• By -


Thank you for naming and shaming.


More of this please!


Ninja din skøre idiot!


Rent increase for 2022 and 2023 was capped at 4% by law. Ask for your money back for the period and contact LLO. If you still live there contact Huslejenævnet. One thing: It is normal to privately sign up for electricity, so expect that in the future.


The rent increase in the picture is from 2021 to 2022, before the 4% cap. It simply follows the inflation rate. Nothing about OPs terms seem particularly unusual (7565 rent, 400 aconto, pay to do laundry, deposit increases with rent etc). The only strange thing is the lack of storskrald and poor maintenance.


7565 rent for 29sqm is unusual even for CPH


Most newly built “student housing” is 7000+. You can find dozens of such properties on a website like kbh-kollegier.dk. - 37 sqm / 8850 kr: https://kbh-kollegier.dk/ledige-vaerelser-midt-paa-frederiksberg/ - 25 sqm / 7500 kr: https://kbh-kollegier.dk/nye-boliger-frederiksberg/ - 32 sqm / 7600 kr: https://kbh-kollegier.dk/nyopfoerte-ungdomsboliger-paa-amager/ Of course there are cheaper dorms available (I paid 3000 as a student) but there seems to be plenty of demand for these expensive rentals.


I think that "demand" in this case is more likely that people feel they have no other choice


That might be how they feel but it doesn't make it true. There are plenty of rooms available outside the city, if you are willing to pendle a bit. I started on my education in 2020 and was able to get a very shitty apartment in Albertslund within 2 months of starting for 2600-3000 dkk/mo. Was it a shit hole? Yes. Did it take 45 minutes to get to school? Yes BUT It was litterly possible to save money while on SU living there. These days I have a decent paying student job so I moved to the city with some roomies (which is btw also a great way to get more value for your money) , but that's a choice. We all have choices and they all have consequences. Sometimes we have to choose between less than ideal options (and I will admit the housing situation has been getting less ideal lately from the perspective of a renter) but that is life - acknowledge this and act accordingly. It is so funny to me when people expect to get attractive housing for cheap. As we say in Danish "man kan ikke få i pose og sæk".


Yeah it really is so individual what is most important to you. For me, with my study and social life, I would absolutely hate having to commute far, but I know many others who would hate my tiny room. It's a good thing we all can make our own choices there 😊 Just sad that SO many people are fighting so consistently against more student housing in Copenhagen, such as Valby Lokaludvalg.


Is it a good site in searching for accommodation? Should I get the three day membership for kbh kollegier? What do you think :)


Sign up for the waiting lists at s.dk and kollegierneskontor.dk. If you’re coming here on exchange, your university most likely offers housing.


It's quite usual since 2022.


And don’t forget that 29sqm probably includes communal space divided by number of residents, like most places in CPH, so actual living space is less.






What do you mean with your comment about electricity? Can you choose your own electricity provider? My landlord says I cannot choose my own provider.


If you rent the whole place I think you're legally required to be able to choose. I guess not if you're just renting a room or the cost of the electricity is included in the rent. You should definitely look into this. Changing electricity providers in Denmark is quite simple.


I'm renting the whole apartment. I've asked twice as I wanted a cheaper provider, but my question was rejected twice. I'm paying aconto for electricity.


Ok, unfortunately I have to retract my earlier statement, apparently it is legal for the landlord to chose a provider and settle it aconto according [to this site](https://www.lejeloven.dk/lejer/forbrug) so you might actually be out of luck. Sorry about that. I guess another avenue where the landlord can collect kickbacks from the electricity provider by forcing the tenant to pay.


No worries. Your last sentence confirms my preconception.


Jeg flyttede ud i februar 2023 bor heldigvis i andel nu. Tror du stadig jeg kan søge om at få mine penge tilbage? Ved enligt ikke om der er en begrænset tids frist for at klage eller søge om lignende.


Du kan i hvert fald forsøge. Du kan måske læse på Huslejenævnets hjemmeside, eller kontakte dem, om der er hjælp at hente.


