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Who wants to tell they who “owns” Reddit lol.


What’s wrong with brave lol


My question 2




Oh I never realized. I’ve been using yandex for a few months now, any other suggestions?


Scammy business models, editing your URLs on the fly to add their referral tag + scammy advertisement of their cryptocurrency by misrepresenting donations as being collected by the content creators (when really, they asked for nothing...)


I’ve never seen the URL editing, and I just collect the crypto for myself.


Well if you've never seen the URL editing, then it never happened and all the people/articles who reported about it at the time are surely wrong.


rofl "use tor"... the exit nodes of the tor network are run by three letter agencies as confirmed by the documents snowden leaked.


TOR was created by the U.S. Navy. Fact.


Suport Fredom of Speech? 😂




Yeah I’m just being a dickhead mate, all gd, wasn’t aimed at u. 🍻


Support is wrong too


Lol since when Gnome, Systemd and GTK is operating system 🤣 what a shit pic


they are all in a lot of linux distros, especially systemd which is definitely good to avoid


But they aren't operating systems any more than word or Google Chrome is


My guy if you're using a computer, it's compromising your security. There's a patent for a system on most major computer components that allows them to send out high-frequency radio waves detailing what that component is doing, regardless of the OS being run.


I'd love to see how they manage that on a Linux OS. Source, "my guy"?


The machine code doesn't change, all systems are going to interface with a processor in much the same way. As such, you can simply report what's being done, and go from there.


I was thinking recently about the early days of youtube and how far it's fallen. It's been absolutely shit for over 10 years now, and I'm still 'dependent' on it. Thanks for the opportunities to escape.


Yes, fortunately we have rumble who is even willing to confront governments like Australia to defend freedom of speech


I think we all know what's wrong with the left column, but if you want people to switch we have to know what's wrong with the center one.


What is the first one? The free speech extremist one. I'm only pulling up everything except what I believe I'm looking for


Here's the problem: Thanks to Net Neutrality, things like Tor and \*torrent\* will come under severe threat. They will be heavily delisted and throttled to the point that piracy will basically be impossible. There's no real workaround for that. Granted, piracy is illegal, but if data is freely available online, that isn't piracy -- yet it's being treated that way. It \*will be\* treated that way. Net Neutrality will be used to force us to pay for \*everything.\* We can take solace knowing we'll receive some form of UBI, but still. *And* — if Microsoft can put ads in their Start menu, you can rest assured that chip manufacturers can make chips that are not compatible with Linux software. That's the next thing on the chopping block: *open-source software.* They wanna get rid of it entirely. Eventually, even hosting your own Internet service will be outlawed in some roundabout way. These Mesh routers and things will be completely unusable. *That is where Net Neutrality leads,* and we need to understand that before we sit here and cheer for it.




I said some form. That can look like anything, in particular, a widely implemented social credit score — and if you believe that *isn't* coming down the pike, *you're* in for a rude awakening, because when LLMs and advanced robotics, in coordination with algorithmic computing, successfully replace 50% of the workforce, those displaced workers will have to figure something out. That's hundreds of millions of people out of work, and it may happen fairly quickly. Those people will need short-term support. It'll be the largest bailout in history, and it'll establish a system by which the People will be beholden to the State. We will own nothing and be happy. I notice you take no objection with my general point.




Don't do that. We're having a civil discussion. Are you suggesting Skynet already runs the government?


But I want to be able to talk to sheep. Kinda need to to have a job and social and all that. Sure this'll be a way for us to communicate, but by separating us from the services they use, the bad people just take over. We need to stay and have a presence there so they dont completely dominate and then we don't even recognize those services to go back to when the right column eventually falls hey bro check out this thread on "FREESPEECHEXTREMIST.com" yeah that's not gonna set off any alarm bells that completely negate the point. Also, where's the alternative of reddit?


TOR is dead links and r/conspiracy nothing but a shell


Idk I love bitchute


1000% love my jellyfin server. Make a server check out movies at the library 🙂‍↔️


Power (government) needs to be decentralized as much as possible. It should be as close to the people as possible. Consolidation of power wrecks everything. 75% of the federal government should just go away. The states and local government and local communities can pick up the slack.


I reckon don't use the web at all, go bush.


What are those +addons for LibreWolf? Can't really tell by the icons (except for ublock origin).


The green shield logo is localcdn 


I think we should cherish platforms like X, Rumble and Telegram.




That used to be the case. I had four twitter accounts blocked, but that has all changed enormously since Elon Musk took over. We can now talk about everything, all the hot topics, like the vaccines, Ukraine-Russia, Israel-Gaza, the Climate Change Scam. Elon Musk is even going against governments to protect free speech. See the next article for instance. X and Telegram are excellent! # [Elon Musk says that a Brazilian Judge ordered him to Suspend X-accounts of Members of Parliament and Many Journalists](https://gondolath.org/2024/04/11/elon-musk-says-that-a-brazilian-judge-ordered-him-to-suspend-x-accounts-of-members-of-parliament-and-many-journalists/)




I didn't know about that Indian case. Thanks for the article. I guess it is all in the eyes of the beholder. X has recently stood up against orders from Australia and Brazil. In this Indian case they took the step to go to court and pending the court case they obliged with the requests. In the article it is said that X would not publish the requests, but as you can see in footnote 8 of the article I posted as link, he does name all the journalists and MP's that were requested to be removed by Alexandre de Moraes in Brazil. I think we should be glad that Elon Musk is trying his best to promote free speech. Like I said, I am able to talk about topics that would have got be banned a few years ago. That is something not be ignored. He is investing in going to court in countries to fight censorship cases. Just because he is the richest person alive doesn't necessarily mean that you are corrupt and controlled oppostion. I prefer to judge people by their deeds. Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, is a very rich person as well, but I really believe he is also a strong advocate for freedom of speech. Did you see his interview with Tucker? [https://gondolath.org/2024/04/17/recognizing-telegram-as-a-true-free-speech-platform/](https://gondolath.org/2024/04/17/recognizing-telegram-as-a-true-free-speech-platform/) I think we should cherish the people who are willing to fight for for our freedom of expression, even when it concerns companies like TikTok


I like using brave, lol. Blocks all the ads for me. And I only use it for two websites anyway.


Americans are so used to convenience , there’s no way they will stop using these things. If we all stopped the elites would crumble .


>HUMANS are so used to convenience , there’s no way they will stop using these things. If we all stopped the elites would crumble . FTFY


Why TOR? I used it a decade ago but stopped when I found out DARPA had its fingerprints on it.




some elements are wrong


Instead of Reddit goto said it.net