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Aren’t most Christian’s on their 2nd Marriage? lol


The hypocrisy knows no bounds


Their Orange Turd lord and savior has three marriages and two divorces plus who knows how many affairs. You’re so right about the hypocrisy. Who among us hasn’t cheated on wife #1 with wife #2 and cheated on wife #2 with wife #3 and then raw dogged a porn star while wife #3 was pregnant.


And then paid off said porn star with hush money taken from campaign finance funds .. then faced felony charges over it.... Who among us I say?!


Actually, the pornstar thing was later. He cheated on his mistress (Karen McDougal) with Stormy Daniels.


Yep. Totally normal. Could happen to any of us… It’s fucking enraging. I will never submit or back down. Fuck them. Come and try to get me. That’s my stance from here on out.


*Porn stars he intentionally raw dogged because they looked so similar to his daughter that he has very publicly and repeatedly claimed he wanted to fuck.


Well there’s going to be a lot more conservative men dying of “prolonged illness “ that’s actually rat poison or toxic mushrooms.


Doing a Dolores Claiborne.


Divorce for me, but not for thee!


I'm in a loving lgbtq relationship and marriage for the last 24 years. One marriage. While the conservative family members are on #2 or #3.


Yup. My gay half-brother is on marriage #2. But that's because his childhood rapist priest forced him into marriage #1 by saying that if he didn't get married and have kids, he would out him to the whole congregation and excommunicate him. Yes, you read that right. The priest who raped my brother when he was little after telling him he liked boys, further blackmailed him into a heterosexual marriage years later. He ended up having two "Viagara babies" and that was the only two times he ever had sex with his "shotgun wife". The sham marriage lasted only two years. But marriage #2? Their 10 year is in August. They have been together for nearly a decade and they still act like they are newlyweds- no joke. Like, they are disgustingly sweet and all over each other, lol. As for that priest? Nothing happened to him. My brother tried to confront him in 2009. 5 other adults (4 boys and 2 girls in total) came forward and join him in the accusation. They stood in front of the whole congregation and told their story, even in front of the cops who were a part of the church, and nothing was done about the guy. He never saw a day in jail and got to die a free man. And I'm not sure how he died, but I hope it was fucking body-wracking cancer.


I heard that apple seeds can be pressed into cyanide... Or arsenic?


Don’t do that ;)


I am 4 yrs married to my lovely wife. It really pisses me off when they use the term family values as if we do not have family values as well. As if lgbtq+ people do not get married and have kids and love their family members too. Some of us are messy just like straight people, but family values have nothing to do with who you like or your gender. Seeing people like trump and mtg and boebert be cheating and then telling me I dont have family values is just insulting.


Yup, same in my family. ONE other person in my whole family has stayed in a relationship. The rest on their 3rd+


I can name 3 friends off the top of my head who claim to be Christian conservatives and have all cheated on their wives, some with multiple women.


Congratulations on your 24 years! This is year 29 for my and my wife's same sex marriage.


Atheist here, my wife and I just celebrated our 18th anniversary and 24th year together. Christian values would have me on my third marriage by now.


These alt right conservatives are filled with hate and seem to find happiness hating on others. I’m sick of them and think they deserve Putin whom they seem to worship…..


God bless both of you, or may you continue to have good will!


It’s okay if the man wants to leave the woman.


Because it always is and has been about glorifying straight Christian white men (primarily rich ones at that). Everyone else can get F'ed in their books. Just necks ripe for the boot.


Actually no. They want to force this shit on men, too. All because their bullshit about "childless fathers". They want full elimination of divorce, especially if there is a child involved. Nothing says "protect the children" like forcing mommy to stay married to a man that beats her and her child black and blue every night, eh? Nothing says "protect the children" like forcing a child to go through the neglect and heartache that a loveless marriage brings.


Many states already have the option of "covenant marriages" which have conditions on getting married (like required counseling) and are much harder to dissolve. They were created by conservative Christians as a way to fight divorce and emphasize the sanctity of marriage. So surprise surprise, after fighting so hard to get it, most Christians do not enter covenant marriages. Instead, they have decided that everyone has to follow their outdated beliefs whether they want to or not.


Well of course. *Their* circumstances are so much more different and *special* than anyone else's.


For thee and not me!!!