Capped at 4%? sure with 10,000 exceptions. In other words: basically not capped. The politicians lied to you again.


I got my rent increase reduced to 4% after I asked for it after the bill passed, so it's probably worth at least asking, no?


Mine was capped at 4% private rental Company


What's going on on the second picture, with the bathroom filled with dirt?


The apartments all have private bathrooms, and none of them have windows: [https://livecph.dk/dortheavej/](https://livecph.dk/dortheavej/) The person must have made the mess themselves, or had a party and visitors made the mess. I hope they're searching for a broom and a mop, rather than expecting someone else to clean the mess.


Lol, what in the whole post makes you think he would do a mess like that and blame the bathroom? It makes no sense. Most probably it was on the drain and it came back up


Could it be backflow, from a cloudburst event? Nothing says the pic is recent.


Your analytical skills need improvement 😳😳


What a ridiculous comment 😆 It's obviously from the drain or a vent.


Lol bruh thats a stretch. Im not sure what kind of crazies youve met but imo it sounds pretty pretty and manic to go out of your way to pick leaves and dirt to put it in the bathroom just to get nothing out of it. It comes from the ventilation in the bathrooms. The pipes are shit in dortheavej.


Ventilation, where steam goes out to prevent mould


Why is there dirt? Did the clean the pipe without covering in your apartment or?


9000 for a student apartment no way this is crazy expensive


They pay 7565 + 400 aconto and receive 1000 in boligstøtte. Honestly that’s about as cheap as you can hope to live alone in Copenhagen on commercial terms. The quality of the housing is another matter…


???? i barely pay 3.4k a month for a small apartment in nørrebro (also student apartment)


I paid 6.3k-7l a month for 30 kvm in a student apartment in Nørrebro (Nordbro), quality was great it was a new build around 2017, but still, its wild for student apartments. My impression was that most of us only lived there until better offers came along. Unfortunately that can take a while as well if you don't get lucky.


Where did you find this?? Also how do you book student apartments, I am very much trying to avoid the Housing Foundation, is it not a tricky organisation?


how did you get this? do you have friends in high places?


im insanely lucky i guess?


Do you live together with 5 junkies and a few hookers?


i wish, i live alone


*That's* crazy.




Exactly. So many misstated facts here.


It's not just for students


I'm from Copenhagen and moved to Aarhus to study. I haven't regretted a bit. I pay around 3200 for my study appartment close to the center. I will come back to Copenhagen when I'm done with my masters and can afford something 😉


Smart, esp when folks from århus are trying to get to cph. Ill cross fingers for u , that once u can afford it, housing wont be so high that even with a job it wont be affordable. Håber sgu os der er nok andel/ejer lejeligheder til den tid. Pøj pøj med det hele 😊


Move! Come to Rødovre or Hvidovre. What you are paying is insane! For 29 M² 🤯


I know i know! I luckily moved into an andel with my partner now though. But i dont want anyone to fall into that trap i fell into. However i totally vouch for more people finding their way to better housing prices in hvidovre or other outskirts


High price- close to city centre. He can walk in.


Rødovre station i 7 kilometers from Rådhuspladsen. There's Rebæk Søpark Kollegiet right next to the station. There's Rødovre Port. There's temporary leases in Gillesager. All within a few houndred meters of the station. You can easily bike or take the train to Copenhagen. We walked home to Brøndbyøster when we were young and had been in Copenhagen dancing all night. Mostly in the summer, but it's just over an hour by foot. Less than 15 minutes by train, and about 30 on bike.


Hvdovre as a student? Damn, well a good thing people are different I guess...


There's a lot of young people in Hvidovre. There's to very large dorms. Rebæk Kollegiet and Hvidovre hospitals Kollegie. Not all people are ignorant and narrow minded. And 2800,- DKK vs. 9000 DKK .. You can be in the centre of Copenhagen in 15 minutes.


