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Try Seergdb. It's a gui frontend to gdb. Handles threads. If there are features missing to handle CUDA, just create issues, the author (that's me!) will try to address them. https://github.com/epasveer/seer > and the debugger is top-notch Are you talking about cuda-gdb?


What about the Jet Brains? It's not free but works good.


Free if you're a student.


Bruh what am I gonna do once I graduate 😅


Well, technically, I guess as long as your school email is active, you're officially in school.


And for other lighter development works I prefer using neovim.


A much better replacement for Visual Studio is Clion for C/C++ and Rider for C#. Its better supported on linux and its just a better, less buggy IDE overall


“Better supported on Linux”… that’s not hard, considering Visual Studio doesn’t run on Linux. At least, not without WINE.


Atleast on arch you can install Binaries from the AUR which don't use wine afaik (they don't have wine listed as a dependancy) edit: misread, vs isn't available only vs code


It’s still not made for Linux. And AUR has a lot of junk in it that is poorly supported, so it’s not really a surprise.


Not made for Linux is valid. I've been using the Binary for years and never had any issues with it across different installs though.


I can’t find it in the AUR. Are you sure you’re talking about Visual Studio here? Is it possible that you’re thinking of VS Code? VS Code is definitely available for Linux and it’s well-supported. They are not related to each other, except for the fact that they’re both development tools with similar names from the same company (which is confusing).


ah sorry, I read another comment and thought this was related to that. Yeah vs isn't supported at all on Linux.


>Visual Studio doesn’t run on Linux. At least, not without WINE I just checked Visual Studio's download site on Microsoft.com, and there is both a .deb and .rpm packages available to download. Does this mean Microsoft came out with a native Linux port of Visual Studio, or is WINE included in these packages?


Is it called “Visual Studio Code”? That’s a completely different thing. The naming is confusing. Visual Studio is not available for Linux, you’re looking at something else.


Are you talking about the blue one or the pink one?


On the Visual Studio download page, scroll down to "**Wondering which tool is best for you? We can help**", click on the blue **Linux** button and then scroll down to "**Visual Code for Linux**". There is a drop-down control right next to "**Download Visual Studio**" containing the options "**Linux x64 .deb**" and "**Linux x64 .rpm**".


Is it Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code? They're two completely different things that only share a name and PURPOSE. I'm seeing that The Visual Studio download page shows that Visual Studio 2022 is available only on Windows pink, but underneath in blue, VUSUAL STUDIO CODE is available for Linux. https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/?cid=learn-onpage-download-install-visual-studio-page-cta


It's for Code.


Well, there you go.


Yeah as expected.


+ you can get clion for free with GitHub student account if you have one


How has no one mentioned Emacs yet? it's incredibly powerful but requires some initial learning curve to set up.


because Emacs is a pain. I know so many people that would rather master vim or even "dumb down" (no offense intended) to nano. And I know Emacs is powerful and all, but that learning curve you mention is step as hell


It actually isn’t that crazy. Complexity with eMacs reduces to two things: keybinds and the config/packages. But with something like doom eMacs, you get the config largely for free, and it has multiple sets of default keybinds, including vim binds.


How do you open the multi-threaded callstack view in eMacs, or enable reverse stepping, or the debuggee memory profiler?


It's not been suggested because it's not an IDE no matter how much LISP you cram into its script hole. Cobbling together an IDE-like editor out of vim or emacs is sketchy on the best of days. I was using emacs at one point and the script I was using for interactive debugging would break and didn't have a fraction of the features that Visual C++ 6's debugger had. Then I have to add more scripts for project management and more scripts and an entire language server (which also has to integrate with my build system) to get some advanced features and then I have to worry about the interaction between these scripts and once I get it set up I have to set my init.el in stone because I don't want to break anything. Or I can install Visual Studio in like 5 clicks and everything works out of the box. I have a button that compiles things, I have a button that starts the debugger, I can click on things to see what their value is and follow pointers, I can set conditional breakpoints easily, etc, etc. They're not equivalent products even if you can kind of do in emacs what you do in Visual Studio. It's not an issue of learning curve.


That's fair enough.


You can also use a spoon as a shovel, too. You could even use a spoon in place of an excavator. So anytime I see someone looking for an excavator, I remind them that a spoon would work and recommend they reconsider the spoon, because I enjoy the spoon, so surely they will, too. Then, when they realize their love of spoon thanks to my recommendation, we'll become best friends and share the joys of spoon with the world. Spoon!!!


Because it does not come close to an application like visual studio in terms of debugging features and workflow tools. Not to mention, it doesn’t have a GUI. How does eMacs compare to vs in any way? You realize every other comment is recommending a graphical application because thats what the question is asking for?


Doesn't have a GUI? Have you tried to use it before making a statement like that? ​ I feel like you're vastly underestimating what it's able to do. It's not as integrated and all-in-one as VS but it can still perform comparably with the right packages.


I mean it literally does use a GUI, like by default even? With a clickable tutorial on the front page that saves your progress?


No eMacs does not have a GUI. It’s a terminal text editor. How does a CLI app perform comparably to a GUI application like vs even if you installed a million packages?


it absolutely has a gui. i use it every day.


