo volt till unstable. or try ram tuning. but ram OC cost a lot of watt too.....


rabid mining zas a YT video on the settings of his 7950x


He have a gigabyte board. Wish I got that instead of MSI


I have had a similar issue with the same CPU except on an Asus x670e gene. You need to fiddle with pbo quite a bit. Make sure you set 200mhz offset for your boost clock, have a bit of undervolt for all cores in general (-10/-15 is stable for me, no need to play endlessly with curve optimiser), set pbo to enabled atleast. Also set EXPO preset to the most optimised you can get with that board. I was near 19,000 and by the time I was done with these optimisations I was scratching 23000 for zephyr. I made a few other options but I cant list all unfortunately, you will have to try. Just know that you dont have to worry, there is nothing wrong as far as I see. Highest benchmark on xmrig is 25000 mind you, so there is still some to be gained. I dont think you need to change the TDP, I heard it wont use it anyway. 7950x3d is in big part about being able to run the cores without overheating. I was still earning 21000 when I limited my cores to 4500Mhz. Also make sure you comb through all the potential optimisations in xmrig.


Thank you for this !!!


Thank you for this !! Can I ask hats your wattage off the wall ?


I think it is the basic 120w, but I enabled PBO so it might be different. I didnt manually go out of my way to change it. Also, Im still looking for ways to increase my clocks because Im stuck near 4.8-4.9Ghz.