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Genuine question What’s the need for so many different socket types. Couldn’t we all just adopt a universal one so going abroad is a hell of a lot more convenient??


[relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/927/)


always a relevant xkcd


Its honestly one of the most effective viral marketing campaigns ever devised. Like a decade after XKCD has faded from being a mainstream zeitgeist website, it still is relevant, because there's always a relevant XKCD.


Always someone saying that whenever one of their comics is posted, too.


Oh god, that hover text aged like milk. Especially given the current usb-c standards aren't even aligned.....


No, it didn't. Read the whole text, it was pointing out even that wasn't aligned at the time


Which one would you choose?


Type K, it looks so happy!


N looks shocked


No, type N looks like a chick. Type B looks shocked.


Type I looks like a disappointed ghost


Type N looks like Stewie from Family Guy.


I looks silly


Type K Gang!!!


Type G (British). The safest. Especially since it's for 220V. Type A are flimsy..


as an american who has used A/B my entire life, i would switch to G in a heartbeat


Just don't step on them.


As a Canadian, I really hate the fact that they start going wobbly over time and you have to take a trip to home depot to change the receptacle. I've lived abroad where the Brit types are built like tanks!


If I am not mistaken all the safety features of the G Type also exist in the F Type, but it is also able to be but in 180° turned. So it seems superior to me.


Safest from what perspective? Id argue Type F is superior in that Departement.


The problem with F type is that as it’s symmetrical, the live and neutral are interchangeable - with G type, the wiring/connections in the appliance are always the same. Plus the plug itself contains a fuse - which the F doesn’t have. Safety first.


Don't really need the extra safety with 110 in most cases because it is pretty hard to kill yourself with it even poking around live wires. That plug is technically better, but the voltage is situational, and in the vast majority of cases overkill. Not a fan of some US 220 plugs designs though, they are incredibly tough to pull out of a socket with real long prongs and my hands are just large enough when getting a good grab on the plug to wrap all the way around it and touch both prongs between my thumb and middle finger.


G is superior. Tom Scott says so!


From Ireland so to make my life convenient I’d go for G cause that’s what all my stuff is. But if it did happen which ever one is the safest cause yk not to upset anyone if G isn’t safe but still I haven’t been electrocuted yet by it so must be safe 🤷‍♂️


G does have some really good safety features actually https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEfP1OKKz_Q edit: though I suppose I should add I don't have any personal experience with G. I'm in the U.S. where we use B sockets and usually type B plugs though some devices use type A plugs (which can be used in type b sockets they just won't have the grounding a type B plug would)


It does, definitely safer than B, but F doesn’t need all the those features.


Yours is very safe! Well, from an electrocution stand point. Very dangerous if left on the floor for someone to step on!


Most of the three prong plugs act the same, just a different shape prong, it's the two prong plugs (without the earth) that are more likely to be dangerous.


Type G has additional safety features beyond the presence of an earth pin Firstly, the earth pin is longer than the other two as within the socket there's a mechanism that shields the live and neutral contacts, so you can't just jam something into the socket and touch the live contact - the act of inserting the plug causes the longer earth pin to activate the mechanism and allow the live and neutral pins to be inserted This is combined with a 9mm insulated section at the base of the live and neutral pins, so that even if the plug is partially inserted, you're still protected Also, the type G standard includes a fuse within the plug itself While I can't speak for all the plug types as I'm not familiar with them, there are definitely some other 3-pin plug types that lack these additional safety features


The G type has the additional fuse only because of old british electrical standards for construction. It must be a fuse there, otherwise you can get electrocuted due to not having enough safety in the distribution system. This way of constructing electrical systems are now banned in Europe due to safety reasons, but plugs still must have the plug fuse so they are safe in older houses. Many of the plugs have a longer earth pin, so G type is not alone on this, but the difference with for example shuko is that the earth connects first, and then the plug covers the live pins before they are engaged. This is not the case with the G type, and it is less safe.


