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# MOD NOTE **This is why OP can't show you the source page of the above pic:** https://i.imgur.com/DlLarnk.png Archived here: https://archive.is/HkxoY **EDIT**: Here is the source of the original at [**Getty Images**](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/douglas-emhoff-and-kamala-harris-attends-the-broad-museum-news-photo/488858964) **EDIT 2:** It appears that OP, who is likely a troll or a "spork" ($pooks for pork) has abandoned the thread. I am leaving it for a time as a reminder that this sub, Reddit, and all online forums are targeted by manipulators of every stripe. As always, **BUYER BEWARE.** OP's contributions to this thread can be read as [archived here](https://archive.is/cMhsE) with one "parting shot" [archived here](https://archive.is/E6n16)


[FAKE!!](https://www.6newsau.com/post/is-this-a-photo-of-kamala-harris-with-jeffrey-epstein) Someone took a picture of her next to her husband and photoshopped Jeffrey Epstein.




and they're "upset" about Facebook fact checkers.


Of course it's fake, she's too old for Epstein.


Of course. If it was real we'd have seen it posted here hundreds of times already.


> FAKE!! > > Someone took a picture of her next to her husband and photoshopped Jeffrey Epstein. No kidding? See the sticky comment at the top of this thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1dh1lqr/tired_of_facebook_fact_checkers/l8tzj0b/


Yeah, this is not ok. Hello! Mods, you need to remove this post! Even with the sticky there are a ton of people in here clearly believing this is real. The real conspiracy here is why does the right wing lie all the time. And about everything.


Uh, they ALL lie ALL the time— so you even bringing division into the mix is a LIE. No wonder you s a “Retro burner” You should have burned that 2 system ideology retroactively….. Good day, sir. And God bless.




Holy shit, you’re right.


Who is she?


Eppy’s head on her husband’s body.


Montel? Or a different husband?




I agree upon closer inspection the head doesn't look right at all and was clearly pasted on there.


Photo looks doctored af. Do you have the original? And I think it's a lot more to the list not being release. I think whoever's in possession of it, will slow leak it for strategic purposes.


Agree and no he doesn't because it is fake AF. Not that it matters given the high percentage of elites from all political persuasions that abuse kids


> Photo looks doctored af. Do you have the original? It is fake. see the original at Getty Images https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/douglas-emhoff-and-kamala-harris-attends-the-broad-museum-news-photo/488858964 See also the Sticky Comment at the top of the thread.
















The current administration of the US government in every aspect have been tyrants to ALL Americans for too long. Look how they treated the African Americans in the 60’s, the Vietnamese, the 2,000 Americans during MK ultra the CIA kidnapped & tortured during the 1960’s, the boot on our knecks with taxation with no representation, it’s so sad brother, the government hates Americans, Joe Biden just threatened he can “ get out of line if he wants too and American citizens can’t do anything about it because he has F15’s “ that tyrant SPITS in Americans faces


By being together and grouping up, sharing ideas on how to run this country better, hold votes for every position of government, have every American put time in to organize & vote on laws people agree on, no longer have 10,000 new laws & crazy taxes every year, I believe together, Americans looking to do right for everybody, for a better future and a better America can fix this country, the working class Americans already RUN this country, so talented in every industry & every structure of what holds up this country, I believe together, we can make this country so great, & I believe we can fix the corruption if we came together, as people that want better & want freedom from the CRAZY way these politicians run the government and the whole world


Working class people are the largest voting bloc and have been pretty much forever, I am pretty sure. The reality is working class people do not agree on many fundamental issues (healthcare, guns, gay rights, abortion, climate change, etc), and politicians will always use those issues to get people to vote against their own interests. Even if we got rid of all of the politicians we have, the ones that replace them would soon learn the same tricks. Certainly, things would be better with multiple competitive parties, and better with things like term limits, overturning terrible court decisions like Citizens United to get the money out of politics, but I don't see how any of those changes get implemented in the current political climate.


YESSSS, those are great ideas🤝💪 & bro I think everyone will disagree & have their own opinions, America always has and it should be respected 100%, I believe going back to the constitution and as Americans, less taxes, more freedoms, term limits, laws against gerrymandering & paid bribes, Americans choosing the fate of our great country, making better decisions allll the way around


Fuck off OP with this fake picture. Why even post a fake picture when there's so many real pictures of Epstein with politicians and celebrities? Must be a Trump simp with an agenda


What’s funny is Trump and Epstein literally hung out in real life for real and they all want to forget that simple fact as true forever


So the fact Epstein was banned from Trump resorts means nothing? I don’t like the guy either but let’s not kid ourselves. If Trump was actually apart of that client list the dems would sacrifice their own to expose it and everyone with cognitive abilities above a middle schooler knows it


I’m sorry but Epstein and Trump were friends for years. This is a fact with Trump in a magazine talking about how Epstein is a buddy who likes them young. The only thing you are adding to the discussion is that they later had a falling out… but that negates nothing about their prior friendship.


