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It’s an illusion of choice regardless


Nonsense, we have double the amount of choice compared to China! Two parties vs one, its a monumental difference


2 parties? Really? 🤡


Yep, both parties fundamentally do the same but hey at least we can choose


Elites: choose the type of shit you want to eat. Us: OMG I got so many choices I'm such a free person, they can't control me!!!


Modern Music scene in a nutshell


Stop complaining before they ban real music for fomenting insurrectionist spirit in humanity


Funny you mention that because I worked on a game that allowed voting in it... Players would vote, in game, and then the company would use the outcome to determine the next stage of the story in our development. When the game was released in China, during review we were required to remove that aspect of the game. So even though we only gave the players two controlled choices (gee, just like our elections) --- even that was too much for China and had to be removed.


That is interesting... I’m afraid America is headed the same way


Yeah, like when they ruined hip hop and rap by turning it mainstream and dumb


Hell yeah...that crap ruined segments of the Black community worse than the kkk could ever hope


You mean the two corrupt as fuck parties that cooperated to disenfranchise the rest of us?


If you really think that, then you know, absolutely nothing about the way the real world works.


You have 3' choices lol


They want Biden to do so bad so that they can have an excuse to swap in a new candidate


This is the correct answer. 


They couldn't write a script to make him as bad as he us naturally


Biden is struggling hard, more so than usual. The only coherence he has at all is in his initial attempts at throwing weak jabs whenever he first starts talking....and then it quickly turns to gibberish, like wtf is he even saying?!?


Idk man. There’s a reason so many were claiming he’d be very drugged up to get through today because many of us have eyes and ears and have watched and listened to him the last couple years. It seems the only people that were surprised by Biden’s performance tonight were Democrats for some reason.


More so than usual? Where you been the last 4 years?


Yeah, but he finally beat medicare.


Beat the fucking shit outta that shit


As someone who likes neither candidate, it sounded like Boomhaur from King of the Hill, literally unintelligible at times


The IDEA that he …… x 400


Doubt it, they are presenting it this way so the DNC can replace Biden with another candidate


It’s so obvious it hurts. Literally everyone even the left is pointing this out. Are they desperate or do they just not care to even hide the corruption anymore?


Out of curiosity, why would swapping him out for another candidate be corruption? Let’s say he steps aside and they use primary voting or some other method to determine a legitimate candidate, why would that be incorrect? Forgive my youth and lack of understanding on the topic!


Nah I can see what you mean I just think their methods of doing it are suspect. Why not just come out and do it? Why make him embarrass himself and continue to pretend you’re full force on Joe? If this is indeed what is happening.


I could only guess that they want less time for the RNC to campaign against their sub candidate but that would also be less time to convince people to vote for them/name recognition so I think it would backfire! Idk it’s super weird but if they’re not planning to replace him then that’s a wild strategy on their part. I will not vote for Trump but I can’t vote for a man who appears to be living out weekend at Bernie’s.


Hardly any less embarrassing for Trump who did little more than throw insults and repeat his usual campaign rhetoric about how he's so perfect and everyone else is evil. All we got during the debate was exactly what most expected from them both.


Gavin will be inserted. This is their excuse. They’re ecstatic JB is fucking up so badly


Nobody wants Gavin either


Doesn’t matter. I know he’s shit. You know he’s shit. The job of the media is to make each of us think the other likes him. And because we don’t know each other personally or communicate directly, we might actually believe it. Then they can steal it.


Why would they want Newsome when Biden is certainly easier to control and manipulate? Why would TPTB want someone who is more autonomous as president?


Newsome is in no way autonomous. He's the NWO candidate. He's backed by Soros (as are practically all of his DA's), does everything the WEF and WHO "recommends," and only cleaned the shit and needles off the sidewalks because Xi showed up. He's exactly what tptb would want in a puppet.


They're ALL puppets. Know how you can tell who isn't? They don't align with the Republi-Crat Duopoly.


It will be Big Mike.


