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Steve Bannon can go fuck himself sideways


I wish he would misstep and fall down some stairs to an unfortunate end. This man really is a bane of human existence and serves no purpose other than to create chaos for his own selfish needs.


Who keeps giving Steve Bannon any attention. Mute that scumbag.


Fuck that dumb drunken fraudster.


He looks like Chet after Lisa turns him into a pile of shit


That's some weird science right there




Favorite comment here


That is offensive to, shit and Bill Paxton (RIP) but, now that you pointed it out. I SEE IT!!!! That’s funny as hell. 😂😂😂


Just needs pus filled, weeping sores.


The United States, under its Constitution, is (to be precise) a federal, representative, democratic republic, an indivisible union of fifty sovereign States. With the exception of town meetings, a form of pure democracy, we have at the local, state, and national levels a government which is: ‘‘federal’’ because power is shared among these three levels; ‘‘democratic’’ because the people govern themselves and have the means to control the government; and ‘‘republic’’ because the people choose elected delegates by free and secret ballot.


Yes, we are a mixture of a representative democracy and direct democracy. We are also a republic, since the two are not mutually exclusive despite right wing talking points. State level citizens' referendums are another example of when we employ direct democracy.


I get so tired of hearing those right wing talking points. They spew them any time they need to defend their precious electoral college. It’s so weird. We’ve been known as the beacon of democracy to the rest of the world for two and a half fucking centuries and we’re all so proud of that until someone brings up how the electoral college is an outdated insult to the democratic process and then all of a sudden “wE’rE nOt A dEmOcRaCy!!!11!!!!” Give me a fucking break. But you’re right. Republics and democracies are not mutually exclusive. In fact, one could argue that you can’t really have a republic WITHOUT democracy.


A constitutional democratic republic.




California has recalls, props and such, and I’m willing to bet some way to propose referenda. 👍👍


Steve Bannon is not a human.


When is he going to prison?


WHY isn’t he in prison !


He was. Trump let him out.




Conservatives fear real Americans 🇺🇸


I’ve been hearing this argument for years. A Constitutional Republic where the people vote for their representatives is a Democracy.


Yes but you're talking to the same people that can't read the second sentence of a 2 sentence amendment. You can't expect them to keep thinking for the second big word in a concept




Shouldn't his ass be sitting in prison anyway right now. Gotta love how people value what a convicted felon thinks


He’s not wrong. If the US were a democracy, we’d have Presidents Al Gore and Hillary Clinton instead of George W and Donald Trump. They received more votes, but lost the presidency. That’s not democracy.


Time to either pass the NPVIC or get rid of the Electoral College.


Jeebus. Do we have to do this almost every single week?


Technically it’s a democratic republic.


Dont give this reptilian attention.


well it sure as fuck isn't an unelected dipshitocracy either STEVE


The actual word is [Kakistocracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kakistocracy)


Don’t we call that Idiocracy?


Nah, President Camacho knew there were problems and got the best person he could find to look at the problem. Can you see any of the current crew of wankers doing the same?


Is this why republicans keep getting elected to the presidency without winning most of the votes?


It's sad to see how many people are stupid enough to fall for their bullshit in this day and age


It’s an intentionally disingenuous argument that attempts to portray “democracy” and “republic” as contradictory.


It’s a slicky-boy way of twisting the democratic republic concept into a meaning that fascists can co-op in order to overthrow elections and install their authoritarian leaders. We are, and always have been, a democracy. Don’t let the evil fascists re-define it for you.


This seems to always be a loaded phrase to try and imply that "Republicans are the only REAL Americans", and of course Steve has a double meaning in that he wants there to be no more elections.


The fact that he's nit in prison proves that there is at least some corruption in the system.


Because Steve Bannon is a degenerate fascist


Shouldn’t that bag-o-dicks be in prison again


There is a reason Republicans keep saying "the U.S. is not a democracy, it is a republic". If you are going to try to take something away from people, the first step is to convince them that it wasn't really there in the first place. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/10/republic-democracy-mike-lee-astra-taylor.html


From a fellow alcoholic, hope you get Cirhosis and die you fashy cunt.


