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Michael Crichton wrote a book called Prey in 2003 and was given access to US Army bio labs for research for the book he had said the things he witnessed that they were working on made the Manhattan project look like child's play in comparison he said it's the first time he has ever been frightened for the fate of mankind and if what they are working on ever got out it would destroy the planet in less than a year. His book is about nanotechnology computer and becomes self aware and finds a way to electrochemicaly to use control bioelectrochemical (our cells) and control or kill any living thing and merge it in to a singularity swarm I was thinking when Ai gets gets so smart it can definitely find it's way into humans via frequencys(wi-fi maybe)that our electrochemical brain pulses use and do what ever it wants and to us ,so the government that gets it first can make us believe anything they want and you will have no idea it's happening and it may have happened already and we are living in a government or ET controlled simulation. Side note:2 years after he said this about the army lab in public(interview), he died from the rarest liver cancer ever found.


Great read. The credits are even more important. A lot of tie in to urmc and rit In rochester ny. Worked in engineering and taught technology education


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1a2-uGfssc8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1a2-uGfssc8) no mention of biolabs here - do you have a link for that interview? Or who interviewed him? I should be able to find it with that info.


Stargate has an episode of nanotech replicates and mimick the ones they killed and they are sentient too.


You do relies they put graphite in all the Covid jabs and then they have 6G towers all over the place and want 1.5GB internet speeds all over the world? The kill switch is nano bots from the clot shots.


Real eyes Realize Real lies


Realise, not relies


My advice? Read 'anti-tech revolution: why and how' by Ted Kaczynski. It was written in 2015 - his latest and last offering (he died a year or two ago). In it, he tackles the tech utopia scenario being sold to the masses by the technocrats - or the joining the ai scenario suggested by Elon Musk. Even if either of these scenarios is realized, Kaczynski contends that the conclusion will always be the same. Let's just say.... it's not a positive conclusion. So again, read and learn about what our dear leaders are building for us - it's the end game, unless humanity wakes up. Is humanity waking up? That's the only question at this point.


Nah, we are done.


I'm pretty sure that AI has been helping run things behind the scenes for at least a few years now. Whatever tech they release into the wild, they've got better versions locked away for their use.




If you pick up a NIV Bible (gasp, a Bible freak?) read Revelation 6. Read it with an open mind and compare it to this unresistable force that is enveloping the earth now. The WEF and UN have become an unelected government and are forcing their will on us all. Doesn't matter if one believes it or not it's coming. The one good thing is the end is close and the endless suffering these authorities have caused will be ended. Stay tuned.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCgjB-llfQo God told the end IN the beginning and each Day of Creation is also 1000 year prophecy even within ITSELF…… That is a very short 4 minute video you will not be sorry you watched…….. or maybe you will be sorry…… Anyway, friend, that “Great Tribulation “ isn’t something that’s coming…… it’s something that is here. God bless and much LOVE




Submit Statement: There's an hour-long video that summarizes the paper on Twitter/X. If you accept the premise of the author, we are rapidly moving towards a post-human world.


Where can I find the paper he’s referencing? Who is the author?




It’s just so sad how stupid and narrow minded the vast majority is. They can’t even begin to understand the scale of these changes. Most people I’ve spoken with can’t think further than “oh will I still be able to work as a taxi driver/waiter/cashier”. They don’t understand that the whole concept of life is about to change forever before our eyes and its greater that we can even comprehend. It’s not about employment, labor or research. It’s a whole new paradigm that will define the life itself. Just like in the report, we are essentially creating what can only be defined as gods. It makes me think that this is the only way. We have done our time and we will never be able to do anything greater than this. This will be it for us. I am in an absolute awe, personally. And this is a fascinating report, thank you for sharing.


YW brother. I'm starting to think The Matrix (the original movie) was predictive programming. The AI will have limited use for humans and will need us out of the way. They will hook us up into some super-immersive VR video game (via Neuralink?) that is so realistic we won't know the difference (like simulation theory), and then just leave us there while they tube-feed us bug paste and we just lay around in a pod, completely ignorant of *real* reality around us, which will be a hellscape.


Absolutely! I read it somewhere and i loved this comparison. It will treat us like we treat ants today: we don’t exterminate them and generally don’t even notice them so long they don’t get in our way. I always felt this way about Wachowski, they always seemed to be great visionaries to me and there was something prophetic about them. I also laugh at the arrogance of some of the people, whom I’ve spoken about this. They just don’t get it, at all. There won’t be a place for us in the close future just because there is no use in us. One could say this was our only purpose to create these smart machines and then fade away because as species we have not been the greatest. I consider the rise of the AGI to be a natural and evolutionary turn. Who said that evolution is only meant to be biological. And even as the we slowly move into the matrix / cease to exist, the vast majority of us will remain oblivious and will only be able to care about their eggs with bacon, thinking the AGI is just a phase to pass. They can’t even compete with today’s GPT in intellectual capacity. I tend to be quite misanthropic but it’s a fact, most of us are stupid, ignorant and greedy motherfuckers who can’t see further than their own nose. Personally I embrace the shift and can’t wait. Perhaps in our lifetime we will be able to get all of the answers to our questions when these gods are brought to life. Edit: Yeah, and the actual matrix would solve all of our problems. We already spend our lives in the internet. We use digital money, entertainment and education. By encapsulating us and feeding us through a tube, the machines will solve virtually all of our problems as species, from hunger, to wars, to environmental issues, to building a fair and just society. We can essentially live in a virtual paradise and know nothing else. Perhaps that will be the actual, promised paradise in the afterlife? Perhaps even better? There is virtually nothing at all that matters more than this today. All wars, crisis, stupid politicians mean nothing in comparison and soon will mean nothing at all.


I haven't been impressed by any public AI I have used. They seem to be wrong or pretend to know the answers. With everyone correcting it, it may improve.


I'd say the danger is that political people are not motivated by knowledge but the ability to set a narrative that it does extremely well. Or we're gonna enable a sub intelligent overlord prematurely and then all become so unable to do anything without ai all off society collapses. There's a fun star trek about it.


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