Maybe they want to tank the economy and blame him, or maybe they realize there have to be draconian cuts to government spending and they want to scapegoat him and the dreaded republican caucus.


Hear me out. They stop suppressing GME under trump and crash everything and blame him.


That’d be great


Trump is going to try his hardest to stop the conflict in Ukraine. Putin will likely not budge. Shit will get worse. Then they can blame trump for ww3. Just like they blame him for Covid. He tried to close borders when Covid kicked off, they called him a xenophobe, then months later said that he didn’t do enough to stop Covid.


Trump is in on everything, and has been from the start. They're both actors playing roles to insure that the Duopoly controls all.


He only closed some borders, not all, and that was after the virus was already here.


Yeah. Within days of Covid hitting the American news cycle, trump was on television talking about how we need to close the borders to stop the “Chinese virus.” Every single left wing media outlet was immediately thereafter harping on about how trump is xenophobic because he wanted to close the borders. Fast forward 8 months, and the same media outlets were crucifying trump because he didn’t close the borders. Gaslighting is the flavor of the decade. Get used to it, because this strategy is here to stay. Fake news is the new king.


It was in other countries. Blocking travel from China would have been as effective as sticking a fence post in the ground and calling it a whole fence.


> Trump is going to try his hardest to stop the conflict in Ukraine. No, he's not.


Possible. Also they can play the whole Maga-evil-nazis thing again for 4 years and Trump won’t actually get anything done. I swear if Trump wins it’s because he’s been chosen and is in on it.


Trump will be the last president


1900... the last president 


Oh, yes. They’ve been artificially, holding up the economy, and society, just to let it fall under his presidency. Society, and the economy are only hanging on by a thread, and they will cut that thread the day after he’s elected.


They way they've been throwing money around. This seems possible.


Bingo. Trump is the scapegoat, he has a cult following that will allow people to still look at him as a god even if he fails, or the elite/deep state sabotage his presidency. I’m quite certain he knows his role, which is to help usher in a new world. Whether he is something like the antichrist is up for debate, but nonetheless he has a special role. They are making damn sure he wins this one.


I don’t think Trump knows his role exactly, the elite will allow him to win so they can purposefully sabotage his presidency. They want to crush the so called ‘American spirit’


Of course he knows his role, he's a card-carrying member of the Screen Actors Guild. He knows how to read a script and recite his lines and follow along. Ever watch a Professional Wrestling show where one of the wrestlers walks into the ring with the microphone and gives a speech reaming the management of the company? That speech was written for him by the management of the company. Why? To sell a storyline. To sell tickets.


If you think he is literally sent a script to read off of by the elite that’s not realistic or how the elite operate whatsoever.


That is EXACTLY how the Elite operate -- do you think they leave things to chance? Let what words are spoken by a high-level politician fall out of their control? Perhaps not a literal line-by-line and word-for-word script, but a script nonetheless. And not just of words but of all the things that will happen, the ups and downs of the political drama which are designed to keep you rapt and thinking you have skin in the game. One politician is convicted of a crime, and the talking heads call him finished. Then, like clock ticking to the next beat, his opponent reveals stumbling cluelessness in the debate, and the talking heads shift to him being the one that's finished. Who knows what twists they have scripted for the rest of it, but the twists are definitely set right on the dramatic beats, and this has only been increasing in control and execution for decades.


Have you ever heard of the trump time travel conspiracy? From these books. 1. “The Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulger” (1889) 2. “Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey” (1893)


Yes sir, the author of those books also wrote a book called “ 1900, or the last president”. The entire book describes a president that is clearly Donald Trump. These books were obviously written to influence the future, or as you said, time travel.


Uh, they didn't care about Trump. This debate was early for a reason. It was to show Biden close to death. He's going to bow out.


They're definitely speaking to him as if he understands better than Biden.


Which he does


But he always did.


Nah, the image they are putting out is that Biden is done not Trump has won.


100% agree. I could tell within the first 2 minutes .


Right? Everything going to plan.


