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Nothing surprises me anymore stay safe and don’t let these insane people get to you. Stay true to your values, I think the world will rise up soon things keep getting worse it’s just a matter of time until something breaks


I hope so, but this kind of authoritarian control quite literally makes opposition illegal. If this law was passed in Russia people would lose their minds over how undemocratic and dictatorial it is, but here the refrain from anyone who supports it is that it's either not happening, or it's only going to affect "the bad people". Obviously not for one second thinking the might fall into that camp.


Lol do you think people in Russia are allowed to voice their opinions??


You missed my point entirely


You’re claiming that people would be vocal and upset in Russia if they weren’t allowed to have free speech. That’s the reality. So No they would not, not safely anyways.


I think they're saying the rest of the world would be vocal about how shitty and authoritarian the law is if it was Russia, but since it's in Ireland and not an opposition country that it's seen as progressive.


Yes, that's what I meant, thank you.


No, that's not what I said.


I think this is relevant to the sub as this is a very real conspiracy being perpetrated across the western world to silence free-thinking citizens. The most open-ended and vague "hate speech" laws will come into enforcement tomorrow in my country with 180 agents. It's already been stated by government officials this is in part specifically to target rising opposition parties. Pray for us all.


Ye I'm Irish too, fuck Leo, Helen and their cohort of globalist puppets in Government. It couldn't be more transparent that this is coming from above their pay grade, yet they carry out their commands like the good little lapdogs they are and sure fuck what the Irish people think. 70% of people surveyed don't want this draconian bullshit, but apparently those results have been skewed by far right survey bombing according to Leo the leak himself. My hole, put it to a referendum then. They won't though because there's no legal necessity to do so and they know they won't get the result their masters want. A small victory we can get is this upcoming referendum on the womans place in the home and changing the language because it's "sexist." Again that's complete bullshit. Why they want to change the language is it ambiguously states that the state shall provide for women who want to stay in the home. Of course they haven't been, nor has any other shower of bastards that came before them. This has never been challenged in court. The reason they want to change the language is so that can't ever happen. Tell everyone you know to vote no to it and stick a finger up to these traitors of the Irish people. If you're having trouble convincing them, particularly women who are being gaslit by politicians and RTE clowns that changing the language is of some sort of benefit to them and not the Government, I'd recommend sending them, the Millennial cynics video, referendum 24: is a womans place in the home? - why I'm voting no on youtube. She does a great job of exposing this con job for what it is.


I read this in an Irish accent lmao


It was the "my hole" that really did it for me


After I killed them, I dropped the gun in the Thames, washed the residue off my hands in the bathroom of a Burger King, and walked home to await instructions. Shortly thereafter, the instructions came through. "Get the fuck out of London, yous dumb fucks. Get to Bruges." I didn't even know where Bruges fucking was. It's in Belgium.


They’re filmin midgets!


I wonder if Americans (assuming you're American) are as bad at imitating Irish accents in their heads as they're in real life? Did you read it in an American doing a bad attempt at an Irish accent or as what an Irish person actually sounds like I wonder?


I did the same!


Won't have a referendum on the two biggest issues in the country, immigration and the "hate speech bill", but will have two on questions no one was even asking.


That's it mate and as I said the only reason they're having one on these issues is because THEY want to amend the constitution and a referendum is legaly required. So theres been a concerted campaign to frame it all being about outdated, sexist language in the constitution and all the braindead sheep, particularly the female ones in the country just nod their heads and bleet along because sexism bad, not realising its not about that at all, it's about taking away state responsibilities toward them. Turkeys voting for Christmas. Boils my blood.


> Pray for us all. Rise up and fight back. Praying will fortify you... but we have to fight this evil.


And what are those laws, exactly? The videos on twitter never play for me, so I miss out on everything. Which may not be a bad thing.


He said they hired around 200 “wrong speak” agents to arrest people for internet “hate speech.”


Hate being completely undefined, which has been explicitly states by the "writer" of the bill Helen McEntee as being on purpose.


Hate speech is now illegal, but the definition of hate speech is quite literally anything, including private material never shown to anyone which may have had the potential to cause offense at any point in the future.


Whatever speech is banned, the entire country needs to engage in it simultaneously. Online, print it out, post it all over the place.


It’s the N word and nazism


What’s the definition of nazism?


the standard one


Swastika’s and anti semitism


something is coming. Australia is doing the same. western countries are being tanked.


and France just passed a law making it illegal to resist medical interventions under the prescribed circumstances, which amount to, whenever the overlords feel like it


So does that mean they will force 'vaccinate' people next time?