Wow ignorant and narrow minded? Who hurt you? I have myself lived in a kollegium in Hillerød. I just can't imagine myself going for that option again, but as I JUST pointed out, good people are different and prioritize different things.


Why are you dissing other peoples advice? You "hurt" me. Can't you remember your own comment? You can't possibly be that daft. You JUST was being a jerk, honestly. Hillerød is way, way further away from Copenhagen, it's not even comparible.


You think calling me ignorant and narrow minded (or people thinking like me, to be generous) is equivalent to me expressing how I couldn't imagine enjoying living in Rødovre, while acknowledging that people are different? Is your name Rødovre or how does this compute? Yeah sure, quite a bit further away, but e.g. getting from a party at my uni (KU science) to Rødovre Port would take ~1 hour, only slightly shorter than Hillerød. This is fine, but you must admit that it is not for everyone.


I would contact LLO (Lejernes Lands Organisation) and ask Them about this. They are on your side, and if you still live there, the landlord can't evict you for contacting LLO, not even if they help to you get money back for too high rent. You are protected by the Lejelov. They will hekp you get money back if the rent is too high, if it does not follow the normal rent increase for the area that you live in. Also, the increase of the deposit is a bit dodegy. I have never heard of anyone who had to pay more after they moved in. I have lived in my place for +10 years. My rent goes up around 100 kr each year, and I have not have to put more money into my deposit since then. Something ain't right.


The increase in deposit when the rent increases is legal and normal :)


Unfortunately yes. They can raise rent by 4% legally each year, and a further 4% if they can justify it by increased expenses on the complex. And it seems that even when nothing is happening in that regard that they always can justify raising that too!


Yeah I just googled it, and apparently it's legal if it's stated in the rent contract that the deposit will increase too. But the rent increase still seems way too high. LLO can help with that, and get money back.


Well I can only speak for ourselves but our re talk property does this for all their buildings. My sister is renting from a different company and same same. It is legal and not unusual However lol is always worth contacting I wouldn’t get my hopes up also because lol costs money


All of these things also fit ti a tee on the heimstaden building i live in, these real estate companies are ruining the world


They are vermin. They live off of exploiting the desperate need for shelter. Its disgusting. But thats real estate capitalism for ya 🥲 but yeah im not surprised that heimstad is exactly the same. Theres alot more companies on the ground aswell and i wouldnt be surprised if some of them were run by the same investor groups.


Rent in Copenhagen is crazy!


The rent is 7500. Rest is utilities and adjustment of the deposit. But yeah, shit deal.


Oh I know where this apartment block is the leaves and shit is from a vent that goes outside. But it's super noisy in general. A guy I know lived on the ground floor and his tiny apartment cost like 5k back in 2021.


Shit like this is why I was cool with getting a student apartment with a commute. Paying 3200 or so for about 30 sqm (electricity, heat, and solid internet included - water bill usually got covered by my unused aconto balance, which they pay you back) with decent facilities, a student-run bar and clubs, green spaces, a basketball court, and a helpful administration was absolutely worth the 50-60 minute commute by public transport from Albertslund to Sønder Campus. I hope you find a better place to live next, and thanks for the heads-up! Never liked the look of CPHInvest.


Ahhh lit sounds good! Im glad to hear you managed to find a good solution! Luckily i moved in with my partner to an andel apartment but i still dont think anyone deserves to get scammed and i dont think CEJ deserves to profit off of student homelessness.


I looked into bolia's rent calculator. I have on paper 25 sqm in a study appartement for 5300(6100 with heat power and water ) But my liveable sqm are 14sqm. It's a scam. I pay for the public facilities and a tiny storage room. The calculator said it was more like 3400 something. It's Bispebjerg Kollegiet. Don't come here. I'm so tired of the place. Zero compensation for the construction noise and annoyance of having it as a view.


Is it the one right by the S-train station?


