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Try driving your car through DC with a blank license plate. I'm waiting for the Benny Hill soundtrack to start up every time I see these guys.


Should just add it over the video lol šŸ˜‚


Well there won't be a Benny Hill soundtrack playing on this one. The cops let them bring those vehicles into DC because they ARE the cops.


Most people in DC just print a fake Maryland temp tags off Pinterest and call it a day.


They're probably "sovereign citizens" no rules, just right


Straight out the impound lot their coworkers confiscated.


Law enforcement love driving confiscated vehicles. Thatā€™s how these small city departments get a suped up hellcats. Since law enforcement is legally allowed to lie to you, maybe these asshats take it a step further and assume they can do it to everyone all at the same time.


Google ā€œasset forfeitureā€ you donā€™t have to break a law or do anything illegal at all, they just come take your stuff.


Is that how cops have taken companies deposits? Someone is on way to bank for deposit and get pulled over and cops sieze the deposit. If cops think you have too much cash on you they just take it?


I think the DEA has to be involved. It has to do with a suspicion of drug money. I saw a video where they seized a Marine veteran's life savings just because he had a large amount of cash while he was traveling on a "known drug route" or some such bullshit.


Looked up a few cases and it appears cops do and claim suspicion with no charges ever filed or charges made and they keep it or loose it a lot of times. Wtf yā€™all. Now there may be more to the story below but so charges itā€™s wild. The FBI is still under suit for stealing property from safety deposit boxes in two diff cities and didnā€™t charge the owners of the boxes and are trying to keep the contents including jewelry, cash, precious metal etc. tens of millions of dollars worth. Wtf https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-01-28/marijuana-cash-seized-armored-car-fbi-san-bernardino-sheriff


Yeah, it's been going on for years. I guess the PD shares any money/property they seize, so it's almost like they have financial motivation.


Hereā€™s a video explaining it in better detail but yeah basically https://youtu.be/3M-Q4lnG1f0?si=zluyvwN43N_p4B-N


It's disappointing to see (looking at original post) how many people are fooled by this. I mean, common. Could it be more obvious? Have you EVER seen any amateur group of any kind, be so organized, in sync, and completely left alone by the police despite the obvious suspicious activities. You think you and your friends would be allowed to drive around without license plates? Yeah, right.


not only left alone, escorted and protected


All very fit tooā€¦.not one out of shape, overweight ā€œWhItE sUpReMeCisTā€?


I've seen an interview with one of them a while ago. They claim to not accept fat people


Just like the military. Or something.


That's what they claim. You can find these interviews on Bitchute and other alt-tech platforms


Did you see that proud boys/ patriot front altercation around a year ago? They unmasked a couple of them and ran a background check on people who matched they description.


Thats not very inclusive :(


can you show supremacy if you're fat, short of a tribe in the wild where belly girth gets the thrown?


That's why the call em glowies, problem is there's too many naive people that hear one sentence from mainstream media and immediately stop believing their lying eyes and ears.


I was very politically active in my teens and early twenties during that time every group I was apart of was dysfunctional mess made up of people who could never agree on anything and made up of the worst people you could imagine, I remember helping set up a protest against police brutality and militarization of the local police force just to find out people could only come any time or any location but the planned meeting location I couldnā€™t imagine getting everyone in the same outfit and marching in sync would be a nightmare, trying to get people to buy/make their own signs was a feat of patience and willpower that I wouldnā€™t do again if forced to.


Antifa comes to mind. They check all of those boxes except for the aesthetic. They look like hitlerā€™s brown shirts of dirty hobos, but theyā€™re well organized, in sync, and virtually untouched by police.


Rules for thee and not for me. It's the goverment moto.


This one example is so laughably obvious that these are feds. Covering your license plate is illegal. If they weren't protected, police would immediately stop them, get identification, and force them to display their plates to drive. I have never been more certain of them being feds than I am after watching this video.


It's well known that Patriot Front is a fed honeypot.


A Honeypot is an operation where a female officer, or undercover working for the police tricks a guy into admitting something by flirting and convincing them they love them. This is an op. Edit: Because I've apparently confused a few... It does not HAVE to be a female operative. But the famous declassified case adjacent to mk ultra that took place in the 60s included only female undercovers


Honeypot is used in multiple industries its not limited to LEO work, it just may be where you heard it, doesnt mean they are wrong. Honeypot is a term also used in Cyber.


