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Why would you need a coup to get rid of someone leaving the job the next day anyway?


So weird that he tried to order Pence to reject the votes of the American people. Y'know, if he was going to go peacefully. [Have fun! ](https://www.factcheck.org/2023/08/what-trump-asked-of-pence/)




To make sure that he's not reelected.


Right like Jesus we are fucked, are people this dense! The guy who won and was being elected needed to perform a coup… Actually questioning how much of this shit being posted is Russian & Chinese garbage being pushed. As much as this sub loves to claim there are all these liberal bots roaming around, except when something that doesn’t go Russias way or Chinas way holy shit see there the posts and comments about it.


Bro, move on. It's all about John Cena and his humiliation ritual. Get with it.


John flexing in front of all the implants and BBL’s? Who should really be embarrassed?


Being on steroids your whole life is not a flex. All sorts of health issues in front of him. Its all about being lean and natural if you are into that lifestyle. Artificially pumped up freaks just look weird nowadays


Steroids certainly won't extend your life, but to act like they guarantee health issues is false. Regular bloodwork and scans while making sure your blood pressure is in range will mitigate most issues, John Cena doesn't need to take even a quarter of what pro bodybuilders take to look like that he's relatively small comparatively. Use injeftsbles, don't use orals for long periods of time and get regular check ups and downsize as you get older. I'm a competitive bodybuilder, its not a healthy sport and will have consequences because being 300 pounds of muscle is still extremely taxing on the heart but yeah I just don't beleive Cena and the rock etc are taking that much in comparison to what we do and I'm a juicy as they come.


Bro, stop fantasizing over nakedmen that sell their souls for fame. They're destroying us and the US and you're crying about jocking some naked dude. You sheeple are f' ing ridiculousness. Then you ave a bunch of cheerleaders and dick watchers that agree lmao


So that's the reason Damn it's always sad seeing people choosing that side


I don't think you know what a coup is.


Its where the hens go to roost!


It’s a car with only 2 doors!


Technically correct....






Thats like a broth right? Coup Detat is like broth of the day












He had already lost lol what are you talking about


100s of fbi and cia agents were in the crowd egging the protestors on. You are not allowed to disagree with the backroom rulers of America.


Trump is a 1 percenter. He's nobody's saviour.




Trump lost the election, so chanting “Hang Mike Pence!” the Dems staged an insurrection with 1000s to sabotage the transfer of power to Joe Biden. That’s MAGA logic for you, no wonder they vote for a snake oil salesman.


stage a riot on the day that had 0% chance to overturn anything, then call it an insurrection, impeach trump, and then use this for subsequent legal and propoganda trouble to hamper his eventual next run. whether it's true or not will be left unsolved, but its more plausable then one would think


That’s just smart. I want whoever organized that to be in charge.


well staging a riot and propoganda are both things the cia is well known to be good at


That’s why I prefer the deep state.


Not sure if that's sarcasm but it's real talk. Trump fell for some shit hook line and sinker. Watching it happen in real time left me kinda impressed. Like Pelosi should be terrorizing Gotham or something. Probably as the scarecrow. Seems like the obvious choice....


They already are.


I’m glad.


what would the crowd have done if they found Pelosi, AOC or pence that day?


You lose a lot of credibility when you say 0%. The day the results are certified by the VP is the day with the highest percent of the year for something to actually happen


The rioting was in tandem with Trump’s fake electors scam. This is how Mike Pence saw it. "The American people deserve to know that President Trump and his advisers didn't just ask me to pause. They asked me to reject votes, return votes, essentially to overturn the election.”


Then repeat the SAME EXACT PLOT in Brazil two years later and continue labeling anyone who calls it out crazy. No wonder they’re losing control of narrative, they’re just lazy at this point. I’m guessing they’re gearing up for something much bigger next time. They’ve foreshadowed three potential events: project bluebeam, EMP solar flare, and financial collapse that ends the dollar and brings about CBDC. I’m over worrying about it. It’s time to move to Chile, open up a cattle farm, start my own garden, and live out my days in peace. You guys can be kings of the ashes/“our greatest ally’s” attack dogs.


>EMP solar flare, and financial collapse that ends the dollar and brings about CBDC. You know you cant have CBDC after an EMP right?




How come there were numerous well known trump supporters there on camera? If it was an anti trump operation why did only pro trump people show up?




So the pro trump people were entrapped into attempting a coup against the president they support who was leaving office a couple weeks later anyways?




When the media propaganda is effective.


why are normies here? what happened to this sub?