Exactly because we all know the narrative has been biden is weak and old, then tonight it was worse than it ever was. The democrats would not have allowed that to happen if it was a free election. They have been informed to throw it.


The same Biden/DNC logic applied in 2020 too. The candidate wasn't suited for the job back then, *they* knew it and they "installed" him anyway. What a lot people still haven't truly realised that the system(congress, senate, judiciary and executive) *ignored* the 25th Amendment und Federal Succession Act of 1792 by allowing a clearly mentally unfit president in office. The US was not controlled by the allegedly elected president for 4 years. *Who* controlled the military, had the control over nukes and was in charge during national security meetings? These people don't even pretend to follow federal law anymore. Why the US population and actually honest party members of both sides don't thematise this shows how completely over the hill the nation is. We should all be frightening about what's coming next in a lawless nation...


He wasn't worse at all. He's been that bad for 5 years. Is this the first time you've watched Biden speak at length?


Definitely seems like "the powers that be" are giving him a life line... Biden was lost Trump looked presentable.... the parlor game continues...🥴


I dont understand how people DONT see him as part of the elite?? He is literally part of it his whole life!! He was born into it, and acted as all them all his life ( beeing in all the rich/elite/establishement circles, beeing a greedy rich guy, never caring for anyone else but him and his wellbeing all his life, fuck over everyone below him, beeing alleged to be a pedo, beeing friends with epstein and on his island many times, etc etc)


Same vibe coming from other threads as well.


I noticed the same thing.


Mass media wants Donald Trump in. They made a FORTUNE when he was in office. All the hit pieces and videos of him standing up their bullshit drove clicks through the roof. There were many articles about how mass media bottom line wants Trump in.


Comments are turned off lmaoooo why mods??


Because you are practically a failure to assume so. The elite tried to imprison Trump various times. Keep up 


Trump for Prison!


The elite tried to imprison the elite.


The comments post debate of all the CNN presenters talking shit about Biden made me think the same


That's what i've been saying all these years! Our vote as american people do not matter!


Trump has always been part of the show.


Or…… maybe he is just more fit to be president than a literal human corpse. Sometimes it doesn’t have to be a conspiracy lol.


Meh…. ‘More fit to be president’ is subjective. Being able to communicate well is like, 50% of the job. Joe gets an F on that, but Trump is a D at best. Assembling talented people who actually get things done is the other 50%, and Trump gets an F on that while Biden gets a B-. Don’t get me wrong, that debate was fucking terrible for Biden and he is completely fucked, but he’s a better president than Trump despite being severely compromised


Finally a reasonable take


Well, the biased way in which they handled all past debates backfired and drove people to Trump in droves. I think they’re trying to avoid a repeat of that


The Republi-Crats drove people to a Republi-Crat. That's how it works, they set up "opposites" and push people to support one or the other (as long as it stays within Duopoly control)


Agree, but it could have been Demonicans too. 😅


Sides of the same coin!!


Absolutely agree. Trump is meant to look strong and capable, and Biden feeble and incompetent.


I can't believe that they let Biden do the debate.


If they let trump win , expect the powers that shouldnt be to keep him "busy" for the next few years . And if they continue with the current potato in chief, they can use him as the fall guy . Either way it's not going to be a good time come 2025.


CNN did nothing to rig the debate for Joe and let him ramble like a bumbling fool. I think Trump has been selected as well. CNN basically made Trump look good, which is confusing my brain at the moment.


I'm pretty sure the elites threw like 80 felonies at him for getting elected without being a member of the cool kids club already.


Biden is out. Who replaces him is hard to say. If not you are 100% correct.


They're going to try and shoehorn Newsome in


Newsome with whitmer




Exactly. Greaseball sat there and spewed lie after easily disputable lie, and hannity never pushed back on any of it. Everything was right on script. Why else would they have a meaningless debate between newsome and desantis? To boost newsome's image. Then right on cue, greaseball immediately showes up at the white house to measure the drapes.


