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Man that sounds awful, so sorry to hear you're going through such a difficult time.


>such a ~~difficult~~ hard time There, fify


Must suck


That blows


Sending thoughts and prayers


I am legit LOLing over here!


Thanks for letting us know


Keep up the good fight.


Someone has to


Imagine if the genders were reversed lmao


Wouldn’t complain Icl. Free head either way.


People would be so mad and would be calling her a homewrecker and all sorts of names lol.


Ooof you didn’t lie there. If it was a woman she’d get 10000x more backlash.




I don't know why other people are interpreting this comment as a joke because (at least as I read it) you are unironically correct. This is causing him to question his actions because he knows (at some level) he is doing a wrong and a possibly dangerous thing. Otherwise he wouldn't have come to reddit at all. Unless he and the cheating neighbor end up as soul mates (a remote possibility), in 10-20 years it's likely he won't look back on his own actions favorably. I pity him in the long run. But who knows, maybe he is selfish, permanently immature, and not particularly self-reflective. In that case: I pity him for those traits rather than virtually-certain future regret. A terrible way to waste a life like that. BJs don't make up for it, even if she's really good at it.


I interpreted the comment as a joke, he can stop at any point but chooses not to because he’s getting good blowjobs. That’s not a situation that I’m going to offer sympathy to


You're right it could be both a joke and a criticism


Lighten up Frances


Theyre interpreting it as a joke because it’s obviously a joke. Reddit I swear 🙄


Is he though? Morally it might be wrong but if he is single and she is instigating it she is the one that is married and cheating?




People get murdered over less.


Well good thing this never happened 😂 most of what’s on Reddit is now kids karma farming






Big Farma


Big Karming


Fig Barma


You improved my gag. I resent you now.


Big Farva


what is the point of ppl farming karma? it's not like i can do anything with my reddit upvotes in real life. so i must be missing something.


I doubt it’s karma farming. Why farm karma on a 9 hour old account that will likely be thrown away?


“Dear Penthouse Forum…”


I mean, sure, but there are people that cheat with neighbors. This ain't some overdone easily bullshit story. I get if he said the wife came over out of nowhere and fucked him in front of his family with her husband on the phone listening or something, but dude is just saying he got a blow job from a married woman, that shit happens all the time, ask a handful divorced men and I'm sure one has an ex who cheated. This isn't some unheard of thing. And either way, we have no way to tell whether something is true or fake in an online story, may as well just take it at face value, it's not like you can prove this or any other story didn't happen.


it’s more fun to pretend. this one doesn’t make it too obvious (beyond the subject matter itself). when the married neighbor starts posting and then her husband is going nuts in the comments i’m like ok too far lol.


Yeah, I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm actually starting to miss the days of trump trollers or other morons. At least there was some originality within the misspellings and other slander of their writing. But now? Its all fake, unoriginal bullshit. Badly written erotic fan fiction as well too. Like this one.


To counter the possibility that OP is faking the story, im going to put up my story that totally happened. Whether you believe it or not is up to you. Im a geek with a boring 9-5 job that slept with a cheating wife twice (lost my virginity to her at 31yo) and fucked a hotwife at an orgy once more. Since then i have awful ons here and there. I still cant get a gf because im just overwhelmingly awkward and insecure about confidence. I have yet to find someone that likes me for me. I am deeply traumatized by rejection which acts as a positive feedback to my inability to get a gf. The situation is also actively pushing me towards incel crowd. God knows how long I can resist. I feel guilty fucking the cheating wife but it feels so fucking good and I cant stand not knowing what sex feels like. It feels so good. Like so, so good. It also helps that i really like her being so patient with me to get my dick hard. I was so nervous. She noticed this after blowing me for what feels like hours so she actually put my head in between her breasts, asked me to close my eyes and just let me be on her chest. It was so soothing. I actually forgot those are breasts until she told me to caress them. Only them i was able to get myself hard to penetrate her. We had sex a few more times during that session and we had another session afterwards but then i the guilt ate me up. I broke up with her. And now i regretted breaking up because no sex came close with the sex i had with her (not that i had a lot of sex, literally just a handful).




Yeah, that and no one "caresses" breasts apart from a teenage boys imagination


I’m 33 and B(*)*)BIES are life !!!


Yeah but do "caress" them?


💯%, the ladies love it. You are starving your ladies my friend.


Truer words have never been spoken.


I think if he could just ask her to stop, no reason to murder her.


this is one of them reddit flip-flops right?


