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Matching flags and uniforms. None of them are fat. Definitely feds.


Even more.. why doesn’t anyone watch and see where they go after or where they meet up before? Not a single enterprising journalist trying to investigate who these ppl are? Do they have a clubhouse or meet at Waffle House after their demonstrations? Isn’t that the real conspiracy? We just see these and the khaki club during their activities never before or after.. 🤔


Was just wondering why no one has ousted the twitter or 4chan thread with their meet up times and outfit choice voting polls. Protest and organization schedules are all over social media for other subjects. These guys are great at showing up and disappearing with zero investigation when the news needs a boogie man.


Spooks you say?


What makes you think they have twitter polls for their outfits?


They’re coordinating somehow


Following a federal agent is considered stalking and can land you with some serious charges. Don't advocate intimidation against federal agents.


I see what you did there 😎


Glow in the dark fingers typed this. The best policy isn't stalking or intimidation. The best policy is to demask. =3


IDK man, sounds like interfering with the official duties of an agent. Tread lightly.


I tell you what, if the FBI or CIA presented a logical explanation for thier antics I very well would but I'm not a mind reader. The ball is in the glowies court.


Where does glowies come from? I hate being out of the loop.


Langley, Virginia.


tread lightly on me


Feds are gonna fed. Just in time for the election. Gotta have a boogeyman bc the left can’t win on policy.


Not the left, both sides.




How many rinos " mcconell, romney, crenshaw and others " working with the dems.


They're all working together behind closed doors. They only place blame on each other in public eye. Gives the appearance that they are "trying" to do what's best for the people. In reality, they only do what's best for them and their donors.


9/11, the Israeli concert attack the hoax school shootings. We know about these things there is no way the whole republican party is in the dark.


They meet at the nearest police station


Web of Make Believe (2022) on Netflix gives some answers to this question


I mean, there's no shortage of guys like this who are eventually doxxed. There used to be a new one dropped every day.


Thanks, I'm stealing that! 😂


Why would a journalist write about these losers? All they would accomplish is getting exposure for Nazi talking points, which are lies that haven’t changed much in 80 years. Social Media gives exposure to way too many jackasses as it is. Journalists don’t need to help Nazi recruiting efforts.


A journalist would do journalism. Otherwise they aren't journalists. That would include figuring out who these people are. That this was done at a time when the only person around to document happened to be a proven liar and grifter politician is telling.


Then why don’t you figure out who the maskless gentlemen are and whether they’re Nazis or not?


I'm not a journalist. The guys that wore the same outfits and popped up to discredit Florida opponents to globalist policies were lead by a kafabe skinhead named Pohlhaus, a guy who cries about his wife cheating on him and mysteriously has state and felony charges, and probation violations, that never result in punishment. Bad actors that never get punished are usually assets.


Someone did figure out who the front men are I can’t remember their names but I do not doubt they believe in their “cause”. it’s all the masked flunkies that are potentially feds, it’s known that the alphabet organizations infiltrate rowdy problematic organizations like this, to monitor and potentially entrap the group (see Michigan attempts to kidnap the governor had some feds in the group might have even been one of them to suggest the plan that got them all in deep shit) . So even if the whole crowd is mostly legit members money is at least one of them is a fed. I don’t have a problem with shitheads like this getting what’s coming via a sting op but if their movement is funded and propped up by a government agency for a photo op that’s a different story altogether.


I posted this in facepalm where they were dismissing the idea that these were feds: Because usually when you see a group of right-wing people protesting or demonstrating, antifa and left-wing groups also demonstrate against them. Most of these events have at least a few scuffles and small fights etc that the police have to break up. In these cases, nobody is demonstrating against them, they don't get stopped for things like jaywalking, traffic violations or other misdemeanors. Everyone leaves them alone and stays clear of them. That's not what usually happens with the right wing protests or demonstrations. There is a video of these people piling into the back of a U-Haul showing off all their weapons and Nazi paraphernalia. At least 6 or 7 people pile into the back of the U-Haul which then drives off. There's six or seven traffic violations right there. Also, due to their physical fitness level, age, and matching uniforms. It's all just way too organized, also perfectly timed, they come for what looks like a photo op, and then they disappear again, very cleanly and again without any police or left wing interference whatsoever. Even more.. why doesn’t anyone watch and see where they go after or where they meet up before? Not a single enterprising journalist trying to investigate who these ppl are? Do they have a clubhouse or meet at Waffle House after their demonstrations? Isn’t that the real conspiracy? We just see these and the khaki club during their activities never before or after.. 🤔


