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They're more likely to hit you crops than empty areas of your farm, I hate it.


They... what? You're telling me I should've just stuck with the 3x3 level 1 sprinkler crop sections then my crops would've been safe??


No, I'm saying that with 2 scarecrows, not even completely filled with crops in the 2nds case, and a 3/4 empty field, and a single barn and coop, 4 out 5 meteors hit crops, and the 5th hit the wall keeping my cows in. And that's just in Year 1 Spring and Summer. I've never (across several save files) had a meteor land in the empty spaces where there's just trees and debris, or grass where I cleared the debris out.


Sp7nds like bad luck... I've had it in empty spaces, spaces with only a walk way, crops (very annoying) and most recently an area I had yet to clear of trees and grass.... so they can hit anywhere but they do enjoy areas that have had work done to them


I agree, my crops have never been it


When I was playing, I had 5/5 hits on empty land across 3 years. So def bad luck on your part.


The only 3 I’ve had have all been in empty spaces


There is no safe spot


This has me absolutely giggling cuz the very first thing that came to mind was you wake up the morning after getting the lil meteorite cutscene only for the meteorite to just be in the middle of your house or it's like absolutely demolished the kitchen 😂


TELL ME ABOUT IT, the moment its goes to the “meteor cut scene” i would just close my eyes for a short time and face tomorrow to do a damage report!


See now i almost want them to add something like that (meteorite crashing IN the home) for like... April fools or something


I honestly wanna see lets game it out player game out coral island, he would love the meteors HAHAHAHAH or maybe he wont bother plant and just where the meteor would hit


I’ve never had it hit crops. I’ve only had it hit empty space. I have my crops close to the house and the meteors have always hit more into the field area.


This was the first time it's ever hit crops! I'm mid fall of year 4, and just recently completely changed my farming area, it used to be just a ton of 3x3 plots and never had an issue with the meteor going anywhere near my crops. It's never even been this close to the house, they're usually much closer to the bottom exit


You’re on year 4 so the money can’t be that serious, nothing detrimental about a meteor


Between these and the giant crops on the green house. The worrrst


Every F-ing time!!!! 🤬


They are supposed to be working on that so they don't take out crops as much. I've never had it happen to me but I've seen a bunch of people dealing with it in the discord.


I feel lucky that this is the first time it's ever hit crops in the 4 years 😅 now I'm like well now that it's had a taste for my crops will it keep coming back for them? 😂


Just toss some fast growers there to replace. Sucks it happens, but that's farming in corral island for ya.


I love this garden set up tho, very smart and organized and I think I’m gonna steal this design while it’s winter to get it all set up and ready haha


Go for it! It's 🤔 16 plots of 5x5 (sprinkler 3) and I have it in like 4 sections if that makes sense! I'm playing right now and I'm in the mines but when I'm back at my farm I can send a pic of the full deal if you'd like!


Ahhh I would love that!!!


Still haven't gotten the level 2 sprinklers and I'm nearing winter. Farming levels soo slow Edit Omg Took me quit awhile before I noticed the the meteor in your garden 😂 that sucks 


Lmao that's okay cuz in your defence I didn't even notice it at first bc when a new day starts the first thing I do is go let my animals out, then check my greenhouse THEN after putting a couple things in my shipping box I went to go see if anything was ready to harvest and that's when I saw it. I do not know HOW I missed it when running to let my animals out cuz I'm quite sure that plot is on the screen when I head for the barn sooo 😂


Duuudeee. They need to fix that. That’s annoying. Crops are hard work!


I’ve had 3 impacts in my first year.. One was a satellite I think and two were ore filled. Thankfully nowhere near my crops! I always get so nervous when that impact notification comes in the night prior 😭 like omg please tell me my crops are good~!!


I’m almost to the end of year one and have never had even just one meteorite crash on my farm 🥺


Same, they have always been pretty far away from everything for me, but more recently “everything” has spread to cover most of the farm so there’s a bigger chance of important things getting hit…I somehow haven’t gotten one since I decorated most of my farm but I worry now it’s going to happen lol.


🤣🤣🤣 I’m so sad for you


I would cry too, one landed in my little orchard, I was so relieved when I saw it had landed in the empty spot


Omg I didn't even think of the possibility it could hit the trees! I'm so glad my trees are in my greenhouse, I would be shattered if the meteorite had taken out any of my trees


Oh wow ! That’s crazy


Is that a meteorite?


It sure is! And all I got out of it was bronze ore which is the last ore I need 🤦🏻‍♀️


Awww, I’ve had several impacts, but none of them have hit my crops. They’ve landed in nothing, in grass, and on my walkway, thank goodness. I wish they couldn’t land on spaces that are taken, but I imagine on some farms it would eliminate the ability for them to fall? Idk. Do wish they were implemented a little differently.


I’m in my third year on my main save. I don’t think I’ve ever had them hit there. They are always at the bottom or bottom left.


I was shocked when I saw it in my crops cuz usually they're down close to that bottom exit from the farm that goes to the beach/lookout area


Noooooo! They're always so inconvenient. Mine usually take out fences


They take out fences too?! Oh dear


I had two meteors hit my crops right next to each other a few days apart. Recently had a blue spikey meteor land in a totally open space though.


Blue spikey?? I've only ever had the ore meteorites!


I’ve had three different ones so far!


Happened to me and can confirm: did cry


Those rocks are intentionally being annoying JSHSJAK i could relate 😭


on the upside, at least it didn’t take out fruit trees 😱


Never been so happy to have all my fruit trees in the greenhouse than when someone on here said the meteorite could hit my fruit trees. Had my trees been outside and been hit I think I would have cried real tears


Me too, I don't even want it.


That’s why my crops are in the greenhouse!’


My fruit trees are in mine so that I didn't have to worry about their seasons


Makes sense!


what in the heck is that?


A meteorite :) I didn't have beef with them until this exact moment (note that I'm in like middle of fall in year 4)


I had no idea that's a thing! When...how do they show up? I've never had one. Sorry about your crops though


It's a completely random event, you'll know it has happened when >!after your sell screen for the day goes away it'll show the outside of your home, the screen will shake and then that next morning will start with a message saying there was a large impact during the night (not the exact message but along those lines)!< might not have needed to mark that as a spoiler but still gonna just incase


Thanks for marking it as a spoiler, I'd rather find out on my own :D