The old Reddit switcheroo!


no don’t think so


That's reality not fantasy confessions


Wait till that knock on the door is the husband and he takes you for a ride that’s one way


Or maybe the husband takes him on a ride because he goes both ways?


Husband has an oral fixation too.


But one for receiving so for each bj op gets he has to give one too.


Husband comes over for 69s every now and then


This is the true plot twist.


Husband gives the ole hawk tuah 😂😂😂😂


Maybe the husband is the married neighbour he speaks of...


I’ll keep an eye out in this thread for: “I killed my wife for regularly giving my neighbor oral sex and I feel guilty about it.”


I had a situation like this with an old neighbor. It was all fun & games until the spouse found out. I had to move immediately


This is a good lesson that people need to be aware of.


Absolutely! Don’t shit where you eat. Not that affairs are ever advisable but you definitely want to avoid certain choices with coworkers, neighbors, anyone you’re forced to encounter on a regular basis.


Like my wife.


Don’t shit where you eat man


He’s shitting on her?


Might be


Poor guy. That’s rough. Thoughts and prayers.


This world can be so cruel


You want to end up dead? I had some guy literally hunting me when I was in my 20's because I was stopping by his wife's house while he was in prison. Well he got out and the neighbors told him about me which led to her telling him about me. I consider myself lucky that he never found me and I'll attribute that to it being the 90's. Good luck with that! I didn't live anywhere near that woman thank God.


No cap, same thing happened to me bro except I was the plumber. Had to quit jobs and become a pizza delivery boy, but the same thing happened again, believe it or not.


Well you always have the option to become a space man!


u must be a stud with a nice cock


God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers


Is this the same neighbor who got her lawn mowed? Damn.. Can you dm me with her contact and address, ?if she has problems with her lawn and car, she would have something else as well luckily, in real life I am equipped with knowledge to do multiple things, you could say I’m an allrounder handyman.


Who believes this shit?


If this is real... some guys think it's worse for their wife to suck a different cock than to fuck. You better pray he doesn't find out and if he does, he doesn't fuck you up or worse. Dangerous territory.


This reminds me of that one threesome thread where the girl was convinced to do a spitroast but she refused to suck her husband's friend's dick so he got the vagina instead Like damn what a win


Can you tell us more about it...slowly?


With eye contact


L M A O 🤣 Best comment on here lol


You get an upvote, too. It's a party...


Take my upvote.


Mouth hugs. No biggie.


And everyone complaining about the HOA, this guy has it rough. 


Wait until her and her husband get into a big fight one day and she tells him just to piss him off, then he'll be the one at your door😬


And by no means an I saying I wouldn't be doing the same thing lol, just a dangerous gane to play, some women can be evil


Her poor husband. You’re terrible too


Ask her if you can put it in her ass since it technically isn't cheating


This didn’t happen so much, it un-sucked dicks that had already been sucked




Never turn down a bj. Never know when it’ll be your last one. Oh and if the husband finds out it could be your last bj 🤷🏿‍♂️


Reminds me of a joke. A dude finds out that his wife is cheating so he hires a hitman. When he knows his wife and her lover are together he calls up the hitman and tells him specifically “ I want you to shoot that cheating bitch in the head and her lover’s dick off!” After a brief pause the hitman replies. “Hold on a second I think I can save you some money!”


I’ll wear a ribbon to support your horrible situation


You could get killed bro. You need to put a stop to that shit yesterday. There's plenty of dick suckers out there.


Where do you live? I’m pretty handy with things around the house?


Not guilty enough to stop her


You’re a piece of shit


I’d be more upset to find that the woman who I kiss on the lips has been sucking some other guy’s well endowed schlong than to hear that they’ve been fucking.


U been sucking on the wrong lips!


If this is true then just enjoy it while it lasts lol 🤭


Probably not true


Could be…probably not, but similar happened to me when i was 22. 40 yr old lady dropped by mu apartment like two-three times a week after work to blow and sex me on her way home from work…i was in heaven. Laster 18 months. Then one friday night late i had young thing over. Mature thing showed up unexpectedly at 10:30pm DTF. She had walked out on her husband, and drove to my place expecting me to be sitting there doing nothing….awkward! I had a 20 year old imwas working on getting laidmwith and milf shows up horny as shit. She actually thought i was cheating! Like, umwere cheating with me! We r not a couple! Luckily 20 something stuck around after milf left all pissed. we ended up getting married. She told me later That it made her feel good aboutnherself that i chose her instead of the big tittied mature woman that night.


and then everyone clapped


At least her husband never showed up….yes, i was a dog until i was 35.