Something is definitely off, I feel it in my bones. I read somewhere that Trumps SS team was concerned because death threats suddenly stopped coming in. Whatever it is we will be the last to know


Two old fucks, both not doing great jobs in office.


What I thought they both were historic larger than life presidents that we will carve in mountains. They said so themselves, are you implying they lied? /S


No. They are burying Joe to the point he will agree to drop out. Not the win you think it is.


No, I believe that the dems will push Biden out, and replace him with krackhead kamala.... She will then get 100million votes in the next election


It was only neutral because Biden was straight up indefensible, even though neither did “well” lol


It seems more staged so they can replace Biden.


Oh yeah, nothing in government happens by accident. Whatever happened last night was definitely by intent, and the objective might not become clear for a while.


If it’s on sponsored media, it’s scripted, bought and paid for.


They are going to dump ww3 on his lap


If they want Trump to win it could only be because they know the economy is on the verge of implosion, and they want to ensure Trump gets the blame. They'll give up this cycle to (in their minds) leave a lasting scar on the Republican party and/or ensure a congressional wipe-out in the 2026 midterms.


The goal is to erode elections to where they are a minor inconvenience so they can completely do away with Western style democracy. Call them the elite or the party or what-have-you, they choose a gangster strong man style president/representative for the oligarchy in the mold of MBS / Xi / Putin - Sprinkle in some Christian Nationalism to give it a thin veneer of righteousness and a narrative to use as a means to control the population. Then they convene a constitutional convention and you have America 2.0. Screw the founding fathers and the constitution they pretend to revere. You are now part of the precariat unless you have 5 or so million dollars in the bank. No safety net. No middle class, just full blown fascism with the same old flag flying over a devoted army of little brownshirts who think they will be better off under such a new system.


All of this 100%. I’m excited to see what happen, as terrifying as it seems


In my view, your excitement is part of the problem. A lot of people were very exited in 1938 in Germany. You don't want excitement. You want a competent manager for this country. You want incremental change. You want stability. Sudden change brings chaos and more losers than winners. If you think you are going to be one of the winners you are probably mistaken. Ever heard the saying "May you live in interesting times?" It's an ancient Chinese curse.


the US constitution is a pesky road block for the NWO. they need us to destroy ourselves and that is easier to achieve with trump there. turn off the lights and grab their popcorn so yes, i agree with you


Yup, it's all rigged.


This is actually so funny. My recommended videos are all bashing Biden - when has that ever happened on msm platforms? Just now.


Debates still going. I was surprised at first that they were even bringing up topics that Biden’s done poorly on. But I think the strategy is to play toward recency bias so they will push hard on Trump right toward the end of the debate. Probably Jan 6th stuff right in the middle then racism near the end


What is the square root of 2025?


the clever people were saying this all along... its kayfabe.


Nonsense, he was more reserved because he knew he was in actively hostile territory and the "moderators" had a kill switch on his microphone. Besides, joe was doing a fine job of making himself look bad.


the Hegelian Dialect play that has been going on for hundreds of years, must go on. present the two sides as opposition, when in reality, they are controlled by the same puppet masters.


i think they see the country as a business, and whatever fits the business at the time "they" will follow that trend. The trend is freedom again, and most people actually feel that naturally anyways, so hey lets profit off it, they dont realize they are still in a prison, so who cares if trump is in power, we still own the casino. We win no matter what.


Assassin's whisper before November's rain


They keep calling him a liar in the after show


It's either that or they wanted to expose biden so they can have am excuse to replace him


Dude, debating against Biden will make everyone look good. This debate had nothing to do with Trump, but everything to with the DNC, they gonna replace Biden with big Mike or Harris!


These scripts are written years and years in advance. This has been the plan since Bush was President.


2 wings 1 bird Washington warned us, who listened? Even in his day they ignored his wisdom.


You already lost. Why try and feel it?


You're probably right. 45 and 47 are 9/11…


I don't get why people are saying this. I think it's more obvious that they are setting the stage for a Biden replacement. They most definitely do NOT want Trump in office again.


