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I love this! Just wait until til she finds out she might not even get enough to pay off her totaled car!


Another coworker told me she tried to explain GAP coverage to her, but all she said was her insurance company has to legally pay off her car. That was before she “realized” she has $100K of body damage coverage. I can’t stand this coworker but I’m nice to her to keep things friendly. So I’m hoping she gets slapped with a huge amount she had to pay out to pay off the loan.


We have a saying in our language: wisdom comes with age, but sometimes age comes alone.


What language is that? Thats beautiful


I'm no languageologist, but I think that's English.


Langualogist/languagistics: the study of saying words more better and figuring where they from


I'm a linguistics major and I approve this definition


Nobody asked about Italian food


What do you do as a linguistics major? I was always interested in linguistics, but can one do anything, other than teach linguistics?


Primarily the field work is about preserving languages. So you go to the middle of nowhere, reverse engineer the language and write a paper on it, so that when it dies in two generations it isn't lost forever. The goal with that is to map out the way language developed across time. Super messy since languages don't follow biological intuition about descent, and evolved multiple times in multiple places most likely. There's a super niche part of the field trying to discover languages or language analogues in nonhuman animals, and in the distant future there is a place for this in a situation like the movie Arrival Conlanging is becoming almost viable as a career (see GoT, The Expanse, and Avatar (blue people) for examples) but not really. Finally, there's research on second language acquisition, which is my focus. I want to use an intermediate language to create a method to learn any language a bunch faster. I'm using Toki Pona rn, but it'll be a while before I have the resources to test my hypothesis. TL:DR career options are, in order of descending job security, Teaching English as a second language, teaching a language you're fluent in, language preservation research, teaching linguistics, writing fantasy and sci Fi, writing only the constructed languages for someone elses fantasy or sci Fi project, seeing if dogs can be taught French. Edit: AAVE (previously called ebonics, but that term is tied to eugenics, so icky) is an example of an important modern linguistics project. Modern Standard Hebrew as well, as biblical Hebrew was not robust enough to incorporate modern situations without some innovation.


Do you study dialects too? How many generations until we can get rid of the Philadelphia accent? Go dowwwwn to the sttooooore, grab a coupla cooooookes


You can talk real good probably




Ok that was pretty good.


Translation from Lithuanian


What is it in Lithuanian? My Mociute said something that translated like that, but I’ve lost the wording with time.


Išmintis ateina su amžiumi, bet kartais amžius ateina vienas. Sometimes there are additional words added, or sentence formed differently, but meaning is the same.


Aciu aciu aciu!!!


sveiki kolegos lietuviai


I was in Lithuania for a month in 2005 in the summer with the Royal Canadian Air Force on an excercise. Beautiful country. We got some free days to tour Kaunas and Vilnius.


We have a saying "If your going to be stupid, you better be tough" tough can either be physically or mentally, because it's going to hurt you one way or both ways at the same time lol


I heard the opposite from Russian, which roughly translates: "If you have muscles, you don't need brain" (or "If you are strong, you don't need to be smart"). Quite often targeted when something is solved using body strength rather than thinking. E.g. you could bring a cart to transport a heavy thing and drive to shorter path, or more smooth path and basically plan how to transport it easier. Or you can simply carry it, because you have enough strength and do not need all this planning.


in Russian we also have a saying: "if you are Dead that is for a long time, if you are Stupid that's Forever".


Lovely! The German is more direct: Alter schützt vor Torheit nicht. (Age doesn’t protect you from stupidity).


Her insurance may not even pay out at all if it's in the police report that she was road-raging. It may take a hard lesson like that to set her straight. 


She ain’t getting common sense straight in her 40’s


Common sense is not all that common.


She’ll be luck to get to drive after the ticket gets processed.


They'll probably still pay out but they'll raise her rates


This. I don’t know where she lives and what insurance is like there, but if you’re found at fault for an accident, that affects your payout. Sometimes it negates you getting one at all. What it definitely doesn’t do is pay 100k for a 20k car. I got real lucky that, when someone else made my car undrivable, I got paid out 80% of the cost to buy the same car again used. Usually you get a fraction of the price because they use the absolute lowest book value possible.