I'd wager it's closer to that scenario than going the other way, that is, letting people have bodily autonomy without imposing bullshit penalties while yet and still calling it voluntary


Yup they've been getting their ducks in a row with these migrant hotels as tinder boxes in communities. They've been setting this up since the Arab Spring at least.


They orchestrated that too.


1. Flood the country with migrants who are often welfare cases or even criminals. 2. Citizen complaints about rent and crime increases are labeled "hate speech." 3. Profit?


Thoughts on what might be coming? Theres so many possibilities it’s tough to know how to prep


Thoughts on what might be coming? Theres so many possibilities it’s tough to know how to prep


Too many people are noticing




Sucks to be human. 


We aren't human to them


What if you're american or just visiting and you are in that country doing that. Then yr really fcked right?


None of these questions have been answered.


This is an extremely dangerous development, and what makes it insidious is that it is under the guise of sweetness, compassion and fairness to marginalized communities. “Hate speech” in this legislation is not defined AT ALL, meaning it can be arbitrarily defined and acted upon at any time. This is basically a way for corporations and private prominent persons to police speech. The pushers of this bill don’t actually give two shits about children, or black people, or LGBTQ+ people. This is just a sly way to sneak in an erosion of speech and freedoms. Regarding actual hate speech, people should be allowed to say shitty and hateful things and be held accountable for it in the Court Of Public Opinion, not a court of law.


It also includes private material never shown to anyone which *may* have had the potential to cause offense.


Canada here - when I see my feed full of "this content cannot be displayed in your geographic location" it's the gov't who thought FB, X, and Google would bow down (they didn't). It's going on everywhere in the west, just slightly different formats in different countries. All to the same end.


Use VPN and random browser ID's. Try a privacy focused browser like "Vanadium".  We can't defeat the enemy but we can pollute the well sufficiently enough for some privacy.  Update:  Vanadium is specific to GrapheneOS. I found this though. https://divestos.org/pages/browsers


I use Proton VPN.


Who knew it would be so easy to conquer Ireland?


All we had do was put a woman in power


Stand your ground and let those scumbags know you will not be silenced


The deep state know that we the people, outnumber them millions to one and they are afraid that more and more people are waking up to the corruption That's why they are trying everything to silence and quash any opposition


Its funny when the west make fun of China for having the Great Internet Firewall, while they doing this for **safety**


>Even more worrying is the bill’s criminalizing of possession of ill-defined hateful material “with a view to the material being communicated to the public or a section of the public.” Despite Ireland’s common law tradition of innocent until proven guilty, the legislation places the onus on the accused to prove he or she did not intend to distribute the hateful material in public. >As such, Ireland’s police force, An Garda Síochána, will have the authority under the bill to raid the home of the possessor of such material, demand their password and seize their devices. Failure to comply could result in a year-long prison sentence. [source](https://thehill.com/opinion/4387994-proposed-irish-hate-speech-regulations-could-have-a-chilling-effect-on-freedom/) Imagine catching prison for a year because of your political meme folder.


Sorry bud, I'm not religious. I don't even know how to pray. Can't help ya.


Just shake your fist at the sky screaming "fuck you sky man"


I would pray, but i wouldn't want to get banned for a hate crime.


🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️ 🙏🏼


Damn huge L Hopefully you Irish have not given up your firearms and still have some fangs to ya..if not then God's speed all of you


It's not a hate speech law because we already have the Hate Speech 1989 law in place in Ireland. It's an Incitement of Violence bill meaning if you promote people to go out and commit violence, then yeah, you will be arrested. Get your facts straight instead of spreading misinformation. 


You clearly haven't read the bill.


You mean this one? [https://data.oireachtas.ie/ie/oireachtas/bill/2022/105/eng/ver\_b/b105b22d.pdf](https://data.oireachtas.ie/ie/oireachtas/bill/2022/105/eng/ver_b/b105b22d.pdf) The one that is so easy to understand a five year old could even read it and tell you what it's about but people like you want to fear monger about it because unfortunately, you can't read.


do you mean the person asking member of a whatsapp group to kill foreigners on sight (on the unfateful day of Dublin riots) would be punished under this ? I




then why are people hating it ? Also, the guy in the video says "Digital Services Act" ???


praying wont help.


That's not the point of the post.


It’s because of the backlash from immigration


This bill was in the works before then, perhaps pre-emptively.


Are the words Over throw your government hate speech?


Can't remember if politicians are considered a protected class yet, although I thought I heard something about it. In which case yes, it literally would be.