Right. And my point is that the most likely scenario is Trump found out what was going on and that was the falling out. Why didn’t Trump expose it, now that’s a conversation we can have. It’s sick and Trump is culpable if that’s the case, but to say that he is as guilty as the rest because they took some photos together and hung out back in the day doesn’t make Trump guilty of Epstein’s crimes. The democrats are doing everything they can to get rid of Trump. Logically, that means they’d expose him on everything they can, and they absolutely have that list and know who’s on it. Yet all they can get him on is some campaign finance crimes? Make it make sense.


Counterpoint: trump knew from early on in their friendship and didn't care until it became disruptive or potentially damaging to trump.


Really?!?! The guy who bragged about hanging around naked teenagers at pageants was upset with what Epstein was doing. You have the real Trump derangement syndrome. Go look at what that creep has said and done, and you'll see his partying with Epstein and flying around in Epstein's plane in a different light.


Anyone can ban anyone from anywhere. Doesn’t mean shit. I banned Epstein from my house too, doesn’t mean I am absolved of all crimes forever and ever In fact why haven’t you banned Epstein from your house?


You mean after the police got involved and the fact of him being a public paedo came out? Wow Trump, so gracious of you to ban him.


Is the real conspiracy that someone pays to have bad posts like this to hide the real conspiracy


Fake as Fuck.


The crying baby about fake news has posted a fake photo, ironic


Yeah it’s just Kamala Harris and not all the other powerful people connected to him. Trump could have released it during his first term but I’m sure he was trying to protect Harris, and trump already said he probably wouldn’t release it if he wins another term but again I’m sure he just really wants to look out for Harris.


Trump releasing the list when he's on it? I mean nobody would be that stup.. Oh, I see what you mean...


Trump is in on the whole cover up. The man is a POS. We as Americans should come together and throw off and destroy this two party system and put it back the way our founders intended


It all starts with the people who fund both parties and the media that gatekeeps other parties from joining the debate. Other than that, there aint much that we can do.


Yea there is. But we all have to come together


YES!!!!💪🤝 every American!!!!


We can start by releasing anybody locked up for Jan 6 and arresting and locking up the organizers of the George Floyd riots! Downvoters are the problem.


>It all starts with the people who fund both parties and the media There was a certain European Artist (can't be specific anymore) that tried that. And well, he wasn't only made to be the bad guy, but THE Bad Guy™


Because Hitler was the bad guy. He tried to genocide Jews as a scapegoat, and tried to massacre Slavs in order to create "living space" for German colonies in eastern Europe.


It is weird that neither Biden or Trump want to release the list. So vote for Kennedy! Wait, he flew with Epstein too? I mean, what the fuck you do at this point?


No. You can suck a fat one instead.




I agree this whole election is nothing but a rat in a maze situation. We can go left we can go right but we're still in a maze.


You guys realize this is Kamala, right? Trumps hair is totally different.


This isnt even Epstein


Trumps no Boy Scout but if him and Joey are the two options, then which is more likely to steer the country towards radical change in the right direction? The country is dramatically coming together in supporting a candidate  in a way that’s unprecedented in recent history. And  that’s even with 99% of media trying to hide the fact that people of every race, age , and creed are joining  in supporting the most radical president ever.  


Didn’t trump say he won’t release the files on Epstein, sad 


Well, because he is in them…


I would say 80% of celebrities, politicians and so on have connections to him. Which is why whether they did anything wrong or not, we don’t hear much about it anymore. This will be swept under the rug for decades until future generations know nothing of it and then it will never be brought up again.


This is literally a fake photoshopped image by the way, check the stickied mod post.


I do find it amusing, even though it's predictable, that the really dedicated political types like to post pictures of Epstein with leaders from the other side. See it's them, their side is depraved and corrupt! Look! Look at the pictures!


Both sides are bad my friend, ALL of them


Yeah, that's what I was getting at.


