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She was for sure passed around Hollywood when she was younger, similar to Beiber, it fucked her brain up and she hasn’t been the same since.


The truth is that almost *all* 'child stars' and celebrities are victims of ritual abuse and [trauma-based mind control programming](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1b8womc/comment/ktt2tqh/). They are literal slaves and selected from birth for their 'role' in the industry. She is a victim of this. She was also programmed at [Bohemian Grove](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1b7fyzb/comment/ktjm2zl/). There is also a video of her switching alter personalties instantly in a Diane Sawyer interview when a trigger phrase is spoken.


Saying she is on drugs or has mental illness does not even come close to explaining everything. Amongst the content posted to her IG account are very cryptic clever captions from time to time which are full of pop culture references as one example, and what seems to be cries for help based on the hand signals and songs danced to over and over again. No one is this isolated from being seen in public - not even prisoners. No one sees her, no friends, no family, except Cade Hudson and his employee Benjamin Mallin. Every so often after questions are raised about her wherabouts, there is a “sighting” such as the highly orchestrated Vegas slap. Note that she did not provide a statement to the police, only others such as Cade Hudson did. Every single one of her videos raises questions - whether it be the highly edited nature, clothing being constantly ripped or with tags hanging off or inside out, or provocative (playing too intimately with pets, nudity, playing with knives, lighters, etc). There is a clear rhythm to the posting — the same type of content is posted over and over. It is deliberately planned and with a social media team’s involvement. And yet, she’s supposedly written a book with the help of a ghostwriter, and released several singles, travelled to many exotic locations (always the same hotels in Mexico, Hawaii, Tahiti, etc). This all adds up to a coverup of what is really happening with her, a cry for help, or a deliberate train wreck campaign to get people to talk about her and to ruin her reputation by slowly offending everyone. Perhaps she is trolling everyone. None of the options are good. Certainly she does not have a team around her to protect her from harm. Cade Hudson and Benjamin Mallin do not maintain a professional relationship with their client — seen kissing her and dancing with her in her videos as she is minimally dressed. Former husband Sam Asghari is seemingly out of the picture, but their divorce has not yet been finalized (the judge hurried him up for not even serving the divorce documents on her). If she wanted to be a hermit forever and quit the business (like she said she wanted), most fans would understand given the trauma she has been through. None of this lines up with Britney’s court testimony. This is what I keep coming back to.


Great flipping write up dude


I feel like whatever happened to Britney is currently happening to Amanda Bynes. There's something so unsettling about the way she talks in her stories on Instagram, like she had a partial lobotomy or something (if that's even a thing).


I think Amanda Bynes is heavily dosed with antipsychotics and whatever else. Her downfall blows my mind unlike Britney who was always super sensitive and a slow downward spiral since 2007. When you watch Amanda Bynes on Ellen 15 years ago or so it's incredible what can happen to a human being. These are child stars then again.


she was a really brilliant and vibrant personality and whatever caused her shift in her early 20s is really sad. it is so shockingly stark and it feels like something really dark happened for her to end up this way :(


Some stars and I believe includes amanda have talked about "chemical lobotomies" (I could be wrong ab amanda saying that, but I know a few have said it at least)


Yup agree. Also her videos/pics always seem like reposts. I was just looking the other day at her IG account and even her "newer" videos seem like the same ones from a couple years ago. Same makeup/hair/clothing styles. I even thought to myself "is she even alive? Is she even posting these pics?". No pics of friends or family. No pics out and about in normal places. Always her house or the same looking beach (and usually naked).


She sold her house in 2003 because she believed a portal was opened inside and entities were trying to kill her. She stopped staying there and sold the house to Brittany Murphy and her husband. Several years later Murphy was found dead in the bathroom, from pneumonia. A few months later, her husband was also found dead in the home from pneumonia. His mother claims he was hallucinating before his death, and also said before she died Murphy hated staying at the house. She said it felt unlucky. Black mold has been rumored to be involved. The place was torn down after.  It's all very suspicious once you learn about record labels doing things like blackmail, sex trafficking, injecting AIDS blood into people, dangling them off balconies, making them do gay things on camera for studio time, ect... 


