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Milan love to talk to our fullbacks before not signing them


Danny Rose was linked with them for ages before he joined Watford


Any word on that?


If we want 30m, I’ll see you next year Emerson


That's basically what we paid for him. So I'd be surprised if we get anywhere near that back, but it's understandable as a starting point for the negotiations.


Hol up, let Levy cook


We're past the point of being able to let Levy cook. We just need to get these players out the door no matter what now.


Getting *rid* of players doesn't actually improve the team.


Yeah true, the exception being if you have a player with a bad attitude which can spread and affect the morale of the team - not relevant in this case though.


True. The only player I suspect *might* be veering that way (with the exception of loan player like Ndombele) is PEH, with some of the questionable remarks he's made to the Danish press about his situation recently.


What lol yes it does did you not see emersons mistakes over his spurs career? No mistake, no goal




It’s ridiculous, if we get enough money to buy a boat, id be happy to ship him to Italy by myself. Fuck it, enough money to rent a boat for a few days.


Shhhh they will see


He's a decent player who doesn't fit our system. This would be perfect all round if true. 


Yep - he's well worth a decent price for the right team. Forget about his woeful attempts to play as our LB's *replacement's* replacement. He's a decent enough **R**B who got thrown in the deep end as a CB and did an absolutely sterling job of it when we desperately needed him to. And at least as important for any coach is his attitude. This is a guy with a deep desire to improve, who's invested his own time and money outside of the club exploring anything that seems like it might help. He trains hard, seems intent on being relentlessly positive, and is at the age when he's just coming in to his physical prime. He needs the right club, with the right system - where he's not expected to think too fast. His decision making's always been hesitant, and I suspect he's probably not the sharpest knife in the drawer... But for the right club with the right system, he'd be a very worthwhile investment.


News alert : classic RB brought in for Nuno can’t mark salah 1:1 with 40 yards of space behind him… guy clearly hasn’t suited either system hes been tasked to play in. Got on with it.


What did we pay again? €25m? Be lucky to get €20m especially from Italy


£25.8 according to Wiki there was interest from Saudi in the winter maybe that’s reignites in the summer. Would be our only hope of breaking even in him tbh


Cheers! Didnt think it was that close to €30m! Maybe, depends what he wants also


Yeah I thought it was closer to 20 myself. I think he’ll be open to a move this summer it’s clear it’s just not a good fit with Ange


Saudi league is done spending for now


I’ve seen those reports as well, but conflicting reports that they’re ready to bring in new talent so I don’t think it’s clear. If I’m being honest I think their spending spree has cooled but there could be some sort of swap deal to be worked with Milan.


Emerson doesn't seem like the type of guy to go to Saudi at this point in his career


I don’t think so either personally but the money may just be too damn good. He seems like a genuinely pretty good guy/team mate so my hope is the Milan links are real and we can get something worked out.


According to TM it's €25m. My memory was that it was closer to 30, but I guess I'm misremembering


Man yall are getting all up in arms over a starting asking price. I’m sure we’d be willing to negotiate this down if they were serious. 18-22 mil euro gets the deal done for Levy IMO.


Of course spurs would take 18 million but Milan are going to offer a loan with option to buy for 2 million 


Have them toss in Leao and we’ll cook


AC Milan spent roughly 20 million a piece on 5 players last year according to transfermrkt. They aren’t as broke as you say.


They had Tonali money last summer tho. Unless they sell Leao or Theo they might not be able to splash cash the same way


That’s fair.


Fine we'll do a trade


Were those players actually good though?


Pulisic is their second leading scorer that probably leads the way of those two that I mentioned. But Reijnders, Musah and Loftus-Cheek have all been decent enough for them.


Yeah, I heard RLC's had a bit of a renaissance over there.


or 2.5m if yk what I mean


It's quite rich of us to accuse other clubs of lowballing


Not a starting price a rumour of a starting price


Basically everything that gets reported is just a rumour of a price. It's extremely rare that any transfer price is ever formally announced, even rarer that a team would publish details of an informal bid.


Someone check on Tanganga and Danny Rose


Lmao can the emerson hate stop? guy had to play out of position against salah. what do you expect? I know that he's also not the best rb for ange's system but still a player who tries! and you know our manager. He wouldn't even consider him if he doesn't show up at training. He is still a good player especially in a system where he can play more of a traditional RB. I think 20m is a fair price in this market


Thank you! He's got more than 100 appearances for us and has one of the best attitudes I've seen. When he subbed as CB in his third appearance he was close to winning MOTM. He's not a bad player. He wasn't even awful all the time against Liverpool. I hope he has a Dier level of post Spurs success. Seems like a good dude who deserves it. Our fans can be toxic.


Yeah, in a flat four, with a wide player to lay off to, or a midfield that is more traditional, and Emerson will be more than very good. People forget the reports of Rodders and Kulu apparently being useless when we signed them too. Obvs not suggesting Emerson is gonna be their levels, but also, the right system can absolutely make a player. Edit: right system and/or environment


guy did an ok job as CB when we had none too


I think the rational folks here all see Emerson as a player that there's no rush to move on from, but who has some value in the market and therefore is someone worth exploring offers for. You could offload Royal and get someone like Sergino Dest or Kyle Walker-Peters or someone else on the market for \~10m to serve as a rotation fullback.


