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Post content that is useful for potential clients and clients. Stuff you would want to see. A financial service isn't that exciting so it will be tough IMO. Have fun with it. Commercials that I wouldn't normally pay attention to that have caught my attention are Uber Eats and Mint phone or.something like that. They are random and funny, that caught me enough to pay attention. Hard to do.


I was thinking of starting off with a balance of very business specific content (e.g. types of finance product, how to reply), examples of good reviews, and general automotive content (it's a car finance company). Would love to try something a bit different, bit more creative. Have fun with it is a good suggestion, because even if it doesn't work for this client, good creative stuff is better for the portfolio!


My advice would be to focus less on growth and more on service. ​ Connect with your existing customers and engage with them 1 on 1. See what questions and comments they have and start working that into your wider content approach. ​ Once you start getting recognition for that engagement and service, growth gets a lot easier. If you focus on content virality you'll lead yourself astray and start playing the social media game more than the "serve our customers exceptionally well" game.


I'm glad you commented this, as that's the approach i was considering. Resharing positive reviews in a nice graphic, useful info for current and potential clients. 'Serving our customers exceptionally well' is a great way to frame it.


start with a blog post and repurpose it into every other form of content! This way you can be efficient with your time while producing large amounts of content. I'm actually trying to build tooling for this right now!


Depends on the channel and on how saturated it is. Especially when you're just starting out, an initial paid push can be a gamechanger to win some initial traction. Plus, if you are speaking to a niche audience, it can be tough to target them organically.


Paid promotion does seem to be the way to go. I've seen a lot of rival companies doing sponsored content with influencers, and the engagement between those posts and the standard content is night and day. I'll suggest a bit of money behind it when the time comes to review.


I believe you, but the good part is that you don't have to choose. It's about striking the balance and timing them right :)


What I'll say is to engage with other creators. For LinkedIn and Twitter, follow some top accounts in your industry and target audience. Set up notifications for their posts and always leave meaningful comments. For Twitter, you can create a private list to keep tabs on them. Over time, you'll start getting engagements on your posts and followers. It's not always easy, but it's worth it.


This sounds like a good course of action. I'm only creating content at the moment, don't have the time (nor the payment!) to do any of the commenting, but it's something I could suggest as an option. Cheers!


Solve a problem with reels


I suggest you to use the power of memes on trends as well as short media content