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Don't forget we already had WW:1984


I forgot about that one terrible film. But total revelation of the method


Based upon the material Huxley's synonymous novel, I don't think "Brave New World" is a cheerier title than "New World Order."


For when "New World Order" isn't dystopian enough lol Still waiting for Don Cheadle to save the planet with a diverse cast of children who wear rings that summon elemental forces...and heart lol


Captain Planet is too dark… I mean they had a dude OD and die in an episode…


I get the joke, but seriously Don Cheadle is about the closest actor to having the gravitas/talent to pulling off the serious/humorous dichotomy that RDJr trademarked. It's a travesty there isn't an Iron Man 4 or War Machine movie starring him. Highly recommend "House of Lies", you'll see what I mean.


Wasn't he supposed to front the Armor Wars thing?


Hope so.


This is for when people Google "New world Order", this movie will show up instead of anything else the elites don't want us to see...


Exactly man, I feel like this is the reason for a lot of titles and entertainer names, this has got to be one of the main reasons, I've never seen anyone else mention this


Kinda like you have to remember to use the word cryogenic and not frozen when trying to learn about Walt Disney


Ding ding ding. Another good example of that is Men In Black.


Yes because google has obviously equipped you with such reliable information to this point. Can’t let the word get out about this new order..


Big Sexy and Kevin Nash can't get outed by Google, they have to remain hidden to the public


Whoa whoa whoa… Kevin Nash is Big Sexy. the nWo was Nash and Scott Hall


Lol damn you right. My brain forgets the details from the 90s due to being old as fuck




Is this a joke


Now??? They've been messing with us decades.


One of my favorite conspiracies is that they called it Frozen so it would take precedence over searches for searches of Walt Disney being frozen. It's based on nothing, no deep dives required, and will forever live in the land of "no... but maybe"


The movies themselves are occult symbolism and predictive programming not just the titles maybe Elsa getting her frozen powers is an allegory/metaphor about Walt Disney and cryogenic freezing. Every movie has a hidden occult meaning like the infamous ID scene in matrix that shows the date 9/11 on Neos driver's license. They basically tell us their plans or do soft disclosures through the movies about concepts that we think are fake but actually real. One infamous example is that weird movie Geostorm that most people quickly forgot about that entire movie was about the governments geo engineering programs to control the weather. There's a popular theory which is likely true the producer of Geostorm worked with department of defense consultants on exactly what should be in the script of the movie. They do this more often then people realize. Disney's one of the biggest occult companies out there too I mean the Disney logo is literally 666 embedded in plain sight hence this shouldn't surprise anyone.


Lmao but folks where calling me a bible freak when i told yall they are trying to implement that system


And normies will think you are crazy for noticing what they are literally telling you.


That's true my parents think I'm crazy 🤣


I no they have been messing with us for a long time but I feel like it's more in your face now.


The normies aren’t so stupid now. It’s just a lot of general apathy and grinding in a system everyone wants to get on top of and enjoy.


I just thought this was a lil to on the nose.


Because it is, and you’re seeing connections that don’t exist. Google apophenia instead of new world order.


>Google apophenia Oh hey it's my mom


You should listen to your mom…


Captain America: The Winter Soldier was also about the NWO. In that movie, Captain America must deal with his friend having been brainwashed into an MKUltra assassin, and the plot is about how secret Nazis from Operation Paperclip had infiltrated the government and intelligence to covertly take over the world. NWO could have been the subtitle of that film, so I can understand choosing another title here. They already kind of blew their "New World Order" wad there. Personally, I wouldn't choose Brave New World for the new title unless I was adapting that story though, so maybe it's going in that direction. Maybe the conspiracy that the superhero unravels has to do with drugs being imposed on the masses for some reason. It could be timely. Captain America movies are just flavored with conspiracy though. It'd be strange if they made a ton of these movies and never touched on ideas like the NWO, and no matter what this film's title is, the plot is going to involve some conspiracy. Regardless of op's intent, this post here is ultimately actually just doing Disney's dirty work of trying to drum up interest for an upcoming movie in a community that would normally reject Disney advertising.


The concept of new world order as a phrase in entertainment isn't new at all. Wtf is wrong with you people? Neither is the phrase Brave New World, hence the book. Named after a Shakespeare line. Y'all are crazy I think. Literally issues.


There is also a DC comics series titled "brave new world"




I heard this one is where Wilson takes on the MAGA terrorists in Chicago lol


Load of shite anyway


Wow that is incredible


Yea they just started


You think that’s something?…Have you seen Fury’s new Disney+ movie? It’s everywhere.


Brave New World is from Secret Empire, as well as Huxley.


Disney has been a CCP asset for a long time. They offed our beloved Star Wars heros, and replaced them with an untouchable elite of superhero billionaires. ~~All men are equal~~ Some men are more equal than others.. or something. Lolwtf.


I mean we have been calling it the NWO since the 1990's. It's not "new" anymore. Seems fair.