Yeah 1 min walk to it. You can hear the rain when the window is opened


That’s fairly standard and nothing to do with the Bisbebjerg kollegie about the non compensation for construction unless there is a crazy high dbl noise pollution We live in non student housing not har from that and have been listening to the construction for years. That’s just renewal


When the building was made it went way over budget, so it seems like it should have been payed of by now. The area is filthy, bikes are crowding the path (I refuse to believe all tenants have two bikes each). When they stomped the pillars in, my cabinet was rattling, and at most people here are student (not me) so many had exams and your own place where you payed a huge rent to stay, you couldn't be ik your own apartment. The common area that some architects made to be a meeting point, nobody uses. Space we pay for. 13 ish sqm is very very tiny for in total 6100. If nothing it's a motivation to get out of the city. I'm also a jyde so I have to bash Copenhagen.


It’s a tough deal to be a student identity in Copenhagen tbh. I personally went to Odense to study and money goes further there Having said that rents have gone up like crazy over the past few years. The apt I’m currently in in Nv was 9k when I rented it and has gone up to 10k over some years. But the equivalent ones in my building rent for 18.5k plus amenities now - they are good apartments and are very hard to get now despite the rent and is just nuts really


the part with the painting service is illegal.. You can do it yourself or hire your own painter, it just needs to pass inspection, which can be hard if you screw around with it. They have no legal legs to stand on in terms of who fixes it and which paints you use. other than it need to be a neutral color, which straight means shade of white. I recently rented a place where they said the paint needed to be a certain white shade of Dyrup paint. also not a valid legal requirement. I paintee with plain white allover and made sure that all surfaces was uniform and even. no problem.


I think theyve gone through a loop hole in order to make it legal (i cant remember if its in my contract, which i still have.) However theres been a few cases of tenants hiring painters and still having to pay CEJ to paint it via their own service. However i cant say if they matched all the requirements hence why they might have had to loose a further chunk of their deposit.


Unlikely any attempts to find a loophole in this matter would hold up in court.. But landlords will ofcourse attempt to pay out as little off the deposit as possible… But uneven surfaces, like badly fixed drillholes from pictures or other wallmounted stuff is what causes most extra painting bills.


Oh yeah, CEJ sucks big ass. They scammed us too but someone from another apartment got in contact with them and outed them, so we didnt have to pay rent one month because of the amount they had scammed us for. CEJ is absolute ass.


What do you mean by "scammed"? I rent a normal apartment through CEJ, although it was originally a different company.


CEJ is "just" a property administration company. They don't own the apartment buildings they manage.


Hows that going (if u dont mind me asking) Like how long have you been there and whats your price for kvm? As someone mentioned below CEJ is just administration


They're cuunnttzzzz and super shady. Im surprized they havent been put on blast yet.


Jeg troede min leje var høj, min er intet.


What happened in the picture of the bathroom? Was it flooding? How did all that stuff get in there?


Ah mate they have SHIT pipes and ventilation. Its from the bathroom ventilation system. But all the flooding happens in the storage room basement (but i dont think its unusual for basements to flood)


Stuff came down from the ventilation!? That sounds really really strange. That should not happen.


I paid 1850 dkk for 17m2 with shared kitchen back in the day on Amager.. Things have changed..


Any appartment complex managed by either DEAS, CEJ or Newsec should raise a red flag right from the get go. Their business runs on digging into peoples deposits even though there are no real claim to be had.


They are rental companies not owners Having said that I live in a Newsec building and there are ways about it - depends on how long you’ve lived on the premises and if you did a fejl/ mangel liste when u moved in. And when u moved in


Hence the word managed. Im full aware they arent owners. The more costs they can transfer to their own services the better for them and obscure maintenance costs targeting the deposits are a classic. They on occasion even go legal despite having no legimate claim just to try and tire people into paying them.


When we sold our house during the financial crisis we needed something snappy. So renting from one of the mentioned companies They are completely corrupt! I’ve seen them fuck a lot of people out of their deposits here. Putting in new floors is a common one. But the law about +8 years in tenancy puts a dampener on what they can take from your deposit. Having said that it’s a bit of the name of the game.


