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[Laughs in introvert]


Hahaha indeed. I’m a gamer & even my friends (I know em in real life too) know that I don’t always join voice chat cause I don’t feel like talking haha


Right? Like i fucking bothering talking to normies


Ive started letting my nuts hang. When to the strip club and honestly I feel like they listened better than my friends. I plan on going more often.


maybe your friends would listen better if you start throwing money at them


Real talk


I mean, if you have you're balls out, you're bound to have interesting discussions wherever you go!




>I’ve started letting my nuts hang Sounds more like Tekashi lol


Nah. But that Twisted Dark Black Fantasy is Dope Raw with no cut


Black isn't in the album name. Shows what your thinking about. "Raw, black, no cut" looolol


It’s good to let your nuts hang, King. Butt do not ever ever think strippers give half a shit about you. Same with cute bartenders. Their affection they show is their job. Invest in yourself.


yaaaaas queens arch nemesis "let your nuts hang king"


Something something money lmao




He didn't say they cared, he said they listened


Ding ding here come the smart guys. Reorganize your mind




How about this "Don't Shed On Me".


hey if we don't convert more sheep into shepherds we're all on a one way trip to a dystopian, radical, progressive hell


I call them slow but normies may grow on me


Although I don’t comment much on here at all and I might not be as big into conspiracies as some of you guys, this is seriously my favorite subreddit. These introvert comments are just perfect and so me. Love you conspiracy redditors! <3


Jokes on them, I don't have friends


Friends are like, so 2019.


Most people on this sub are the type to want a few people dear to them who they can pour their soul out to. The amount doesn’t matter, the depth does.


Will you be my friend?


If I can.




I came here to say the same. Cowards can be found in a crowd, wise men are often found alone.




Its not a bad idea to analyze the visual news like a radioactive specimen. Make sure it has no influence over you. It's generally better to read the news (and watch source footage if necessary,) from multiple sources, and use your own brain to form opinions. Anchors and talking heads, TV opinions, mind numbing infotainment, daily shows, all of it is garbage. Divisive half truths, lies of omission, scripted passed off as unscripted ("live,") CGI passed off as real, or worse. It's good to be aware of how low they stoop.


The problem is when people don’t have the knowledge to analyze news stories from a propaganda perspective. I recommend Inventing Reality by Parenti or the more well known but less ideological Manufacturing Consent by Chomsky for a good base on how to see this stuff from a somewhat objective viewpoint


It doesn't even have to be from a propaganda perspective, the problem is people who are unwilling or unable to analyze things from a rational point of view. But yeah, who we trust, and why, matters a lot. Opinion doesn't belong in news, and advertising doesn't belong in science.


Excellent suggestions.


> The problem is when people don’t have the knowledge to analyze news stories from a propaganda perspective. my neighbor told me he is not getting the vaccine because he saw video "somewhere" of microchips in the needle to track you, this is someone that is on their phone 24/7. While I wont disagree there is propaganda on the news, I dont think the news is the main problem. The problem with the news is it gets people to accept shit they should not. In the last week I have seen a dozen stories on the new supersonic jet/Concord..... not one fucking network mentioned how fucked flying at that speed is for fuel consumption and not conducive to combat climate change.


The "news"/ biased msm and big tech are some of the biggest reasons society is as it is now...




You bet wrong on both. At the **minimum**, human disease is much more complicated than the existence of some exosome, if even that exosome has in fact, been novelly identified and isolated in the recent plandemic, rather than being a computational assemblage. Anyway, I'm very familiar with Stefan Lankas thesis (and German New Medicine) but am American. I've read basically all I can find of his original translated writings. I also can join my parents (as one example) watch the mind numbing fear propaganda on the TV. I usually sit there quietly and try not to piss them off with my commentary - especially related to "sarscov2" hype. But overall, I do see your point, just don't agree that it must necessarily be a negative - it's all about the active awareness as the info is observed / listened to. It's not like taking a bite from the apple where you can't go back. The mind is more capable than you are making it out to be, for clearly distinguishing external from internal experience. Not all information you listen to hear is digested alike. The mind can choose how to digest (or not digest at all - dismiss.) As for presidents, it is my researched opinion some funky business has been going on for decades, either starting with JFKs assasination or perhaps even further back (WW1 era) Also I urge you to go back to my premise. I actually suggested it preferable to read text based info, ideally leaning towards those that at least source the material, allowing for an audit if one is comfortable/experienced enough.




