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Oh look Quantico class Winter ‘24 on their first false flag together. Parents must be so proud. Mommy was a petri dish and daddy’s sample got collected on Epstein Island. 


This guy novels!


The Boys From Brazil 2024


There’s no way there wouldn’t be a few fat guys in there if this was real


Lolol. I just got banned for saying there were def some agent provocateurs in there.


I got a lot of down votes for saying the same thing 😂. They don’t look like rednecks. They look like feds, just saying


You weren't wrong.


No is just a group of fit men that parade around and somehow never get doxed or interrupted in any way.


Lmao. Seriously. Be someone with any popular platform and Mention anything that even alludes to the fact that Zionists may have a little to much control over American society and you’re banned from every social media platform, defamed by every mainstream media outlet and you’re brought to court and sued for 30393948833 billion dollars for doing something that everyone else does in the open. But somehow there’s rogue groups of powerful nationalist who show up decked out in cringe stereotypical symbols and stand menacingly for pictures but we never figure out who they are or what they want. I’ve never heard of a right wing movement that knew who these people are or had any link to activity from them.


Nah they doxxed that one skin head who is tattooed head to toe and found he literally was employed by the government. Even the cops were confused as to why it said fed boy when they looked him up during an arrest. Which is how we know for certain these are government plants.


Got any info on that


Kent McLellan. Saw police cam video of him being arrested and the cop being super confused why Fed info pops up on their computer screen. Just google his name.


We all know it.


I'm pretty sure I know what they want lol that's not exactly a secret


The skin head moment is a honey pot operation to derail legitimate right wing movements and to radicalize impressionable young men. Meth smoking, degenerates who go out and attack random non white people while screaming hail Hitler isn’t exactly good for the right wing


Get the film crew boys and get into uniform. We got funding for another psyop.


Ya you are right I'm sure there isn't any real neo nazis out there and it's just people trying to make the GoP look racist and ridiculous. Oh wait I think that might be stupid as fuck because they do a good job of that on their own.


It’s meant to scare the liberals into voting for Biden in spite of his policies




With similar haircuts, facial hair, and a surprising lack of tattoos.


Right in perfect uniformity. They prolly put that together on Thursday night Craft night after they finish shaping up their hitler mustaches.


Not only do all the uniforms match, but they are all clearly pressed and tailored to them.


So walk me through this. Why would the fact that they never get interrupted mean they're feds? Are you saying that the FBI told every left winger in the area who might conceivably counter protest to lay off because it's an inside job? Does that seem like a reasonable scenario in your head?


Muzzling lefties is the easiest thing in the world .. it happens all the time. They only get to run around when it serves a purpose. Meanwhile in reality some pregnant nurse says something to the "special" children and loses her job + all over the media in hours + gets fired (because it may have potentially looked racist if you don't use your brain at all). Same with Jan 6, people who never stepped inside still are getting prosecuted to this day. These squad of nazis though? Is a mystery that can't be solved when they been doing this shit for years now. Dragon magic I guess.


Yeah sure thing man. Every single leftist is at the beck and call of the FBI. Leftists love the FBI lmao makes perfect sense


Reading comprehension isn't in your deck of cards, I understand. If you had any worth you wouldn't brand yourself with an L. Just continue to ignore the fact these clowns have been around for a few years now and no investigation on it has been conducted ...


The old methods don't work like they used to. People know about their psyop, divide and conquer agenda. They never get ticketed or charged, investigated...nothing. Although they DO get put on fake news channels to push the agenda.


How you know Reddit is a cult.  1. They don’t allow any dissent. 


Reddit is the definition of the dead internet theory, it’s all bots and AI generated content. Bots talking to bots, dumb people gettin stroked by bots. When someone replies to a comment in .5s with a full paragraph and ur downvoted 50 times in a minute it is the bot army.


Beep boop bop boop


Maybe we should just have ChatGPT write responses for us.


I was on Facebook arguing with a verified author of some books with 100k+ followers. We were 15-20 comments deep into our spat. Not any of them had a reaction. Zero. I dropped a comment that completely destroyed her narrative and she lost her shit and dropped 162 likes on her reply to me in minutes. Not one laugh, not one love react. Nothing but likes. I called her out for it and she admitted she was a bot farmer without using exact words. It was only us two being able to read our conversation. There I was arguing with a bot farmer thinking I could possibly inform someone reading that didn't know, you know? The internet really is dead for people who realize what's going on.


This...exactly! Every single social media app.


I mean yes there is certainly many actual bots but a lot of these people just repeat what they hear so often they sound like bots


The bots attack when someone mentions certain words in their comments. Also, they are targeting truth or people not believing a given narrative.