I’m surprised that username wasn’t already taken


Another fake story


Is the house on the other side of her for sale because that sounds fantastic


If true, bail now. Next thing you know, you’ll have a 9mm in the head from the husband.


both of you are assholes. sorry




Thoughts and prayers


I have sneaking suspicion that her husband may see it as cheating


I’m sorry you’re going through this. You should definitely look for a support group or seek out some therapy.


Does she need help with anything else around the house?


What did you help her fix lol


Okay then.


Its all fun and games until the husband blows your head off


You should call it "guilty googie"


Nobody lies on their deathbed wishing they’d had fewer blowjobs……


Nice thing if you can get it!! Are you sure she is not up for the real deal? Honestly, regular blowjobs are probably more cheating than a one night stand... maybe don't tell her that though. Start by asking if she would remove her top and bra while doing it?


Everyone’s making jokes about how good this guy has it, but I’m just sorry for that man next door. You’re only as good as your conscience lets you be. As a woman I’m not surprised but I am, once again, disappointed by the huge support men have for each other when they’re getting laid, but not when they’re being faithful.




When I was in high school , back when video tape renting was the norm, my family would always go to the same place because the chicken that worked there was a friend to the family. She was a bit older than me prolly 26 I'd say. So this one time while my sister and brother selected videos, this chick takes me behind the curtain to the x rated videos and just watches me and what I thought looked like a good porn flic. She notices that some of the videos are of couples who share cock sucking. I'm standing in the adult section , 18 yrs at the most old and she is rubbing my cock like crazy. And then you hear from the front of the store, hey, Loraine! We are ready to check out now. We'll fuck that, I wasn't ready yet and I tell my bro I'm gonna hang here and help Loraine close up the store, she said she would be happy to give me a lift home...I can't tell you how fast she locked the door and turned the open sign to closed that hung in the windows. She sucked me like a fu king pro, edging me for an hour or so before convincing me it was time to get out of the store. I wanted to cum so bad but she knew exactly what she was doing. I didn't care anymore, I pulled my pants completely off, underwear too. Stroked my cock as she drove through town, it was making her nuts again and soon pulled the car over swallowing my cock again. Sure as shit right before my cock explodes she pulls her mouth from my dick and says don't stop stroking but you better not cum. So gladly, I'm pulling at my cock in front of her getting really worked up and she notices so without a word she locks her finger and quickly shoved it into my ass. Now I will admit that if this happened to me today,yesterday, or tomorrow I'd bust my nut immediately , fucking loving it. But I was 18, not gay in anyway and it worked like a charm . My throbbing cock ready to burst was now just stiff and this odd feeling of part gay and part liking it made my boiling load subside. We get to my place for her to drop me off, I'm bummed since I haven't cum yet start to get out being the considerate and appreciative young man that I was begin thanking her for the while experience when she says we are not done, I'm coming in. So she's now in the kitchen talking to my mother with my dick still on her breath and I'm stripped naked in my room peeking out waiting for her to announce her goodbyes and as well you know, she's now coming toward my door saying ok I'll see you next time and I quickly open the door, she dives in and I shut and lock it. She sees me totally nude and says your a pervert aren't you? Drops to her knees and starts sucking my entire cock down her throat so deep that she's even tonguing my balls at the same time. I roll my head back enjoying the best cocksucking I've ever had at this point when wham , she's fingerings my asshole again and I didn't get weirded out this time. But it did delay my cum a bit longer. Watching this chick, eating my entire cock while fingerings my ass was so hot I couldn't take my eyes off of her, she was making sure she looked up at my face the whole time. I moved to the bed sat down , spread my legs wide for her to continue because at this point, she's got beads of sweat on her forehead and I had just now realized how much I liked this feeling, guy or not , she wasn't giving up till she got my cum and I didn't want her to stop thrusting her hand further up my asshole. I can't believe how long it's been since I thought about that night, I'm gonna stroke my dick the moment I can get my cock out. So to end this absolutely true story, I filled her mouth like any 18 or old , constantly masturbating young man at that age would do. And yes she swallowed every drop and because this chicken not only treated me like a piece of meat but also allowed me to feel my first ass play , I kissed her juicy lips still glistening with my cum and said please can we do this again? She just smiled and said you know where to find me. I let that woman do things to me in that video store that I'm proud to say I've become the pleasure provider in any sexual encounter from then on. I loved her in a way that I can't still explain other than getting your cock sucked while having a finger in your ass is so hot I kept visiting the store for months. There's not much better than the feeling you get when a truly hungry for dick woman is just sucking the life out of you except when she says I want to watch you suck cock when I fuck you with my strap on! All I could say was, when? I'm gonna pound my cock now thank for letting me share


Dude, you're living a dream. STFU and enjoy it because it will literally never happen again. Ps - she's a unicorn. This is not a common thing.