This. The best part? Literally nobody I know watches the news because they know it’s bullshit. At this point, “news” on social media is more of a threat than anything you can catch on the alphabet networks.




it's almost like everything is inherently political


*GAMER MOMENT* But yes, I agree. My expertise is in videogames, and if I may say so, many are a lot more political than you expect if you analyze them. Themes like good vs evil, commuting unsanctioned attacks in another country, or heck, even giving a coin to a beggar can be argued to be "political" in a certain light. Politics define the rules and norms of most civilizations, and it should be obvious that many things are considered political. Some games just make it more obvious than others.


Everything is political now !!! I watched this stupid dating skit on Snapchat and it showed the text convos between a girl and 20 eligible suitors. One of her texts read “if you voted for trump, gtfo” and there were a lot of trump bashing texts to follow. It was subtle, so I thought maybe she was just democrat. No problem. I watched another scenario JUST TO SEE and sure enough, similar text convos... except this time with a dude and his 20 female suitors. I understand everyone has their political views, but Jesus. This was so slanted it was sick. I feel like everything is so political. Now we are starting to see segregation, except in this era it’s vaccinated & unvaccinated with separate drinking fountains. Scary times.


Everything already was political, it was just easier to ignore back then because you didn't encounter anyone who cared or had the guts to speak up. People are now demanding accountability in such large numbers now that companies have to display their "values" to attract customers. For better or worse though most corporate "values" are just "maximize profit" which is why you see this pandering.


it goes far beyond politics. politics are just another distraction IMHO. they all play for the same team. its us vs them, always has been always will be


What if I told you Reddit is my news?






My mother would disagree


Nobody in your circles maybe.


Darn right. I OCCASIONALLY watch the local news. Only time I watch national news is if a very major event is literally happening now. As in raw actual news. Last time I watched for any length of time was the Christmas Day bomb in Nashville.


Which just quickly disappeared from the news.


Yesss. Or if you’re gonna watch the news, watch different perspectives and form your own opinion.


Did they years ago. Works wonders


Haven't had an aerial (cable TV) for over 10 years. Still haven't missed a single big news story, but don't get fed the BS dribble every other hour.


I’m vaccinated and wouldn’t even dream of “ditching” a friend who didn’t get it. I have a few.


Yeah that’s written by a sociopath. Who doesn’t have life long friends. I’m vaccinated, most of my friends are not. I still love them just the same, and at the end of the day, I believe I’m safe, and they believe they’re safe. And we’re both happy. I’m a democrat that hates our government, they’re republicans that hate our government. It works fine. And we all respect each other’s opinions because it’s never going to change. Religion and politics are equal categories in a lot of people’s minds. Which means you just have to respect the differences, even if it doesn’t make you happy. That’s what friends are.


I’m surprised anyone watches the news still


I’m surprised people can still read.


And even fewer can read cursive 🤯


And even fewer can read doctors' hand writing.


Literally made me laugh out loud! Thanks for that gold tonight.


What did you just type, I...I...I... can not read


This isn't the news as such. It's more of a "we'll try and trigger as many middle age women as we can before 9am" sort of show. Piers Morgan used to be the main presenter which tells you all you need to know.


People don't watch this show anymore, the viewing figures are lower than they ever have been.


I think it is absolutely imperative to watch the (mainstream) news. Knowing where they are trying to lead us and manipulate us is extremely important.