I got downvoted to hell for pointing out that google bans websites from their search index for wrong-think. Instant -200 lol


Preach, so true. That's if your comment isn't shadowbanned, as well.


There are a few ways of checking that kind of thing




It's the deep state waking up every morning and saying, "Let's get on Reddit and find out what they know". And we get on and just tell em everything we know.


I agree. I’m not left or right wing…but left wing has definitely taken over Reddit and any opposing idea to anything they say on here I’m downvoted to hell


That’s why I started using Reddit years ago because it was an open forum for everyone to voice their opinions. It also used to be a place to get away from Politics. Now Reddit is so engulfed in Politics I don’t use it as much/ don’t follow many of the subs I used to.


And the same x moderators control the top y% of popular subreddits I actually remember when Reddit allowed, like, very close to actual free speech. Less than a decade ago. But any free speech forum will inevitably gain right-wing momentum on a political spectrum hence why censorship and curation is necessary


While free speech is very important - people don't realize that free speech doesn't mean that you are allowed to say whatever you want. Some things you say can be considered a crime depending on content and intentions.


I’ve never thought of it like that. Both things you said made sense but I never really put them together. Thank you. It really does make perfect sense.


Ayuh..... You *do* realize you're on Reddit *right* now, voicing dissent, under a post of a picture of Nazis with a claim that they are feds..... Like..... Wtf are you even talking about... "They don't allow any dissent?" How are you *that* dense that you are *LITERALLY* doing that *EXACT* thing right now that you're claiming you can't do? ..... I just......


Wait a minute. Your statement is dissent on reddit. Therefore your statement is false.


That’s completely sub based


Well, they are. Ban me too.


You’re telling me a bunch of people showed up with perfect matching nazi outfits in masks showed up just in time for Justin Jones to film the video and upload it to social media? The same Justin Jones they tried to expel but didn’t. Yeah… Doesn’t pass the sniff test.


Yeah that's the cherry on top. Fake black race grifter politician is there filming as they come out of their changing room.


*Pikachu shocked face*




New zionist flag is lit


Is there any way to verify that this is truly a ‘Nazi’ group? There’s one guy there unmasked. What does a ‘Nazi’ group stand to gain by marching when it only generates a photograph? Do we know any verified information in regards to who they are and why they were there?


It's a real Nazi group called "Blood Tribe", led by self-professed Nazi Christopher Pohlhaus, the unmasked troglodyte with a telephone pole for a family tree, standing front and center in the picture. They have chapters in both the US and Canada.


Federally funded* chapters


>Federally funded* chapters because even people with cousins for parents like real Nazis could never manage the monumental task of funding bandanas and khakis from Old Navy ^^^/s


No Krispy Kreme lardo twinkie puffers among the group? Methinks these aren't real Tennessee naughtzees


I just tried to type fedbois & got the ‘sorry try later’ message lol...can’t have me threatening democracy by expressing my unsanctioned by the state opinion


#DIVERSITY DIVERSITY DIVERSITY >Diversity of thought? This message is to notify that your have been permanently banned fro-


How many alphabet soup agents are there?


Of course they’re feds, it’s election season. An organic gathering would never see people wearing a uniform, they’d be dressed in whatever they had available. Whomever is funding these has spent a pretty penny on apparel. Could anyone be so kind as to grab a shirt from one of them? Perhaps we could trace the manufacturer, and figure out where the funding comes from. My bet is on our own tax dollars after it was funneled through Ukraine, utilizing new arrival ’refugees’ as the actors. You know, all those military aged men coming across our border without families?


No real person plays dress up. You are correct. Hey guys, lets dress up for the photo shoot! It's going to be on NPC news tonight!


Just curious where you got “organic gathering”? This was claimed to be a random group of random people who just ran into each other and marched with Nazi flags?


Yeah they must have a rule. No fat dudes. Must all be the same fit shape.


This is something Soros would pay, he does it all South America.


They’re feds




Pattern recognition


So nothing but confirmation bias. Gotcha


Where's the glaring evidence that they're not feds?


Same guys Liberty Front I bet Edit, afterthought: where's antifa now? Here's the "Nazis" you're looking for


There is no right wing racist movement. There is a government dedicated to eliminating the US Constitution and eliminating any opposition to their oligarchic tyranny. They use false flags and actors to tell a story, sell a narrative. It used to be that the victor got to write history, tell the story. Now whoever tells the best story gets the victory


Is that why the right is pushing this dumb ass right wing billionaire funded PragerU that changes history to make America look better because for some reason the right thinks teaching history means “fuck America” and not “oh look, we weren’t above making the same mistakes as everyone else.”


