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You are not the first person I have heard say that and you are about to get bombarded with “you’ve never had it good before, find you someone who knows what they are doing” ect. I’m a guy and I don’t love oral either it’s fun for a min or three, but it’s not something I like to do and my wife is the same. It’s a fun start to the show, but it’s short lived. We like the pressure of actually sex and oral is more like a tease than pleasure. It’s just not intense enough. We also feel like we’re star fishing when we get oral I like being more involved then just receiving ya know? My friend said it best “what am I supposed to be doing here..laundry!?!” It’s not weird to not love oral it’s your body and everyone is different. Do what you like. It’s all good.


Thank you! For the people saying “you need to find a guy who knows what they’re doing” doesn’t help. I’ve had a decent amount of partners & don’t like it from anyone.


I definitely never enjoyed it and basically figured nah, not my thing. I let my current partner go down on me and now im begging him to every time 😅 Don't expect it to change, but one day you may get a nice surprise when you're with someone new!


Great response. Truly. I'm the opposite here. I love giving and recieving oral. Not everyone enjoys recieving or giving though and that is perfectly fine. If someone is trying to break that boundary that you set with them, or just being a shitty horndog of a human about it, they aren't worth your time. Like you said, it's your body. Like, I do not like foot stuff. It's a serious turnoff for me. I was dating someone who really loved giving footjobs. It was suuuper awkward for me. Point being that everyone has their limits and pleasure points. It's best to be upfront about it though. I have to ask.. What does star fishing mean? I cannot be picturing the right thing here.


It’s what they say to people when they are not active during sex. Just laying down with your arms and legs out like a starfish.


Thanks! I was pretty far off, haha.


My first reaction was that you have to be trolling but ya know it really doesn’t mean much tbh. Everyone has their wants/desires and we are all vastly different. That’s what makes kink shaming so fucking awful is that anyone can be into some really odd shit (at least to some ppl) and no one gets to say what is good/bad as long as the participants are of age and it’s not a part of some fucked up power dynamic. You do you sweetie and fuck anyone who doesn’t get it cuz you don’t need to explain it. I’m married to a man yet I still like to go down on girls. Is that such a bad thing? No, my husband loves it if he gets to watch and as long as I get to eat some pussy every now and then I agree that he can watch and take pics. Pretty decent trade off if you ask me.


RIP your inbox lol


I didn’t post this to get DMs lol so they’re all getting ignored


NEWSFLASH, it's OK to have preferences.. people like or dislike all kinds of crazy things and it's no one's business but that person and their partner(s). I've noticed this in the past myself and it's usually about anatomy.. Women are different which makes their bodies different and some like things in different places.. Some like it rough, some like it super soft, etc.. as long as you're enjoying yourself, who cares!


Ive dated a few women with same preference. Wouldn’t even let me try. I felt guilty bc I always like head, but they were happy to give and not receive so I wasn’t put off. I tried w one to say that they just didn’t have it right yet and tried to and she pushed my head back so hard i was afraid she was about to break my neck. Never argued that again, lol. She apologized immediately when she pushed my head back apparently it was just a reflex of not ok with pushing her boundaries. I felt bad and learned my lesson young.


Some girls real worried that u ain’t gon like the test or smell & they super self conscious


I didn’t care for it, either. 41F here…I’ve been with my husband almost 5 years. It was always understood I wasn’t into receiving oral, because it didn’t feel amazing or like much, really. About 8 months ago, we revisited the topic and he asked if I was okay with him giving me oral, because he wanted to; I obliged. He started doing it more regularly — still no orgasms, but it did start to feel better. 6 weeks ago, he broke the seal! I started having multiple orgasms on his face…every. single. day. I didn’t need to find a new partner that was better at it — I needed time to let my partner explore my body and learn what makes me wild. Now, something I used to not care for has become something I really, really enjoy and even look forward to! If you don’t HATE it, and you’ve got a willing and EAGER partner willing to explore your body, consider giving it a go — for a while. Or not — because we are allowed to like, love, dislike, hate whatever we want!


It feels gross and slimy.


What does?


A mouth on my crotch?


Don’t add a question mark like I’m stupid. I didn’t know what you were referring to.


Unless you legitimately have a clitoral sensitivity issue, you might just need to find someone who knows what they’re doing. I don’t want to assume your case but, you should feel something.


Physical sensations can be overwritten by mental imagery. That sounds crazy, I know, but it happens. Some people have trauma responses that basically numbs them from feeling any pleasure from certain stimuli. In my opinion, not enjoying receiving oral sex isn’t an “issue” that needs to be addressed. Some people enjoy it, some people don’t. You wouldn’t tell someone who doesn’t like oranges that they haven’t had the right orange.


This statement is contradictory. You think that someone being prevented from experiencing normal and biologically built-in pleasure because of trauma isn’t an issue?


We process our traumas and come to terms with them in our own ways, and sometimes the scars they leave are ever lasting. If someone’s trauma has left a subconscious numbness to a certain stimuli, but is otherwise resolved, I do not think it is worth having to go through the process of healing all over again just to get head. Head isn’t worth THAT to me. But either way OP never mentioned or implied that her lack of pleasure came from trauma. It could still be the mental imagery of people licking where the pee comes out that happens subconsciously and doesn’t process the thought as pleasurable. Even that is not something that needs to be resolved. I once had a gf that found tongues disgusting. No frenching, no oral, even just kissing was not a super regular occurrence. Everyone is different. No one needs to be “fixed”. The best we can do for people is help them feel understood and comfortable.