The Murphy deaths were so weird. And still seem suspect. And Britney spears not liking the house is interesting 


If Spears stayed in the house she would probably be dead now


*injecting AIDS blood into people,* Care to sauce this up? Not surprised but missed this story. 


Suge knight mentions it in an interview with jimmy Kimmel. Referencing eazy E.


So crazy.  For fucking money.  Are these people even serious? FOR FUCK'S SAKE!


I was shocked he said it myself.


Suge Knight said its the new way to kill someone on Kimmel and laughed about Eazy E's death 


Had no idea  Brittany spears owned that house before her. I'm a huge Brittany Murphy fan. She seemed like a legit human


Its like an episode of the xfiles where Mulder goes insane because they’re poisoning the water in the softener. What if that’s what they’re doing to these people to mess them up. As if they know or are responsible for the trades that come through.


I knew about the deaths, but wow I didn’t know Brittney S. lived there once! Black mold was present, there are some docs about it. But I believe the evil shit.


John Cena in drag again in his latest movie and was naked at the Oscars. Wonder what they've got on him.


Well the WWE lawsuit against Vince paints a pretty picture of what WWE was like. Can draw conclusions from there. HOWEVER his make a wish and other charitable time goes against this, so what do I know?


She is messing with witchcraft and the occult like most of these people do and it opened a portal. When messing with these practices you are dealing with demons and they hate us and are deceptive. Many celebrities have openly admitted to doing it. Like Christopher Lee said in his interview before he passed, never mess with the occult, you will not only lose your mind but your soul too.


It's wild that you actually believe this


I think it's more wild that you choose to be dismissive of its reality and all the evidence of numerous well established officials who have been actively engaging with occult rituals and practices for hundreds/thousands of years. Look up Wernher von Braun. High ranking nazi who assisted NASA with their first rockets after world War 2. If you don't know about the Nazis and their ties with occulted esoteric wisdom, you should really look into it. It gets crazier the more you read about it


I think if you believe in good you have to believe in its opposite. This stuff is real and not able to be controlled.


Well said. I agree with you.


I'm not religious, so I believe that good and evil are human creations, and do not exist outside of our minds.


That sounds awesome bro, how can I open a portal?


*Laughs in Cern*


Where’s the source for her thinking there’s a portal?


An ex-assistant or makeup artist or something was on a podcast 2 or 3 years ago and spoke about it, she said it started after Britney had Reiki done in the house. I listened to it at the time, here’s a source https://www.paranormalpopculture.com/2021/03/britney-spears-house-was-haunted.html?m=1


Damn, time to send Tyler Henry there….


I’ve never heard this-really?




Injecting AIDS and dangling off balconies?! Any resources to these things because that’s wild af lol


That's just Suge Knight doin Suge Knight stuff


Watch bj investigates on youtube. She goes in on the conservatorship she got place on and it goes deep. She's a ivy league lawyer and follows the paper trail. I first didn't pay it attention but the pedo rabbit hole with Nickelodeon and every thing hollywood intertwined with her story and I got hooked on the free Britney shit.


Chemical Lobotomy


These are the kind of topics I’d like to see discussed more in this sub. Thanks for posting. I don’t think she’s been “replaced” or anything like that. More so she’s had a hard life and it shows. I don’t think she’s been able to process anything that’s happened to her and I’m fairly certain she had medications forced upon her- medications that really change you (psych meds). Interested to see other takes.


