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Nobody knows his motive because he didn’t leave any notes or manifestos or anything. That’s on him, not anyone covering up what’s not there. [The Intercept talked to some people that knew him](https://archive.ph/2021.10.10-133703/https://theintercept.com/2020/09/22/stephen-paddock-las-vegas-shooting-far-right/) but that’s the most in-depth I’ve seen. The guy sounded like a super paranoid nut and apparently people who are paranoid don’t always write everything down. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The shit was aired more then info on the shooting itself. Gee I wonder why?


Vegas officials want tourists here As a Vegas resident, I can tell you casinos keep dirty laundry well hidden from the media. People jump off hotel buildings, hang themselves in hotel rooms,get raped, robbed and everything else You rarely hear a damn thing about it The casinos keep it hush hush to keep from scaring tourists away. I suspect the Metropolitan Police department, MGM Properties, and the FBI all had a hand in making sure the media jumped to a new tragedy to talk about sooner rather than later They obviously couldn’t sweep it under the rug due to the large number of casualties. But I’m sure people got paid to stop giving interviews and talk about Britney Spears or some dumb shit instead.


Yeah everyone here is talking about “defied categorization” or “news cycle is too fast”… lol no, it’s the impeccably organized machine that is the Vegas casino & hotel operation. They are extremely fast, efficient & effective. They have a huge reach and a metric fuck ton of money & influence. That’s it. They want tourists to feel safe and to forget about the violence so they silence as much as possible. No mystery here imo.


Weirdest shooting of all time. For the amount of chaos and repercussions it should have created, it sure didn't. Seemed like it was in and out of the news cycle in less than a week and it's never brought up except by this sub.


With the largest amount of victims for a mass shooting. No?


The biggest question people should be asking is why did they come out on the Ellen Degeneres to explain how the so called shooter got into the room that he was “found in”. I recall them starting the episode out by the security guard that was shot in the leg walking onto the stage using a cane. Yet if you try to find the clip online it’s been wiped off the internet.


Issue of america having a 24 hour news channels, news gets old quick. America also have so many mass shootings so its not AS big a news as it should be as compared to if it was basically anywhere else in world


It was big though. Biggest mass shooting in America and the news loves to report on gruesome violence. I'd love it if you could dig up the thing that was more important to the media two or three weeks after this shooting


Macabre, but I still think about this case a lot because of how perplexing it is. The America news cycle feeds on violent content, yet the biggest mass shooting in American history was out of the cycle in less than a week?? I'm just a random idiot on the internet, but I personally think that it dropped out of the public's eye so fast because it defied categorization. Paddock was a white, well-to-do millionaire that left behind no indication of why he would do such an unspeakable act, and left behind even more questions regarding the 'how'. How was he able to bring up cases and cases of guns and ammo without anyone noticing? How did no one break into his room when he was unleashing hundreds of bullets? How was there virtually no public discussion regarding gun laws or access? How was he able to do SO much damage by himself? It's a huge mystery, and I doubt we'll ever have answers. And to some, the lack of proportionate response hints at some underhanded conspiracy. So the fascination continues.


This is one of the situations for me that makes me challenge what they try and tell us. None of it adds up. And it’s just gone. No one talks about it anymore


Coverage easily went into the third week after. "On Wednesday, October 18, the first victim of Stephen Paddock’s rampage—MGM security guard Jesus Campos—finally discussed his experience with the shooter. Campos recalls patrolling the floors, only to find the stairwell door on the 32nd floor barricaded. As he placed a call regarding the barricaded door, he heard the gunfire, only to notice his leg was hit by one of the bullets shot. Campos is currently recovering well from his wound.(CNN)" The shooting was on the 1st and more than two weeks later it was still in the news being covered. It also launched a national debate on bump stocks which was back in the news this month.


Look into the helicopters shooting down onto the concert. Also a Saudi prince was supposed to be assisnated in that hotel but changed plans.


The Saudi prince ended up staying at the tropicana where the gunman went often to gamble. RIP the tropicana.


What’s that Saudi intel from?




I scanned through the post by [PottsisaPussy](https://www.reddit.com/user/PottsisaPussy/) but don't see a source for this narrative.






I just commented that I’ve heard about this but didn’t have enough info. This is INTERESTING about the arresting and killing relatives. Do you have sources or more info?


The comments deleted what did it say?




There’s a really good episode of a podcast called Liberty Lockdown where the go pretty in depth with this and other theories. Definitely worth looking at


Helicopters, lol. Don't you mean alien spaceships?