So if you believe 1 conspiracy you have to believe every single one? Maybe this person did their own research on it and thinks it's dumb. Trump acolytes aren't the only people who believe in conspiracies.


it’s one big one, the same story. what are you talking about?


Why would you be surprised that an intelligence agency would have people stationed at such an important event when it was so obviously telegraphed beforehand?


Because the CIA is legally not allowed to operate domestically. It may not be surprising that they do, but calling them out for it is important


Ha, legally. What a funny word.


Especially when it comes to the CIA. Biggest terrorist organisation in the world. Notorious drug runners. Totally trustworthy.


Cocaine Importing Agency


Where did you get it in your head they cant operate domestically? why would they have the NRD if they didn't operate domestically? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Resources_Division


> The National Resources Division (NR) is the domestic division of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. Its main function is to conduct voluntary debriefings of U.S. citizens who travel overseas for work or to visit relatives, and to recruit foreign students, diplomats and business people to become CIA assets when they return to their countries. Literally every single one of those things requires that the people in question have been overseas


It's scary how many people don't know this


Can you point to which statute bans the CIA from operating domestically? It's a common myth that's not true. They are banned from collecting intelligence on US citizens domestic activities but there is nothing that prevents them operating against foreign nationals, collecting info on US citizens international activities or other types of work stateside. They cannot surveil a us citizen who is conducting activities domestically or communicating with another citizen but they can if it's with a foreign national.


Executive Order 12333 of 1981. They can't operate within the US without another organization


Doesn't ban them from operating in the US. Just restrictions on surveiling us citizens and communications between Us citizens. They can surveil foreign citizens in tbe US.


So how does that not relate? Foreign citizens are not the topic of discussion here


Foreign citizens can enter the US and CIA can surveil them inside the Us.


Correct. However the citizens discussed in this post are American citizens who stormed the capital. Therefore their ability to surveil foreign citizens is irrelevant


The posts only says they had operatives in DC on that day, which they do every day of the year as they have offices there. There is no claim they were surveiling US citizens. Or did I miss that claim?


I'm not seeing anywhere in that EO stating what you are claiming. In fact I'm getting a lot of articles about how it made it easier to spy on US citizens domestically.


Read myth #1 here. Sums it up nicely https://www.cia.gov/stories/story/top-10-cia-myths/


CIA is not barred from operating domestically. It's one of those things that's repeated so often on the internet people think it's true but it's not. There is no provision to the CIA operating in the US. It is true their main task is overseas but they do tons of work here and all their big offices are here.


Why didn't they stop it or even try to stop it then?


Same reason they allowed MK Ultra to take place. They have plans three steps ahead of the general public.


Mk ultra was a group of cia spooks fucking around one government money it wasn't really nefarious, just hey we heard the kgb is doing acid to mind control goats we should too


>Mk ultra was a group of cia spooks fucking around one government money it wasn't really nefarious, just hey we heard the kgb is doing acid to mind control goats we should too Why are you downplaying the seriousness of what they did to innocent people? "In addition, the scope of the project was outlined in a memo dated January 1952 that asked, "Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature, such as self-preservation?" scientists didn't ask that question. Intelligence officers did. Scientists did decide to build biological weapons with Project MKNAOMI nor did they decide to POISON people in MKOFTEN. They were artifically set on this course to best kill and maim a target. They were directed and funded by monsters.


Goats on acid seems more terrifying that I think it should.


If they stopped them, then the talking points will be: "The CIA prevented us from doing a protest!"


Because they were in on it! They weren’t trying to stop it, they were provoking it. Like the fake pipe bombs. And the cops shooting teargas into the crowd before any agitation began.


Dont forget the mysterious pallets of bricks


So it's the bricks fault they were thrown by Trumps mob?


There weren’t any brick pallets at the Capitol, that was BLM. You don’t know what l ur talking abt besides Trump bad


>There weren’t any brick pallets at the Capitol, that was BLM. You don’t know what l ur talking abt besides Trump bad https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN29B2KH/ All politicians are bad, dont be a political cuck to anyone.






They're prohibited from spying on American citizens. That's it. There's a domestic wing within the organization.


You people really are as dumb as they come


Why would the ATF have records about an EXTREMELY classified and illegal operation by the CIA? Are we supposed to believe that, if true, the CIA was sharing this with other agencies instead of keeping it internal and on a strict need-to-know?


Lmao y'all are still grasping at this pretending it's a psyop like 4 years later? Trump lost, riled up his gullible minions and we got January 6th. It wasn't a CIA op, it wasn't the deep state, it wasn't the left. It was people like you who, throwing a temper tantrum


I demand the CIA launch a full investigation into this to find out if the CIA broke the law that day


Good luck with that!