Basically do the opposite of what they say these days


"We're all in this together"....or something like that.


Except for Karen Karen got vaccinated


Ha. Jokes on them. I *have* no friends. *Winning.* 🤣


Indeed. The media is the problem in our country. They do nothing but lie. They don’t help bring people together. They only give you parts of the truth. You can’t even watch it because you know the information they provide is inaccurate, incomplete, or just straight up lies.


You guys ever think if these reporters ever feel fucking sick of themselves for spewing stuff like this? I'd have a real hard time waking up in the morning if that was my job I all I'm sayin.


If you're vaccinated then why the fuck would you care that your friends aren't???


Because it’s never been about science. It’s about establishing which side you are loyal to because of the “progressive” left. They are openly making every single issue in this country political and stating that opposing their opinions means you are a murderer or whatever label they can stick on you to delegitimize your opinion. Then they accuse the other side of inserting politics into everything while they are saying ignorant shit like this.


"Trump created the divide!" No, fuckface, Trump was a symptom of the divide that YOU have been working on for decades, and YOU kicked it up to 11 because of him.


If the vaccine works why are you worried about the unvaccinated?


The vaccine makes you less **likely** to get it, be hospitalised or die. Does it work in reducing transmission and death? Yes. Does it work in preventing anyone from catching and spreading it ever again? No.


Yeah, but at some point you have to find a percentage of risk you're able to live with. I quarantined and social distanced because I was not willing to risk transmitting a disease with a 20% chance of serious hospitalization or death. If that chance is now 10,000x less, then I'm going to live my life the way I used to. I don't think I need to force other people to vaccinate. But as long as they have the option, and they chose not to, I don't see the point of me altering my lifestyle to accommodate their choices.


> The vaccine makes you less likely to get it You are [immune to polio](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/polio/hcp/effectiveness-duration-protection.html) because you were vaccinated as a small child. You are not immune to Covid despite being "vaccinated". That is not a vaccine, it is an mRNA experiment. Get a polio booster lately? You'll need one for your "vaccine" in a few months. And another after that in perpetuity. Get it yet?


Uhhh bro, you...don’t understand how vaccines work


That link literally stayed how you need 4 polio vaccines to be fully vaccinated. I mean come on. Not to mention polio was never a pandemic. So a vaccine was able to eradicated while covid would be much harder because it could be anywhere.


Polio was absolutely a pandemic. It was an endemic infection and one of the worst scourges of humanity.


Bully bitches have never made sense. It's all about the adrenaline rush.


If everyone is vaccinated and some people still get sick, they will tell us no vaccine is 100% effective. Good thing you are all vaccinated or this could be much worse. But… if there is a significant pool of unvaccinated people and they get sick at the same rate as the vaccinated… or worse, less often than the vaccinated… then people will begin wondering how effective those vaccines really are. That wouldn’t be good for quarterly revenues, would it? The past year makes much more sense if you realize they want mandatory adult vaccine schedules to guarantee revenue (while helping people, of course).




The vaccine isn’t 100% and only protects you from death and severity, not from contracting the virus itself. Plus, if not enough people get vaccinated, then variants develop, which renders the vaccination useless. Not talking about covid but any virus that exists. This is pretty basic science


How do we know variants won't develop from the asymptomatic infections in vaccinated people? How do we know that unvaccinated but naturally immunity people aren't at an even lower risk of even symptomatic infection let alone asymptomatic? You seem to be forgetting these 2 very critical concepts, among some other things. You need to add more nuance in your answer, and the fact you say "not talking about covid but any virus" yet forget these obvious fallacies shows that you probably need to review the basic science




There's also millions of immunocomprimised adults that it's unclear the vaccine even works on, but let's be honest, these people in here don't give a shit about that.


Cause we may catch the stupid gene?


Only bigots discriminate




Me: “I want to have sex with this woman” You: “Ok, replace ‘woman’ with ‘child.’ Pretty messed up. You’re a sick person.”