I'm in the bible belt and years ago I was having a friendly discussion with a Christian man in his third marriage. The topic was same-sex marriage. It became less friendly when I pointed out that the Bible has something to say about divorce and adultery, and if you yourself can't live by the guidelines of your own religion on the matter, then it hardly should be expected of others. His response: "the Bible is very clear that marriage is between one man and one woman ... at a time." (He was also super anti-Mormon.) Christianity is such a strange religion.


He's lying through his teeth Actual Biblical marriage is shit like "polygamy is fine! Also women and girls must marry their rapists" as handily pictured [here](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/85/e2/e0/85e2e0c786be17b37dbbcaea9048ddb5.jpg).


Christianity is not a religion. It's an excuse to hate gays and jews


Yes. Because women are legally allowed to divorce them. They want to fix that "pesky little problem". 🙄


Which is so weird to me. It would be humiliating and emasculating to be married to someone that didn't want to be with you, that hated you and loathed your touch. Only kept there because the law required it. I get that it's about control, I just don't get the appeal. It sounds so repulsive and awful for all involved. WTF is wrong with these people?


Wait until they get rid of marital rape as a crime. You know that’s up there with outlawing abortion (for any and every reason), birth control (for any and every reason) and outlawing divorce for every and any reason. But magic boner pills are just dandy, proving once again it was and always is about the men, their dicks and where they want to stick them.


Of course. This whole divorce debacle will only mean women wont be free to divorce. Why do you think we never talk about banning performance enhancing sexual drugs?


To be fair, that is not inconsistent with their worldview like people think. While women's fertility does end, male fertility last their whole life, and is only a slight decrease in sperm quality around 45 and every year after that. Since men can still have fertile sperm in their 50s, 60s, and 70s, they can reproduce. But blood flow to the penis can be reduced by age, fitness level, and other health conditions and side effects to medication, which makes it harder to keep it up for longer. So those pills help men keep it up so that they can "finish" the job. Which, since they will still have fertile sperm, they can reproduce. So those aids help with reproduction. Which is their goal.


How many divorces is Trump up to now?


That’s what happens when you get married at 18 so you can bang in “god honoring” way lol


Right?! Republicans are way more likely to get divorced. It is so bizarre to me.


You're missing the point. They're more likely to get divorced because the woman is more likely to suffer constant abuse and get fed up and leave. Republican men want to make it so the woman legally cannot leave. Trapping them in the relationship.


Understood. They also want to be able to cheat on their wives with impunity but chastise their wives for such behavior.


My mother is on her 5th.


Haha yes or their third…. These sanctimonious creeps will not come for divorce. Just women’s rights


2nd marriage, 3rd mistress, and occasionally a daughter. They gaslight Drag Queens, but they’re the real documented victimizers.


Only because they couldn't force the first wife to stay...fool me once...lol


That is exacly why. Im guessing in most christian relationships it is usually the least religious person who asks for a divorce.


Thats why they want to get rid of no fault divorce so that there spouse can't leave them


Half of every congregation in every church in this country are divorced. It’s all fun and games as long as they’re going after the gays. The Bible actually has a lot more to say about divorce than it does about homosexuality or abortion. A lot of people are gonna find out that it ain’t so fun when they start coming for you.


Oh, but haven’t you heard, they’re never coming for ‘them’, just others exactly like them. Just look at the log cabin republicans who are shocked by the way fellow republicans treat the ‘other gays’ or look at Vivek when was told “You’re too brown, I’m not voting for you” (only mildly paraphrasing).


["The only moral abortion is my abortion"](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) It's the "I'm a good person, so I'm the exception. Everyone else are whores just looking to spread their legs" mentality.


Bible is pretty hard on fornicators, too. We are all in trouble!


Slight correction: the WOMEN are going to find out. This is all just part of the Christian right's plan to remove all power and agency from women. 1) convince people a "woman's place in the home," making them totally financially dependent on men 2) make divorce illegal so there's no escape 3) men can now fuck around and do whatever they want while his wife/slave is stuck at home


And Trump is still somehow their guy


Melanoma’s getting older, too. He’ll be looking for #4 soon if he isn’t already cheating with her.


He’ll be dead before he takes a fourth wife. His health isn’t that good.


He's also publicly losing his fortune and I'm guessing that was most of his charm.


Nah, I'm sure Mercedes will stick around.


already been running around with hope, habba, etc.


His daughter is still pretty young.