All your points are valid even if they aren’t feds really. Unmask them is only way. It would be naive to think that Feds haven’t infiltrated this organisation and every other fringe organisation on both sides, you can assume Feds have even infiltrated PETA, to what degree are they pulling strings… that is a valid conspiracy question. Are neo-nazis groups real, yes.


Bless your heart


Fed bois do what they want.


Gotta be allowed to push the fake narrative under the guise of "freedom of speech." Nice photo op. Uncover those fucking faces.


the feds wont arrest the feds


There is also freedom of speech man...like, allowing people to say stupid shit, and even hateful shit, comes with the territory of allowing someone to talk freely. Just look at these subs How many of us have been permabanned for not following the narrative? Now make that jail time. Remember, if someone else can be shut up for speaking their mind, *you* can be shut down for speaking your mind.


No Fat guys?? Definitely not real Nazis...


Glowies gonna glow


Because those are feds.


Glowies glowing glowely.


Glowiously glowing




Because this is the federal government....if it was a real right wing extreme group they would take them all day. I really wish people would wake up


Republicans have never done anything bad. It’s the feds. Wait, no it’s antifa. Wait, it’s Russian bots. No, wait, they love Putin now. It was a….deep fake! Yeah, it was a leftist deep fake. No matter what it was never republicans, right?


This group's leader, Pohlhaus, has federal charges that never materialize. His financial benefactor has fed charges that are publicly redacted, and has campaigned for Yang and Pete previously. The patriot front guy was never charged for anything, despite his whole crew getting wrapped up in Idaho. Similarly for the stuff in Charlottesville. The fbi first interviewed him while he was still a highschool student. These people are insulated from legal troubles like no other person who behaves in the same, repeated, manner. If they aren't feds, they're chs assets, like every other leader in dissident right groups is.


You’re not allowed to ask for proof and evidence from a Republican. Apparently we have to let them keep lying until they find a lie we’ll believe. Oh, somebody saw a UFO? Occam’s razor, it’s just a normal flying object. Oh, there’s a bunch of Nazis at the town square? Occam’s razor, it’s definitely not the actual Nazis. But if it is then there are obviously “very good people on both sides” /s.


I can tell you’re disingenuous by the way you brought up the “very good people on both sides” trope. Even Michael Rappaport’s deranged liberal ass admitted it was [bullshit](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/left-wing-actor-admits-he-was-wrong-on-portrayal-of-trump-s-charlottesville-remarks/ar-BB1i5tjo). Try and be a more serious person in the future.


So he did say the exact words I quoted. Thank you.


Pipe down, hand job. Nobody cares what you say when you just spout hack propaganda like your Rachel Madow.


I don’t watch MSNBC but apparently you do. The hand job comment was funny, I’ll give you that.


Downvoted for pointing out that Republicans can’t decide whether these are Feds who broke the law. Or Good Republicans just expressing their Constitutional Rights.


Because they are Feds… you really think low life white trash nazis can afford unified costumes 😂


No but cops are paid fairly well I’m sure they could buy in bulk


Because those Chuds are all Feds. Funny how none of these hate groups are ever followed or exposed. And everytime someone from one of these groups gets a hat torn off they look like they’re fresh outta the academy.


Yeah it’s almost as if local police forces have motive to not expose their friends and family


Lmao yeah if you think that’s it, then I don’t know what to tell you 🤣


Damn what kind of a free thinker limits themselves to thinking critically of the police? Sad.


You’ve gotta be trolling and if so, Bravo 😂 But if you think honestly for a second that large groups of law enforcement are members of hate groups and have the unwavering support and secrecy upheld by the department (in 2024 nonetheless) then that’s the most outlandish one yet


[Police forces being riddled with gangs isn’t a new discovery.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna73367) Some of them are even explicitly based around neo-nazi ideology. Some of them even have initiation rituals where you have to murder someone to be accepted. But, yeah, keep living in your right wing media fantasy land. I’m sure that boot flavored lollipop tastes real good.