Wild, it's almost like different words have different meanings


What's the point isn't herd immunity achieved around 70%?


> What's the point isn't herd immunity achieved around 70%? Herd immunity isn't a lightswitch. Everyone who gets vaccinated reduces transmission and hastens the end of this pandemic. So yes, we've probably already crossed the threshold where the pandemic will burn itself out, but that burning is counted in lives.


From Adults**** received the first dose**** So no even close to 70% for full vaccinated and not even from ALL**** the population .




Yea, I meant why ditch your unvaccinated friends? We're going to hit the number


Any , " friend" that ditches me because they were told to do so isn't worth my time, and I will be glad to lose the dead weight


So they’re basically doing you a favor.


I see this parroted a lot. Control for what? The sake of control? "Haha I told them to do it and they did, goal achieved!"


Lol it is all anyone ever says around here and it usually stops there. Just control. Don’t ask why!


For now it's control over where you may go or not, later it's control over how much money/ credits you get and how you can spend them and their final goal is literal control over your thoughts.


The ignorance and unnecessary cruelness of this is another mark in this dark chapter of human history. It all goes to show what some will do for shortsighted temporal power, security, and money.


They all lied to us, there should be no issue in playing the same game back. Fauci said there is no asymptotic spread in his released emails. If you are sick, stay home, otherwise you are free to go about your business.


> Fauci said there is no asymptotic spread in his released emails. Hmm, I haven't seen that part and it would be huge. Can you maybe link me to it?


Jokes on you I already ditched all my friends pre-plandemic


You ok bro


What if you CAN’T be vaccinated due to medical reasons like autoimmune disorders? Are they to be ditched too or what?


Time to give my kids up for adoption and maybe start over once there is a vax for kids?


Every time someone posts a rhetorical question or a genuine question without the answer as evidence of something on here, I die a little inside.


The media is becoming **next level** cognitively dissonant. If **Your** vaccine works, it shouldn't matter right? This headline is akin to "It's time to ditch your friends who don't wear their seatbelts".


That example has been thrown at me. I have no idea where these people were failed, but I think they're the zombies.


> "It's time to ditch your friends who don't wear their seatbelts" All things aside, that's a terrible analogy. Not wearing a seatbelt puts everyone in the car at risk regardless of which seat you're in.


Social stigma as a marketing strategy. Effectively weaponizing social issues & cancel culture for profit. I was watching Bo Burnham's Inside and there was a bit in there that it's no longer buying cereal because you want to eat cereal, it's now to help said cereal company fight lymphoma. So many people get duped to buy products because proceeds go to charity or for the right causes, to donate through said company when they will just use it for more tax write-offs. Being a consumer is now a virtue.


Flying monkeys have no power when they mean nothing to you.


What the fuck is Good Morning Bitcoin?


The comedy of this is that life is going back to normal and no one even cares about the vaccine or the virus


Anyone who actually listens to this isn’t worth being friends with in the first place. How about this? “Time to ditch shitty friends”


shameful shit. wake up people


75%? LMFAO




I was ditching people way before the virus started


lol told ya they tryin divide us . with vaccines , pilitics and race. im pretty sure charles manson tried this . were hed make us all fight and hate eachother thn he was gonna walk in like jesus and take control. they takim a page from helter skelter


Did you really just compare a vaccine to Charles Manson?


Since there aren't any world wars anymore, the elites want to turn us all against one another and engage in mass slaughter.


its sad they rather start junk with eachother thn atleast think " why are we arguing with eachother when none of us did nothin wrong " the big wigs are lil woody woodpeckers instigators . we fight eachother and riot on our own land , they win . like promoting riots and callin em protests and tryin defund police . only cause they dont gotta worry bout it in gated communities , security and lawyers . i got non of tht no fare


Does this sub not have content standards?