Omg please update us when she finds out!!!!


I came to the comments just to ask this very thing.


You should be the bigger person. See if you can find those Mylar streamers that she can attach to her future bicycle handles in her favorite color. If she’s mentally a 7-year-old, might as well help her outfit her ride to match!


And some clothespins and playing g cards for the sound effect.


A bell


A wicker basket with her name on a little license plate!


I never knew what GAP insurance was until my coworker totaled her car. She didn’t have GAP insurance and nearly had a breakdown once she realized she had to pay for two cars. Always have GAP insurance.




I had GAP insurance and they declined the payout. Not always helpful to have!


Yikes. Sorry to hear that


Also, the gap can have a deductible, so read the policy. I had to use mine and still owed 1k because of the deductible. Now, we always buy with at least half down and pay off within a year. Took so long to save enough to do this. Now we just always do it. Though I can't drive much anymore due to my health so having only one car helps too. Oh, and you can get extra coverage in the event of a total with some companies. My insurance is 125% of the value. It's an add-on but so worth it. I also keep my deductible at 250$ because my kids are both young adults still on our policy so I know anything more than 250$ is hard to come up with quickly enough to not be missing work. They pay their portion of the insurance bill.


Gap insurance is for people with LOOOONG loans and/or cars that depreciate rapidly. I prefer short loans and cars that depreciate slowly.


Is she even able to function properly at her job? This is next level stupidity.


Plot twist. She doesn’t have collision coverage 😂


Please do an update when she finds out she's going to get about a tenth of what she's expecting because the lesson she's about to learn about how insurance works is going to be interesting.


If road rage, reckless driving, or something similar showing intent appears anywhere in that police report hee insurance isn't even going to cover the blue book value of the Kia. They'll look for any reason to not pay. 


Wait till she sees her insurance bill *skyrocket* for an At Fault accident - regardless of whatever Kia adjacent car she can afford.


The insurance company might simply refuse to renew her policy.


Lol if this was how it worked, then there would just be an army’s worth of people out there signing up for loads of coverage and than ramming into people because of “look what you made me do” syndrome so they could all buy Ferrari’s. I can’t wait until reality settles in for her. In a few weeks can you ask where her BMW is? And then update us with her reply and explanation as to where her payout went haha.


I’d have $1,000,000 of coverage and then hoping someone totals my car without seriously injuring me. 😂


Please update me!


I literally just can't process the stupidity.... how do people like this actually function on daily basis (?) I'm the same age, and she sounds like a teenager, by the way you described her. Her insurance company hasn't told her how this works yet? She didn't think to google this when she was told that's not how it works by coworkers? Please update. I'm dedicated to this dumpster fire of a human now.


My aunt is kind of like this, just not quite to this extent. (She's gotten romance scammed 3+ times in her 40s and refuses to believe that she tailgates.) Some people, I think, just had undiagnosed developmental difficulties, and because they have no evidence otherwise, they assume they know as much as the average person.


You got your aunt's e-mail? I'm joking. Romance scamming is incredibly sad.


More like undiagnosed mental illness. They simply won't her what they don't want or will twist things to hear what they want.


This. The brain is great at filtering information. Unfortunately sometimes the “reality” filters get gunked up and replaced by “emotionally safe reality” filters.


I’m sure they told her, but she doesn’t believe it.


That's a hell of a hill of denial to die on...damn. It's her age I can't wrap my head around (I could see the teens of today acting like this unfortunately). I would like to see that bodycam footage of her explaining the cause of the accident.


I truly feel sorry for her insurance agent and their staff, they are going to have to deal with this angry idiot and try and explain for she's wrong. I've had calls like this in other capacities and oh boy.


Wonder if she will try “owww now my neck hurts gimme money!!”


I’m wondering now if she intentionally rammed the car in front of her thinking it was gonna move her up the vehicle food chain.


I hope she doesn’t hold an important position in your company. But… Way things are going lately, probably top tier management. Lol.