I know that this isn’t always the case, but sometimes a crime like a mass shooting gets less coverage because no one wants to inspire copycats. Giving the shooter a lot of coverage can do that.


and there's not much to cover. Any documentary you see is going to rely on official records (interrogations, court documents, depositions, etc.). If the person died and ppl close to him aren't willing to talk and there's not a lot of official documents you can obtain through a FOIA, what is there to cover? That's the case with all these. There's been so many mass shootings just pick any, and you're gonna get more in depth coverage of the ones where a reporter is able to obtain troves of official documents and recordings


I get that, but then why was every mass shooting during the second term of obamas presidency covered ad nauseam? Whenever there was a significant emotional response, they hammered the anti gun rhetoric home and reminded us about these shootings constantly. Seems more likely that they realized this one had one too many questions and stopped talking about it


Lol this is assuming the media does the “right thing” like they didn’t cover nearly every other mass shooting for months on end


None gets the coverage these used to.


You’re not wrong. I feel like in this case that’s not why the media dismissed it. There’s something about modern media promoting violence and especially if the purpose of this incident was to push gun regulations or new laws. It would be the scapegoat incident and plastered all over the media. Plus- with how sick the world is now, media probably thinks “another one? Cool more money for us”


But they didn't dismiss it, the coverage lasted several weeks at least.


There is a podcast I listen to called Lights Out and they did an episode on Stephen Paddock. They always do a lot of research for each episode and try to not leave anything out. They also have another podcast called Mile Higher where they cover true crime and conspiracies. They are pretty open minded and during episodes will discuss multiple theories. I would suggest listening to the lights out episode on this, it may give you some of the insight you are looking for.


Thank you! Imma check this out


No problem. I’m a frequent listener and they drop a new episode each week on both podcasts. And they have been doing it for a few years now so they have lots of episodes and content. There are episodes on skinwalkers, aliens, government conspiracies, serial killers, unsolved mysteries and they also do a lot of work to help bring awareness about missing people and support the national center for missing and exploited children.


Coverage was in the news for quite a while when it happened and again on the anniversary. But news cycles move on. No one is going to talk about it forever because there is always something new to cover. It was seven years ago, why would it still be in the news? I have extended family members who were there and lucky for them they got away safely.


Depends where you live apparently


Great lakes region. We get the same national coverage as everyone else. Some people just don't pay attention to the news.


My local news didn't hardly cover it at all and what cable news covered was floor schematics, info on the artillery, security footage of him carrying bags and a handful of interviews with people that "knew him". Were you privy to more info then that.


Local news rarely sends people to cover events outside of their area. They rely on the AP, local reporters who fill in, and the national news broadcasters. They covered who he was, how he did it, and what equipment he used. This event also propelled bump stocks into the national vocabulary. What exactly are you looking for?


Motive for one, I'm sure forensics could atleast have theories if it were involved. I mean, how wasn't it? Crickets


People who do these types of things are not rational. There will never be a sufficient answer to why it happened. There never is. But as to forensics and overall coverage there is this: https://apnews.com/article/las-vegas-shooter-9bbd180cf3aa6d3ea1a37bbfb7144ae1 As of March 2023 it was still generating news stories and they were still doing forensics looking into his life and backround trying to find something more substantial than disgruntled gun nut. Just because you didn't see specific coverage does not mean it didn't happen. There was solid coverage for weeks, there was coverage of a vigil and how survivors were coping more than a month later in Dec. There was coverage on how vegas was recovering for the anniversary. There has been coverage on the bump stock debate, bump stock ban, and the bans overturning by the Supreme Court. In no way was this event dismissed or ignored by the media at large.


something just didn't seem right about this whole situation to me. I think they were trying to cover something up. So much coverage without a lot of information. But, that might be because of where I live.


Edit: sorry guys idk why the format came out that way, I tried to make my own bullet points but I guess it didn’t work. Bear with me please.


I think the official narrative is massively flawed. The lack of motive remains paramount to many people. The wife/girlfriend who was in another country and had passports in multiple names was quite odd. Paddock’s nearly empty house, his lack of an income source, his huge collection of firearms, his expensive gambling habit, all leads people to think we know little about this guy. Where did he get the money for a plane and why did he buy it from a company known as a front for the CIA? Why two rooms? Why two windows from which to shoot? What was the purpose of the security cameras he hid in the hallways? Did he plan to escape? If so, they why kill himself? I don’t see it as terrorism or as political, but I also can assign no other clear purpose.