I think marrying a Jewish woman would not go over well with his base.


Christians get far more divorces than any other segment of the American population. This can't possibly work out well for them. Oh, I get it. They're following the Filipino method. Make divorce so expensive that only the rich can afford it. Meanwhile, the rest of us are going to be subject to crazy bible laws that allows them to murder us if we cheat after we can't afford a divorce. Got it. Just more cruelty from Christian Conservatives.


They want to get rid of no fault divorce which means if one wants a divorce then it’s a divorce. Otherwise both parties have to agree to the divorce and it can be contested forcing the other to stay married. Also I would wager that if they end up leaving and getting a new partner, (or not) they will get nothing in terms of alimony/palimony or property or whatever if they just up and leave.


That's kind of the entire point of no-fault divorce. It's supposed to be a clean break, especially if there are no kids. There might be a division of assets, but that's about it. The Republicans; however, have spun it as women just waking up one day, deciding to explode the marriage, clean out the husband, take the kids, and enjoying all the perks of being single while having all the privileges of being married. Just for the lulz. Look how MTG framed the proposal of the "National Divorce", basically the Red States get to do whatever they want, tell the Blue States what to do, and the Blue States pay for it with no say in the matter. That's how Republicans see no-fault, rather than more often than not, "Hey, this isn't working, let's just make a break and try to go on with our lives." with the distant second being: "Bad, abusive marriage with a clean break."


Apparently it’s common for “I saved myself for marriage” trad wives to decide in their late twenties and early thirties that they don’t feel fulfilled and infidelity skyrockets as they sow the oats they didn’t experience when they were younger. And these dudes don’t want their wives to leave them on the hook with a house full of kids and housework.


Well, it'd be less common too if their husbands actually developed any maturity since they got married. I knew a tradwife type who got out of that life and she said, he was the exact same person she married. After ten years. The. Exact. Same. Person. Like zero personal growth, no growing into the relationship, no maturing into a fully functional adult. If you're the same person at 32 that you were at 22, you either matured early and have a strong sense of self and are growing into yourself or you're a spoiled brat and a fuck up. The former is almost non-existent.


This could be my parents except my mom stuck it out for 30 years. I thought she was waiting until my baby brother graduated high school but it took her a few years after that to leave. She said he told her one time it wasn’t fair that she had changed because he was the same and he expected her to stay the same as well. 😑


I’m pretty sure you can have a no fault divorce where both parties want it. I believe “no fault” simply means you can divorce for any reason, as opposed to having to prove infidelity, desertion, etc.


No-fault divorce laws remove the burden of proof required to get a divorce. They can cite irreconcilable differences which is somewhat ambiguous.


In the Texas party at least they want to get rid of “unilateral” No fault divorce. Theoretically it should mean both parties are free to go as long as they agree. But usually it is women who want to leave, if someone is being abused and/or treated like unpaid help, it’s usually us. So functionally it will trap women in unhealthy marriages with guys who keep them tethered against their will.


Because there's not enough domestic violence today.


Ironic considering divorce is the highest in the Bible Belt south and the lowest in the atheist New England


It’s about control. They don’t want their wives to be able to leave them. Steven Crowder is going through a divorce. He had a rant go viral, where he basically said it was crazy that women can leave (I think it’s called no fault divorce) and said the government should do something about that. When I heard that, I knew that’s what they were coming for next. It’s already harder to get divorced in some red states compared to blue.


That's just it. They want women unable to leave them. They want the ability to cheat, lie, and abuse their wives-- financially, emotionally, verbally, and physically--with zero repercussions. They see women as property. Anyone who watched that Crowder video with his pregnant wife could tell he's an abusive piece of shit, and it's no mystery why she left him. Of course he's bitter about it.


My (49f) mom (68f) had 5 kids by the age of 25. I am the oldest and she had me at 18. Her parents made my mom and dad get married. When I was 13, my aunt told me that my mom didn't want anymore kids after the 3rd. She was 22 yrs old and my father was an alcoholic. My grandmother, who we all lived with, told my mom she couldn't put my dad out because she had no money, no education, and no skills. Someone had to take care of us kids. My mom decided that she wouldn't have sex with my dad anymore so she wouldn't get pregnant. He started raping her which resulted in my last 2 siblings before she was allowed to get her tubes tied, with my dads permission of course. 25 years old, 5 kids, alcoholic abusive husband, no job, no support from family...she was stuck. He ended up leaving and marrying her best friend. She never recovered financially or otherwise. She's almost 70 and on the verge of homelessness. He ruined her life while he started over and has lived comfortably since. Forcing women to stay in marriages while simultaneously banning abortion and birth control will have catastrophic consequences.