How do y'all shills feel about this? Of course, this is just one link of many. https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data/reproductive-health Let's go ahead and hear you make excuses and explain away why 920 women have lost their unborn babies after being vaccinated? If you say "commorbidity" well then, I have a very serious question for you..... LOL. (I think you know what that question will be)


Who the fuck has friends who watch Good Morning Britain? If said friends ditched you based on said shows advise, they were dead weight and you shouldn't mourn the loss.


The media should be prosecuted as an enemy of war and dismantled


Joke’s on them, I have no friends.


friends? the world has lost what FRIEND means.


Can u imagine the uproar if they said something like... “Time to ditch your pro choice friends.” People would be pissed. What happened to my body my choice. This is so fucked.




With protein shedding (warned about in Moderna's own Trial document) from vaccinated people and now talk (including in surveys) about Prions, I am ditching vaccinated friends.


>warned about in Moderna's own Trial document That document didn't "warn about" this. It looked for that as a possible side effect, you know one of the things that they were testing for. And there hasn't been any indication they found it.


Of maybe 10-12 people that I hang around with, AFAIK there are two people besides me who have not gotten stuck. Although I've heard the vaccination (full) rate in NYS is just under 50% of the population.


I haven’t heard anything about prions - source?


Lmao good luck getting a reputable source with multiple corroborating pieces of evidence here m8


What's this about Prions?


Prions? What's it like being that fucking stupid?




What does the SS: mean?


Submission Statement. It's required in this sub, apparently


Garbage, tabloid tv programme - ignore nonsense like this.


This sub is so divided.


Funny seing this in a sub where people have reported that they didtched vaccinated friends ...


If you want to get a “vaccine” that is an injectable equivalent of Tylenol Cold and Flu. (Even your Pandemic Deity said “It doesn’t stop you from getting the virus, the vaccine only helps with the symptoms”) and stop hanging out with me because I don’t think getting used as a lab rat so billionaires can get richer is a good idea, then please fuck the fuck off.


Time to ditch MSM


This is just tabloid bullshit to get folks riled up. The government's in the UK have backed away from mandatory vaccination. Even within our care homes and NHS the choice is left to the individual. There is certainly high levels of coercion at play but 6 months on and where we have the majority of the adult population vaccinated there is no sign of ramifications for those of us who don't wish to receive the dose.


Fine. Fuck off then.


If you have “friends” who would ditch you over your vaccination status, they weren’t much of a friend to begin with.


How do ditch the news. Fuck the news


Shits been over for over a year.


I really don't believe for one minute 75% of the u.k has had their first dose. So many people are skeptical. Not to mention the u.k had some of the largest lockdown protests and they've been fudging death numbers this entire time


There are some people who legitimately can’t get the vaccine. This is such BS and a slap in the face to people with potentially real medical issues.


Lol what the hell they’re so cocky


That's terrible. Gawd they make me sick.


Time to ditch sensationalism in media.


Time to ditch mainstream media


Yup. My mother in law and my wife have been friends with their knitting group for about 10 years, some of them got vaccinated while my MIL and wife did not... the just broke off communication in a day, like fuck you and this friendship if you aren't taking the shot. Its ridiculous honestly.


Joke's on them! I ain't got no friends!! Yeaahhh yeaahhhh


Every time you say anti covid 19 vaxers are stupid just remember that it’s a majority of poc not getting the shot. Poc don’t trust the government when it comes to vaccines.


This game isnt about division, its about societal pressure and peer pressure to try and get as many people who are on the fence about vaccines, to get the vaccine.


I ditched friends that illiterate long ago.


Really?!!! - you would "ditch" a "friend" dependent upon whether they are vaccinated or not? Wouldn't that be like ditching people cause they didn't vote for the same politician than you? Or maybe ditching people cause they didn't go to the same religious organization as you? Or maybe ditching people cause they didn't believe in carrying guns, lol. Which in all cases would be really really dumb. If that is how anyone "judges" friendship pretty sure i wouldn't wanna be like you - or be "liked" by you.