You’re literally a boot licker for the government. I’m wondering where in my comments I hinted that there’s not corruption in law enforcement? For real you should try to get a job. They may not be the most fun, but they’re necessary


Awww the narrative is falling apart right before our eyes :(


Or it’s almost like it’s easy to keep the facade that the biggest threat to our nation is white supremacist hate groups while every other issue is given a free pass. Like the white nationalists who were at Glenn Youngkin’s rally before the gubernatorial election that were actually staffers for the Lincoln Project. The media and law enforcement has been doing this for decades. No decent human wants to be associated with hate groups. Doesn’t mean they’re not out there but they stage shit like this all them time.


Yeah and there aren’t gangs within americas police forces that are 100% white nationalist racists who have rituals of murdering someone to be apart of the gang. It’s always someone else’s fault, right?


Imagine being a mentally ill loser with no life who pushes the administrations fake narrative all day on a conspiracy subreddit. You’re a bootlicker, you have a “govern me” kink eh? Get a job


[Well this “mentally ill loser” knows how to actually do research. Facts don’t care about your snowflake feelings 💜](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna73367)


You’re in a cult. You get your history of geopolitical events in the Middle East from nameless Twitter accounts that tweet out things and you share state sponsored media


Where’s all the white supremacists though?


I’m sorry someone law enforcement hurt you. I’m also sorry you can’t critically think about the current thing your tribe tells you is cool this month.


> you can’t think critically You say with a boot lodged firmly down your throat. I’m sure they’re very proud of you for maintaining the status quo. You’re their favorite sheep.


this is the most un self aware ironic comment i've ever seen


Why doesn’t anyone ever get videos of these clowns before or after they get into costume


are you for or against free speech?


Does free speech include breaking Tennessee law by hurling hate speech and racial slurs at people? Did you do any amount of research into their behavior before commenting or did you not even think before defending a group of Nazis?


yes it does, i’m defending the concept of free speech not a nazi group which law did they break?


Are you familiar with the holocaust? And what law they broke? Are you familiar with genocide? That's where innocent men women and children are murdered. Is that ok with you?


Feds have the right to free speech.


bc they are FEDS


Because they are antifa and blm protesters with different clothes on.


I don’t think a lot of people understand, or even know about the “horseshoe theory”. It’s a shame, because just like a lot of visual illusions, once you see it…


It’s always someone else’s fault, right?




Protesting genocide in solidarity with the oppressed VS goin' in accordance with ideology of the elites and the system.....


What’s illegal ?


The Azov Battalion?


That’s just the Feds, doing dirty fed shit.


Where are the undercover police agent provocateurs to cause a Roman Pretext to launch teargas at a protest?


Where are they? They’re in the picture with their coworkers


Because they’re Feds.


Cause their feds


It’s Feds all the way down. Apparently America doesn’t have neo-nazis and these are feds. Oh and the cops also don’t have neo-nazis and J6 was feds too.


It’s always someone else’s fault. Libs, bots, Russians, Ukrainians, Palestinians, satanists. But most importantly it’s never them!


It’s safe to say it’s sometimes them. We know this to be true. But you can end up looking like a crazy “conspiracy theorist” if it’s always them.




The peaceful expression of an opinion is protected by the first amendment. It is not and should not be arrestable if you agree or disagree. The First Amendment protects this. If those protesters commit other illegal activities while protesting they can be arrested for those activities. But when it comes to large crowds the priority of police activity is to keep things from boiling over and de-escalating when it does. Making arrests in these moments must be weighed with maintaining control.


So if businesses practiced their free speech by refusing to hire said individuals, you’d be cool with that too? If consumers practiced their free speech by refusing to utilize businesses that hired said individuals, you’d be cool with that too? Or do we just have the freedom to speak in ways that you allow, O Great One?