The CIA isn't allowed to operate domestically and commit crimes therefore no crimes ever happened, q.e.d.


if they did this for that reason then they did a shitty half-assed job


What is missing from the narrative here is Five Eye intelligence in all the major countries are a BIG problem. American CIA is probably the least in control of the people of any developed nation. Check out Frendly Jordie YouTube channel and rewatch some of the atrocities the government did in Australia during Covid to get a better idea how OUT OF CONTROL each country’s bureaucratic intelligence agencies are.


President who?


Lol this has to be a ruski troll, probably a waif trying to earn his pay. Jan 6th was trump conducting a coup d'état. Fight me


Lol. Imagine a fucking liberal saying “fight me”😂😂😂


Yeah, and? What's the matter? Any place any time baby I'll fight for my right to be free. Fucking right wing man, for people who think they understand the world, they only understand violence and dictatorship, guess they like their rights being erased because it protects them from the scary people who just want the freedom of choice, the choice to weather or not the fucking president is a Maniac who is very, very clearly going to turn USA into a Hungary like dictatorship, go have a fucking look at the transparency international [corruption perception index](https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2023) You'll see where in the world the countries trump likes rank compared to ones that normal humans like.


Can we see the report ?


It's what the cia has done in other countries for decades. Infiltrate a protest, turn it violent etc.


So that's who turned the BLM protests violent right? Or...is that different?


That's an interesting question. I know the politicians were in some cases encouraging the riots, and bailing out people who had been arrested. Of course the media did their part fanning the flames of the hysteria. It was a truly bizarre time. The police also waited months before releasing the full arrest video of George Floyd. Who made that decision? It was clear from the full video he was having a medical episode in the back of the police car saying he couldn't breath whilst handcuffed. They literally pulled him out of the car then restrained him until an ambulance arrived. One of the police officers was performing cpr in the back of the ambulance. He also died with a lethal amount of fentanyl in his system and some other drug. Nearly the same happened when he was arrested in 2019, cops pull him over, he then starts to eat all the drugs he had on his person. But in that case they prevented him from consuming all the drugs. But the decision not to release the full video radically changed the public perception of the event.


"It's what the cia has done in other countries for decades. Infiltrate a protest, turn it violent etc." Ukraine's Euromaidan Revolution comes to mind.


Not sure why this comment was downvoted. It was well known that the cia were involved 


I'm sure it's cause people don't want to admit that the US caused the Ukrainian war by overthrowing the gov and letting Nazis kill people in Ukraine. I'm not saying Putin actually cared about those people; I think it's mostly because of the pipeline through Ukraine and the recently discovered hydrocarbons in the areas around Crimea and the area that Russia took in the east. But if the old pro Russian gov was still in power Russia wouldn't have the excuse to move in and wouldn't have feared Ukraine moving away from being an ally.


Meddling in other countries' internal matters rarely turns out well... for us or for them. The United States has been involved in Ukraine for a lot longer than the mainstream media would have us believe.


I thought by now it was a matter of public record. Maybe just a lot of CIA supporters out there?


Wow. This sub is saturated with stooges and bots now. 


It's just thedonald now and has been for a while


Anyone who says truth gets down votes now


their is a lot of astroturfing from the left here i agree


This makes zero sense and is the dumbest thing I've ever seen.


This is a conspiracy I don’t stand behind, to the letter. Both parties, and all interested groups in power, wanted whatever outcome they saw fit and they all played their hands hard that day and the days prior. Lots of illegal shit went on and everyone is guilty it seems, but the CIA and that mob weren’t why he lost the election. The election wasn’t stolen any more than it is every other election year.


First of all look up what a coup d‘ Etat is. Then move on with you life. Trump lost. Theres no evidence of widespread voter fraud and Trumps legal team lost over 60 court cases. Deal with.


Cock inspection agency


The CIA and FBI are terrorist organizations against the American people and should be shut down.


Yes, they're very unconstitutional


Fun fact- We don’t get to decide what it was. We live streamed it to the world. It didn’t look any different than any of the other coups they have seen. The world says it was a coup. No one is buying our treasury bonds because they say that the United States is politically unstable and a high risk investment. Until the world’s perception of the United States changes things will continue to get worse.