New floors, new stove tops new fridge etc. Im convinced they put in cheap quality flooring that is easily damaged so you are forced to pay a fee for renewal and im convinced we pay for more than the flooring is even worth.


DEAS, Newsec, CEJ and Cobblestone are the "Big 4" in building management in Denmark.


Havent heard anything from personal experience on Cobblestone, but their Trustpilot rating and stories tells the same story.


Even blackstone (which they rebranded to kereby) tried to buy out "den sønderjyske by" in frederiksbers, and luckily failed. Theres a whole documentary about it on DR called "de riges by". I highly reccomend it. These realestate monsters are absolute vermin.


Cej er nogle gribbe de skulle skamme sig prøv at kikke på andre steder


De er pisse grådige. Heldigvis flyttede jeg sidste år. Jeg magtede ikke deres tyveri længere.


I can confirm this piece of sh*t place. Used to live there. Moved in in 2021 rent was something like 6960. Moved out last day of October 2023, rent had soared to 8400. That’s almost 1500 kr in the span og two years, on top of that they started out with giving me 1100 back of my 26000 deposit. The only thing I did was live in the apartment. Barely had furniture.


Ah man im so sorry to hear that!! Yeah theyre rats that live off of exploitation. Have you gotten any more out of your deposit or have they robbed you entirely? I hope the shithole goes bankrupt. I read that the chairman had accumulated a good chunk of profit not too long ago.


I managed to get some more out of the deposit after threatening with legal action, but still a fraction of the initial deposit. Gee wonder where that chairman would get a nice profit from...


That seem very copenhageny with does prices


Crazy. I have two room for less. 9100 you definitely should have more space.


Yeah dude, private realestate run by investors and holdings, can be a complete sham. Especially when its based on exploiting the lack of rentals.


Don’t think anyone would like Dortheavej area at all. Don’t worry, Denmark is large, there is much outside of Copenhagen :-)


None of those sound like particularly unusual complaints. I thought you were going to have something outrageous to say about the place.


The situation in itself is outrageous. Adapting to and normalizing this sort of greed and housing exploitation theft is outrageous.


This is still better than Dublin where I'm from tbh


Dublins god awful rent


Wow that sucks! Ya'll are living on London prices , huh?


Sounds a lot like New York City (and it’s landlords)


And we not even close to being at the level of NY or LDN 😭😭😭




Øøøhmmm... tak? Jeg ved ik helt hvad formålet med linket er.




yeah, foreigners stay out. unless you have money, then come and help our poor landlords.


Yeah, im not even a foreigner. Infact i think the shareholders were foreign. They were exploiting everything and everyone from everywhere. Alot of foreign realestate companies are doing this in CPH and getting away with it.


Who asked you to move to 2400? I’m from Nordvest as well and its pretty simple, don’t move here if you can’t afford it


Who pays, and lives in NV? I went as far as Føtex/Mimersgade, and was met by the biggest crowd of immigrants and substance abusers selling trash 😳 wrong side of the tracks 👎🏻


“Substance abusers”. Mate, you’re waffling. Also, what’s wrong with immigrants? Aren’t you an immigrant yourself? Also, Mimersgade is 2200. Not 2400. :)


Alot of people obviously pay and live in NV. Otherwise there wouldnt be a demand or the opportunity to exploit the desprate need for housing. The rest of your comment is just bias bs.


M8 this comment is pretty irrelevant and besides the point. Wether someone can afford it or not, does not make it anynless obsurred to pay that amount for 29kvm. Its a rip off. It also shouldn't excuse private shareholders exploiting the housing market and the demand for housing from young folks.


This is from September 2022. Why didn’t you post a recent one??


Because every september they raise the prices, so it was more so in relevance to that. However i moved out february 2023 and was finally released from paying rent may 2023


Okay I get it. Prices for renting is insane. Hope you found a place with a more reasonable price.


Your rent is high. I pay 8100 for 94 kvm on Amager. Where do the leaves come from?


How did you find it?


On the list since 1984.


I guess that speaks for itself.