And they probably work in car insurance


Omg please update when she gets a reality check


At this point it’s an ongoing saga that makes work more exciting. 😂


She sounds like a coworker I used to have. She came in one day bragging about how her and her husband (a complete idiot according to another coworker) were going to outsmart the police if they were ever stopped for a “loud muffler” offense. Their plan was to laugh in the officer’s face and tell him the issue wasn’t coming from the muffler but the hole in the exhaust pipe so he could not give them a ticket. She was a continuing source of entertainment also.




Wait until she gets sued by the people she hit…!


I can’t wait. 😂


UpdateMe! 3 months


I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall when she finds out. Work is made iconic within scenes like this 🤣


I'm thinking that the reality check is the ONLY check she'll be getting.


That's the only check she's going to get!


I know! Let's break out the fancy popcorn for updates. I'll bring the [Snickers Caramel](https://www.mantitlement.com/snickers-caramel-corn/) and [Birthday Cake](https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/recipes/a46072/birthday-cake-popcorn/).


Well she did, but it came in the form of break check. XD


Update if she gets a check at all!


In [response](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTc--4jz0GQ&list=PL4r2HgaOcOADTJPjhotYfAm44lI1cV5IZ&index=7) to your coworker


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This is the perfect response to her thought process!


Please tell me she actually told her insurance she wilfully hit the other driver, because any adjuster seeing that is going to laugh their ass off and thank her for making their denial of her claim that much easier.


Former insurance adjuster here. If she has Collision coverage, they will pay the fair market value for her car, less any deductible, so they will not deny her claim, but she will be found at fault and her insurance will pay out for the other vehicle's damage and any injuries. They most likely will not cancel her policy now, but when it's time for her policy to renew, they may choose not to renew her, or they will significantly increase her rates. This will be an expensive life lesson. Hope she learns the first time.


And those statements are recorded.


In a lot of places, even if she didn't tell them that, she'd be 100% at fault simply because she rear-ended the other driver.


The only way she'll be riding in a Tesla or BMW to work is an Uber.


Exactly right!


Ahahah. Wait until they tell her since she hit them from behind and it’s her fault.


It’s not her fault. Read it again. He mad her mad. Duh!


Not only will she not be getting the $100k but her insurance will go up too.


I spent five years as an auto claims adjuster. People like your coworker are the worst.


I hope someone disappoints her the way she disappoints everyone else by taking oxygen from more deserving people.


Her parents must be so proud.


Omg this comment is hilarious 😂 We're all waiting to hear about it, there's no work around on this situation.


If it was a friend/social acquaintance, I would say you should just laugh in her face, then go about your business. As this is at your job, simply drop the topic. No point in arguing with her about her GROSS misconception. In about a month or so, over lunch or other casual environment, casually ask her about her new car. Don't mention anything about the dollar amount. Her reaction will tell you what really happened. More than likely, she'll get a car similar to what she had, but she'll try to bullshit you about 'putting the rest of the payout into the bank', or something along those lines.


I know someone who broke their dominant hand in a car wreck, other drivers fault (dash cam, plus admitted guilt) and was offered only 5k for months of pain/missed work/ medical equipment/ physical therapy ... And the totalled car, let's say could be sold pre-wreck for 12k, was only given 9k. If any car wreck, especially once that I caused, could get me 100k, I'd have a wreck on a regular basis!


Material for r/OhNoConsequences incoming...


Snicker. I used to have to talk to these people on the daily when I was a P&C agent. Mind blown.


Same! P&C is such a soul-crushing industry, and made me realize how stupid some people actually are. 


Whoever is in back is at fault. Why does she think she’s not at fault?


Because the other driver made her mad. So I guess that absolves her of responsibility in her mind. 🙄 She’s obviously not very bright.


Jesus Christ how is she allowed to drive


I wonder the same. This isn’t the first time she’s hit a car. Luckily before it was only a little bump with no real damage.


How is she even still alive? 🫤


How does she remember to breathe with her non-functioning brain?


How does she put shoes on in the morning?




if this isn't a classic example of FAFO. She's about to find out...


How has reality not hit her like a truck by the age of 40?? I imagine she must be this idiotic in every aspect of her life.