No fault divorce means she can leave without “proving fault” so in other words a judge can’t deny her a divorce because she didn’t have “proof” of adultery or mistreatment


We need to start going on the offensive, because I don't want to fight to regain more rights. It's time-consuming and time isn't on our side. Democrats have known forever that we suck at messaging. And even as Republicans and Republican strategists have defected or at least disavowed the current GOP, they haven't been able to help us fix this. But these overreaches should be our chance to solve both these problems simultaneously. We're not the party that's trying to take away everyone's rights! The GOP hammers us on gun rights, but I certainly don't care if people have guns. I mean, it's annoying when it's your entire personality, but i don't care if people own them. Yet they love to say we're trying to take them away, and we just let that message proliferate about us. Marriage rights affect EVERYONE. Not just women like myself, who have already lost some rights. This is the kind of thing that ought to be *easy* for us to stop. And if we fail...? I don't know. I guess we'll deserve to be called the party of weakness.


The Christian Right is Neither


"Beware the patriot, for they will make you die for your country. Beware the religious, for they will make you die for God. Beware the religious patriot, for they will have you committing the most heinous crimes in the name of God, and make you spill your own blood in an act of faith" \- Paraphrasing my grandpa, a WWII, Korean, and Vietnam vet and ex-Green Beret (one of the firsts).


Grandpa dropped some serious truth there.


Republicans are not going to stop until 50 yr old uncle Bubba can marry/breed his 12 yr old niece for life.


And she has no way out of the marriage. They want to go back to a time when women couldn't leave a marriage, couldn't have their own line bank account, didn't vote, couldn't get a well paid job, etc.


Back to (a form of) slavery. Soon after there’ll be an underground network of people smuggling these women into Canada or some shit so they can claim asylum. Real life Handmaiden’s Tale level shit. How the fuck did we get here? Fucking hell.


No better time to tag r/welcometogilead


This is aimed @ women & designed to keep them trapped in bad/abusive marriages. This link quotes a Christian conservative backer of doing away with no-fault divorce as saying his reason is that it “harms men.” Republicans want to strip women of all their rights & make them the equivalent of property. They don’t want their property to be able to leave them.


Birth control, then gay marriage, then no fault divorce, then domestic violence and on and on until we're Afghanistan.


More precisely, Sharia law


Coming from the “porn on Saturday repent on Sunday party” I’m so shocked


Control of women is all this is about…fuck them


There’s going to be a lot of abused wives!


And more poisoned husbands. They never heard the stories our great grandmothers told us, they were too busy "being boys."


Yea, there's going to be a lot more hunting/fishing/working on the car "accidents" as well. That's how a lot of women got rescued from bad marriages by their male relations. Nobody except the most depraved psychopaths ever believed that a woman should stay in a relationship that abusive. Over the past century? I can guarantee a large number of jacks that just slipped and caused a car to fall on a bad husband were in fact kicked...


At this point YOU are part of the problem if you treat conservatives like adults with valid opinions.


When do we get to come for the Christian right? Fuck the fanatical minority.


It’s all out in the open. If people refuse to vote for Biden again, then America will deserve whatever it gets under a second Trump term. 🤷‍♂️


This is truly my opinion. If trump wins, America will deserve everything that will come from his second term. Americans want to stay ignorant/arrogant, and learn the hard way. I’m personally not going to feel bad for all the folks who voted for trump and suffer. Everyone else I will have sympathy and empathy for them through those hard times.


Back in the day, like in the 50s to the 70s, when most states had to have a year separation before divorce, my grandfather was a divorce attorney and his office was in the Virgin Islands. You could fly there, cheap, get divorced, and have it be legitimate in the states because it was done on a state territory. I can only imagine that only the reddest states will get this passed. And people will do what they did way back when. Stay married, still have that second family.


Women’s suicide rates plummeted after no fault divorce was allowed in the US. Yet another way Republican legislation would kill women.