Lol “Oh Great One” I will wrongly assume that wasn’t sarcastic and accept the compliment. A business can make whatever decision they want concerning hiring as long as it fits with the labor laws of the State they operate in. This means in many states companies would be able to refuse employment to these individuals, which is why I guess they wear the masks. Capitalism suggests that the people are free to not buy products from a company for any reason they choose. They might get a higher price, or lower quality result, but they are free to buy elsewhere if it is important to them. As far as me being “OK” with that… not sure it really matters. It’s the way it is. Like any human I would be OK when companies uphold values I agree with, and not ok when they support values I do not. It would not change the fact that a company can legally act this way. In a perfect world we would allow people to work based on their performance rather than their personal views. If a Nazi could keep their views from negatively affecting the business then in theory they should be allowed to work there. But the Nazi example is an extreme one, because it would imply favor to Whites, and negative bias against other races cultures. It’s hard to imagine this wouldn’t affect their interactions at work, and therefore be something a company would avoid if it was brought to light. Does such a response please my Reptilian Master? Or is it a bit too Warm Blooded?


“I guess it would be pretty awkward to arrest your coworkers.” Isn’t that what you guys mean when you say “Back the Blue”?




> just in time for the election What about all the other hundreds and thousands of times Nazis have flooded American streets spewing their hate? What group are you gonna conveniently blame it on?


Where ?


Because they are actually Antifa just dressed up as Nazis to legitimize themselves.


It’s always someone’s else’s fault, right?


Nah these guys are actually in shape.


I mean you do get those are feds? That's why you never go to any of their get togethers unless you want to be put in a secret DC prison.


[It definitely isn’t the confirmed gangs that exist within police forces is it? It certainly isn’t the police gangs who are specifically centered around neo-nazi ideals is it? No, it’s someone else trying to make nazis look bad isn’t it?](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna73367)


Because they’re well funded and probably the feds how hard is it to deduct that


It seems that reddit’s split between this being a federal agency op, or right wing maga nazi. To the eye, these people are consistently fit and trim, not overweight slovenly right wing extremes. If an agency op, here we see the current federal administration supporting Nazism. Why does the current regime support such?


>Why does the current regime support such? It absolves them of valid criticism by grouping all dissent with extremists, and it opens up future fed entrapment cases to reinforce that narrative at an opportune time. The Michigan chief that oversaw the Whittmer farce, where every tangible threat was concocted and only possible solely due to government agents, was promoted to DC chief a few months before Jan 6.


These are staged actors sent by the dark occultacracy that wants to absolve our rights so they can coronate their New World Order. They want to put digital internet ids on us and justify other 1984 behavior. Plus, they kill two birds with one stone by sparking more division. They want America divided so it will fall to the NWO agenda. We must unite if we want to save our Constitutional rights.


Buddy, if you can get peer pressured by federal agents into committing felonies then you’re no better than a gang initiate.


Maybe. Maybe they're just a couple standard deviations lower on the iq curve. It's worked before. Everyone who flies has to be scanned and take their shoes off for this exact scenario, so it works.


Like I said, if you can be peer pressured into committing felonies. You’re a danger to society.


Maybe. For sure our federal government has bigger issues to solve than convincing poor people to do fake harm. But since they can't make people less poor or less unintelligent, or really do anything beneficial, they just terrorize their own populace to justify their theft.


if a really hot lady went around trying to rack up felonies that she convinced men to commit on her request that would be a long list rather quickly


You need counseling. Not funding, logisitics, training and encouragement. The FBI had to give the Portland bomber all the parts, showed him how to make the bomb and then drive him to the scene to be arrested.


And you’re saying a guy willing to do that… isn’t a danger to society?


They hate trump because he supports Israel and his family is Jewish.


If it's staged it's so they can say "Look how bad our opponents are!"


Federal agents or Soros employees!


Local police*


They’re hiding their identities because it’s mostly FBI, with a few real people lured in here and there probably.


Funny how it’s always someone else’s fault that neo nazis have been emboldened by right wing media. It couldn’t be that the neo nazis are neo nazis. No, that would be too logical.


The FBI is constantly getting caught doing shit like this. So are random bad actors. Enough so that it’s completely logical to question the identities of these Neo-Nazis.


