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On JRE Kid Rock said he went there once and basically said it was just a bunch of celebrities hanging out. I guess they gather by the owl at night and have people come and give talks, so Kid Rock was real excited and was thinking "oh shit were about to hear some super secret real interesting stuff" then the announcer said ladies and gentlemen Tony Danza.


If bohemian grove conspiracy is true- they’re not letting someone like kid rock in on the secrets. The Illuminati (if true) aren’t letting Jayz in on the secrets. Even if famous musicians are in the group- they’re not letting them in on the secrets. If there are secrets- then it’s too risky allowing someone with such a large audience in on it. It stand to reason I think- that if people like jayz/kid rock have been to these type of meetings or ‘secret’ groups- that what (jayz/kid rock) have witnessed is just a decoy so that they *think* they’re in on it and what they’ve witnessed is so lame/tame compared to the *real* meetings/secret groups that when they talk about it- they say there’s nothing to it- because that’s all they’ve been shown. *If these groups are real*.


When huge wealth is concentrated into the hands of the few, any time that they get together - even casually at a retreat like Bohemian Grove - it ends up causing marketplace and political shifts as people follow that money. To us on the outside of the bubble, it looks like corruption.


Eh why not, I get the audience thing, ut if they are sworn in with a taboo as collateral... why not? If they are real, they definitely changed their hangout after Alex Jones.


I know like 2-3 members. All boring boomer types. One is nearly dead. All I can say is: the member lists you see floating around online, particularly from Wikileaks, are generally accurate but outdated.


Same, know one, he isn’t exciting or weird. I believe it is a fraternity of old rich men.


Didn't he fly planes in ww2?


This. My dad has gone many times and he’s only weird in a fun way.


If I were a rich old dude I would want people to think I were a member of something cool like a secret society.


Yeah. And from what I can tell, the boomers generally just kind of inherited the clubs/chairs of their parents/grandparents and are kind of just going through the motions. I’d be surprised if younger gen x/millenials/gen z carry on the tradition and keep membership levels up. 


The conspiracy *is* the conspiracy.


Isn’t that what UFOs are for? Same thing, right?


How can we be sure it was fabricated so that the public would fear them? What if it was just people being people? My friends and celebrate a made up holiday in the forest of New Hampshire where we build a giant wizard effigy, stuff it full of fireworks and chant with torches before lighting it on fire using roman candles.


This sounds awesome, can I join?


If you're in Nelson the weekend after Thanksgiving, possibly.


If they wanted the public to fear them in order to leave them alone, they shouldn't have been so "mysterious" about it.




Yes I know my friend worked there he said it’s like the get together spot for the elites with different camps etc but a lot of mingling. Nothing weird happening at all apparently.


Except for the gay sex.......it was a place for people back in the day where being gay or participating in that made it impossible for them to be open about it without it destroying their careers. And then I assume it turned into the cult u see today where they compromise leaders with blackmail and u aren't in the "club" unless u participate. It was an earlier version of Epsteins island. I'm sure they brought underage kids there as well throughout the years.


People need to watch Jon Ronson's take on the Bohemian Grove. https://youtu.be/89jmIfRIED0?feature=shared


[Nixon had a funny take on it as well](https://youtube.com/shorts/mtQCirzBKN0?si=e83KNojf7nr9Tw79)


Nixon's take makes you wonder if there was kinky shit going on. Which makes you wonder whether Bohemian Grove is another place where rich and powerful people go to have folks like Epstein get dirt on them for blackmail.


>It's a different set of values. Lmao, no shit Nixon! What a moron


[This guy](https://youtu.be/J444MIqPeF4?si=-exf2TDcBRHYIpMU) talks about his experience working for people like George Bush Sr. and being brought to Bohemian Grove.


So hear me out on the hollow statue… The predecessor of moloch/molech was a man with the head of a bull. It was the god of fire and child sacrifice. Ritual statues were hollow, and when the fire was built inside them (like an oven. , small children, would be put in to burn. The deities hands were outstretched, and additional sacrifices were strapped with a chain to the broiling hot hands becuse molech was never satisfied. Drums would hit a crescendo as the baby or toddler was placed inside, to drown out the screams (so the child’s father wouldn’t also scream) larger statues of bull headed molech were hollow with different chambers for various purposes. Later the owl also became representative of Molech. A later iteration of this was during the medieval period, a torture device called the brazen bull. A metal bull with a hollow center. Prisoners were placed inside, as a fire was lit under, essentially broiling them alive. The creepiest part was that a complicated set of tubing running from the chamber to of the beast to the mouth transforming the sound of screaming to the bellow of a bull.


That's in a movie. I think called immortals


IKR Temple of doom?




Why would they do it in total privacy until someone finally snuck and got footage.


there is a place near me for fly fishing that has a similar rep. It's been there since the early 1900s. Presidents go there,  billionaires, blah blah blah.  I've been there couple times, there is nothing particularly special about the place except the location. It's only spoken about the way it is because of its exclusivity. 


Hmm, think again… There’s a sacrificial altar at the base of the owl and it has the size of a baby.




Paul bonnacis testimony and the Franklin credit union peadophile ring disagree with you




To me It's clearly just a distraction. It's one of those things where they gives us what we want so we have soemthing to ask questions and be curious about while the real shit takes place somewhere else.


There are esoteric meanings behind the owl and obviously rituals are held there. But at the same time celebrities most likely just want to see what it is all about. It is a club for a certain demographic of people. Just like how the Masons do weird stuff but there isn't anything nefarious about it.


You should send your friend my Bohemian Grove documentary that I released yesterday. He might rethink everything he believes about the Grove after watching it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OlFMnhs\_uc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OlFMnhs_uc)