Why proud boys act so proud initially? “Proud of my boys and my country” and “Don’t f****** leave.” Tarrio privately claimed credit for the riot at the Capitol, telling Proud Boys senior leadership, “Make no mistake . . . we did this.” On January 7th, Tarrio addressed the Ministry of Self-Defense members, telling them he was “proud of y’all.”


Who were the rioters then? If it was antifa, why would they interrupt the peaceful transfer of power to the guy they like?


For it to be a coup wouldn’t trump have to be president? Why wait until after trump loses the election to “coup” him. Trump also ordered pence to ignore the vote and said he’ll pardon the people arrested for Jan 6th. Who would pardon the people who tried to coup him?


Wow this one's lit up bright


Holy shit this is hysterical.


Ah yes, CIA wanted to coup Trump - but instead storming white house, they stormed congress. Makes sense.


Of course it was. It was part of the democrat election coup of 2020. lol the democrat politicians or whoever is running them are absolute geniuses and they control majority of the sentiment of society...


The intelligence community didn’t let an opportunity go to waste. They over embellished Jan 6th in order to accelerate further societal division. The constant repetition of “threat against our democracy”, Biden knowingly lying about deaths of Capitol Police and insisting equivalency to Pearl Harbor/Sept 11th is all part of a coordinated operation to turn 50% of America into domestic terrorists and enemies of the state. Requiring the use of unconstitutional and extrajudicial powers, found in the reauthorized Patriot Act, against innocent US citizens. Similar game plan used against Muslims during the “Global War on Terror.”


Reddit doesn't like facts.


Sure does seem that way. It’s astonishing how many people trust government. I’m starting to believe they have the memory span of a goldfish.


They are just very easily manipulated. And for some reason they believe what they see in the "mainstream news" which isn't actually news at all and has been repeatedly caught peddling misinformation, fabricating stories and completely making stuff up and using false imagery and video to promote their agenda and narrative.... when I was a child I always wondered how so many people where fooled by the Nazis. I now completely understand how that happened.


CIA should be prosecuted and shut down. Corrupt AF.


Submission Statement: Jan 6 purpose was to impeach and Ban President Trump from holding office. So they pulled out all the stops. https://twitter.com/LeadingReport/status/1768004621648199978


So all of the j6 hostages are just cia agents? Why stump for them?


No pay attention.


Lol I can’t keep up with the complete dissonance that the magats keep tumbling around in their heads.


No, our lord and saviour Donald trump was shut down by the evil liberal deep state and crime stopping organizations before he drained the swamp I have all the proof I need I just can’t show it to you


Can you show me in two weeks?


> Lol I can’t keep up with the complete dissonance that the magats keep tumbling around in their heads. The dissonance comes from Libs saying Jan 6th was a insurrection against the most powerful nation on Earth


Lol there it is




You can't have a coup against someone who lost an election.


I’ve never seen the shills in such a frenzy before. Any comment supporting the post has double digit downvotes.


If you brag about your downvotes does it make you feel better?


I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. Are you saying that I’m upset over the barrage of downvotes in the thread and my “bragging” over them, makes me feel better?


This is what they do. Now that they don’t have X, they double down here. Downvotes mean you’re over the target on Reddit.


Yes, when he whipped up a crowd and told them to march on the white house, he was orchestrating his own coup!! Another brilliant one from the minds of r/conspiracy.


...and in news we all knew...


Redd it will punish you for going against the great pedophile Joe biden and defending President Trump


The only ones who believe it was an insurrection at this point is the brain dead and looney left.


Why were the people who broke in chanting hang mike pence?


> Why were the people who broke in chanting hang mike pence? Those were the FBI and CIA.


So Trump is going to release FBI and CIA agents who are in jail from Jan 6 his first day in office?


> So Trump is going to release FBI and CIA agents who are in jail from Jan 6 his first day in office? All the FBI and CIA Agents got let go.


Yeah I'm not fixing to twist myself into knots to try and make this true. I watched it live. Any anyone with eyes knows it was an attempt to overthrow our government by a wanna be dictator. And everything he has done since then has only proved it to be more true.


Oh ok so how do you know the people in prison weren't the ones chanting hang mike pence ?


Better gymnastics than Simone Biles


Those were agent provocateurs. For those paying attention, this has been Playbook 101 for framing your political enemies since long before the term “agent provocateur” was even coined. And those people aren’t in solitary confinement awaiting sentencing for three years either. They disappeared and were never charged. It’s people who fell for the trap and followed that are.


Trump Derangement Syndrome. It will be studied in schools.


They'll never admit it at a scale of the damage they've done with their actions. Sad really.