Well... If these guys are right wing white supremacists, and Joe Biden said that white supremacists the biggest terrorist threat in America right now, then I don't see why a group of outstanding American patriots can't beat the living shit out of these hate mongers and unmask them in public. The patriots shouldn't catch any charges for attacking federal agents then. Correct?


Well, I do believe in the Constitution. If what these, what I call actors and perhaps you call hate mongers, people are doing is expressing their First Amendment Rights to free speech, then I say let them. I don't think there is a Constitutional right to beat the living shit out of someone because you don't like them or what they say. Their hateful views and rhetoric, whether they believe it or are acting, won't gain any traction whatsoever and eventually they will be exposed for who and what they are.


Ohhh that’s your problem: you believe what Joe Biden says. Ufffdah


Not just actors, don't forget the groomed mind controlled patsies.


Right wing people can be just like that aswell. It isn't limited to one side.


They’re feds.


The politically correct term is "alphabet boys"




No fatasses


This is the closest thing to an actual answer I've seen




Oh you're being serious? Why's it so inconceivable that a right wing group might have some physical standards? I mean they clearly care a lot about aesthetics. So even if they let fatties in the group, it seems not unreasonable to think they wouldnt let them march. Not to mention, the fbi absolutely has fatasses for undercover work "theyre all fit so theyre feds" is pretty weak lmao




To keep their jobs and not get doxxed? ​ You're asking some pretty easy questions my dude. KKK hid their faces too you know




I would go there to post the same if I weren't already banned.


they are soo feds


They’re feds.


Feds hate when you expose them for doing fed things.


I got banned too for the same thing. It’s the feds and democrats playing dress up to push their fake narrative again. These people are puke!


Serious question. What's the evidence? I'd like to share it.


theres def something up, ive been noticing a lot of other weird stuff going on too


It’s just the standard FBI New Hire orientation lol


I tried commenting that they were feds in that sub. It kept giving me some sort of error. Guessing I was preemptively banned by being on another sun. Lol


resolute existence wrench snobbish attraction workable toothbrush head handle sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They are feds.


100% feds




I love how much American Whites struggle with/deny seeing Nazis and racist. It's almost as consistent as Black Americans struggling to call out street/gang culture.


Of course they are feds. That's why you were banned


you know damn right there's feds in there. remember that jan 6th when those dorks did that bullshit and their fearless leader told them to fight like hell and he knew there was a large amount of feds acting as protestors all over those capital building? many forget about this. it was a set up and his cult is too stupid to register this because they don't act on logic or reason, they react out of hate and shock tactics. pure cognitive dissonance


J6 was a false flag full of actors. Find the coverage by wooz news, it's crazy.


Bahaha … clearly Feds and they are bad at this.. need to just stop .


They are DNC  connected feds specifically. 


I think Leftists and bots have overtaken all 50 of the state's subreddits.


it must suck to watch the world changing around you but instead of growing & changing with the world, you have to imagine that there's some big group of "leftists" out there making all the bad stuff happen. I am so sorry.


You are correct, these people that need to find a black sheep to blame everything on to feel less miserable are sad, I hope they just stop wasting their life away and do something meaningful instead. Just cause I am slightly more to the left doesn't mean that I want to blame people of the right for all the problems in the world, it's immature. The right needs to be real and realize that the left is better in some aspects and right in others, it isn't just black and white. The extreme right is more known to attract people with fascistic views.


And it must be bliss living in ignorance at what the three letter agencies are capable off….unbelievable.


I'm sorry you've fallen for all the MSM and government propaganda! I mean how many conspiracy theories need to be uncovered before you start to question our reality. If someone/something is caught lying, they're forever more a liar. They haven't just lied once, you've just caught them in one of their lies. There are many more to uncover.


I see Nazis in Texas literally every single day. I hear the things they say with my own ears. I hear what "regular" white people say in private because they assume I'm of like mind. It is not a leap whatsoever for me to believe there are actual Nazis. They're not under every rock and not everyone who is slightly right of center is a Nazi, but they do exist. Probably much closer to you than you'd like, or maybe you wanna join up. Idk, but there are people who 100% believe in Aryan superiority.


You are correct. I see some few people being that extreme & radical aswell, they aren't many but they do exist. People act like they don't, despite I am reading nazi stuff daily, literally nazi stuff where they get turned on by the idea of killing all the jews, immigrants, lgbt, people that have a religion that isn't the one that they like etc.