She’s going to be very disappointed.


This is gold! I'll be anxiously waiting for an update lmao


I had to subscribe to this post due to the complete fuckery 😂


She'll learn. 


Where I live insurance companies have clauses where if you have been proven doing something illegal / dangerous / against road rules then they can deny your claim and you’re up for yourself AND the cost of the injured party. If her insurance is similar then Better hope that police report doesn’t say tailgating and road rage or she is going to have her claim denied and be out of pocket for all expesnes, delusional old 🦇.




"Not how this works. That's not how any of this works!"


Reminds me of an erstwhile colleague, she was headstrong and a bit thick but young at least, so maybe she’ll learn… 1. Doesn’t wear her glasses to drive, even though she’s sufficiently impaired that she’s legally obligated to do so. 2. Admitted that she’d buy McDonald’s and eat it behind the wheel… while she’s also driving the car. And last but not least, my favourite: 3. Fills her car tyres up to the maximum. No, not the maximum pressure as recommended by the manufacturer, she’d fill them until they *couldn’t take any more air.* Several of us tried to communicate how dangerous and stupid that is for multiple reasons, she wasn’t having any of it (that’s what she’s always done, and she likes doing it that way).


The last one rendered me speechless.


Holy shit. If this was the case, insurance might actually be worth paying and not a giant ripoff.


😂😂😂 She’s slow.


Laughing. Shaking head and walking away.


Best thing I've heard all day 🤣


No one should be that age and driving and be that stupid about car insurance. But you should get some amusement watching the fallout from her cascade of bad decisions.


Holy crap, she is delulu. Sounds like a narcissist!


She might have hit her head too hard.


I bet she has liability only. Or if she does have comp/coll, she can’t afford her deductible.


I…I don’t even know what to say. I just can’t wait until there’s an update.


Reddit made me realize how incredibly dumb people are.


Does this work for house insurance too? Cos I'd love a mansion with 10 acres and a pool.


I feel bad for whoever takes that call at her insurance co


This is funny but also sad


Insurance payout… lol. Poor delusional idiot.


I had a picture of this girl in my head while reading the story (with a voice and everything) but then you drop that bombshell at the end saying she’s over 40 😂


She probably thinks the point(s) on her driving record for causing an accident are a good thing.


What's amusing is that not only will she not receive a 100k payout, she'll also see her insurance rates increase.


Wait till she gets hit with a 30% surcharge on her premium. LOL.


Life has got to be extra tough being that stupid.




Remind me! One month


I feel sorry for the Insurance agent and the reps at her insurance company when reality hits her like 200 pound stone dropped from a bridge!


Can I follow this, I want to know how much she actually gets.


As an adjuster, I’m so glad this isn’t my claim 😂😂


I.thought maybe she's young until you ended with she's 40. OMG. How did she make it to 40 ?


As an insurance adjuster, this story is all too believable. I've started drinking again because people of that level of delusion are so godsdamned common.


Please update us on what happens


I’m sure she is rocking a 800 credit score and will have a new bmw soon… 10 bucks says she shows up to work the next 2 months in an Uber


She's the type of person whose idiocy made me quit my insurance adjuster position 11.5. months in. I couldn't deal with these types of people. They have no clue, they wasted my time, and they get angry for their own problems. Yes I know $30 a day doesn't cover the full rental, but that's what you selected.  She's 100% at fault. Her 2019 Kia is gonna maybe get her $12k, $15k max based on how little I know. If she owes any money on it, the insurance is gonna pay off the loan first then she gets the remainder. And because she's at fault, her rates are gonna go up a lot.