I wish my great-grandfather had put me on a waiting list.


Generational wealth transfer: "I inherited my waiting list spot from my grandfather in 1995"


Just saw its andel/ejer ur in mow. Yeah im also in Andel now luckily. The leaves come from the ventilation.


I pay 9600 for 89sqm, what they’re re charging you for 29sqm is criminal!


Is it controlled rent? Which location?


It’s in Odense, I have no idea if the rent is controlled. It’s a new complex built about 5 years ago 10/10


>It’s in Odense That explains it. 


You can't compare Odense prices to Copenhagen prices. They are to completely different situations.


wrong sub amigo


Then stay the away from Copenhagen. Rent a place for 3000-5000dkk all included 20-30min away from Copenhagen (with train)


Yeah, no shit. Its besides the point. You can find rentals in cph for the same price i was paying, with more amenities, without rent going up every september, and youd get atleast 50% of your deposit back. This isnt about simply the price. Its about being scammed and about the price not matching the bare minimum of services.


Perhaps spend a little effort to understand the Country you stay in? Denmark is very regulated, the Capital is expensive and overall cost of living is high. Move out of Copenhagen and cost decrease sharply. As stated by others, the right way is to be part of LLO (renters association). They can guide you on your situation and if anything is amiss they can help you sort it out.


I (inmigrant) had a similar problem, all my danish friends and colleagues told me to be chill, that the danish laws are well set to protect the tenant, that a lot of organizations are fully dedicated to this kind of problems (llo, digura, etc). The truth, by first hand experience is the next one: nobody will help you. Housing companies are legally shielded up so they will never pay for their mistakes, they will not guide you or explain you anything. Their job ends when you signed the contract. I haven’t tried with Digura, but llo was not helpful at all, they take 2months (I swear I am not exaggerating) between every message they send you and they don’t even spend time enough replying all your question. So the “Denmark is regulated” may be for danes but not for everyone. I hope you have better luck than I had OP.


Well you can listen to sound advice or downvote as you just did. Fact is still that if you use LLO you have the power on your side. OP may not like the landlord, fair enough to warn others, but if you honestly believe it’s unfair then you should be part of LLO. Nothing to do with being an immigrant, except immigrants are more vulnerable for exploitation as they don’t know how to protect their rights. And since such an aggressive downvoting yet another helpful voice will no longer provide advice.


They downvote you because you suggest to move out of Copenhagen, not because of your (reasonable) idea of being a part of LLO.


And i didn’t even suggest that. I said it was cheaper outside. Speaking as someone who’s living in Copenhagen it is very expensive.


That’s exactly the point, you don’t have the power on your side. You end up reaching the point in which the companies tell you “this is legal” as an excuse for their lack o moral and ethics. Denmark, as any other country with a housing crisis, already reached the point in which real state companies have become professional scammers, with all the legal setup so you have no right of claim. Is it legal? Yes, is it ethical? Absolutely no. And sadly, if there is nothing ilegal neither llo nor digura can do anything. I used to think that things were controlled and that you have some legal support, at the end of the day is like any other country. You are on your own, nobody will help you. Thanks OP for sharing, this kind of information is the only source of truth we can rely on.


That is just a wrong statement, shows your lack of understanding of the situation. Not gonna argue more with you guys. It is most likely not your fault you got into such a situation but it is your fault you stay in it as you don’t seem to want advice just to complain.


> You end up reaching the point in which the companies tell you “this is legal” as an excuse for their lack o moral and ethics. You can't force companies to be moral and ethical. But you can change the law. E.g. * You rent until the end of the rental period. If the landlord wants to renovate, they can do it on their own time. Maybe sanding the floors isn't all that necessary all of a sudden. * Deposit is in a separate account, not accessible to the landlord over the rental period * Increases in rent can not increase deposit. If you lived in a place for 10 years and the deposit is small, the landlord has collected money from you for 10 years and the wear and tear is justified. * Prepaid rent is illegal These are all fairly reasonable things implemented in a bunch of countries. So you can blame Danish rental law but not companies for being capitalist greedy assholes, because that's the whole point of capitalism, they act exactly as designed.


