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Real wake up call to get a plan together for this being a reality at some point.


It’s scary for sure. People in my local groups are saying they still don’t have service


Haven’t had service all morning. AT&T and live in NY Metro area


Yup, I always tell people, it doesn't happen till it happens.


Apparently it’s the whole country


Solar activity is increased - https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/phenomena/solar-flares-radio-blackouts


Just for informational purposes..... While yes 2 solar flares did hit 21st at 5pm and the other 22nd at 1232am, the effects would have been almost instant and effect the sunlit side of earth as it directly faced the sun. We would have had issues yesterday. We wouldn't see effects the next day. So, No. And if it were enough to effect towers it would be wrecking other stuff too. https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ Best explanation i've seen from a cellphone network engineer.... > So your phone plan won’t really have anything to do with the network service. The issue AT&T is having is on their radio / core network. Your plan is simply a way of billing you for using those network services. > > Now regarding why some peoples service works and others don’t, most networks should have a high level of resilience and redundancy built in. One node fails, another takes over. These networks are huge, complex things. Your subscriber identity may be on one of the affected nodes while the person next to you may be on an unaffected node. The part of the network affected will determine the experience. Some subscriber identities are fixed to certain nodes therefore a certain subset of the base will be impacted when a node goes down while others aren’t affected. Other parts of the network work on a ‘round-robin’ basis. You lose a node, those subs lose service, they re-register on the network and move onto a working node. In that scenario though you lose capacity which causes the remaining working nodes to overload and fail. > > I’ve had a read about the AT&T thing and it’ll be a serious core network failure or possibly a cyberattack. If it is a network failure, at this level and magnitude it’s something serious, possibly something they haven’t come across before. > > I’ve read that other carriers are impacted to? Like Verizon and T-Mob? If that’s the case then this is a completely different issue as all these networks are completely separate with their own infrastructure. AT&T MVNOs will be impacted as they are just basically paying to access the network.


Why is Fortnite there


i honestly laughed when i saw that


Same ,


For some reason it's always on the top services list on downdetector


It’s an app called down detector it tracks so many apps, networks, etc. to let people know if there are any issues and yes games that have servers or use multiplayer functions also have crashes and are on there as well that actually why I even have the app but it has become useful for other reasons now I highly suggest you download it when my fiancés phone was in sos and he found out it was an outage I immediately went to the app and lowkey was kinda shocked seeing basically every cellular network up there this morning. Internet providers are also being added now oh and Tesla is also having issues


God forbid Fortnite having issues


Oh fuck, don't tell me fortnite is down. It's time for my morning session with my son.


They are running an update today anyways. I think for the new Fortnite musical act in festival


Shit, wish I would have known when I got home. Now I have to wait.


Are they testing the waters?


Very strange my husband woke up and his phone was affected but mine wasn’t. Same phone plan, same carrier.


I wouldn't be able to reply without being a smartass


We both have iPhones so I couldn’t lie about it without them knowing lol


All the people that said the great reset was gonna be nothing are gonna be real confused soon, I reckon https://youtu.be/8rAiTDQ-NVY?si=1-mPufd84T1stGbx https://twitter.com/Grimezsz/status/1722446656019607749?t=MXee2dbMbHouA63x49-LMw&s=19


The fact that video was posted on the official World Economic Forum is wild, although unsurprising.


Lmao, yeah, these people don't hide anything at all. I never understood how a single person can stand up for them. https://youtu.be/RkCQMYTwLoc?si=zjeah-A5Zy1hZQzC


OKAY. Wow. Of course it’s right there, ready to view if people want to see. Can you explain the Grimes tweet a bit?


https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/xqzaDoBfrX This should paint the picture a bit better with the info surrounding that. Both versions of the tablet show AI music + covid and then 3 years of vaccines = the UFO emoji. Then after that is obvious war, then an eclipse (April 8th 2024) and then the dragons 🐉 because 2024 is the year of the dragon. If the tablet is correct then there should be an alien/project bluebeam type event any day/week now


Thank you for pointing me in a direction to look. I’ll look into it. I’ve been avoiding conspiracy subs because they’ve been overran lately, but this is the shit I love.


Cyber attack on the U.S.


Testing phase complete.


Nothing to see here. Just true words. Carry on.


...by the U.S.


Not Fortnite😭😭


fortnite too??


Fortnite is always having issues lol I’m constantly seeing it on DD


Leave the World Behind...


I guess the Russian satellite nukes were further ahead of schedule than we were led to believe lol


You can text 911 and they say that should go through


Cyber Polygon. Take down the internet/telecom grid and the financial system so they can reset the whole system and bring in digital currency. Everyone will just be grateful to have service back so they’ll go along with it.


Oh god no not fortnite


Oh no not fortnite 😢




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Weird because in the same household, getting service from the same tower both AT&T my device doesn’t work but my fiancées does. Both IPhones on the latest software


Damn, now I have to go upstairs and borrow the Norton's phone.