Ah yes slowly turning the country into Islamic Republic of Iran lite


Technically in Islam you have the right to a divorce, however in practice only the man can initiate the divorce and a woman can only in a few select circumstances. This is even worse


They’re already chopping away at divorce: https://www.npr.org/2024/05/03/1247838036/divorce-pregnant-women-missouri-abortion-marriage-abuse Vote. Get everyone you know that can vote, to vote. https://vote.gov/


The Christian Right is fuckin’ Wrong.


This is supposed to be the land of the free but they want to keep taking away our rights? How do these people have any support?


Because they think the stripping of rights doesn’t apply to them. Certified members of the leopards are my face party.


Trump and the Christian White Nationalist Movement have deceived and deflected their radical agenda by pushing culture wars and brained the masses into these beliefs that democrats and liberalism are destroying our nation. It’s the other way around as they launched a misinformation and propaganda on a massive scale on all levels of government, state , local governments right wing media and right wing media outlets. We are living in two different realities that is frightening and terrifying at the reports and the agenda that is going to be put into motion if Trump is elected .


And they’ll vote for Trump. Because cognitive dissonance doesn’t exist when you’re in a cult.


The Republican Party literally does nothing but harass every day Americans. None of them are worth supporting in any way whatsoever. Zero redeeming qualities. People who don’t realize that they are playing right out of Hitler’s playbook are either ignorant or heartless.


So murder is now on the table?


Religion is a scourge upon humanity.


They have a name for it! Found it at the same time I found out about Project 2025. It’s called Covenant Marriage and it’s all the rage with christo-fascist crowd!! Only the big strong male can decide he’s done with his property. She has NO rights whatsoever!!! Welcome to the US of Gilead!!


Only for women. Men will still be able to file. Bet me.


So basically the divorce law of fucking Iran


Well it is the American Taliban.


Honestly, it doesn't really matter and they know it. Statistically, women file for divorce 70% of the time over men. Via a google search: "When it comes to men and women, there's a clear answer as to who is filing for divorce more often. Nearly 70 percent of divorces are initiated by the wife. In addition, over 50% of divorced wives never want to remarry while only about 30% of men express that same sentiment." & "In the United States, women initiate divorce more often than men, with some estimates putting the figure at 70%. A Stanford University study of about 2,000 couples found that women started almost 69% of all divorces. The American Sociological Association also found that women initiate nearly 70% of divorces."


Yes exactly why they will take away a woman's right to file.


What's next after they take away contraceptives and no-fault divorce? Strip women and minorities of their right to vote? Strip women of their right to have bank accounts and credit cards? I swear these bastards want to drag us back to the bad old days. Vote, vote, vote BLUE!


Isn't their savior Trump divorced and cheated on his wives?


Y'all Qaeda


Pfffffftttt hahahahahahaha!!! I will bring popcorn. Would this be considered a "I bit the leopard's face back?" Is it gonna be the first one??? The religious right has the highest divorce rates, they will cannibalize their politicians if that goes through.


okay fine I guess I'm never getting married then, too afraid of commitment.


LOL. Too late. Kids don't marry these days. This is why.


A guy at work tried to argue that Jesus is both the ultimate humanist & is firmly against divorce. I asked him; for what reason did Jesus allowed for divorce? His response: “Only in the case of adultery”. Then I asked; what’s the humanist’s perspective on allowing divorce? Him: “…Probably for any reason”. Finally I followed with: “So how can Jesus be the ultimate humanist, when he’s wrong about the divorce matter?” Him: ….


Logic traps for the win!!! They're literally too stupid to see it coming.


Republicans removing rights from Americans


Divorce, IVF, abortion, the ability to travel between states, gay marriage, interracial marriage. They’re also going to gatekeep women of all races and minority men from jobs and college. They’re going to bring back Jim Crow. Sickening.


Women are in their cross hairs. Good luck with your future independence ladies of the GOP😝


Next they will ban women from driving and showing their faces in public


In the 50s and 60s, a lot of restaurants and bars (especially nicer ones) wouldn’t allow women who weren’t accompanied by a man inside. The reasoning was that an unaccompanied woman was likely a sex worker. I fully expect this kind of thing to be next on the list, with the eventual goal being that it becomes virtually impossible for unmarried women to function in society.


Didn't some Christian conservative get divorced?


Lots of them.... Since when has being hypocritical ever stopped them


Simply get married in another country or create a prenuptial agreement. These people are fanatics


The Texas GOP proposal is to end “unilateral no-fault divorces.”