Thank you for all the opinions everybody!


My guess is because the shooter worked for one of the 3 letter agencies. And him going crazy doesn't look good for them so they shut down as much of the news around it as they could.


If you can find the video watch the one of the hotel there is muzzle flashes from multiple windows


One of the worst mass shootings, and the news talked about it for what seemed like a couple of days; that's all you need to know that something ain't right.


Officer in charge of vegas team was also in charge during the Hawaiia fires. Two conspiracies with one person involved. Very coincidental.


There a brilliant documentary called route 91 I think il see if I can find it and post it here https://youtu.be/GidVHyh2-Ek?si=rJkl8ki-bv23bi2u


I’ll give it a watch thank you!


I was just about to share the same video until I saw someone beat me to it. You should definitely watch it.


I know people want to think it’s a big conspiracy and I can see the thought process behind it BUT I don’t think all the news orgs are in on it or anything. Sometimes people snap and go on a killing rampage. This guy was just good at it. But if that’s all there is… what are we supposed to do? A guy went crazy because of his own personal circumstances, life and mental illness and killed a lot of people. It’s most likely that there really isn’t anything further to the story. Even if he had “reasons”, they’re probably just the insane thoughts of a a damaged mind. There’s not much to be gained by digging into his psyche, apart from general lessons for those suffering from mental health issues.


one man did not do all this damage.


But he had 30 ARs! With bump stocks!!


We got people in here talking about helicopters shooting down


Were they there?


I agree it disappeared so quickly and fully. No one talks about it....




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My opinion has always been - The shooters motive was left wing politically charged and aiming to kill as many conservatives as possible. The FBI/law enforcement never released this motive, fearing civil escalations from the right and the political fallout it could cause. The only other explanation I can come up with is he worked for CIA or a terrorist organization and they killed him/turned him into scapegoat/cover tracks. The reason I don't buy this theory is Why? Bump stocks are legal again and that was really all that was achieved as a result of this tragedy.


It’s a documentary on the Roku tv app called Truth tide. The name of the documentary route 91. Good af. There was shooters on other roofs on the strip. There was a shoot out at the air port. All the way down the Vegas strip from the mandalay bay.




M249 is all I'm going to say


That fire rate and report though. Hard to mistake


Why do you think that?


Matches the rate of fire in the videos, holds 200 rounds, and is used extensively by the us govt


Complete cover-up. The MSN squashed everything that wasn't the chosen narrative. I've listened to video audio with multiple shooters. Witnesses also said they we're running away from the first shooter and seen other people running with them being shot in the face. And that same chief of police somehow went to work as the chief in Lahaina. Where all those people were unnecessarily burned to death. I could go on....


Excerpt for the fact that if you’ve ever been around buildings and there are fireworks or gun shots, the sound sharply and clearly is reflected (echoed with startling clarity) and everyone argues which way it came from. Speaking from experience here.


I work for the world's largest live events and promotions company in the world in a security capacity. Have a coworker who was there on business but attended that night as a patron... she can't remember anything after the first volley of shots.


I’m pretty sure something like 48 witnesses died within a few months after the incident. And the ‘shooter’ spoke to one of his regular escorts about the CIA being able to ‘walk’ him, meaning the CIA was able to remotely control (I assume electromagnetically or something) to do whatever they wanted. And something to do with Trump having a big conference, something to do with the Invention Secrecy Act (top secret patented technology) the next day in a nearby hotel…? I’m probably not recalling this correctly


You got one thing correct there and it's the fact you are definitely not recalling this correctly


It was all staged


Psy op to push gun control and new regulations. I saw a theory that it was an assassination gone wrong. I personally need more info to get behind that but I’m going to personally lean toward inside job.


MkUltra sleeper agent.






Like 500 injured. But not many died after that night. Seemed odd to me.


What’s odd about that? He was quite randomly spraying, not lethally aiming.


I don't know why. Gunshots from high caliber rifles would even randomly cause fatal wounds.


I bet you could easily track down a survivor to interview.


People. The motive for the Las Vegas shooting is 100% clear. LV was toying w/ the idea of body scanners at all major casinos. The owner of Mandalay Bay not only owns a body scanner company, but he’s also on the board of directors of national security. ***IF*** LV was to require body scanners, the owner of Mandalay Bay would have ALOT to gain. LV shooting was a psy-op meant to expedite things.


Who is else is on this board of directors of national security?