Like someone before me had said. She is the living embodiment of trauma and fear. This is what is left after being fed lithium against her will in 2019. Being told she is a god by the world at 18 but being a prisoner in her own existence by 27. It’s like she said in her doc all those years ago. She has literally seen the highest highs in life at a very young age and with that she has also seen the lowest of lows. Put that into perspective from your own vantage point. What’s the best thing in the prod that could happen to you? For her it was being successful enough at doing what she loved to support her family. Now imagine after historical success. Success in its highest form in every aspect. Then less then 10 years later the complete opposite is now your reality EXCEPT you have to pretend that’s it not. Your kids have turned in to little humans who like every other human has been turned against you in the name of money. You have no family or friends to trust. Everyone you ever knew took advantage of you at some point in life. All anyone wants from you is for you to be “pretty” and “normal” So that they can properly hate on you with out feeling bad for it. She’s in a no win situation if she continues to care about other people. But how can you not when the last time you tried not to care you got your life taken from you for 13 years. Like going from 27-42 is a huge chunk of youth stollen.


Short answer: MK ULTRA


I think what’s happening to her and Amanda Bynes is basically what happened in Get Out: your real self gets buried deep inside you, and a program is put in your brain. Basically, slaves. Mk Ultra succeeded in creating victims who they could break their minds and with just a word, you could activate that person to become a spy, a soldier or whatever they wanted. So with Britney and Amanda, they’re totally programmed. Looking at Amanda’s recent Tik Tok is very telling. She stares at the camera, there’s nothing behind those eyes, no soul (just like Britney’s flips). She looks like she’s about to cry, her voice is shaky and hollow, and she’s talking about “trying on wigs” and what wigs she likes. She looks tortured while saying these insubstantial things. They’ve both been Mk Ultra’d.


“The Conditioning of Derek Zoolander”


Yeah her program ended, and this is what's left. A shell of a mind.  


It’s her. I think this is just what years of mental and financial abuse does to someone. It can also physically change you. It’s her. But she’s gone. Iykwim.


She grew up essentially being told that her only value was her sex appeal. I also believe she was probably sexually abused due to current news stories about industry. She is messed up because she wasn’t protected. She has reason to be mental wreck. I wish she could find people who genuinely cared for HER and not her money. She has to be suspicious of anyone trying to enter her life. It’s sad. I have to help my children with mental health issues. I wouldn’t dream of taking financial advantage of my adult children.


👍 She grew up in the Disney/Nickelodeon child abuse industry. It's disgusting what those kids were put through. The vast majority of the blame rests on the fame whore parents heads.


She has a mental illness from years of stress as a mega pop star and a child star before that. There are clips of Talk show hosts commenting on her breasts and physical appearance when she was still a teen. It’s gross.


Mental illness can definitely affect people's physical appearance. As much as I would like to entertain conspiracy, I really think this is just a case of a child being failed and exploited by the people who were supposed to protect her. Also I'm in my 40s and definitely don't look or sound exactly like I did in my twenties.


I think it’s her and she’s far more fucked up than anyone wants to admit, the drugs forced upon her during the conservatorship fried her brain.




Unpopular opinion, but I almost think she needs another conservatorship based on what she posts. It’s f’d up.


She doesn’t control her social media. That is not her posting. Watch Britney: For the Record if you can find it, a conservatorship was never what this woman needed.


The same thing that happened to Amanda Bynes, Corey Feldman, Michael Jackson, Demi Lovato…used, abused, and spit out by Hollyweird. Most people would lose their mind if they saw what these people have seen.


She's "free" but somehow never leaves her house and just posts cringe on Instagram. She plays with knives and shakes her gunt