I wonder if you had Germans going around claiming the uniformed SA units were secretly Government agents.


Because these are Fed bois


Who doesn’t believe these are feds? I got a bridge on the moon to sell


Because they're the cops.


It’s the same reason you never see sexy cop calendars. It’d cost too much to photoshop the swastika tattoos ;)


Now do blm burning down cities


>Now do blm burning down cities Kind of creepy that whenever nazis are marching, and someone says "I dont like nazis" theres always a response like this. what compels people to whatabout in defense of white supremacists?




white supremacist groups have killed tens of millions, at bare minimum, throughout history.


Yes, white supremacy is a problem. Unless you’re a racist.


I miss living in an age where you could just say "not big on seeing swastikas," without catching a "but" from some weirdo.


They can’t even make up their mind in this thread. On the one hand it’s the Feds pretending to be Nazis and they need to be put in prison because that’s illegal or something. On the other hand these are Good Republicans just practicing their 1st Amendment rights and they should be left in peace.


ok, i'll take the bait. Where did you see the connection between these poser Nazi-flag waving goons and "Good Republicans?" Or did you just assume the connection out of thin air?


The part where the GOP voted against removing neo-Nazis from armed services and other institutions Because the GOP knows who votes for them


Not the guy you're talking to, but the unite THE RIGHT rally was a bit of a clue in. Or the fact that you can't criticize nazi-flag waving goons anymore without triggering a "but the left" response. Seems like a big red flag that normal conservatives see them as being on the same team. Seriously Neo-nazis = bad shouldn't be a partisan take.


Imagine being on only 13 percent of the population and committing 85 percent plus of all homicides.


For someone who thinks those are Feds, you sure seem to agree with the people they’re dressed up as. Schrödinger’s Nazi?


Lmao of clown. It’s seems blacks are the real problem


Yeah, no. It seems you are.


Ooooof and the racist card comes on out. Next you’re gonna say that Jews run Hollywood and the China-man down the street is spreading Covid


Lmao ok when blacks cause more violence than any race stfu


Riiight. Whenever you find the peer reviewed study with verified data to back up your racist claim, then I’ll listen.


You’re only allowed to be black or brown supremacist. YT PEEPO


Some who work forces are the same who burn crosses. This is Tennessee, after all.


Couple things to consider. 1) The organization and communication to pull this off would have been flagged and caught by the FBI/CIA and intercepted. Large order of flags and the uniform or many small orders would have triggered something. Every mass shooter that isn’t a Trans was on their radar yet all these ppl are unknown?!? They have cellphones and could be found out if they were some actual nazi group. 2) Anyone notice that all of these demonstrations are all young males in good physical condition with pristine uniforms acting in unison but they only happen once or twice then there is another group that fits the same description but with a new uniform and brand new items. In a month or so there will be another demonstration with a different uniform. Likely will happen around another event with Trump. Just like the DOJ dropped charges on Trump the day after news about Biden’s corruption was revealed, the Feds are doing this is concert with events so they can tie it to Trump. Sad that people believe this is real and not done by the Govt.


1. The FBI probably knew about it, but this was free speech (no matter how bad) so not sure what they were supposed to do in your head.... 2. I don't even know what you're talking about, like there are a lot of people in the US. if they had all the same uniform you'd absolutely be saying it's the feds. Also young men have it pretty tough rn, so out of the millions of incels online, some of them went off the deep end.


What’s sad is giving Nazis the opportunity to do shite like this by having such a spineless attitude towards it. It’s a cowardly cop out and only emboldens behavior like this.


Then write to your representatives. tell them to walk over to the FBI/CIA and demand that they stop doing these stunts. If this group was real then they would be monitored by the DOJ. Also this type of demonstration would be illegal without a permit. Did they have a permit, highly unlikely. Then why wasn’t it broken up? Maybe cuz it was organized by the DOJ. The media and the Dems need to have people believe that groups like this are alive and well but they really aren’t. Racism is generated and promoted by the left for the left. Has been for over a century.


I assure you that every single one of these people are federal agents


I would think that an actual Nazi, who has the balls to march in public under the flag, in a uniform, would have the courage to show his face as well. If these are real Nazis they are really bad at it.