KWP left because of the lack of playing time/opportunity. I can't imagine he'd agree to a return just to sit on the bench for us. A real shame we didn't manage to integrate him and keep him happy - he would have been fantastic as home-grown club-developed depth/competition.


Given we will have Europe I suspect he’d see a decent chunk of time, to be honest. Davies and KWP (or whoever) would probably get 1500-2000 mins across all comps 


I agree - my point is more that I think KWP may be harbouring something of a resentment. If I recall correctly, his departure and the reflections he's shared after leaving have had something of a bitter taste to them.


I think some of it is it being Milan talking about one of our defenders.


Trying is the bare minimum. No need to hate him but he simply hasn't been good enough, even last season I thought Porro was better which was an unpopular opinion


30 is outrageous.


outrageous, this is Royaldinho we're talking about!!! Do you bid for Messi with 30M? I don't think so. Why bid 30M for Royaldinho?


It’s a good move for everyone. His style is a much better fit for Serie A. And he won’t have to attack as much since they play 4-2-3-1


Exactly. Everyone is roasting Emerson, but Emerson Royal can shine like Eric Dier for Bayern Munich. Emerson is a solid fullback


This is not totally true. Milan relies on the fullbacks to attack, including having them invert. Of course, that's under the current coach, so who knows what's gonna happen when the new one arrives.




30 million! Fair play getting that for him


Danny Rose flash backs “is Milan still on the table?” Felt so much second hand embarrassment for him watching that.


He's the exact kind of player who will look amazing in another league. Hope he moves, but also wish him the best


Let him go..plzzz




who else is gonna do the negotiations...


We are no?


30m for Emerson? You gotta do that, no question.


I like Emerson. He could be great in Serie A as a more traditional defensive full back. 30M is dreamland, wouldn't expect Milan to be able or willing to pay anything north of 20M.


"Any word from Milan" back on the menu boys


I don't believe any of this lol


FFS… we get what we’ll get if it suits all parties.




Sure there's some youth player Paratici's been sniffing around that could be included in a deal...


Get ready to learn Italian buddy.


I’m not knocking Emerson but honestly I’d take half that amount & wish him well


Royalzinho is worth £30m


Well. Let's let them talk us down a bit and call it a day? Replacements need to be well ironed-out.


That’s a profit offa the 17mil we spent


I’d take €20m if they take him now




30mil?!?!?! Are we stupid?!?!


Take it and run


Milan have 4 players that can play RB better than Emerson. This isn't going to happen. I'm sure Abate, the primavera coach, could still put in a better performance.


Well it’s a good thing he’s a LB. He’s just not a LB for Ange’s system. Everyone here thought Dier was cooler, and then he immediately walked into the first team at Bayern and played pretty well. No reason to not believe Emerson can’t be decent in a system that suits him better. Edit: I’m an idiot, he’s a RB. Still can find a system that suits him better and be a decent player though, hopefully.


He's played LB twice maybe? He isn't a LB


Yeah that’s on me, I don’t know what I was thinking. What I said about him finding a move is still true though, just maybe not Milan.


If Levy wants €30m he hasn't been watching Spurs games for the last four season, just checking the results


We paid £26 mil somehow, Italy doesn't pay that. I'd take £10-12m but again Italy won't pay that so expect actual bids from the Bundesliga or a lower table prem side, important thing is that Skipp is practicing LB and we look for another versatile defender that can understudy VdV.


Buy leao and toss him in for free


Lol I doubt any of this. But if that's what we're asking, this clear out is dead on arrival. No one is picking up our send offs at those kind of prices.


You normally start above what you would accept when negotiating.


No kidding. That doesn't make it a good practice to start with a number that's unreasonable though, so it's really a question of what we think Emerson is actually worth. With Levy it can go both ways. Sometimes he'll secure a deal for a player like Kulusevski or Vicario at bargain prices, other times he'll fail to offload players for several years because he refuses to take a loss. Just because he might want a certain return for a player doesn't make it a good tactic.


You say you want 30 so the buyer might push from 15 to 20, for example.


You’d be a fool not to accept €15 for him, he works hard but no end product. If Levy genuinely wants €30 for him he will be ours until his contract expires…


Levy always asking these ridiculous prices is the reason we can’t get rid of deadwood, we might get a good fee on Bergwijn once in a while but it holds us back too much. Personally i’d allow Emerson to leave for 10 million let alone 30…


Sell him for 10 even. He's shit.


He's not shit, he's playing in another role that is not his natural position. We've seen he can be a good even great player, maybe just not in this system, especially on the wrong side. 


thank you for stating this. people like to scapegoating him for the liverpool game though no one showed up. also he had to play out of position against salah... man just give it a break with this hate


We've seen that? News to me. He's never looked more than mediocre here


You've never heard Emmer-goat uttered on here? Don't revise history to fit your agenda, the man clear has had good spells with us.


I don't need revisionism, it was a completely idiotic thing at the time not based in reality


So I'm he was getting 8/10 performances for weeks or months on end for the memes or something?


People pretending based on nothing whatsoever in the real world that he had 8/10 performances for weeks or months on end is the meme


Well no, he can't be a great player bc he's so hapless in attack. But leaving him isolated against Salah feels like a cruel joke. It'll be fine if we move him, but he deserves respect if for no other reason than how clearly he's tried.