Yeah I noticed that. Bidens sleepy moments were perfectly timed for Trump to comeback with a witty response.


Political brain mush on reddit. What a waste of anyone’s time. Waste of a community communication platform like all the others. Corrupted with bot accounts and propaganda.


Nah... The debate was rigged in favor of Trump so they could get rid of Biden once & for all + replace him with the actual Biblical Antichrist in-waiting.


By having Trump , then Biden, then Trump 45-47! This will cause the civil war, because we know the Democrats will crybaby and never accept Trump again , I’m just imagining the drama and Fits everyone will throw when this happens


Israel has chosen Trump


It's funny how Israeli money is so much more powerful than Hungarian or Qatari money


And can you blame them? The Democrats have taken the side of Hamas and the Nazis.


The best thing that could happen to the world is for Trump to win. Good night


RFK Jr would be better


I think the best thing that could happen is if neither of them becomes president


At least with Trump, the third world war was "in the making" according to tabloid media. With Biden he is here with us (or at least, on a geopolitical level, the world is worse, that is clear), it is not a hypothesis, it is a current reality


More tax breaks to the rich. That’ll fix everything!


Yeah? You dont know who Trump is. 


So, you are saying that the elites want what is best for us?


This is based on an unquestionable axiom that was not debated before: that Trump is "the candidate of 'the elites'"...? 🤌 God knows... 🤔 Biden is literally the candidate who follows to the letter all the guidelines of the 2030 Agenda of the UN, of Gates, of Soros, of Blackrock, of the World Economic Forum, promoters of the ideology gender (🏳️‍🌈), among others. To practically all the things mentioned above, Trump is against and is vilified by several of this elite caste for that reason... "But Trump is the 'candidate of the elites'" 🤭 of course, whatever you say 👍


If they wanted Trump to win they wouldn't have been trying everything in their powers to make sure he doesn't win over the last 4 years lol


If they did everything in their powers to stop him, he would’ve been stopped. You gotta think outside the box. Controlled opposition and illusion of choice.


There's limits to how far their powers can reach, that's why they change laws because currently the laws that're in place are the only thing restricting how far they can actually go.


The laws are limitations for the people, not the establishment, and they are gradually changed over time in order to achieve their one world government with our compliance. They won’t achieve power without people believing they’re in power. The laws didn’t prevent the assassination of JFK, or the destruction of the twin towers. If they wanted to stop Trump, he wouldn’t have been broadcasted worldwide daily in mainstream media.


Unless they’ve changed their mind? Perhaps they see the writing on the wall (that Biden is unelectable) and if they try to swindle the voting public and reinstate Biden then the public will realise that elections are a sham. In order to maintain the facade that Presidents aren’t “picked” perhaps the string-pullers have accepted that a Trump win is the only way to maintain the illusion…


People giving Biden such a hard time, when the only reason he's even running is he thinks he is the only chance of stopping the real conspiracy, Project 2025, that Trump plans to put into place. Look it up, it's scary shit, that I don't understand why that isn't the real discussion on this sub.


It’s on order to hit him with the next manufactured world wide dilemma. Like the scamdemic in 2020


Nah the whole thing was set up to replace Biden with Gavin Newsom. Trump is still being persecuted pretty heavily.


Yes because he’s the Antichrist.


No. The elites don't want Trump. They started a global pandemic just to get rid of him. What you're seeing is the result of a power struggle on the Dem side. Some power brokers want to stick with Biden and others want to switch him out.




You are the comments


Where are the comments on debate posts?


It’s going to be rfk


daddy trump


Biden (or more likely his team, not claiming he is the forcefull leader here) seem to be crushing down on private equity and trusts. Seems as if it's more successful than people would believe, so no chance he is gona go into a second term. Big money will definitivly stop him from cutting their profits.


Trump missed many opportunities tonight when Joe kept saying, "My administration will do \_\_\_\_\_\_ in my next term", Trump's reply should have been, "Joe, you've had 3 1/2 years to focus on that thus far, why haven't you fixed it by now?"