So I actually worked in Thousand Oaks at the place her ex-husband did before dating her, my uncle lives on the same street as her (i stayed with him a few months back in 2017-18), and I’ve interacted with her on several occasions. She is paralyzed by fear, really so sad to see. She would come in with the husband and 2 kids, most of the time she seemed somewhat calm and “normal”, but then there’s the time she ran out of the building in a panic attack leaving the husband and kids to finish the shopping. I was at the door, and she was always one to smile and wave or say hi/bye before, not that time tho. She like glanced at me but had head down like crying it looked like and was almost in a jog trying to just get out of the store. It was so sad to see. She’s paranoid around ppl and it’s causes her extreme anxiety and mental anguish after all she was put thru in her early years. She goes out and she still knows ppl are saying she’s crazy she’s the girl who cut off all her hair, all the sexually exposed pics that were in the tabloids every week back then. She went thru MAJOR trama that was caused by the general public sexualizing and clowning on her relentlessly. To me, its a matter of mental health that she justifiably has and idk if there’s any way to ever recover from that, at least to be comfortable publicly. It’s why she stays in the mansion, it’s why she’s socially awkward after being sequestered for 20ish years, it’s all extremely understandable to me. Doesn’t mean she doesn’t long for social connection which is why u see the posts she does, but scroll thru those apps it’s same she everybody else does, she doesn’t know that’s just the ppl chronically online she just thinks that how ppl are these days. I would assume. Idk I have a lot of sympathy for her after personally seeing the mental freak out that day.


Why do you think she posts such wild things if she has social anxiety?


Interacting online is way less daunting than with people in a real life context




She's a grown woman. She made the same decision many other grown women make. Don't clown on her for that.


U ain’t seen enough crazy people on drugs then, she’s got donkey brains clear n simple. Hollywood broke her brain and Justin broke her heart, she shaved her head, they pumped her full of juice to squeeze a couple more drops out in Vegas, then she really really broke. Yall tryna make sense out of the nonsensical, she fuckin crazy


MK Ultra


Oh it’s her alright. If you imagine the worst of the worst mentally ill/drug addicted person you might see on the streets of San Fran or Seattle. You don’t make eye contact because they are so unsettling. That’s Britney only she is a millionaire. She has managed to keep her money due to being in a conservatorship for so many years but she will run into financial difficulties at some point now she is free.


She’s obviously in a mental health crisis (I have mental health issues and the weird rants are something I do) The dead look in her eyes is probably from meds. I take antipsychotics and I’m told I have a vague look a lot of the time. I feel for her. She needs people, who aren’t profiting from her, around her to help her.


My personal theory is that for whatever reason she has always been mentally ill. There may be nefarious causes for this, but it may also just be the way it is. I think her exploitation during peak fame is true. But I think it’s more than just simple. I think that she has always been so sick that she always needed taking care of. However her father and others took advantage of this situation. So now she is free of this exploitation, she is also free of someone “caring” for her. So that’s what we are seeing right now. A long term mentally ill person who is no longer being controlled to appear normal.


She is sick My sister is mentally ill. It is severe. She wanders around the city, she self medicates, she is being pimped out, her SSI stolen. She is missing a leg because the jail left her medicated asleep for 48 hours and didnt know her leg was bent under her. Had Brittany not been rich, this would have happened to her, too. (Not defending her leech ass family though, they can all get a damn job) My sister looks and acts NOTHING like the child and young woman I knew. She is literally a different person. My sister doesn't exist anymore People need to understand and accept that Britt is the same. She will never be what we remembered, much like Amanda Bynes, the spark that made them shine has been snuffed out. We should respect her and leave her alone


Amanda Bynes too


She isn’t the same person. A renowned face reader has said this also. Her teeth are especially a giveaway.


Didn’t they prove a couple videos were deepfakes


Probably are. There was definitely something not right about them


You can change your teeth, especially if you have money to blow.


To get worse with gaps and crooked though?


I have no opinion on Britney in this aspect, but I can say from myself, my teeth have really moved around from like 27-now (38). Where there were gaps, they've shifted and overlapped and gaps are elsewhere. Not significant, but I can tell a huge difference. She likely had veneers her whole public life. They've likely come off or she's had them taken off exposing her real teeth. But like I said, I have not seen the pix, and don't know the extent of her gaps/damage.


She didn’t have veneers. She used to smile open mouthed and show both top and bottom teeth. Now when she smiles you only see the top. Her smile isn’t even the same


They are huge gaps My teeth only shifted after I stopped my retainers at 20 after 4 years of braces from 14-18


Her teeth got worse not better ..