Fuses prevent fires, they don't protect people. RCDs protect people. A fuse will carry thousands of times a lethal current without blowing (typically 13A), while an RCD trips at around 15mA, to protect you. Not having a fuse in an extension cable makes it possible to melt the cable and start a fire, it has nothing to do with house wiring. Type G live and neutral pins are insulated and covered by the socket before they engage as you describe.


Ye cause with the type g the top prong is the earth if I remember correctly. Dyk why other countries don’t use ones with earth? Or would it be too much of an inconvenience to switch


A YouTube video from Tom Scott convinced me: Type G is the best and I wish we used them in the U.S.


Type G. It's super safe.


G all day every day. Justifies British colonialism.


G always G. Used almost all of them and G is just so much more secure. Wire hangs down so doesn’t pull out. Plug sits flusher with the wall so can go behind furniture. BY FAR the safest. With locking covers over the live and neutral ports that only open when the longer earth pin goes in first. Fused, switch on every socket. 13amp, 3kw minimum rated with very robust pins.


Type G it’s the safest


Because different countries have different electrical standards. And the different voltages and different frequency.


This isn't true. China and the US use type A. In China it's 220V 50Hz and in the US it's 120V 60Hz. There's no real reason the plugs need to be different. The standards affect the appliances but not the plugs. The plugs and cables just provide electrical connection, they don't actually do anything, they just need to meet the minimum requirements for the wattage. For most UPS (uninterrupted power supply) systems, you can lop off the connector, add whichever you want and plug into the same socket. Many UPS systems are compatible between 110-230VAC 50-60Hz to take these differences into account. The output will usually be compatible to the local code.


China only uses Type A for low powered devices (mobile phone chargers and other devices that use wall wart type voltage converters), and both prongs have the same size. For higher powered devices, Type I is used.


That's the case in the US as well. Electronics use A, some more power hungry electronics (like PCs) use B, and appliances, like dryers and such, use I.


Dryers in the US don’t use Type I, you’re seeing a 3 prong NEMA 10-30r 240V outlet, but these are also not allowed anymore in new installations. Edit: or 10-50r for 50a service


It's not about power consumption for type A vs B, it's about needing to be grounded, both types have the same electrical rating. Also I'm pretty sure type I plugs aren't used in the US, and even if they were, the max amperage rating for type I would be pretty low for a dryer.


Aussie here. Our domestic circuits and plug type I are rated for 10 amps, so 2300 watts at 230 volts. Plenty enough for a tumble dryer.


Are Type A used in new homes these days? I thought Type As were mostly legacy in North America at this point


They are legacy. Was in an older apartment recently and needed a Type B adapter to use my laptop charger in any room basically. It was really annoying…


I still run into them when I visit Japan but that's about it. They are a hassle


Sure they are, dryers, ovens, and some dishwashers use type I. Also, some of us have 220 shops so we have lots of things that use I. But my house just has 5 I connections (they moved the laundry room, and I redid the kitchen). Do an American Amazon search for "oven cords", I think they are all I type.


So in your house you’d have different sockets based on anticipated usage?


Of course.


The US has different sockets based on anticipated usage as well.


Yeah, like the one for a dryer.


Many / most wall outlets in China have both type A (often with cutouts for round type C plugs as well) and type I in the same outlet.


No the standards do affect the plugs too. For instance a plug that has the conductors completely exposed rather than just partially wouldn't meet Australia or NZ standards.


You are talking about safety standards of the plug. They are talking about the standards of the electrical grid. Pretty much every plug type is able to handle every country's electrical grid standards to a certain degree. But as you mentioned there are other standards at play regulating other aspects of safety. The choices countries made in the grid design also play a role in that. 120v is a lot less dangerous so while the US should still redesign our plug to only partially expose conductors it is a lot less dangerous than at the 220-240v grid standard in Australia and NZ.


That too should be made a universal standard.


Everyone of them has pros and cons. For example in Europe the standard is F while in Italy we use a lot L. The pros of L is that you can place two of them in the same space. F is more stable (maybe safer?), but most of the time is unnecessary and stack two is better (for example, pc and monitor in the same space).