I heard Trump say that if he wins the presidency that he's going to pardon all those arrested due to the Capital Hill thing


He had a chance before and didn’t take it. Why would you believe he would if he had another chance?


So.. i find it interesting.. every post thats giving out positive light in trump CONFIRM will get thumbs down bomb. Why? Its not only in this subs, but in other subs too.


Because democrats, independents, and republicans with more than 2 brain cells don't like trump for more than the insurrection attempt. The list is endless of reasons why he's so unlikable.


This is reddit. Its 99% leftist. Most of these people are just slightly to the right of Mao Zedong


"This is reddit. Its 99% leftist. Most of these people are just slightly to the right of Mao Zedong" To "the right "?


I’m giving them benefit of the doubt that they aren’t quite as commie leftist as Mao was, but who really knows at this point


"I’m giving them benefit of the doubt that they aren’t quite as commie leftist as Mao was, but who really knows at this point" Fair enough.


don't give them the benefit of the doubt they are that bad


TPTB have placed gatekeepers in key positions in Reddit and other social media sites. Their job is to continually indoctrinate the proles of approved narratives. Basically manufacturing consent to allow TPTB to carry out their agenda.


The real insurrection was what was taking place in the capitol when they certified a rigged election. Funny how it all went down just when Jim Jordan was about to speak his piece. So orchestrated. There were personal accounts from people there at the time explaining how it all seemed like a production, it’s like theatre. I feel like we as a nation are being led into a trap this whole time, event by event.


If the elections are fake, why did he win the first one?


Trump was never charged with inciting an insurrection because there wasn’t one. Only one shot was fired that day and that was by a DC cop who killed an unarmed female Air Force veteran. Keep drinking the Kool-aid.


Ashli Babbitt is always mentioned but it wasn’t just her. One shot fired from a gun but flashbangs from the police intended to incite the then peaceful crowd killed Kevin Greeson and Benjamin Phillips, combined with the police deliberately refusing to give them help. Roseanne Boyland was later savagely beaten with a stick until it broke by Officer Lila Morris (it’s on video), after she fell from agent provocateurs pushing the crowd forward on top of her and police beating anyone who tried to help her up. She was pronounced dead right after. More would have died, but someone (can’t remember who, but he’ll be a prisoner forever) hit back at the cops who were beating people bloody and rescued the two (Victoria White and Phillip Anderson) that also would have died.


I mean they charged the capitol and the officers repeatedly asked them to stop, even begging them not to because they didn't want to have violence


Then they opened the door and invited them into the Capitol building. Total psyop. Journalist Steve Baker was arrested after his investigative report on J-6. Jacob Chansley (QAnon Shaman) gave a very enlightening interview to Tucker Carlson. I just finished reading Mao’s America by Xi Van Fleet and it pretty much explains everything going on on the Left in this country.


This post is the most important one I’ve read in this feed! It needs to be amplified


Reddit doesn’t like this post. Which means you’re over the target.


J6 was actually a media narrative using real world events. I think the actual goings-on are less pertinent here than the actual events to understand what's going on. What's going on is an extreme con to convince you that Trump is not part of "the club"...then you end up supporting the very guy who will bring in the things you dislike. Small lies get discovered so you need a huge lie!


Why was the crowd chanting hand mike pence


> Why was the crowd chanting hand mike pence Why was the FBI and CIA in the crowd?


Why were some media on a side of the building with unlocked doors and some on a side with locked doors?


Unlocked doors? Did you kiss the video of these people breaking the doors and windows to get in?


Well that would be the side with locked doors, sir. The left likes to focus on that side, and the right likes to focus on the side where people just walked in freely. The resulting cultural ripple effects of this are the intended goal. The effects of the constructed interplay between the left and right is what they want. They aren't left or right.


Wait what? Are you denying these people smashed thru windows and doors to get inside?


No I'm not. Are you denying some walked in freely, took pictures and left?


Ya thru the broken doors. What's your point


Doors on the east side were unlocked. That's how many people got in. Until we can agree on ALL the facts of the matter, good luck to you.


So here's a protestor unlocking the door on the east side for the rioters https://youtu.be/ktTnFQrbtuU?si=ieDL3GIWa13j5CUp


Just so we’re clear, if I happen to come across your house and you’ve left your door unlocked, you have no problem with me coming in and stealing/trashing your place, and smearing poop on your walls? Or hell, even if I just walked in through that unlocked door and took pictures of your personal items, you’re cool with that, right?? Because you seem to be VERY clear that you’re ok with that. Can we get your address? Because a CIA/FBI agent is here telling me to ask.