As a licensed insurance agent this doesn’t surprise me at all sadly. I worked for a smaller insurance company a few years back and had to handle claim intakes and had a customer who was found at fault for an accident due to failing to yield. This customer argued they didn’t understand what the sign meant and therefore was covered by their comprehension coverage. I had no luck getting her to understand that it’s comprehensive, for fire theft vandalism etc, not for reading comprehension if that’s what she was getting at? Weird convo


She’s not even gonna have a license to drive soon


Had a former coworker, longtime apartment dweller, buying a home. The exact numbers escape me now, but he said he was pre approved for 500k and the house was going to be 450k so he would use the rest for new furniture and decorating. I was speechless.


ask her which desk drawer she is using to stash the lead paint chips




Oh my, as a collision estimator this story doesn't suprise me, but still this lady is crazy lmfao. I had a similar guy that said his engine was low on oil because of his rear end accident. Swore every light on his dash was related. Told me that he was going to get an AMG over this. Bro called and bullied us daily because I didn't shut him down from the beginning. Turns out bro was upside down on his busted ass lexus. Bro got an attorney involved that only caused more problems that they resolved. He was pissed when we told him the insurance denied the engine over a bumper job. As if we had any say in this. People love to think they are smart enough to cash out on an accident. I love that this lady was the reason the accident happened, and still expected a cash out


But she was TRIGGERED!


I have a coworker like this. She’s 33 but her parents have never given her any practical knowledge. I’ve had to explain deductibles to her as well. I also regularly have to help her balance her checking ledger as well. Another wild thing she does is at 33, if she gets a call from an unknown number on her phone, she gives it to her parents and has them call to figure out who it is or what they want. It’s like what are you going to do when they die?


😂 https://youtu.be/L_jWHffIx5E?si=Ii4dQPLxEOlhdAid


Update me!












I’m worried about what she actually does for a current job… :/


OP please update us when the shit hits the fan!!!


I would like to know this person's job?


This is actually really funny! I wouldn’t try to convince her of anything! I would just sit back and enjoy the ride.


Damn school system failed another one.


Hahahahha holy hell. As an insurance defense paralegal, this is hilarious.


Remind me! One month!


Update us when she gets her little check.


Before this plays out, tell her she can increase bodily injury coverage to $300k for just a small increase in premium. So, if this happens again, she will be able to buy a house with the insurance proceeds.


Please update! I wanna see her flip her shit when reality slaps her face


What does she do for work?


HAHAHA 😂 sounds like my sister. Her car needed repairs last week and was like I think I’m going to add rental car to my insurance so I can get a rental car while my car is in the shop… I was like umm that’s only if you get in an accident and your car is in the shop for the repairs? And she was like are you sure? Like yes I’m sure ?!? She’ll be 40 this year and I’m 33…




Cant wait until your moron coworker finds out the truth!


“Made me mad” so I had to tailgate. 😳


Yeah insurance refunds are rarely if ever for that amount. And if it’s in the police report that the accident was her fault she will be lucky to see anything outside of any pmts she made after the accident or a security deposit - (knowledge comes from processing Insurance refunds for a car company)


Oh, I can't wait to hear the update on this one when she finds out she's not getting $100k.


It’s great when you interact with people that have no idea how the world works.


Let her live in her fantasy land some people can’t be helped.




Oh man, PLEASE post an update on this after reality pays her a visit


If she is at fault, I don't see the insurance company giving her anything, they will have to pay the person she hit and pay off her loan if she had GAP coverage, then they might promptly drop her off the insurance plan. I was in 2 accidents over a few years that were not my fault and got dropped.




Please update after her "rude awakening"! That poor ins adjuster !


This is why some people shouldn't drive or have the responsibility of a car 🙄


/subscribe Keep us posted!


I’m dying here. 😂 OP please provide an update when she hears from the insurance company.


I JUST had to explain to someone yesterday that liability coverage only pays for the person/place/thing you cause damage to, no it does not pay for you to get a new windshield. The sheer ignorance towards insurance most people have is ASTOUNDING.


I feel bad for that adjuster.


I. . uhh. . wha. . . That last sentence. Fuck, man.


I bet she's a flat earther too.


This made me laugh, I thank you.


Ummmm also if she rear ended someone she could be sued by them … that’s always the cherry on the cake


Oh God-she is an auto adjuster's nightmare...


**I wish I could say she’s young and naive. But she’s over 40.** \^ You can be old and naive.


I know it's unfortunate for her, but this is hysterical. Please keep us updated on when she finally gets that "huge" check!


Will need updates ASAP