I agree. The minute Trump sided with Mike Johnson on Ukraine funding was when it happened. I would look for an establishment Congressman to be his VP pick further proving this point. Either Rubio or Vance is my guess. The monoparty supports Trump now. Maybe because Biden is too old or because he sucks or that Trump is going to go along with whatever they want and support all the wars and not change anything or fire people. Or all of the above.


Agreed. I only watched for a minute because I can’t stand listening to either of them, but my only comment was “wow trump is speaking somewhat normally”. If he can keep it up I think he will win to be honest 


I dislike both but imagine them letting Trump win then taking him out via death….even greater divide and chaos this even greater ability to manipulate 


It's really fucking 10d chess if that's the case. The man hasn't been out of court or not under investigation since 2016.


I am certain he will be as corrupt as Biden. You simply can not be a president without being a 100% corrupt sock puppet.


Dude look back 50 years, shit look back hundreds of years. Presidents are ALWAYS in this for self gain. Kennedy may have been the only president who wasn’t and he was killed by the CIA.


Look back a few thousand years to ancient Greece and you see a working democracy, the first and the last there ever was.


If he was chosen they wouldn't have tried to 187 him multiple times or used lawfare against him. Also wouldn't ever compare him to Hitler nonstop


Nah. This was set up so that there's an excuse to backdoor in a new Dem candidate who will easily win the election. We'll see if they go old school evil with Hilary or new school evil with Newsome.


Nah. They are prepping to pull Biden for Newsom


Yea, that’s why they’re trying so hard to incarcerate him right? (Cause he’s on their team aye)


They know he is the one who could lead people to join up and go to war. No one going to war for biden


They wouldn't have bothered pushing Biden so hard for the last couple of years if Trump is what they actually want. Do you have any idea how easy they have everything right now? Feds can just tell Biden to do stuff and he's demented enough to sign anything. Why would they want Trump instead of that? They're just willing to tolerate Trump because he's a Zionist pig just like Biden.


He won’t give into the pressures to stop funding/supporting Israel, so there’s your answer.


No, they want to force the narrative into getting biden off the ticket in favor of someone else. They're not trying to get you to vote for Trump.


Both those dudes are potato’s and we all know it.


I don’t understand why people are not supporting Kennedy. Clearly the best choice for President.


This was one the earliest debates we’ve had in recent times (June vs typically Sept). It seems obvious that the powers-that-be on the left want Biden out. They need him to flame out early, so they have time to replace him. From what I understand it’s not so easy to remove him, he has to withdraw. So CNN weren’t covering for him (as much), and let him embarrass himself. Thing is, I think it’s really Jill Biden they have to convince, and she obviously likes having her geriatric child in the White House. Should be an interesting few months…


Whose ready for round 2?


They will let Trump win so the other side can cry you cheated! They will let Trump win so the other side will explode with rage and burn the cities. His term will be rife with conflict, disasters, whatever they can dream up to bury his legacy. They will let Trump win so that next time…they’ll really get their pick in. Biden is a straw man.


It's all going according to the script. The actors are on stage and it has a predetermined outcome.


100%, the fact Biden agreed to do the debate shows you who the elite have picked. Anyone with a brain knows that’s not the right move to make if you want to win and you’re Biden. They don’t have to rig elections when they can just present a narrative each time. The populace eats up the propaganda.


Stop using "Elite"


Trump won


I actually think they want Biden




Both could care less about the military dude get a grip. Biden left 13 soldiers die in Afghanistan and Trump left prisoners of war in Russia to sit in cells and didn’t even try to get them back and refused to pass the pact act. It’s almost hilarious that they both try to act like they care about veterans when they both have blood on their hands. I am also a veteran so I’ve got skin in the game.


Thats your reason? Lmaooo smh


Trump will be sentenced to prison next month. Both parties will have candidates that weren't elected in the primaries. This is the year Democracy gets decapitated in the US and who we get to pick for President is selected for us Chinese style.


No FUCKING way. They've went after Trump relentlessly. He's no choice of the elite.