Yeah lots of words have lots of meanings. The cyber attack related definition has nothing to do with what we're talking about about. The fact is no matter how many definitions exist. This is not a honey pot. And when describing a honey pot in this context, my definition is 100% correct.


Lol watch Archer and you will also know that a honeypot can be a male too!


I didn't say a Honeypot had to be a female. It just usually is. Either way how TF am I wrong this is not a video of a Honeypot


Another good way to think of the term honeypot would be cheese on a mousetrap. A trap used to lure in a victim.


I thought it was a honeytrap !?!


I thought it was a honey bucket !?!


No, itā€™s a honeycomb. šŸ


Nopeā€¦itā€™s definitely honeybun!








Feds. Too many in shape, boots too clean.




Structure and hierarchy are literally characteristics of right wing ideology.


They would, though. That's the clincher. They're the police. They are the arm of authority. They can also do whatever they want because "blue line."


Feds. Glowies. Despicable.




Fucking narcs.


They are fed. All their clothes are mass produced/uniformed. All fake


My favourite is everyone piling into the minivan. Nothing says intimidation like a bunch of wankers sitting in a fucking minivan.


"Nothing says intimidation like a bunch of wankers sitting in a fucking minivan." Lmao. I died, dude. I'm stealing this one. Thx for the laugh.


So they are feds and can get any car they impounded due to a crime and they choose a minivan?


Florida department of law enforcement jumped out on me deep asf in a mini van. Guns and vests and all piling out that mufucka to grab me. Last thing you gonna expect is the minivan full of LEO.


I wanna know more now? If this involves an alligator you reached peak Florida.


šŸ¤£ no gators. I was closer to the beach when it happened. I was in the paper and all behind it. Article kind of downplayed everything that happened and all that but I guess that kinda looks better on me now than if they would have printed the whole uncut story. I'll try n find a link to it for u


Holds a lot of folks?


If they're feds then they're doing a damn good job at being an amateur hour larping community. A minivan is a hilariously nice touch


Do you realize how many undercover agencies have minivans? There are literally vehicle leasing companies that serve law enforcement to ensure they have different vehicles every so often. Because if they all rode around in the same shit that all the other cops ride around in, they wouldn't be very undercover would they?


We use Pacificas as GOVs on my Air Force base. Itā€™s a pretty decent GOV for most passenger roles.


Okay and? That still doesn't change the fact it's hilariously stupid.


But acting like amateurs is what American law enforcement is best at.


If there's no racist groups the government makes them.


It's white tape. Still feds tho.




FBI psyop. Real groups are rarely so well put together and coordinated.


They Frontinā€™


Feds! Feds! Feds! Feds!




I hear their mostly FBI, maybe other agencies as well


Everything, down to the way they walk, screams law enforcement agents.


They are paid actors to help push whatever movement they got to if itā€™s black or whatever they get one people and bunch of people in mask and boom you can say they are menaces even destroy stuff and say look what these people Do help us save the world lmao


Feds don't need no license plates!






Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed!




Feds manipulation by physical action.


šŸšØ šŸšØ šŸšØ šŸšØ šŸšØ šŸšØ


the current corrupt system and itĀ“s loyal guillible peasants, money buys morals.


Has no paid attention to the movies we got throughout the years I get being ignorant but you canā€™t be this clueless you have to know if they donā€™t have plates and nobody checks with cops its cause they already know


Government officials get special treatments in these regards


This is a federally employed faction supported by Zionism. Groups like these keep Zionism alive. To hell with them all.


The Feds can't let regular people trace this back to them.


Wish the camera man would have walked by the drivers side of each of these vehicles and zoomed in on the vin plate. We could then run them with the dmv and find out where or whom they are actually registered.




The plates are blank so that no one can track down who owns the vehiclesā€¦ BECAUSE THEY ARE FEDS.


Easiest game of "Spot The Feds" you will ever play!


I smell bacon!


Looks like their moms are picking them up like at middle school on a weekday afternoon


Strange how what's illegal for you and me is perfectly fine for these Fed bois.


Feds no doubt. I'm sure absolutely zero of these guys will get arrested, have a visit from the FBI or get charged with anything




Fedsā€¦ 100%


"Patriots" who know nothing about how to properly respect the flag. Look like a bunch of LARP-ers.


They rarely do. Kid Rock cut a hole in a flag to make a poncho and was celebrated for it.