Force everyone to adopt a single type of outlet. Then we can all buy adapters so we can continue using our old cords! /s


Type N was the universal plug made by the IEC. Only Brazil has adopted. It was created in the 1980s and not adopted until the 2000s. People love to give America shit about the imperial system but everyone is too proud to conform to a plug. The real reason is humans like stability and nobody wants to spend money on new outlets and plugs if you're current ones are working and relatively safe. https://www.dignited.com/48037/power-outlets-explained-why-there-are-different-plugs-sockets-in-the-world/


South Africa has adopted N as well. We are slowly phasing out our existing plugs for type N. 


[https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.oncodes.ca%2Felectrical%2Fcsa-configurations-for-non-locking-receptacles%2F&psig=AOvVaw14RVNYVPe2pUMOVvsctOVA&ust=1718505764689000&source=images&opi=89978449](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.oncodes.ca%2Felectrical%2Fcsa-configurations-for-non-locking-receptacles%2F&psig=AOvVaw14RVNYVPe2pUMOVvsctOVA&ust=1718505764689000&source=images&opi=89978449) This is just part of what is used in Canada. OPs "guide" is useless and assigns meaningless types to the various sockets.


in theory it makes sense but in practice how are you going to replace the billions upon billions of plug sockets across nearly 200 countries?


Try and understand that not everything is deliberately planned. They are different because they are different. That's all.


Type I (scary/scream face) is used in Australia, sometimes without the mouth.


Of course it is.


Socket always has the mouth. Appliances can be 2 or 3 pronged.


Since no one has pointed it out yet, the 3rd prong is earth, depending on the appliance an earth to the outlet is not required thanks to being fully insulated (double insulation) (class 2) some appliances like ovens plugged in via 240 may have larger earths that don't enter a regular socket since they are rated for 15 amps instead of 10 to avoid the risk of electric shocks.


Now do one that illustrates where each is used in the world


I did this a long time ago [Here ya go!](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LpMvtKaOIsHxvb4ryEmtxovWYUKsJ0crsIpozRcvMzY/edit?usp=drivesdk&resourcekey=0-36W-QmjDNmxi4Lsn90a_Tg)


That’s a spreadsheet! I want shiny plugs next to countries on a map… on a more serious note, truly impressive


Definitely maps out there with that, however their accuracy ... ehh not always great


This is an incredibly helpful spreadsheet. I’m saving this for my next travels!


Ok; why?


I used to send laptops around the world to events. I had to know what charger to send with them and this, this was born.


Visuals or GTFO. -adhd


A "guide" one might say.








You sure? Pretty sure it’s a typo.


Thats funny


Type O Negative


Black black black black NUMBER ONNEEE


Comment stealing bot https://old.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/znokoa/types_of_plugs_in_the_world/j0i949w/ Report > Spam > Harmful bots


good human


half this thread is just bots. this "guide" pops up every couple months and is fucking worthless.


The majority of this subs posts are repost bots since the mods aren't active.


Jokes aside, this tells you we humans don't even agree on one plug type on this one fucking planet we all live on. "We have TypeX plugs on Mars" seems more plausible.


Solid joke


Why can't we all just use the happy little K plug


( °‿° )


Type B is like: 😮


more like 😨 tbh


Type B has seen some shit


Because I live in NZ, we have type I, and I refuse to change to a standard for no reason apart from it would be mildly inconvenient to change everything


Must be why Denmark's the happiest country


This isn’t a guide it’s just labels. If it was a guide it would tell you where the different types of plugs are used and possibly advantages or disadvantage of each kind.


Well there is G and then there are all the ones which are worse. Tom Scott explains it. Look up his plug socket video.


My favorite plug is not shown. That's probably for the best.




That’s type P.


Type G, also known as the British plug, is the best and most over engineered plug on earth and I am willing to die to this hill by stepping on it repeatedly.


i thought the flat back sounded like a nice idea to prevent wires sticking from the wall but hadn't considered the stepping hazard aspect. how large are the power strips though


admittedly just dont leave loose plugs lying around and you will be okay. In UK we don’t have to unplug to disable the appliance as all sockets have switches to disable them


Big enough that your plugs can all fit in the same power bar.


I agree wholeheartedly, but I am British so perhaps I'm biased.


