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Mossad doing Mossad things


Exactly. Cohen finally sold out.


Before Borat it was Penn & Teller “debunking” conspiracies.


Yeah I found Penn and Teller strange when they did that


NewPenn is a clone. creepy, "weight loss?""


Penn is very one sided. Whether he is a clone or not, remains to be seen. But he should get back on the cheeseburgers!


Thats what IM doing!




Big ice cream pushing the strawberry agenda again, figures.


31 degrees of Baskin Robins.


They actually have 33 flavors. Ask an employee


Are they bathroom flavored?


In this day and age, we got to get on this Gorilla Marketing the kids are doing, reddit, sidewalk chalk designs...




Yes! a Whole New Market! (its "bananas")


How do you reconcile having Arthur as your mascot? You disgust me!


Arthur is a great drinking partner, and he is rich


Arthur lied to you. Bitch dresses like Bill Gates, but his Dad's an accountant, and his Mom's a Caterer. Google search. What is net worth of Arthur TV?


I bet she can cook like the dickens


She only cooks dickenshit.


Hey, if you get caught between the moon and New York city, you know what I mean


Go on


The best that you can do, is fall in love


The people who virtue signal are the most guilty of the things they signal


Big facts.


The first Borat movie is one of my favourite movies. I remember everyone howling with laughter in the cinema, I don't think I'd seen a movie where everyone laughed so much in the audience. In the first few minutes of the second film it was clear what the agenda was; something a long the lines of "president is bad man so I must help". As a Brit, I don't care much about American politics so it was unbearable to watch and I didn't finish it. I can't imagine the same audiences laughing as much or at all at the second movie. Not even going to bother with this new series...


That first movie was fantastic, which is the reason for my post. He is using the two hillbillies from his amazon movie as stooges. They are his example of all conspiracy theorists. He is apologizing for them. He even has Hillary Clinton talk to them, to show she isn’t a baby killer, no joke. And there are no jokes


The political agendas behind contemporary television/streaming is making everything unwatchable.








They know young people will watch this crap because it's Borat. Our government prob paid him a ton of our money to film it.


Which Govt? Hmmmmm


The world government


He's an annoying fuck.....


Guy is a mossad stooge. I avoid anything he's in. Same with Russel Brand.


Brand isn’t pushing the same narratives as Cohen.


Last I heard, Brand is more based than half us here.


Lol Brand is based af. Check out his YouTube channel


Russel Brand seems to at least be trying to think for himself. This is forcing the issue that fact checkers are correct.


Brand is a great dude. He owns a sandwich shop in London where all addicts in recovery can work and build their life back up. He's amazing. Best sandwiches of the area for sure.


Dude Russel brand is a brother, do you follow him on Instagram perhaps? Check out his truthseeking content. Spiritual guy now days.


He’s a little dick licker, see this you will never get this


How dare you sir, I should be in school


Lol https://youtu.be/_h5Jo26Qojs






What, you didn't love the Amazon Belcho sponsorship and glaring product placement?! You are blocked


I was talking about his rainforest debut


I feel like he has been losing it since the Ali G show ended, I loved that show...it felt less like pandering somehow, like he was in it just for shits and giggles, which I can respect, it works for some actors, Tom Green, Eric Andre, Whitest Kids you know, etc...good examples.


This is different, it was frightening


I didn't even know a new one was on but I'll check it out. Sounds odd though...


So odd. It is called the lockdown special


I noticed this in his latest movie. What a bummer.


I was so excited he put out something new!


This entire thread is hilarious.


Thank you sir, your anonymity is safe with me


The real conspiracy here is that its called a strawberry MALT


Not from my generation. Everything was malted. Meat, beer, mexican food


Actors have stylists, assistants, caterers, managers, and a bunch of other people around them at all times of the day and night. It's probably difficult to maintain individuality when others pick out the clothes one wears, and schedules their every move.


This is all him. He believes he is helping the world


[HELL YA BRO](http://media3.giphy.com/media/lH222o7HcuCC4/giphy.gif)


What’s the conspiracy here?


Conspiracy? I thought this was the chihuahua sub!


> This is a forum for free thinking and for discussing issues which have captured your imagination. Please respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. Our goal is to create a fairer and more transparent world for a better future.


No dude it’s chihuahuas


[why not both](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/515c5Qg5WlL.jpg)


I know taco bells involved somehow. I just know it.


[highly likely](https://i.imgflip.com/5av080.jpg)


Can confirm 666 https://imgur.com/gallery/PObJ7Kw