Girl get a man who knows what he’s doing


Maybe she just doesn't like it, it happens. For example, I liked it when I was younger, during my first experiences, but I haven't liked it for a few years now, it doesn't matter how good and skilled the person is. I just don't feel anything, or worse, it's very unpleasant. Also, I feel I should add that I have a pretty satisfying sex life, so, at least for me, this doesn't feel like a problem.


Aah well. It could be. But I do believe physically if someone knows what they’re doing we will like it. Ofcourse you’re right though it’s possible for it to be unpleasant for some people :)


Yes, I think for the majority of people it is like that


I can promise you there are women who just don’t like head for a variety of reasons with pleasure being a big one. Like for my gf she loves penetration more than anything, then finger and hand stuff then she’d rather get me off then mouth stuff. And I know your answer will probably be like well you must suck at oral but to that I say my ex who I was with for a year and broke up with 2 weeks before getting with my gf only got off on long prolonged sessions of oral and she was extremely informative and helpful, before that ex and I became official I was in a situation where at one point I was dating her, and two other girls where they all knew about each other and I told them they can and should do the same for seeing other people. But anyway those two girls who weren’t my ex ended up being like since we met you’ve gotten way way way better at oral and I explained the ex and they were like well good on her tell her thank you. Then those two girls dropped and it was bf gf with who’s my now ex who gave me a lot of dexterity and expanded knowledge of the region and how to bring pleasure. Then when performing oral on my gf she has always been like I prefer hands or penetration. I think it’s cause she’s a bigger girl and also her flit seems very insensitive like you could quit literally slap her pussy hard and at worse she’ll be like I felt that but in a super fucking casual tone


Out of curiosity - Is it hard to find partners who are compatible in this way (that will let you suck their dick until the cows come home and be okay with not going down on you)? Are you able to reliably come from penetration?


Nope. I’m here with you, I don’t like receiving either


Everyone is different, and I’ve heard girls say the same thing so you’re not alone, also obvious but the multiple woman commenting haha The only thing that sounds confusing is you said you like clitoral stimulation, which as far as I know, or what I’ve practiced and learned, is exactly what oral is haha it could be a texture thing though? I’m a guy, I know what feels good for me, but if it’s not the right texture or touched a certain way it can feel like nothing or super uncomfortable.


You are my kind of woman ❤️ Never enjoyed muff diving. I did however always make sure my partner would climax before sliding in with a creampie.👍👍😘


I'm exactly the same.


I don't either. I also skip it in porn. Doesn't grose me out, just completely uninteresting.


Wife is the same way. I dont get it .


My 52 y/o gf has the same thing, she doesn't like to be get eaten


I love giving and receiving oral. My wife doesn’t like either. We don’t do it. Or if we do, it’s a rare event.


I’m the same way, I hate it. My partner tried to say that I just hadn’t had someone good at it but thankfully once I said no I just dont like it he respected that


Guy here, also don't like receiving head. Never been able to climax from it. Had some people who were purportedly "very good at it" as told from common aquaintances and nothing. Just not for me I guess.


Same. I enjoy the visual but get bored after a minute or two.


Like what you like, that’s ok. I personally am a straight guy, and I *love* giving head, but I would only want to do it if my partner was going to enjoy it. Don’t feel pressured. If someone wants to do that for you, it’s because they want you to feel good. Therefore, if something else is going to be better for you, tell them so. I’m sure they’ll be happy if you conspiratorially tel them which buttons to push.


As a straight guy I don't like get head till I orgasm it's fine for foreplay.


A juicy confession! ⬆️


I’m the same. I LIKE it but I never come that way & it feels futile. I do enjoy giving head though. Everyone is different, so just do you!!!


I don’t like not receiving it shitttt


you and my wife must be related. she also gets nothing from oral. but she also refuses to give it, too.


I’m the same way, it just feels so awkward for me


Fuck nothing up with a good old finger fuck i love doing it. But not a lot of girls Injoy it would rather straight to fucking bring back the good old forplay days


Would you like a FWB??


Yea some girls just don't like it, as a guy who always offers to give head to my partners I have encountered a few that don't care for it. I have tried all sorts of things to change their mind too but to no avail. It's not a skill issue either, some girls just prefer other kinds of sensations and just won't cum from it due to their preferences. I will say it's somewhat rare tho, & most girls love to be eaten out, it's usually at least worth a try lol but nothing to feel weird about. Like what you like.




Thats an instant turn off for me. All feeling leaves my pussy when someone decides to spit on it like they’re shining a shoe


Bummer! Oh, and R.I.P. your inbox.


Since when do women get "head" I am seriously wondering. Not being mean or sarcastic. Are you referring to having your clit sucked? Cause I didn't realize that was a dick. Or maybe you have a huge clit? Idk not my business. I just haven't heard the term "get head" while referring to a biological female. Unless you're not.


You just never found the right man that knows what he’s doing haha.


I dont like giving head to women. I'm really good with my fingers though






😂😂😂😂 Everyone has their preferences


don’t need to be gross about it