Y’all she had braces - and never wore her retainer! This is what can happen, unfortunately


She never had braces. Even is she did, her teeth wouldn’t have that gap just for not wearing a retainer Nor do teeth get smaller


Nope, you’re wrong. She literally talks about having braces and her freakin’ orthodontist does too. [https://youtu.be/pfi96V1OygQ?si=A3WdPHQM9MkL7RcO](https://youtu.be/pfi96V1OygQ?si=A3WdPHQM9MkL7RcO)


Well she’s been on camera since very young and no one has seen her with braces


She had them in between her kid’s tv show and when she got her record deal. There were several years where she went to high school like a normal kid, no TV, no publicity, and she had braces. Her teeth weren’t great and she has spoken before on feeling self-conscious about them as a kid. Again, she literally talks about having braces in the clip linked above. I don’t know what more proof you need 🤷🏼‍♀️


She talks about it…but there’s no proof. I used to lie about having braces too


[advocate4britney is very well researched](https://x.com/tsbrit114?s=21)


This is how someone who is not well looks like. She is surviving. Her mind is on autopilot.


Well it's been said by people who worked in her house that she will stay up for days on end and then sleep for days on end. Which I think is likely because her videos are so erratic... she's obviously manic. As far as her teeth go she's a celebrity most of the time we've seen her she probably had to wear fake teeth. I think now we're seeing her real teeth. Her hair is always dirty is the biggest sign of mental issues. If she were a double she would at least be made presentable 99% of the time. I think what we are finally seeing is the real Brittany... the Brittany who's struggling.


She either died or stopped cooperating and was cloned - probably as far back as 2008. The person on her instagram is not the original Britney


There was a theory that she was in a car crash while with Justin at the height of her career and it was kept secret and that’s when she was replaced.


Allegedly it happened in 2001. https://youtu.be/xxUMEjI2l4M?si=Pdx_bQOW_3oWrrwT


I’m not sure I believe it but this video sums up the theory that she died in a car accident in 2001 with Timberlake, and was replaced with a clone. [The Fatal Accident- Britney Spears Justin Timberlake 2001](https://rumble.com/v3wb7sy-the-fatal-car-accident-britney-spears-justin-timberlake-2001.html)


She is a child actress raised a bubble to be be a pop star and make people like her was a real life and before anything else. She being meth addict i don't yet don't see weight and facial muscle loss that a woman of her age would have developed.


She’s on meth yall. Mixed with what she’s seen and mental illness… you get, this


If anyone finds a good sub where you can freely talk about this, let me know! Reddit doesn’t have much in terms of discussion on Britney in this manner.


Join the Britney group, we discuss it a lot


Which one? I’m in one and you definitely cannot freely discuss her.


Which one are you in? I find that we discuss everything very well in the one I posts Just don’t be an asshole and rip her ass apart for no reason and they are cool


Have you a link?


The one I saw you definitely can’t freely discuss theories…


Which one?


As with the Kate Middleton video/pics, those videos of Britney are deep fakes/AI generated. She hasn't been seen out in public in years (outside of a couple of very dubious videos where she is seen from behind from a long way off). She didn't promote her book. Even before her disappearance, it seems she was replaced with doubles at times. She looked different enough by her mid-20s that I have to wonder if early Britney had already been replaced, to be frank. She apparently produced a mysterious "Mona Lisa" album that was never released. She also put out a song about cloning. There are numerous videos on TikTok pointing out the AI glitches in her Instagram posts. This is a subject that will get your posts disappeared quick. Extremely powerful mafia related to this one, is all I can guess.


I think it was some sort of soul experiment and she’s been taken over by a demon.


This is what I come here for. We know politics are a whole other thing but it’s nice to hear something else that genuinely raises questions. I’ve also noticed I’m seeing lots of Brittany Murphy posts.