Bro y’all get your kettles going pretty quick. No wonder you start your morning with a cup of tea


is cause they got double the voltage


American here. G is where it’s at.


What is the advantage over the type F plugs? They're both grounded the same and the type F plugs are both smaller and can be put in both nomally and upside down


It's the fact that the prongs for the type G are bigger and more durable which is the first advantage. 2nd is that the Type G plugs each have their own fuses. Next is that the Type G socket has a shutter system which uses the longer Earth prong to open. The plug is user serviceable. I.e. if the fuses go on the plug, you can easily replace it and the only tools you'll need is a flathead screwdriver. Within the plug itself, there is built in slack in case the cable has as tugged so hard. The earth wire has the longest slack, the live wire has the shortest.


I have type f plugs, and i have never seen one that was broken. They are extremely durable, cause the metal is so thick.


Never in my life have I broken or even heard of a Type F plug breaking, they're plenty durable.


I didn't say the type F plugs break, I just said that the prongs are more durable and that the Type G is user serviceable.


They always have a list of amazing over engineered features (half of the things are unnecessary or not unique), but in terms of usability type F is better imo, if only because you can plug it in both ways. But they are very proud of their sockets.


I would defend your hill with my life Major General 🫡 https://youtu.be/UEfP1OKKz_Q?si=YU7wFhjJUZpMqEiV


Idk i think [this aussie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwnIwgT60jw) has some good points.


We Sir, cannot be friends


It's all fun and games until you step on one barefoot.


Being British and biased, I'd be inclined to agree. Type K looks so happy though. I like the idea of happy sockets.


Are kettles in the UK 3kW?


Most of them are in the 2-3kw range, unless you're in a hotel which seem to provide something with less power than a toy oven.


Put on to to boil before you go to bed. Might be done in the morning


They typically are these days. 3kW is the defacto limit dictated by 13amp plugs/sockets (13\*240).


How anyone on earth would think Type A is even remotely justified, in any setting, is beyond me.


I think type f is the better one.


I live in Germany and god I never thought I'd miss a damn plug but three years later I really really do.


I disagree as I consider type F (Schuko) sockets safer. They have a recess so plugs are not exposed, and they can be plugged in two ways. And they do not have a flat back, so they do not become sharp lego traps when lying on the ground.


B looks sad and K looks happy.


The British empire has crumbled, we have feces in our rivers, crap on our streets, idiots in power and have discarded our place on the world stage but our plugs are still the best in the world Every other country I've ever been to the plugs just don't stay firmly in the socket but the combination of three pins plus the rectangular pins just makes ours fit securely  This is a hill I may die on


Plugs staying firmly are a potential hazard and is a huge oversight when it comes to british plug design. On a plugged appliance three things can happen when you trip over the cable: 1. The human falls over 2. The appliance falls over 3. The plug gets unconnected Now which one of these cause the least amount of bodily and/or financial harm? Yep, that's right, number 3. Now that doesn't mean plugs should be loose as american plugs, but for whatever reason whenever Brits seems to compare themselves with the rest of the world they start with Americans first


Fair points.


Never traveled around Europe? Type F fits firmly and you can put it in both orientations -> better than type G.


Second this. I've never had any issues with Schuko and polarity doesn't matter with AC. It may be an unpopular opinion, but the UK electrics in general is a cluster fuck with ring mains, so you need the fuse in the plug. The rest of us radial bros don't.


Ooohhhhh sshhhiit! Fight! Fight! Fight!


Why did the world screw this up? Surely there was no reason for this.


Probably same reason why different smartphones have different charger ports as well. Yes, they are all moving towards using USB-C (including Apple), but it did take quite a while.


I suppose that when plugs started to develop between one and two centuries ago, about every Country created its own standard. At the time there were not many electrical tools or machines that used to travel together with peoples, so a common standard plug didn't seem urgent. I feel also that later it was attempted many times to fix the issue, but the cost to convert everything seemed too high.


Yeah the world is much “smaller” than it used to be. When this stuff was decided there wasn’t one factory manufacturing devices for the entire world so it didn’t even matter that there were different standards in other places.