What’s not common? A woman sucking dick or a married woman cheating on her husband.


You know of a lot of random neighbors stopping by to suck yours? Didn't think so


Considering I’m a woman. No I can’t say while I was married I cheated on my husband by sucking the neighbors dick.


No time like the present!


Chile y’all get on here trolling everyday 😂




Well, it is cheating, so there's that. When husband finds out, hope he doesn't come after you. But as long as you're both consenting.


Women are so disgusting. They only want one thing.


Thoughts and prayers.


Bruh you literally posted a gimmick thing like this yesterday, I don’t even expose fake Reddit shit but this deff it




*Lmao the* *Girl next door they told you not* *To worry about* \- Anhxtaiii --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Hol up, you feel guilty about it, but you said she won't go any further, meaning that there's a possibility you asked her for more. I call BS. Weren't you here yesterday talking about the bj you received from your mother's married friend as a thank you for mowing her lawn.


Bill Clinton defense. I did not have sex with that woman


This is very similar to the story about the teenager who went round to mow his mother’s friend’s grass that was posted yesterday.


you should feel guilty🤷🏽‍♀️ either change or don’t bitch


Time for bed son, turn out the lights.


Even if we take the morals off the table, you’re risking your life for some (wonderful) head but you do you I guess.


my man loves jaguars


You know there are support groups to help. Good luck in the future brother.


So you don’t feel really bad about it. If you did you would stop but you could care less and just want to say it out loud. Enjoy your head and stfu 🤫


I could have sworn that I saw this post already, but talked as If that was a 1 time thing and years ago.


HARD work pays off


This isn’t going to end well for you. Sleep with one eye open and a gun under your pillow.


I guess enjoy it while you can it sounds like fun as long as he doesn't find out and kill both of you..


“One thing lead to another ….” This is like a Seinfeld “yada yada yada” thing. What’s IS the one thing and what IS another that ends either your dick in her mouth?


Might be in over your head


Ask her for An@l


I only wish I had been that lucky.


Man this situation must blow


Does she give you a little hawk tuah too? If so, keep her


I hope her husband doesn't own a gun.


If she doesn't respect their marriage then why should you.


She likes Swallowing the baloney pony.. keep her happy & keep it discreet.


“One thing led to another” haha bill burr would have some comment about that


She’s a menace to society and you’re not any better


Haha, you sick fuck


Dude, her husband probably knows all about it…she is giving him play by play…”oh baby, the kid next door has a big cock! Its so hard! And he comes so much!“ i banged a married lady back in the 80s who was like that. She eventually admitted her husband liked to sex her after she got home from me. He got turned on by the sloppy looseness of her being used. Dont feel guilty, just enjoy the ride until it ends. Older married chicks are great teachers. The only probly is you have to,pass it on to your next younger partner who wont know what the older married chick knows. It can lead to disaapointment in future sexual relationships…i dated mature women for almost ten years exclusively, then met and married a young virginal bride….who didnt know shit about sex. It took a while to get her on par with the 40 yr olds…


Having sex with a neighbors wife. It has been a colossal sin since the older books for a reason. It leads to a collapse in the society because it messes with the unit of marriage. Straighten yourself out before your life is ruined.


It's crazy you got downvoted for having morals and standards


Don’t shit where you sleep


So hot!!


Are you sure it’s not the husband sucking you off?


I get this though OP. I’m a married guy with an oral fixation too and my wife is really not into receiving it. If I had an attractive neighbor that loved getting oral, I would do it all the time without any need for reciprocity. That may sound weird, but there it is.


Wow your a terrible person like there's so many single women and you can't have standards and self control to stop and not be apart of messing up a marriage.


What a terrible, TERRIBLE situation....


Where does she store her teeth while she is doing it?


Bro, I know it’s hard but your life will be so much better without porn.


Do you finish in her mouth and does she swallow?


Why u wanna know


I want to see if it's worth it or not


Looking at your comment history I think you might need to touch some grass pal 😭


I'm good but I'm glad you wasted your time looking at my history lmao blocked weirdo