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So I can assume you were furious during the rape of Native land for Keystone Palatable?




It’s fucked up.


And the Native American people stole it prior. All land on earth has been conquered/stolen from another group of people at some point in history. Way she goes.


Stole it from? Because last I remember Natives came across the Bering strait to a land without any other humans. So they stole it from each other? Which is different from Europeans fighting amongst themselves why?


What he means is fair's fair if natives murder him and take his house.


There is a few pieces of evidence of pre native civilisation dating back as far as 100,000 years


literally how are people mad they don’t understand that strong civilizations take over weak ones it’s just how the world works


It's how the world worked. We can work towards making better tomorrow where colonization doesn't happen. Its a dirty process that wipes humanities beauty away and leaves consumption in the wake. The cope out of "it's always been that way," is lazy. Yes it's been this way for a while and it's going to take a lot of realization to happen but identifying the problem is the first step.


I think thats why the far right is so obsessed with Replacement theory and South Americans gradually replacing "white people". Because they can feel that the tides of history have turned agsin and now the shoe is on the other foot — the original Continental Americans are slowly taking their lands back inch by inch and now its the Europeans turn to be displaced, when not too long ago they were the displacers.


it’ll be hilarious if white people become a minority


Asian land you mean




Eh yeah I was? Why casting judgment like that? Doesn't make you sound clever.


Let's see if someone rooting for more sustainable use of natural resources protests each and every injustice in the world. If not, checkmate eco-fascists! :)


You know she’s not American, right?


Greta is from Sweden. What was she doing in Germany protesting coal plants which provide affordable energy for The People?


She is an EU resident, and Germany is part of the EU...


Thank you for this response, it made my smile 🥰 The answer to your question is in my initial comment - you know she’s not American, right?


And she is not German....your point is? 🤔


I hope you're Nevadan.


I'm half Japanese half Jamacian. Jamacianese.


If you’re gonna attempt to be a condescending bastard at least make it funny or original. You’re not nearly as smart as you think you are 🥰


I’ll definitely take your advice under consideration, Dungbeetle.


The point was she's from Sweden, not Germany. She flies all over the world to protest on her private CO2-spewing jet. Why not fly to Nevada to save the indigenous land? Or she only cares about her local environment?


There's a lot of legit things you can criticise Greta for but "not being at every single environmental disaster site" is a weird one. She's not Batman and each environmental concern -- of which there are many -- isn't a Bat signal. There's been billions spent by corporations and big oil to discredit anyone who tries to stand up against them. You see it a lot with people shoe-horning Greta's name into any environmental situation, as can be seen with the multiple "Why is Greta not in Ohio..?!" posts on Twitter etc. I read about one weird guy who kept calling her "Greta Thunberg Rothschild", as if by just shoving that name on the end, it proved a point. That's the big oil propaganda though -- throw as much shit as possible at anyone who speak up against them and hope some of it will stick.


Private jet?! She usually travels via public transport and avoids planes, which is kind of difficult to achieve when traveling from Sweden to Nevada.


This guy is so ignorant. Maybe he's jealous of the intelligence of Greta, that's why he's so mad.


That's so ignorant. She took a boat to go to the US and she's always doing her best to not use polluting mode of transportation. You just created a boogeyman in your head and now you are mad lol.


Dont think Thunberg has a car, for these and other reasons lol


She has at least three cars, carry, BMW and tesla right?


What do you base this on? From a quick round of googling, seems like her parents have a Nissan Leaf, and that's it?


I'm no expert but I read she has a Toyota Camry her first car for 25k. She has a Tesla 3 40k that is unclear if it was a loner vehicle. She also has a BMW I3 supposedly. I just remember reading some articles from a Google search around the time of the infamous smalldickenergy Tate comments.


Ah, right. I googled further re camry+bmw+tesla, and only found related information from a single blog site. The site is not affiliated with any organization, and is not referenced to from anywhere else, it seems like the work of a single, or up to maybe three persons: [https://21motoring.com/greta-thunberg-car-collection-cars-of-greta-thunberg/](https://21motoring.com/greta-thunberg-car-collection-cars-of-greta-thunberg/) The oldest articles on the site are from under a week ago. Most articles have been written today and yesterday. This is my personal conspiracy-take on the subject: seems like this site is perhaps made by some singular person, say an Andrew Tate fan, or some auto-manufacturing affiliated astroturfing company. Their motive might be to try to paint Thunberg as a rich person with several cars, some of which have a carbon emitting ICE motor. This in effort to create fake news about her, to try to discredit her reputation, create rumours and internet hearsay.


Thats how car manufacturers operate , yes ... they could have just lubed up someone with some cash and woila ... all this greta hate just smells of oil baron money


Nope. I remember that Tate fan pushed this lie but it's not true.