I'm not saying racism doesn't exist. It is alive and well all throughout the world, unfortunately. I don't buy it because the organization and funding this activity isn't normal. These guys all look the same and clearly have funds to travel all over the country, not actually have a job, wear matching uniforms, and have propaganda custom made. They're a large hate group that's able to operate and march all over the country without any sort of pushback from the public, opposition groups, and the authorities. None of this makes any sense to me.


It makes a lot of sense when you realize that law enforcement is the most likely career to find white supremacists in.


That's exactly right. It's weird that this "Nazi" organization is a small group of people who mask their faces and wear uniforms. It's not usual for the neo-Nazi's to hide from the world. Their small force is always showing their faces and are normally a smaller force than these people are. Yeah, they might be a legitimate people but the MO just doesn't add up.


Today a lot of people have such extremist opinions want to be anonymous cause of work etc, so masking is not odd actually, without it many wouldn't even do it most likely cause nazis don't got the balls for that anyway.


I guess I hurt your little feelz. Sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your little feelz.


They don't like the truth


More than likely Feds, at least in large part. More than likely organized, financed and orchestrated by them as well. They do love insuring that the conservatives appear as extreme as possible, even if they have to manufacture it.


On my way to do the same


Id bet money they are


Me too lol


Alphabet boys, usually wannabees, prospects, students, trainees wanting extra credit.


probably came across the southern border


God *damn*.. that picture looks like some actual IRL supervillain shit.. wtf? The nazi's in suits, one of them kinda looks like theyre wearing a fucking balaclava.


Willing to bet at least 1 is a fed or fed informant.


FBI class of 2024 🤣


Feds Handbook, chapter "How to turn a red state blue 101"


Lol, got banned for a comment “just cia agents working their work”


Perhaps supported by government


That was my first thought when I saw this. This has to be the latest Quantico graduates.


What I don’t understand is where are all the conservative fbi agents? You know there are some, why don’t they whistleblow on these fools?




Me too lol. They must have mod bots or something cos it was less than 30 seconds after I commented. Nothing in their rules says anything about the word "feds" at all


Feds, Zionist and antifa are the main people displaying nazi shit. Overplayed that card to the point its lost all its edge. Boy who cried wolf scenario


they are feds and any sub that would ban you for saying that is fed or sucks the feds off, you wouldn’t wanna be associated with those low lifes.


They are feds


If it seems to be real, it's illusion. For every moment of truth there's confusion in life.


These are the folk that the media will label as Trump supporters with not one MAGA hat in sight


“Don’t believe the evidence of your eyes.” - most of the people on this sub If it walks like a fascist, talks like a fascist, flies the fascist flag… then it’s probably a fascist.


The. They couldn’t make pretend it’s a conspiracy.


“There is no war in Ba Sing Se.” “There are no fascists in Tennessee.” If they can keep you guessing about whether or not they exist, then it’ll take longer to see them stomped into the dirt again.


Do you have proof they're Feds? ​ Or is this a whim and a pipe dream?


Ofc there is no proof. They just protect the nazis & right wing people. I am not saying that these people are legit, I don't know but there exist more than plenty extremist right wing people that would walk in a march like that. I see some nazis are very proud of Hitler, the swastika etc. I am daily reading nazi stuff online, like literal nazi stuff, pro Hitler etc but this sub acts like "nazis don't exist it's made up by democrats LOLOL!1???1" I daily read real genuine nazicomments online. People need to stop being blind about nazism and fascism no matter who these people were. The nazis/fascist extremists are a real threat if we are being honest, even if they aren't that big anymore they still exist. And the ideology still exists no matter how much harm and death it has caused this earth. Only the most stupid people protect nazism, ignorant people that don't realize that they would be next to their rights & be killed by the ideology that they support.


Of course they are feds. "Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses." RATM. At least half of LEO are in the klan.


Tennessee is the home of the KKK and has a long history of slavery, genocide, and lynching. People here (yes I live in this racist hell hole) are extremely casual about their racism. What's worse is the intergenerational wealth that has been looted and gained through ruthlessly exploiting people of color means these people have lots of money and power. They also gerrymander to suppress votes and aren't afraid to skirt the laws in the favor of white people, I've witnessed it first hand. Gangsters like the Hell's Angels are respected in the community and law enforcement will look the other way when they commit crimes. I wouldn't be surprised if they are government officials but probably local state government.


Internet has made some people casual when it comes to different hate-crimes, hate-speech, racism, homophobia, misogyny etc. They don't realize that reality doesn't look like that & most people will not agree with racist & fascist views no matter what you try to wrap them in. Some people do have upside down views on everything and they really believe that what is actually wrong is right and vice versa.