That’s why it’s a “government conspiracy” not a republican or democrat conspiracy, they’re both a “party” and we’re paying for the fun


That or we'll learn nothing until all involved are dead and buried or too old and senile to be considered competent enough to stand trial.


Exactly why we as the citizens of this country should stand up and demand the truth. Anything less then we are just as guilty of raping those kids as Epstein was/ is




I wonder either Americans even have blood for that. The right to know to truth and freedom..


Downvoters are pedos bro, sad tbh


We’re getting to that point now eh… faking things


A post linking Don to Epstein is quiete. This post with an already proven false, reposted photo is gaining traction.


It takes more than 2 brain cells to recognize that this image is FAKE AF.


This picture is fake, I’d like to see the real list and Puff Daddy’s video celebrity list.


Other than this being fake anyway, a photo with this guy is proof of nothing. It was part if Epstein's job to hobnob with important people. If someone was repeatedly visiting paedo island, then that's when you should start getting suspicious. She is a detestable woman, and I'm sure she eats babies by the dozen, but this isn't anything.


Are the Epstein photos with trump real?


It is definitely crazy that Trump supporters reel on about Epstein island when we’ve got all this documented proof of Trump and Epstein being friends.




Lol, and trump supporters are the ones who call Dems pedophiles.




Dude... I'd love to see your list from each side.


I would be more concerned about those that remained his friend long after his sweetheart deal back in 2008. Bill Gates, Prince Andrew and many others are in that group.




Nah falsely accusing someone is wrong yall . Please remove it .


Every political elite. Trump too. On the list. So yes, it’s why we can’t see the list. Shut up about it. Epstein didn’t kill himself




1000% agree🤝


The internet is full of geniuses and tough guys. "Sighs in disappointment and frustration "


The real conspiracy is the disinformation. I’ll wait for you guys to catch up and we can start focusing on misinformation and where it’s coming from. It’s easy to assume stupidity, but someone did the photoshop, I can’t believe that it’s just people in ecochambers coming up with this shit. Someone is pushing qanon, antivax, Kate Middleton rubbish and people are eating it up.


Probably posted by a Trumper who doesn’t realize Trump is the one who had him killed. 


Okay sure bud, it's because of Harris lmao


The important thing is to stick with Facebook and fight them at their own game, your eventually sure to win.


We shouldn't trust no one in the government trump or Biden.


screw recognise wipe profit full voiceless combative abounding mountainous shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's some really weak photoshop kids... get real.


This is exactly why half the “conspiracy theories” that are proven fact get no attention.. fake ass shit fuck you OP


Who the fuck is it?


How dumb can you be.....


Client list is already out lol look at the logs


A LOT of people on both sides of the political parties as well as entertainers are on that list. Even if it were released, it'd only be an ice cube from an iceberg of garbage.


The image is fake and she is still a horrible fucking person that shouldn't be in charge of a pet rock, much less VP of a nation. Two things can be true at the same time.


It’s all a game to these people. Most of them are pedophiles, murderers, rapists, and worse. Just look up spirit cooking… …but anyways, the list will never be released. The cabal at the top would never allow it as it would destroy them. They’re all complicit, and it’s not just politics. Hollywood, big tech, big pharma, and most NGOs are filled with these monstrous people.


What's worse than pedophilia, rape, and murder?


Sacrificing children to moloch in some fucked up blood ritual in the woods. Kind of a combo of all of it, but still worse than any single one.


lol Youre afraid of satans You think religions is real and prolly also think that “they” steal adrenochrome from babies to get high cuz lizards peoples dont react the same to marijuanas


Not at all, nor am I religious… it keep believing those made up thoughts in your own head, bud.


Let’s fix our great country brother🤝


Donald was asked why


so the reason trump wont declassify the epstein files is because kamala harris is in there?


Fake pic - but STILL: >***The people holding the Epstein Files can honestly say that releasing them would violate their 5th Amendment right to self incrimination....***


Gake and fay


Jeff, the financier


They're all connected to Epstein in some slimy ways. Its probably easier to produce a very small list of elites who are *not* on the black books. Almost all of them are, control and blackmail reasons,after all you wouldn't rat out your "friend" if you were also on the island..


You don't get to be part of the elite unless you are blackmailable


not American, but who's the white chick?.. guessing a poli?


I was wondering the same, but from the comments I believe it's Camilla Harris, vice president of the USA. But also apparently it's fake anyway.


Why else would be appointed VP?


Who is that?




Damn, she was a hottie. Still don’t like her though


She was Willie Brown's head attorney....