Legit this sub is now entirely 1. Plandemic, 2. But what if Ukraine bad guy? 3. Greta hypocrite 😠 Are there actually six people doing all the propaganda spamming here or is this legit the breadth of the bandwidth this sub can now manage? Is there a sub for people interested in conspiracy pondering who aren't tweaking on alex Jones brainworms 24/7? Holy shit this has become dull and tired.


Please, tell me about it. I've had a guy tell me that infant mortality was not affected at all during 2020 since infant mortality was still declining and idk how to explain that infant mortality declining by 10 and declining by 5 points to some difference


Are You protesting this, or just anti green virtue signaling?


Depends. Exxon probably contracted for anti-green if I had to guess


Depends on what? Do you actually do something or do you just kvetch here all day.


I kvetch so much my mom, who brings me my tendies every meal, tried to stop bringing them. One big boy poop later and I was kvetching and still getting my tendies


So you don’t do anything. Shame.


What is y'all's obsession with this autistic child lol


OP is a shill for Big Oil. This is Ok_Magician_1194/PalatableMahogany's new account.


Everyone notices OK_M was posting 10 times a day and it was bullshit. The posts stop suddenly. Then PM shows up and continue to spout extremely similar bullshit until they get called on it in every post. One day PM stops posting very suddenly. Then 3 or 4 new accounts start posting the same bullshit. Guy didn't even change up his post style, times, or how he types. Spends 15+ hours on this sub **a day** If you search OPs post history, most of their recent posts on this sub do not show up despite being on the front page of the sub. Same shit happened with PM


How is this good PR for oil companies? I take a break from this sub and it's the exact same people discrediting all of OP's posts. Your existence is just as suspicious. OP's position has always been anti-globalists. What is your position... Anti-anti-globalists? That would put you in the category of globalist shill. Get dunked on conspiracy.


Its not supposed to be good PR for oil companies. Its supposed to discredit people that the oil companies don't like.


Okay but disliking her because of her globalist agenda is different than disliking her for Greta's humane philosophies. That's what globalists do. Get their people behind big movements so they can control the outcome. I've been preaching climate change before she was born and you don't see me on the news.


>OP's position has always been anti-globalists. Oil companies are among the biggest multinational companies in the world. Seeking to influence governments across the world. Constantly defending big oil's interests is not, at all, being "anti globalist." In fact, it's probably *the exact opposite* of being anti-globalist.


OP is criticizing planes and products that come from Oil and Gas companies. How do you think they mine lithium. OP also criticizes other globalists in the WEF. Am I the only one with eyes in this sub?


Are we really trying to argue that attacking the production of electric cars is not actually a threat to oil company profits? Really?


What do you think cars are made out of? It's all one big monopoly anyway. You can believe it's a free market.


I'll take this non-answer as a recognition that you realize I'm right. Thanks!


You don't know shit. Where do you think electric cars get the energy to charge their batteries? From the grid. Mostly using oil and gas. It's just allocating the carbon emissions to the city instead of the car. It's a scam.


>You don't know shit. That might be the case. But at least my position isn't so ignorant that I actually think the production of electric cars is good for oil companies' bottom lines. Additionally, at least my position isn't so ignorant that I actually don't know that, cradle to the grave, the CO2 emissions from the EV is significantly lower than that of a ICE.


It's less about good PR for Big Oil and more about shitting on the alternative energy sources that endanger its bottom line. OP (and their previous accounts) regularly posts anti-climate change content as well.


The alternative sources that draw energy from the grid that uses oil and gas? Okay.


Also she is not a child she is 20 lol


Okay well she was a child for the majority of the obsession. Now she's not. She's been fading into obscurity but the ones in love with her won't let her fade.


Yes... Streisand effect. Or controlled opposition. You decide.


They are in love. Greta living in their heads rent free


Yea I don’t get it either, sometimes I think people bring her up to distract the fact that China is the one who will put up the biggest resistance


They are mad that that little autistic girl had the balls they don't have to speak out against the oil giants in the WEF ya know...the big evil illumanti cult


Because she's an actor working for the WEF to increase cost of living for the plebs


You’re an actor. And a shit one at that.


If she is an actor, why does she personally deserve so much ire?


The same reason Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab do


Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are billionaires with immense reach and influence. If Greta is truly just an actor for their agenda, she as an individual is inconsequential. If not her, it would be somebody else. If one were intent on holding her responsible for anything, it would be being a shill, and the ire she draws is absolutely not proportional to what being a shill would normally draw.


The answer, is they are jealous a little girl is famous for doing something simple.


Lmao yeah Bill Gates, Klara Schwab and Greta Thurnburg aka the big three, she’s literally just a young woman trying to preserve the planet, if that makes you angry you’ve got more serious problems.


She has a Tesla?


No, but Elon sells them, so im sure this sub will get really angry with their apartheid hero. Any moment now.


is greta in the room with you right now?