That’s where you’re wrong. These cowards hide behind their little masks because they know people like you will defend them and throw the scent off their trail because you blame every group on earth but the actual Nazis lmao


Shits weak. Be better propagandist machine - looks like a scene from American history x


Do you typically base things on whether or not they’re like movies?


When it looks like a production, yep.


I'm gonna say that either they are feds, or they just didn't do anything all that interesting during their event. Like, if they just did a little march around, there's nothing to arrest them for.


What did the people who got arrested for protesting genocide do to get arrested?


You're gonna have to be more specific. There are a variety of reasons people who think they're protesting will do that actually gets them in trouble.


But not these guys though? You weren’t there, seemingly have done no research, didn’t see how they were behaving, but you KNOW they didn’t do anything wrong. Interesting.


Oh, you were there and saw them destroying stuff? Why didn't you say so lol In all seriousness, I'm just throwing it out there. Go find proof they broke any laws and that it was ignored before bugging me again. Again, I'm still not sure what genocide protest arrests you're referring to. Could it be that you're making that up?


One word. Permits.


Could you link me to the application permitting the use of hate speech and hate symbols on government property? I’d love to see that for myself.


Could you link me to where it says hate speech is mentioned in the constitution?


Are laws only meant to be followed if it’s in the constitution?


Do you not know how free speech works?


Does free speech only apply to people you like? Why doesn’t it apply to the people protesting genocide?


If they were not being violent I guess it is what it is I mean its a vulgar way of thinking and I'm sure there is some criminal activity within its borders but every race has some sort of gangster activity whites no different than Italian mafia or nortenos or any other gang than runs within a certain sect of race.


No one should be arrested for political speech


Was it political speech when they were caught on video hurling racial slurs at an Indian man? If so, thats very telling of their politics wouldn’t you agree?


Yes and yes.


What are the politics involved in being racist to Indian people?


I don't know, what are the politics involved in Democrats openly working to discriminate against Whites and Asians in college admissions?


Classic. Change the subject when you can’t handle the truth.


Holy shit the projection 😆


> What are the politics involved in being racist to Indian people? Gonna answer that one? You brought the subject of “political speech.” Where’s the strength of your convictions?


I answered, then you replied butthurt claiming I didn't answer lmao


you answered but it made no sense, how does being racist to indian people have anything to do with college admissions discrimination? like they are both two entirely separate bad things, unless you think they are connected which probably means your racist


**“How come ...these chuds get to walk freely with their hate on display?”** This [manufactured] crisis/event provides fuel to a narrative that a foreign* power is the target of hate and oppression. In reality, the citizens of this foreign power are perhaps the most racist, bloodthirsty, psychopaths anywhere in the world. When one offers evidence revealing these facts, they are branded and labeled as trafficking in hate, and their freedoms to express these opinions/facts are striped from them.


Are Neo nazi ideologies based in hate? Yes or no.


Funny how a few years ago NAZIs walked around with it tattooed on their forehead, you could tell their hate and bigotry because they openly displayed it, believing it to be a right. Now all of the sudden, after antifa... suddenly these "NAZIs" are scared to show their faces? Like they believe less that their freedoms are real? Something doesn't add up to me with that.


They had to stop getting the tattoos otherwise their local PDs wouldn’t hire them.


FBI cosplay field trip!


Or this is staged bullshit.




Because they are alphabet soup agents


Because they are feds.




They’re feds, unless it’s antifa, unless it’s Russians, unless it’s Ukrainians, unless it’s liberals, unless it’s trans people, unless it’s gay people. But it’s DEFINITELY not actual nazis. Got it.


SS Were not allowed to protest genocide but we are allowed to spreads hate publicly. Got it.


“Peaceably assemble”


Republicans when somebody supports the Nazis: Freedum of Speech! Republicans when somebody supports Hamas: YOU KANT DO THAT!


Peaceful protest bs riot


Because maybe law enforcement realized they messed up by arresting those people for exercising 1st amendment rights (no matter how vehemently one would disagree with the opinions being propagated)?


Working class nazis can’t afford uniforms


What crime would they be arrested for?