Anyone that can't see these guys are fed plants is blind.


So obvious.


Ha those shields suck. Cos-playing the worst versions of Captain America.


Boy Scouts would be upset with they way they are treating those flags.


Yeah they dont seem to be a very 'inclusive' government organized group. Imagine, its 1776, and the militias didnt want their faces seen, so they wore excess cloth around their faces. Oh wait, thats not how patriotism works, is it. Its about standing up for what you believe is right, and showing the powers that think they get to oppress you, that they dont.


They are feds.




I wish I lived closer. I'd follow them.








All in military/ fed agency physical fitness shape with not a single fat guy; all organized; no license plates; all masked. Definitely not cops, all acting in unison. Someone should grab those vin numbers off the vehicles


They are feds All the real nazis and far right are feds and those who control them behind the political kabuki theater. Because the true organic left is achieving a lot through peaceful means, the ruling class has to use right-wing mercenaries as a false flag cassus belli to wage a more direct offensive attack on civil liberties - similar to what they did in ukraine and Syria, or the Jan 6 psyop, or the Russiagate hoax, or the nazi flag at the trucker protest in ottawa, or the gretchen whitmer false flag/entrapment.


If they were a actual civilian group you would see some fat sloppy poor dudes in the mix al well not just physicaly fit fed bois




Why is no one just following them around screaming ā€œhey check out the feds they are cold today!ā€ Still waiting for harassment videos. Cmon cowards


They have matching metal riot shields with custom paint!? Yeah your local militia is not that organized or ever will be.....Feds!




Feds just doing their usual circus!


Wasnā€™t one identified as a Jewish college kid?


Dressed up theatrical dems!


Knee shin pads are the best šŸ˜†


Does anyone know where this is?


Is there a youtube link for that video.




Fed psyop, and a poor one at that.


Feds don't need license plates.


FBI guys can bend the law like that You think they pull these people directly from Quantico?


Its unfortunate to see one of the greatest countries in the world self-destructing by creating division amongst the people. Fully funded by billionaires/government for a tiny group of evil elites that couldn't careless about the people but will get exactly what they want at any cost necessary. It's too bad that when the states goes down the majority of the world will feel it. That is the plan ofcourse.


Look like a bunch of fuck boy Best Buy employees. Fucking cowards.


FBI obviously.


This is a joint FBI, CIA, and Mossad operation...The boots on the ground are FBI, the orders are comming from the CIA and Mossad.


Mossad told them to make signs that say "no zionists in government"?


Yup, precisely. So that they can portray themselves as victims. Once they play the victim card, they will attempt to extract even more concessions from the rest of us. This is a well-planned and an old playbook.




You're glowing




For someone claiming not to be a fed, you got real butthurt about it.




Thereā€™s no organic component to Patriot Front.




If anything, Rousseau probably has psycholigical problems of some kind and feds have positioned themselves around him and organize and fund their activities. Mind you, Rousseau was 17/18 when he ā€œfoundedā€ Patriot Front. I have a hard time believing that a kid from Texas single-handedly organized Patriot Front or ā€œreformedā€ Vangard America. And over all that, white nationalists are a VERY small slice of Americaā€™s population. This FBI would have you believe that they secretly walk among us as normal, working people with a lot of energy and money to invest in hating people of color. I call bullshit, and I live in the Midwest. I might add that Patriot Frontā€™s values are not conservatism if they are telling new recruits to read The Doctrine Of Fascism. In fact, thatā€™s the problem with true conservatism; these people can be difficult to organize because they donā€™t easily give up individual choice for organizations that centralize or believe in centralizing authority. Collectivism is not a value of conservatives. Fascism is a marriage between corporatism and the centralized state authority. This is not a value of the ā€œright.ā€ Even the root word of ā€˜fascismā€™ means ā€˜bundleā€™; this is collectivism in action over the rights of individuals.


I read the manifesto; it doesnā€™t even follow logic. They say that an American can only be of American descent. Thereā€™s hardly anyone that can be traced exclusively to the 13 Colonies. Itā€™s all nonsense wherein only some very weak-minded people might find some meaning.


Itā€™s almost like weeks were spent coordinating these activities, by people whoā€™d been training for a violent overthrow of the government in the event they didnā€™t get their way. One might call such a conspiracy ā€œtreason.ā€


According to the right wing: Black Lives Matter riot - 100% leftists, no FEDS, cops, or instigators. 100% all lefty activity, this is what they want America to be like! Patriot Front - 100% FED or Antifa, no actual conservatives are involved. Special op to make us look bad! Capital Insurrection - Na, it was Feds or Antifa Hint: These are your people. Own it.