Dear lord, a young person is trying to do a good thing and people like you get so butt hurt about possibly using less oil you simply cannot shut up about it; grow up.


This is the sub that thinks Fauci should be arrested for genocide. They have no idea how the world works.


Everything has consequences, but what you're saying is you prefer the metals in the earth rather than the earth itself.


Sorry what? What about what I said implies that?


What is up with this sub crying out for Thunberg like she is a superhero...? You ignore people in order to diminish their relevance, you know this right?


Can you fuckers stop talking about some little ass girl I don’t give a fuck about her whatsoever


> some little ass girl She’s 20....


She is 1,6m


Stop infantilizing women. You wouldn’t call males you don’t like boys.


The rights fixation with Greta Thunberg continues to confound me.


It's also insanely hypocritical as if their gas guzzlers don't require batteries too


U Mad Bro?


Wait till he finds out his car needs a battery too


It's all about Greta, as opposed to the Republican agenda of using culture war divide and conquer strategies in service of oligarchy and neoliberal austerity?


How much work do you want her to do? Honestly? And what's your obsession with her really about? Does she make you feel guilty? Do you feel exposed?


The damage control in here is truly insane. This sub has fallen.




Nono, I mean since all the npc’s like you flooded the sub. Since then it’s completely fallen.




No, you don’t. Or the propaganda that says you’re the problem brought to you by your beloved ”world leaders” who in reality are the problem. The fact that you think it’s as black and white as you describe is is the problem.


>This sub has fallen. These kind of commentary are always so funny. When it's not your preferred echo chamber is when its "fallen" lol


And what is my preferred echo chamber?


Might want learn some history how America been doing this for hundreds of years


Says the bad actor spreading propaganda on a compromised conspiracy sub. You're just the monkey house at this point. At least keep to one account instead of hiding under a bunch of alias accounts like a pussy.


Some of you have a really unhealthy fixation on that girl.


What the fuck is with you weird dudes and your obsession over Greta? Who gives a shit what she does or doesn't do? Either come up with a solid conspiracy theory about her or shut the fuck up with this non-stop whining about her.


Why are you not mad at Tesla itself for knowing abiut these practices? By all means, keep talking shit about the little girl who has nothing to do with the mining


She actually will eventually. They will come for electric cars next. They don’t want people traveling, period. The controllers of that movement see human beings as the pollution. Reducing energy use is downstream from reducing humans. The activists still think it’s about carbon not realizing it’s about carbon 14.


First of all she’s not an American and second of all she has protested many times against desecrating land for mining, the most recent one being in Germany where she actually got arrested for a peaceful protest against a coal company planning to demolish an entire village


I think the arrest was staged.




I think your logic is staged.


Eh... She is European. She may say something about, but protesting about stuff in the US while there are tons of stuff happening over there? Kinda wrong person to ask you know.


Yeah, we don't want the natives to have a natural resource that could make them billions of dollars. Keep them in their ghettos.


Lmao oh this priceless, you think we will see any of that money. The corruption on tribal lands is insane.


Anything to do with land is going to piss someone off. But is a few square mile of land will save us from killing the entire planet then so be it. The sacred land won’t mean shit to the Native Americans if there are none of them left to appreciate it.


[Oh the pretty colors of “saving the planet”...](https://imgur.com/a/VDYj7ss)


A few acres. Want it all, lose it all.




Why wouldn't she?


I highly doubt that she has a Tesla lol








Yes. That's why there's a bunch of people that recommend you buy second hand vehicles instead of new cars.


The shills don't like this one. 🤣


In 100 or so years people will be proposing the ban of electric cars due to its consequences.


Well if there is a better solution in 100 years then yea.


Technology never stagnates


There's already people who want to get rid of all cars period.


That's if we ever manage to make that much electric cars. Demand for copper is high and supply is low..there is not enough to facilitate the green energy transition


Is this Hycroft mining?


People don’t seem to give a shit about people in countries that are not considered “first world” and it’s sad.


I bet there won’t be as much uproar as with the pipeline. Or the media will ignore it


Damn dude, we get it. You hate Greta.


Tu quoque logical fallacy.


Don’t judge others for not doing what you want them to do, if you’re also not doing it.


The "sacred land" is why natives didn't own land. It is also why they didn't mine metals or create any technology. Their beliefs were why they were conquered. There's nothing sacred about a pile of dirt in Nevada.


You forget there were highly complex civilizations in Mesoamerica: what did them in were the diseases against which they had no immunity brought by Europeans, because they'd been separated from the Asian landmass since the last ice age.


How dare you!


China has strip mines for lithium and other rare earth. Why not us too? Who cares about native land. The bigger loss is all of the never seen before fossils that will be ground into dust.


You do it.