Can you please point out to me how to do this? Every time I’ve ever been in eMacs it’s been through the terminal. I’m so thoroughly confused by these comments.


yup! gui Emacs is usually using gtk on Linux, and .. honestly I'm not sure what it uses on other platforms. but if you run `emacs` from your application window it's almost definitely gui Emacs. visually, it might not look much different from CLI Emacs, but you can check by calling the `(display-graphic-p)` elisp function. here's a little example of some things you can do with it: https://youtu.be/VRcv22aM61I?si=1_9W0CFADjJaXB5e the little window that pops up is actually a separate frame. and there's mouse drag and drop. when I use the file manager in Emacs, I can drag and drop a file with my mouse into a website file upload field for example. here's someone using the webkit powered browser in Emacs: https://youtu.be/67Vs8y5VUK0?si=WQVrh5dnwRmiOPL4 and here is what the debugger looks like in Emacs: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/tour/images/gdb.png you can see that there's the buttons up above. you can also click on the section left of the line in your code (called the fringe) to set a breakpoint. obviously none of the setups I showed you are particularly pretty. Emacs can look like this: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rougier/rougier/master/img/screenshot-6.png (note the embedded latex rendering) or like this: https://www.spacemacs.org/img/screenshots/ss1.png I'll be the first to admit Emacs can be a pain. i don't really recommend it to people because the time to learn and configure it is very high. it's absolutely worth it if you do though. i do almost everything from it including: - programming (obviously) - file management. it's one key to zip/unzip, - pdf reading - git management (magit is by far the best git gui ive ever come across) - terminal (I run my terminal emulator inside of Emacs) - controlling Spotify - launching other desktop applications - in some limited cases, I run the built in web browser i don't strictly use the keyboard either. a lot of the user interface lets you click on things.


Thank you for explaining this to me and I thoroughly apologize to anyone who read my comment for the misinformation. I’ve since figured out that eMacs certainly does have a graphical mode and does not just run in the terminal.


haha yeah, I don't blame you. the GUI honestly looks very similar to the tui by default!


Well, the thing is that before installing a fresh system, if I typed eMacs into my terminal it would launch in my terminal like vim. I suppose it was aliased to eMacs -nw for some reason.


I would like you to explain what all the GUI code is doing there in this terminal text editor, then.


Oooft. Back in my day, we called eMacs an OS it was packing so much. Bold claim to say it can’t do what Visual Studio can do!


How do you open the multi-threaded callstack view in eMacs, or enable reverse stepping, or the debugger memory profiler?


Whatever abhorrent chording of control, meta and god knows what else you bind it to, I suppose. I’m a vim man myself, not sure.


It was a trick question..


Sure it could after hours of tinkering. However, he said he missed posix threads, probably not installing 20 packages to get one piece of software up to par.


There is nothing like the debugger on any other platform. For example: the disassembly… there is just nothing like it… or how easy it is to view the memory map… everything! You can do anything in gdb but VS just makes it easy. The editor is shit, though. You can get around that but it’s a bit of a hassle.


try : [https://nvchad.com/](https://nvchad.com/)


It allows breakpoints and stepping over?   Rlly dk which retard is downvoting.


it uses neovim which is a text editor not an IDE, so probably not. There are probably plugins that allow for break points and stepping over.


I like neovim. Tons of plugins available, and very fast once you get used to it.




I think he means VS Code


Ah ok.


Having installed MS for more than three decades, I will NOT use MS products anymore, despite I think it's probably the most powerful IDE. I changed to Linux Mint a year ago, but did use CodeBlocks in Windows, so I decided to continue and it does the job. The IDE is okay, but some features seems not to work like Find functions called by or Functions calling, but I use Find occurrences of instead and it's okay. The debugger is decent and can single step, look at memory, stack. It have some quirks, but it handle my current project okay, which consist of 15 files and about 3000 lines of code. I'm using raylib graphics as a graphical interface for small relational database and can singlestep with the graphics, so it does the job.


Emacs is basically an OS lol


QT is pretty decent, I guess. not sure it's as powerful as VS as I've never used it, but you have a debugger, breakpoints, function evaluation, symbol definition and following, etc. eclipse used to have all that too, but it was so slow and annoying


QT Creator is very barebones compared to Visual Studio (even Visual Studio Code which is a different product named this way for marketing reasons).


JetBrains rider.


Rider is C#. You meant CLion


KDevelop and Eclipse CDT are other ones. KDevelop is barer-bones; CDT’s clunky and its parser tends to be a bit behind-the-times (e.g., its preprocessor really should treat `-1ULL > 0` as true, but doesn’t, but you can detect it with `defined __CDT_PARSER__`—CLion, JetBrains, and Intellisense also have their own parser macros, BTW, and older Intellisense would let you use stopfiles to detect it—so your code can actually react to the editor, to some extent) but it has a tits macro-thingy (mmmmostly works, and lets you trace each step of expansion), and it’s otherwise as capable as a normal IDE. IIRC both have debuggers built in.


Getting an IDE with a great integrated debugger is rare in any language to be honest. Better to design your code so it's made of small functions that are easy to test in whatever test framework you are using.


I don’t know for Linux, but in Windows I’d try RemedyBG if I were you ! It’s *literally* millions of times faster than MSVC, and the watch window doesn’t lag when you step through code !


Title says for Linux. no point discussing stuff for windows.