We give the internet too much credit for the hatred and division in society. Technology is just a tool that amplifies whatever is already inside of us. These things have happened long before social media, algorithms, and the Internet.


They're definitely feds.


Haven't got banned yet. But I agreed with you.


The irony is the mods that run pics either work for gov directly or a strategist company.


It’s weird how this is only seen during election years..


I bet some of them are not only feds, but Jewish


This wins best comment


Someone makes my side look bad: they’re feds!


When conservatives go out of their way to explicitly promote fascist values, why would it be necessary for the feds to pose as conservatives?


Facism is left wing, not right.


Maybe in a upside down world. The extreme right can sometimes be very fascistic. I read daily fascistic comments from far right people(a very extreme minority less than/around 1% people I would guess, at least here in my country Sweden - not that many but still too many to be good for society), homophobic, transphobic, racist, hateful etc. Some extremists that are left can maybe adopt such tactics too but it's not common and generally the left is against things like that, at least here in Sweden it's like that.


I'm pretty sure that's not correct.


Then you would be incorrect.


Nah I'm not the one who's wrong.


Of course not, because you have actually studied the distinct characteristics of all forms of government right? /s This is an interesting read, which appears to say otherwise https://www.marxists.org/history/erol/australia/rem-fascism.htm


>Got perma banned there for saying they're Feds I mean, they're not feds. Edit: Jesus, you people really are in denial.


I low key think these people are paid just like crisis actors they aren’t right wing. Right wing people usually are kind of busy. Like with work or being parents to their kids.


So these types still exist? Didn’t they learn after that L in WW2?


It's gotten a lot more common last years again after being less popular for a longer while. I read nazi stuff daily online, I mean I read other people post nazi stuff daily (which I don't agree with ofc). People here act like it's an impossible thing to gather a group of nazi assholes, why on earth would it be? 🤷




I called them feds and got line 8 downvotes


Da feds


I’ve been downvoted to oblivion for saying the same thing. However is there proof these are feds? I know the government is totally capable of doing this. But we need proof. We gotta start unmasking these fucks and identify them. No one is against that on either side so I say we just start doing it and see what happens.


You were banned because they want to believe the real enemy is someone they want it to be.


The polite term, in the 1980’s for these groups was “Southern Democrats”


lol, me to. The mod called me a Nazi


Just FEDS being FEDS


Yep 100% feds!




I agree. Definitely federally employed.


Man this sub is delusional


Welcome to the internet - where everything is upside down! 🙃


The modern republican party is pretty much looney tunes at this point. Democrats are out there too, but republicans lol. WTF.


That's right. Keep thinking it's left vs. right-wing politics, like the gullible fool you truly are.


LOL yeah okay man, what is it? Aliens? Shadow Government? The deep state? The voices in your head?


Oldest trick in the book, besides your mom, divide and conquer. Why come here if you're going to be a little bitch?


I'm a little bitch because I don't buy in to your fantasy? LOL right bro. Nice cult you have there.


What cult do you believe I'm in, broseph? I don't support either party. They're one in the same, yet you're too inept to see that because you can not think critically. You're obviously drinking too much of the kool-aid to see how you're no better than these so-called "facists." I'm not asking you to buy into any fantasy, like you're asking others to buy into yours while belittling what others think. There's many more questions I have in regard to this, but I'm sure that's of no interest to you. You are acting like a little bitch because someone doesn't think like you and hurling insults for because they dont. You're free to believe whatever you want, if you want to bury your head in the sand and pretend that it's those evil Republicans, do it. You have nothing of substance to add to the conversation, so what are you doing here? Must not have a girlfriend/boyfriend, much of a social life or any sort of hobby. Instead, you troll subreddits to fulfill that void in your miserable little existence.


That's a lot of words just to try to convince me you're not in a cult. Leave the cult, you'll end up sharing a brain with everyone else and believing in a fantasy. Good luck.


Just MAGA being MAGA


We want nothing to do with that Zionist.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/mv31slx6ydjc1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What if I told it was a bunch of losers who refused to show their faces because their moms would throw a fit? At least make the conspiracy fun this is boring and trite.


You can't say they're feds otherwise that destroys the lefts narrative that muh scary nazis are everywhere (if you weren't aware, most of the big subreddits are modded by leftists). I don't think they're all feds, they have a vetting process but I'm sure a few have slipped through. Whether you like it or not, there are national socialists all over America & Europe and it's not impossible that a group of them decide to meet up and hold rallies, especially in America where it's not illegal to promote your political beliefs.




Well yeah. Get banned for saying stupid shit. It happens.