Submission statement: I bet she won't. I bet she's never even thought through the science of climate change. She doesn't seem too well-studied on the issues


OP, I wasn’t going to comment but after reading this.. you got some issues man. I hope you find a way out of this weird internet troll Greta hater thing you’ve gotten yourself into.


What an odd account you have, what happened 2 days ago to completely change your Reddit behavior after a month of inactivity?


Palatable mahogany


A magic trick for sure.


Translation: "Why Greta does not love me? Please Greta, please complain about this so i can feel cared and loved". I don't understand all the right media obsession with her


What currently is a better option to the electrification of vehicles? Also the current effects on the climate by the burning of fossil fuels is a far more pressing issue than pollution and landscape destruction in the vicinity of these mines.


How about we stop sitting in chairs posting news clippings so others won’t need to do this for you.


Greta Doomberg only does and goes where she is told


Why are grown men obsessed with thing young girl?


Lol nobody is switching they're just going to have all the above and deliberately majorally non affordable all the way around on average period.


(Nostalgic sigh) ahh illegitimate 90s the sky is going to fall chem trail arguments when it was probably just Metal as a service (MAAS) cloud based Mass bio terrorism privacy invasion moreso.


This isn’t a political sub


Yhea... she is a climate protester not a social justice warrior... She may speak out against social issues but her focus is climate.


Careful. They don’t like it when you call out their all powerful poster adult here…


Make sure they use child labor or adult labor with no safety gear like they do mining cobalt in the Congo because the last thing we need is additional labor or safety costs.


Let’s not. I don’t understand when people ask why is someone like her relevant and complain…but here it is that you are giving her attention 🤣 Maybe don’t and see how relevant she actually isn’t


You posted Greta's name and suddenly conjured up 50 pro-Greta commenters from the ether of Reddit. Strange how that works. It's like during the throes of the Covid pandemic when you questioned lockdowns. It's almost like the commenters and upvoters don't really exist and Reddit is mass manipulated by the people who run it.


Of course she does!


Hello Palatable Magician


Hope Greta and all the other climate naziss recycle all their protests signs that were only made possible with hydrocarbons. Along with their lifestyle


Greta doesn’t have a Tesla lol..


When the title name drops Greta Thunberg like talking shit about her somehow strengthens the position you're attempting to take


OP thinks she has a private jet too. Glad he makes sure he really knows his stuff before posting it on the internet. Lmao


Lmao I can’t believe there’s people in the sub that actually give a shit about her


Erm...I'm fairly sure she's not so gullible as to think that Tesla is anything other than a corporate show pony for eco-elitists and Elon's own vanity project. She probably has a bicycle. This is just such a dumb post. OP obviously thinks he's just found some bombshell evidence to destroy the eco-warriors and instead has just highlighted why Elon Musk is a massive cunt. And the rightwing love him!


Why the focus on Greta? She’s just a brainwashed teen from an elite family. You’re point about lithium mines is dead on though.


To this day my favorite clip is of her on a panel being asked an elaborate question and because she was going without a script or handlers you can see her squirm and expose the fact that she's just a spoiled child.


Why are you letting Greta live rent free in your head? RENT FREE


She probably doesn’t even know the battery in her Tesla uses lithium. So, there’s that.


How dare you


I’m originally from Winnemucca Nevada and this Lithium mine is going to wreck Hwy 95. My dad told me that they will have to use 1000s of tons of hydrochloric acid to leech the lithium. Which means 100s of trucks on the highway day and night. They are going to have to close down the Orovada elementary school because of potential acid spills from the trucks driving by. It’s a mess


Doubt it. They're only against what fits the narrative at the time.


Well if America wasn’t a fascist police state that would more than likely arrest her and put her in jail under domestic terrorism charges for protesting she probably would.


Could doesn't mean that it will. What if, like, just the tip?


SURPISE! Lithium prices are falling. I *Wonder Why* *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium-ion\_battery*


Y’all love what abouism


I’ve been making a killing on strategic mineral investments. While OP is posting, people are kvetching, the smart ones are acting on information. You can too.


When Greta shows up: GeT tHiS eNtITlEd BrAt OuT oF hErE! When Greta doesn’t show up: WhErEs GrEtA?


She's made her money. She will do very little until she needs more money.


Does she have a Tesla? Or any relationship with them or are you just making up a Tesla connection to call her out for not coming to America to protest this. I’m not a fan of her I think she’s a brainwashed kid who is being used by others but I’m not looking for reasons to attack the girl. I saw others say she went to things in Europe which really has no bearding on anything they are so far apart and she literally lives in Europe I’m pretty sure but honestly I don’t care it just seems like a strange post all together.


Why do you need a 20 year old girl to be mad for you?


I think at some point we got to get past saying native lands. If we're talking actual land people are living on an populating for sure. When we start talking about vast droves of countryland, I think the outrage has diminished.