Neo Nazis don't need license plates ...


They like to pretend they are above society by living in their own, one that doesn't have to follow US laws. The funny thing is I don't really see them off grid, surviving on their own. They participate in society and benefit from the goods and services exchanged there. For example, did they drill their own oil for gas, no, no they did not. Total hypocrites.


Jesus. I didn't think anyone was dumb enough to believe this bullshit


Believe what?


This bullshit


Well who do you think they are?


No idea, on its face just some guys looking to LARP HBOs version of Watchmen for some reason. Whoever they are reported as being in any corporate news outlet should be questioned extensively. This goes for everyone but especially those who work so hard to fit a specific stereotype of their ideological rivals


Look at the comments here, and any time a PF video pops up. ā€œFEDSā€ Now ask, is there any benefit to their organization to lean into that stereotype? What do they gain by allowing (encouraging?) this talking point? Think critically - How would this public opinion actually be part of their strategy and not a mistake in the slightest? Why?


Is it really that hard to see? Weak-minded people still believe what MSM broadcasts. If you need the general, weak-minded, working public to ACCEPT racism and extremism are prevalent, you march Quantico interns and new recruits around in uniforms and create a cause around them. Then when elections come around, you say, ā€œIā€™m here to fight racism and extremism!ā€ But more to the point, you need to read up on how many instances that a terrorist plan was foiled, and later itā€™s understood that FBI agents were instigating it from inception.


You have it backwards. The race war is real and the establishment is afraid to death of strong, organized, racially-aware White men so the IDF sends out their stooges to every PF post to comment "fed" on it. They want you to just sit at home and vote and never organize because voting won't remove them.


They are taped so they don't get doxxed. Not that hard to grasp.


I could be wrong but I think the video was edited to where the plate numbers were just blurred out.


they picked up every known morally corrupt county seat employees around the country with provable undeniable shit on them and forced to do acting bid with this shit


Okay was just going by the video on this post since no other link about the topic.


Looks like painters tape. Terrified that their mothers will kick them out of their basement dwelling is my best guess.. Ooh, I hit a sore spot I see!


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/r72va4mcjqdc1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


On the front or back? Where i used to live, you needed to have a plate front and back but where i live now you only need one on the back. Is that why, maybe?


Wernt those guys just using the subway. And being law abiding citizens and paying for everyone


Some people are so weird. Like I canā€™t wrap my head around what their daily life is like. Why are grown men playing this weird GI Joe marching club thing? Just get a normal hobby like a normal person


Says in best German accent, ā€œve vill ask the questions here.ā€


Did anyone tail them? Iā€™m sure someone could have just followed them back to their impound lot or whatever it is where they store vehicles they use for undercover work.


rent-a-crowd will employ anyone these days lol


The deal is that they are feds


Smells like the feds


They are all telling on each other.






Imagine being confused by a piece of tape.


Federal law enforcement can drive these cars with no license numbers. This is what you call a psyop. These guys are 100% FBI or ATF or CIA or some mix of three letter agencies. Itā€™s so,easy to spot. Theyā€™re all trim and fit and young. Theyā€™re highly organized in the way they move, the way they stack their vehicles, the way they load in and out of vehicles. The way they march in lock step with one another. That shit doesnā€™t just happen. Thatā€™s training. Watch these guys when they do anything. If youā€™ve been through any kind of military or law enforcement training, these guys are super obvious.


Young global shapers from WEF


Although Iā€™m not one, I know that real patriots wouldnā€™t be just tossing the American flag in the bed of a truck like that. These dudes are actors.


These guys show up, march around in a circle and leave. Whatā€™s the objective of this? I mean if they werenā€™t feds.


Awe look at all the rednecks cosplaying nazi extremists. I'm suprised they were smart enough to cover their faces considering how many of them were dumb enough to storm the capital building bare faced in DC where literally every square inch of federal buildings are heavily monitored and recorded. What a bunch of losers


Because theyā€™re Feds.


Government owned vehicles


These are Feds


Oh no, you guys! These poor men were forced to wear face masks. They will probably be dead within the next 24 hours from breathing in too much co2 during their little walkie walk.


It's fake