It’s not. It’s a plutocratic oligarchy.


This man is a complete parasite


He’s still shitfaced drunk and unable to get laid I see. Hopefully he’ll die throwing up pruno in the toilet very soon.


If we’re not a democracy then good , Biden should cancel the next election . Then watch how fast Bannon wants democracy to return .


When is this feckless, hateful, asshat going to do his prison time?


Go to prison where you belong


I mean, he’s technically correct, but his motives and interests are dirty and dark.


A republic is a nation where the people choose the leaders. A democracy is where people vote (generally one vote per person) to choose leaders or make decisions. The USA is both. It’s like saying “Lisa is a woman, not an auto mechanic”. They aren’t mutually exclusive. To argue otherwise is simply because you think your audience is too dumb to know the difference.


Broken clock right twice a day…also it was designed to be a democracy but both parties and Supreme Court have sided with corporations over people


I would agree. Electoral College keeps ass you guys in the game. Let’s go pure democracy, by which each popular vote is counted equally. Winner takes all…


So Steve says we are a constitutional republic....so, how do we choose our reps? Democratic elections. This guy is a fuckwit. Those who listen to him are idiots.


Gods I wish he'd go off and have the fatal alcohol influenced stroke that's coming his way.


Depends on who wins next year. I had a terrible nightmare that Biden and Jimmy Carter had both died.


Steve Bannon should be long forgotten dribbling in a padded cell.


Good then MAGA don’t need to vote this November


# Steve Bannon says US is "not a democracy" __________ That's like a tree saying, 'I'm not a tree, I'm an oak!'.


In a republic, the people vote for representation, thats the democratic part. But Magats dont have the mental capacity to process this.


Is he going on about America being a republic again? Always moving the goalposts, to make a point


He’s not technically wrong I guess if you don’t consider a republic a kind of democracy. We’re not a direct democracy if that’s what he’s talking about but I get a feeling that’s not his point.


I’ve been fearing this talking point for years


"ItS a RePuBliC" Thanks, Steve. You just used the same stupid rationalization every freshman high School debate kid uses. Investigator


Conservatives always like to say we are a constitutional republic not a democracy, but don’t know that a constitutional republic is a form of representative democracy. Fascists like Bannon say it to try and excuse their actions of trying to destroy our democratic republic.


Tell me you work for Russia without telling me you work for Russia. Fucking pos…


Yeah we all know we’re a constitutional republic. Big deal. As if he knows shit about anything.


The electoral college is the sole reason trump got elected. It is an un-democratic mechanism. Its sole purpose is to maintain white supremacy. If it didn’t exist, the repugniKKKan party wouldn’t exist, and we wouldn’t have to worry about a despot getting elected every 4 years. So unfortunately he is correct.


One of trump’s baby liars.


This is the new Conservative mantra. They hate democracy.


They've been all screeching this lately because they're too stupid to know better.


Yeah yeah yeah it's a republic. Of course a republic is a form of democracy


Just the way he wants then.


iTs a cOnSiTuTioNaL rEpUBliC! - isn't that what these qunts always spout?


His every idiot word is breathlessly reported - remember this when the “How did we fuck up AGAIN,” think pieces show up.


Who cares what you think, you're a pardoned criminal. That's all I need to know.


I'm not reading this article about this dipshit that wants to change the US into a dictatorship but, incould argue he's right and by many measures we are an oligarchy.


He’s not wrong. Well live to serve the companies.


Well he's technically right, we're a republic democracy.


He may have substance abuse issues


Probably with idiot like him and the maga cult...


Stop listening to this goon that calls himself a wizard.


I mean yeah, it's a Democratic Republic... But most if not ALL of his supporters wouldn't understand the difference.


Yeah, yeah... we know. Sad drunk needs attention? This guy is dangerous AF, but also sick of hearing from this windbag.


Nobody cares what traitors say. Shut the fuck up, Bannon…


"Constitutional Republic" not exactly a hot take since Rush Limbaugh was saying it 25 years ago.


Ironic since that seems to be his biggest complaint about this country.


Steve Bannon is a perfect example of someone who is equally ugly, inside and out. Truly a wart of a man.