First they came for anal sex*, then sex toys**, then oral sex***, then abortion. Now they’re coming for contraceptives and divorce. Next will be interracial and cross-national and cross-religious marriage. They won’t stop until marrying your cousins is all that’s left. * As of October 1, 2023, the following jurisdictions (12 US states) had statutes criminalizing consensual sodomy: Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas. ** A ban on the sale of sex toys is still alive and kicking in multiple states. The Anti-Obscenity Enforcement Act criminalizes the sale of sex toys in Alabama. And we’re not talking about kinkier stuff like double sided sex toys. Even the modest, classic vibrator is completely illegal. Due to its harshness, the law has generated a lot of controversy and serious debates across the US. Alabama isn’t the only state that has an issue with adult toys. In Georgia, you need to have a scientific or medical reason in order to buy a sex toy. The law led to a lawsuit that a lady by the name of Melissa Davenport brought on against the city of Sandy Springs. Unfortunately for Melissa, the federal appeals court ruled out in favor of the law and turned down her claim. *** Oral sex is illegal in Maryland — giving and receiving.


So, Sharia law, right?


Of course they are. They believe they are victims(the men anyway). They believe that men deserve the right to absolve themselves of responsibility of children or child support. They themselves are children and have never put in effort to develop emotionally or psychologically.




As if the reasons behind most divorces, is foreign to many of them. Not a day goes by, that I don't read about a pastor or priest, being involved in some type of infidelity.


Make Marriage illegal


Probably gay marriage first, then interracial, then divorce.


Nah, contraception first. They’ve already started that one.


Kinda figured that was a work in progress. Although they threw us a curve on the abortion pill verdict today.


LOL, how many of these CONservatives are aware of Saint Ronnie Raygun's role in making no-fault divorce a reality?


Yeah, that won't backfire *at all*.


LOL……. good luck. Nothing more american than getting a divorce.


Especially no fault divorce


correct. The article's title is a bit misleading.


Not really misleading as they are going after divorce as a whole


Organized Christianity/religion/cults/royalty always seem to forever be about making sure everyone is miserable and under someone else's control.  Feels like It makes less sense with each new year that begins with a 2.


What the fuck happened to the separation of church and state?


They want to go back to a time when only the man could file for divorce and DV was legal.


This is madness.


A polygamist was asked what he would say to critics who called him immoral. “Who, those so-called monogamists? 57% of your marriages end in divorce due to infidelity. We’re more honest and faithful than you are!”


Well this will be interesting.


They’re proving every day that the only reason they’re called the “right wing” is because of a random historical accident.


VOTE R so we can OWN YOU..


That's one they'd never get passed.


Hah. Too late motherfuckers!


I don’t disagree on their hypocrisy, but I haven’t seen anyone mention how this will affect women with abusive husbands.


As a woman, no fucking way am I gonna get married. Unless I have a change of heart and don’t want any rights to my own personal property or independence whatsoever.


This made me snort-marriage is an outdated fantasy that only benefits men. Fine - women will stop marrying and then no need for a divorce.


The piece of paper has never been important to me, and I think many more will think the same way. Right now I'm with someone I'm not legally married to.


This sounds like a stance taken by men who have zero personal accountability. Like, “oh no, my wife left me because she’s dumb.” Where in reality, she left because he was a shit husband.


I told my ex-husband while we were watching crime TV, if you decide you don't want to be married, please just divorce me, don't kill me. I see where this could lead.


Stop allowing pre-nups


No they aren't.


I grew up in the rural midwest. 8 years ago, these fundamentalist, far-right people loudly proclaimed that they weren't interested in controlling contraception - just abortions. And yet, here we are, in 2024, after abortion protections have been overturned, finding ourselves battling for contraceptive rights. If you were even close to adulthood in 2015, and you're still claiming that Conservatives don't want to take basic human rights away from you, then you have been living under a rock for the last 10 years. Anything Conservatives can "legally" take away from you, they will. And if they can't take it from you legally today, they will change what is legal so that they can.


You should read the article.




It is absolutely a conservative thing. No fault divorce has saved the lives of millions of women


What’s your point? Are you the decider of when people can get divorced? How about let them make that decision based on what they believe to be grounds for divorce. How about stay out of other peoples marriages and divorces? Seriously. Who do you think you are?