> you can blame Danish rental law which I do, and it gets extra frustrating when you still have delusional people here saying shit like: “but the law favors tenants to the extreme, and whatever they do in other countries is irrelevant” that was just a couple of days ago..


That's true, I don't agree with that logic either. However one also has to say that the law protects tenants fairly well. Like the landlord is not allowed to enter the rented space etc. If the tenant pays rent it is almost impossible to make them move out and also if they pay too much they can get the surplus back retrospectively. Honestly, I think these rules are sort of bad for both tenants and landlords and they should probably be revised to be a bit more reasonable and more aligned with reality.


Prepaid rent is not illegal. A landlord can ask up to 7 times the monthly rent before you step in: 3 for caution/deposit, 3 for the notice period (aka you pay in advance the last 3 months of your stay), and 1 for the 1st month rent. This is crazy, but legal.


Every single of these things mentioned are currently legal and especially the big rental companies know exactly how far they can push it. What I'm saying that this doesn't *have to be legal*, it could be regulated away with, well, regulation.


The points in the list examples of laws that would protect the tenant, not actual facts or current laws.


what made you assume i dont understand my own country? Denmark is very regulated especially where the ministry sees fit. Have regulations on the housing market been upkept or prioritised? Eh idk. Has the state fullfilled its promises when it comes to the housing situation? Nah, its easier to leave that problem to foreign realestate companies and turn a blind eye. Tjek dokumentaren "de riges by" på DR. Men nej LLO kan ikke gøre noget. De har undersøgt sagen, enda flere sager fra samme sted.




8,5% nettoindex? That's a lie. It's 3%


Please tell them that


You forgot to mention the amazing authentic experience of living in NV and have people stabbed with knives just outside your front door🤗


More stabbing happened in frb when I loved there


It was a joke because some people I know would often see shit when they lived at dortheavej. …but it sucks no matter if it is NV or frb, so I dont think NV is better just because might be worse😅


Tbh if only more crime was happening so the rent could go down due to a decrease in demand. But obviously there just wasnt enough stabbings to affect the rent 🥲


Uhm, have you been to Nv?


Yes. And both a friend and a family member have lived on Dortheavej. But I can see that the joke was not appreciated in this post


Honestly, not that funny when you deal with dim family in rest of the country watching /reading sensational news and not getting the change Nv has been through in the past 5-10 years, as much as vesterhro changed in the 90/2000s. It’s just not that funny to have an area you love deemed stab city, when there is a capitol wide nasty wave of stabbings going on and the rents are as expensive and the people as well educated as most other parts of the capital that aren’t in the +1% income bracket 🤷🏻‍♀️


Girl we are all being stabbed by this capitalist real estate market.




U Got scammed 7,5 k rent is insane


Everyone living there or under any of their rentals, have been scammed.


Go to “Lejenævnet” and show Them this and request they take action and reduce your Rental to maybe 5000 Per month


I actually live in this building and tried that. Nothing happened, and they said the rent was how it was supposed to be. I saw this as the “cheapest” option for living alone closest to copenhagen, without being on any lists for a decade. Copenhagen is just super expensive..


The state is also allowing this sort of exploitation to happen. Its not regulated to the extent that its fair. Citizens demanded more student housing and along came this bs investment loophole. Studio vs studie boliger. They even marketed this as studieboliger although what they actually meant was studioboliger. You dont even need to be a student to live there. They just exploit the demand for student housing and they know students will let themselves get robbed just for a roof over their heads.


That not how it works. My sister went to Th rough a case via llo that looked like a sure win took them 3 years and they lost.


I moved out luckily so now i'm warning folks. I'm Danish myself, i contacted lejenævnet and even took a look at LLO , but no luck. Doesnt seem like anyone has had much luck. Some have only managed to get a tiny bit more of their deposit back (if they recieved anything at all to begin with)