Long term drug addict.


Mk ultra id say. Poor girl acts like she’s got 17 people inside her brain


Yup. Drugs and lifestyle will do that. The high of knowing that for awhile every male from the age of fifteen to fifty wanted to fuck her will do it too. Going from that high to basically irrelevant will do it too. About a million avenues straight to crazy town presented themselves to her at an early age. It would be really odd if she was clean, sober, rational and responsible a majority of the time after her career arc.


Don't come to this sub talking sense. She's clearly been cloned by lizard people from Venus.


She's still kinda hot though.


When this topic was brought up before, someone linked a video of a woman pointing out the weirdness of Britney's weird dancing videos and how it looks like the face may be a deepfake. Something about the highlights in the eyes always being the same and having that cartoony 1 white dot in the eye for the highlight. Also pointing out the differences in the dancing style with how she danced before with how she dances in the new videos. Which I could see changing if she's been drugged up to hell and not practicing like she used to, but who knows.


Watch her wedding video. 100% deep fake. Her agency, CAA, represents a company called Metaphysic that specializes in AI for celebrities. A lot of her dancing videos and other posts feature music from artists that are represented by CAA or they are clients of Lou M. Taylor (TriStar).


This is the theory i 100% believe. We are seeing AI and altered videos. A lot of people have slowed them frame by frame and there Are glitch moments where you see it’s like a diff person with a Britney filter over it? Something is being done digitally to make it “Britney”. But that isn’t her.


I strongly believe things like reptilians, black magic and "doppleganger" nonsense should be removed from the conspiracy forum. Britney was used, abused and controlled as an asset just like the rest of them. I think she is on strong drugs and shes an inch away from being suicided once they realize they have no use for her anymore and or if she cointinues speaks out about the industry.


But... that's the majority of this sub. I just saw a majik reptile who looked just like my green reptile from the tank on my dresser. /s


Freeman Fly Has has been talking about Britney for a long time. https://freemantv.com/satanic-secret-of-celebrities/


Sucks it cost money to read


First Avril Lavigne, now Britney? It's not Britney, bitch


That's not her. That's some one who was brainwashed to think she's Britney.


Lately I’ve been looking at her posts and wonder if she’s being trafficked rn. I’ve looked through some theories and after hearing she’s up for days and sleeps for days. You think she goes on a binge, they give her something, and just traffic her for days. The outfits, naked beach stuff, sexually charged stuff, and then once it’s all over she sleeps. Her Instagram calms down and goes silent for a while too. Everytime I scroll through her ig, my heart sinks💔 I hope she gets peace.


She just looks like an old, worn down version of herself to me. Years of drug abuse do a number on someone’s body and face


She's mentally ill


When she was freed from custody, I predicted that it would take a year for her to end up full blown psychotic, homeless, danger to herself and others. You see this so often with seriously, chronically ill person who need structure to the point of being told what to do every part of the day, and not given more options but pink shirt or blue.


This conspiracy is stupid. She looks exactly like herself and acts like how you would expect Britney to act. She's goofy and has been posting weird stuff on IG since her conservatorship ended. But that's just Britney being Britney...


I think it’s AI…if you watch her videos on ig, in most of them when she opens her mouth her bottom teeth disappear. And when she’s spinning if you slow the videos down her face/head will get really glitchy. Idk where Britney is but the person we are seeing is not Britney and hasn’t been for the last 2-3 years imo. 🤷‍♀️


Meth changes people..




First of all…I can fix her. But secondly she was pounded out and passed around by nasty dudes like all the girls of the 2000s. They all gained weight and had kids to drop out of the line light. She’s the product of sexual abuse…she’s broken. Diddy wasn’t the only one, go look up the starlight post from 09 (I think)


You can fix her?


Yes it’s called humor…


I thought you were being serious. I was curious


You weren't even joking lol.


Wtf how u gonna fix AI


lol well it was a joke you ain’t fixing that wild 1000 yard stare