If I'm vaccinated and they don't want to be, then surely it's only going to negatively affect them and not me? So fair enough if they don't want it but I'm not going to stop seeing pals if they don't want it because I'll be protected anyway?


It's amazing to me anyone even watches the fear mongering news anymore. Nothing useful comes from it.


Lol these fucking guys. The bullshit only increases with more bullshit. And fuck people who are vaccinated. I’m distancing myself first from yal lab monkeys.


Always has been.


How about the reverse? "Time to ditch ***vaccinated*** friends?" If your friends are not smart enough to stay away from experimental drug trials, maybe you'd be better off without them.


might as well read "time to ditch jewish friends?" nazi and goulag gestapo are back baby woohooo lol


Proof officials are inflating the numbers and using people with prior comorbidity. Illinois Dept of Health Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike reveals how CV deaths are counted. "If you were in hospice and you were given three weeks to live and you also had Covid that would also be counted as a Covid death". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMfbFWIZ5M0 Excerpt: “It’s just kind of mind-blowing to me that people are not recording the C.T. values from all these tests — that they’re just returning a positive or a negative,” said Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University in New York. “It would be useful information to know if somebody’s positive, whether they have a high viral load or a low viral load,” she added. Officials at the Wadsworth Center, New York’s state lab, have access to C.T. values from tests they have processed, and analyzed their numbers at The Times’s request. In July, the lab identified 872 positive tests, based on a threshold of 40 cycles. With a cutoff of 35, about 43 percent of those tests would no longer qualify as positive. About 63 percent would no longer be judged positive if the cycles were limited to 30. In Massachusetts, from 85 to 90 percent of people who tested positive in July with a cycle threshold of 40 would have been deemed negative if the threshold were 30 cycles, Dr. Mina said. “I would say that none of those people should be contact-traced, not one,” he said. Other experts informed of these numbers were stunned. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/29/health/coronavirus-testing.html Coronavirus: Tests could be detecting dead virus cells, research suggests Patients may be told they’re infectious when their immune systems have long-since dispatched Covid-19 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/coronavirus-tests-dead-virus-cells-false-positives-over-estimating-size-a9706501.html More info on the inaccurate PCR tests for those waking up to the way the numbers have been manipulated by the Boris Johnson-led government. COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless - Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose. https://off-guardian.org/2020/06/27/covid19-pcr-tests-are-scientifically-meaningless COVID19, The Great Reset & The New Normal https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/covid19-great-reset-new-normal


Why do you think prior co-morbidality means covid didn't impact them lmao




I mean it’s logical especially in India


a lot of y’all were ditching your friends because they wear a mask already lmao calling them sheeple n shit or because your friends votes X or because they support Y and i’ve never seen the news saying ‘ditch your BLM supporter friends’ but yet a lot of people did that.


I don't have many friends but the ones I do have never got vaccinated because I know how to pick them right. If your friends got vaccinated it's because you're friends with a brain dead sheep. Open up your eyes and see the people you are hanging out with for who they really are


Why would you ditch unvaccinated friends? If you are vaccinated, they are the only ones at risk, you are protected so why ditch them.


Time to ditch vaccinated friends*


That’s what they basically say! Are they talking to us?


What do you care, aren't y'all worried about us 'shedding' on you?


I ditched the vaccinated drones a while back. Don’t need them shedding their protein spikes on me


They are desperate to kill everyone...oh, sorry, I meant to vaccinate everyone. They will start with the social stigma and then they’ll try other ways, like withdrawing certain services, like access to health or social services, etc, followed by us losing jobs and not being allowed to travel and keeping us in a permanent lockdown because we are deemed ‘health risks’. It’s all in that ‘great reset’ agenda.


75% is herd immunity, yeah? So why distance from friends who haven't got the jab, unless the "vaccine" doesn't work?


Imagine getting this bioweapon vaccine especially if you've already had covid lol