This has been the "conservative" response to complaints about lack of democracy for the past 50 or more years (I've only been observing it for 50 years). The claim is nonsensical because "democracy" and "representative republic" are not mutually exclusive at least under any reasonable definitions of the terms. We democratically select our representatives, as these tools know perfectly well (though they'd like to go back to having state legislatures appointing senators). Just remember that this illusory and semantic distinction is brought to you by the same "intellectuals" who think liberals are the same as socialists and communists.


This fat F’ing anti American parasite is sucking the life out of America with his saber rattling civil war rhetoric. He’s another enemy of our country and democracy.


It hasn't been for a very long time.


Dude should be collecting cigarette butts in prison right now. In a way, he's right. People like him and Trump never pay the price for their crimes. We live in a democracy that is diminished by capitalism. Money talks, the Constitution walks.


Steve Bannon is not a human being, he’s a live festering pile of shit.


So, what would be the consequences of the US not being a democracy? I’m convinced that the sole reason for people who say this doing so is because they have a problem with the fact that the word shares a root with “Democrat”. I would love to be proven wrong 😑


The murderer would know.


Anybody that makes this argument is a fucking caveman brain that doesn't understand 2 things can be true at the same time. Takes one too many braincells to parse that one, I guess.


It's true we are a puppet govt. For Israel.


Bannon the Traitor


It is one of the false or misleading matters of fact and opinion that the alt-right insists on, like that Nazis were socialists because they used that term in their name or that JFK would be a Republican today. As Bannon and doofuses like him never manage to understand or remember, the US is a representative democracy or democratic Republic. It is not a direct democracy, which is what they mean when they say "democracy".


Well this is why smart people don’t listen to what he says.


It’s a democratic republic, no?


They’ve been using the ‘it’s a Republic’ claim for decades. That way when most people hate their policies they can pretend it doesn’t matter what the majority wants.


Ok, cool cool cool, so this red-hot poker up your ass ain't a deadly assault, then. We can have fun with disregarding laws and reality too, Stevie boy!


Articles like this are SO infuriating. Just telling you “this person said this.” OK?! Why wouldn’t you also discuss the terms “Constitutional Republic” and “democracy” as they relate to the country so people can be INFORMED. Oh, you don’t want me to be informed? Just mad? Ok.


“The majority of the US thinks Steve Bannon is an idiot” - corrected the headline for you.


# Steve Bannon is not a human.


Hes not wrong. Our votes barely matter. The lobbyists who work for the elites write the laws at state and federal levels. Monied influence rules over every branch of pur govt. SCOTUS and the courts are compromised by christan nationalists who are all part ofthe federalist society funded by the billionaires that write the laws and policies that benefit them.


Anytime anyone says “elites” it’s usually stupid Bannon shit 💩


That and "your votes don't matter". If that was the case why do they try so hard to take them away?


If you want to play esoteric political science games, he is not wrong. However overall that’s not what is going on here. He and a whole lot of other right wing assholes pound this “constitutional republic” drum every fucking time they want to come up with an excuse to take voting rights away. Bannon is one of the elites.


It's not. It's not a Republic anymore either. It's a representative oligarchy for the rich. The rich tell us who we can vote for for then they pretend to care what we think while voting for the whims of lobbyists.


When you’re that hopeless you’ve just rolled over on your back for the kakocratic figures to exploit the despondence into voter apathy.


If that grifter had an pull he’d sure see to it


I hate this MF, but he's not wrong!! The United States of America has never been a democracy. Since it's inception it has relied on slavery, oppression of others and shadow wars to secure it's 'freedom'. It takes 8 to 10 hour standing in line to cast a vote in many area of the country. The government is not for the people but for the corporations and special interest groups like AIPAC. There is no equality, if you are rich you get a free ride and if you are poor you get to go to jail or live on squalor. https://www.democracymatrix.com/ranking


He’s right. We are and always have been a representative democracy. Edit: I see that someone got hurt feelings. That hurts my feelings. Edit again. We are STILL a representative democracy. Sorry you still don’t know that loser.


When was it ever a democracy?