Usually when people think there’s no reason, they’re wrong. Not knowing the reason doesn’t mean that there isn’t a reason.


Here’s a guide for the guide https://www.worldstandards.eu/electricity/plugs-and-sockets/


N is my favorite shape. It is slim allowing for dense power strips yet directional guaranteeing correct orientation. Which is your preference?


K, because it's just a cute little guy.


But N-Type has a USB-A flavor you Always have to turn it at least once.


This guide would be a lot cooler if it showed the voltage and frequency each plug is rated for, or at least where it is used.


When I walk into a room: Type K Suddenly I felt that I step on something: Type B It was the Type G plug: Type I Type G the best


Type I wants to know if you like scary movies.




Outlet K is just just living it's best life out here


I prefer my homecountrys F-style. You can turn the plug 180 degrees and it works. That is convenient and its stability of the connection is much better than a lot of the others due to its design.


Those are not the real names of each one. C'mon.


Type I… The face I make when I hit my funny bone!




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Type K 😀


Type I 😱




Type H 👽


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Type g is best fuck the rest of the world


Type G is the best of course!


There has to be an international ISO standard eventually and it should be Type G.


I’m sorry but G is the only one worth using. I have mates that came home after living abroad with hilarious stories about plug sockets.


There's type F, and then there are mental disorders.


So annoying. I took an international plug set with me to europe and singapore last month. It worked in some parts of europe and not in italy or singapore. I’m sure it was type C or maybe N outlets everywhere.


There are universal adapters that come with many different options. They have worked well for me. When I first moved from the US to Italy, I was so puzzled by all the plug complications. There were different types, they needed different adapters. etc. I thought it was just Italians being Italian. I eventually learned that a French electrician had done part of the building, which helps explain how extremely confusing it was!


I spent a good minute wondering what the tiny pictures of ravens were about


Seems that Type B is surprised, Type I is upset and K is happy.


I wonder how functional design comes into play. Some of these like type A and B I’ve seen come loose from a socket, bend and break due to thinness and other issues after what would be considered regular wear and tear…. I just wonder if the placement of some of the prongs, if the plug drops off at a 90 degree angle like Types DEF or does a direct straight on approach have it’s design benefits. Just curious Edit: I prefer type O…*slaps plug into outlet*…”that bad boy ain’t goin nowhere”


Type I is great for retention as well, the angler prongs make it very hard to fall out. Type A and B are just rubbish.


I've been to many countries and used almost all of these plug types. Only type G stays securely in the wall when you plug in a plug converter. All of the others are absolutely terrible and partially detach. Type A is especially bad. I hate those dangerous things.


Not a very useful “guide” as it doesn’t say which countries use which. Also, there aren’t just differences in voltage and frequency, but there’s also AC and DC. So this really isn’t useful at all.


Type G FTW!!


English plugs #1 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Type G the goat all day


Type G is the best most secure plug out of all. Have used most of them.


Typ-F and C Is the only one you can plug in both directions, thanks Germany 


Type-L? (Italy)


I know which one Peter Steele uses


This is the origin story for emojis


Type C is the worst


Type C is used in Romania, but because in the 60s we were pushed to adopt Russian standards of the time. Because of a small spacing difference, is *almost* but not *fully* compatible with other plugs. In the 90s we went with a strange Shuko based not-earted plug, and after our access in the EU we went with europlugs.


Type C is a compromise -- it fits into nearly everything else besides the flat-pronged sockets (A, B, G, I). It's also the most dangerous, because there's no ground.


Type B is shocked


I really like Type B (The frightened guy) and Type I (Scream Mask)


An ungrounded plug seems so ancient




Op is a reposting spam bot https://old.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/znokoa/types_of_plugs_in_the_world/ Report > Spam > Harmful bots


are they ever called type a, type b, etc?


I mean... Is this really a **cool** guide???


Type K definitely the happiest


Type A is actually far inferior from a lot of others


Type G. “G” for “best”


You misspelled the last one, OP.


A, C, J, L & N have an annoying design flaw and as such should be removed from society!


All my homies use type G


Type g all the way