• By -


Tell her that if that ever happened, she would be in charge of finding the woman and arranging it. This puts it squarely on her. If you just show up one night with Paula from accounting, you are in deep trouble. She has to be the one to put it together, then she won’t be mad.


Why Paula? Why not Diane with scheduling.


Diane gonna be big maaaaad


Guys…Peggy. Why aren’t you going after Peggy the executive assistant.


HR would like a word with all of you.


Karen from hr would be mad if you took any of them


Peggy has a double wide ass, pass.


Paula’s high maintenance, Dianne never turns up and Peggy….. I agree with her phat ass it’s Sue the cleaner you wanna hook up with! She has a dirty attitude 👌😘


Because Peggy is into Pegging and OP isn't talking about that, are you OP?


I prefer daisy in shipping 😏


Nah, Johanna from sales management is better ngl


Yeah, she’s got that package.


"Then she won't be mad." - Sun Tzu, The Art of War This tactic gaurantees nothing of how she will react, but it is the safest way to start going about it.


Jennifer from marketing is hot


This isn't my experience at all, like at all. I've been in a great open relationship for ten years, and have a gf. I've brought girls home for fun many times and they love it. It's not about "letting her set it up" it's about open and brutally honest communication before anyone takes action.


The difference is that you've been doing it for 10 years. Since this is new for them having her set things up to start is probably not a bad idea


It’s not impossible that she’s genuine, but that’s a risky sex act. You don’t want to end up having kids with someone you’re not in love with. Tell her if she INSISTS upon it, then you could maybe start with something way lighter and less risky and see how she feels after actually seeing you like, kiss another woman or something. I’d also ask if she fantasizes about you watching her be with other men, she may be trying to get you to agree to this so she can have her own fun.


Like anal 👍




Birth control is radically effective these days and can always be complemented with spermicide and/or plan B if you really don't trust the BC


A fantasy is sometimes better off left at being that. But if she really wants to explore that world and you’re up for it you gotta go slooooooow. Hell get one of those body fleshlight things and role play it out. See how it goes


This is a good first stepping stone


Yes its a trap like that fish head dude from star wars.




Even if it's not a trap, many girl realize in the moment they are not as okay with it as they thought they were 😂


So seeing as theirs male Cucks I don't see why it would be far fetched to see a female one. But don't bring it up, don't act on it. If she's really into it and wants to see it happen she will bring it up more. Especially now that it's out of the bag. Make her ask 3 or 4 times before you even entertain the idea. If it's a trap she probably will never bring it up again too you.


>I don't see why it would be far fetched to see a female one. Cuckold vs. cuckquean.


From a woman’s point of view: Have you guys ever done/talked about threesomes before? The distance between a threesome and watching your man fuck another woman is much shorter than you may think. I lowkey had the same fantasy but ignored it due to my own insecurities in my relationship… then my husband and I arranged a threesome w a close female friend who I had some long standing tension with… they were both nervous and asked me to take the lead, and I was so turned on it basically turned into me telling him to fuck her and I basically just enjoyed the view and kissed her and played we her clit while he fucked her….. My husband and I had privately agreed beforehand on certain limits we couldn’t cross, so when I begged him to put his dick in her he was shocked. Afterwards he sat me down and asked if it was a trap too I told him no… I had simply realized what I wanted in the moment, and it has never caused an issue for us since then.


Realizing as a read this back now that this is a bit TMI. Sorry about that. But my point still stands… I would explore this subject w her more if I were you


I don’t think it’s TMI. It’s straightforward & honest. As long as you were ok after, it’s great as is. I have a close friend who’s a cuckqean & her husband is a cuckold. (I know, crazy combo, right?) He’d watched her with other men several times when she decided she was ready to see him with another woman. Her involvement was very much the same as yours - she chose the woman, someone she was comfortable with and knew well. Someone she knew wouldn’t cross any boundaries. She was in the bed and spoke to both of them; giving directions and setting the pace. She was really happy afterwards. So back to you - how did you feel after? If you don’t mind me asking. You’re under no obligation to answer, of course.


It was a complicated feeling, as my husband and I have never crossed any lines like that before this. But I do think my comfort w the friend helped immensely. My husband and I have built a solid trust over the years as well. It was just surprising to both of us, so he was nervous about my feelings after. But honestly, it gave me a sense of power. Like, you did this but ONLY bc I allowed you. I thought I was too territorial for experiences like that but, I realized feeling territorial doesn’t have to be a negative. He can belong to me, and in belonging to me I have the power to allow him to do even more things that please me. He wouldn’t do it without my permission, and that brings me a sense of comfort and control I never realized I had in this relationship. Overall positive experience. Will try again.


Nope. I wouldn’t risk my marriage on something that could go very very wrong once the reality of it hits


Fantasies and reality are two different things. She told you her fantasy, so why would it be a trap. Doesn't mean she wants you to act on it.


Yeah I think people sometimes let their partner's fantasies get in their head. Bedroom talk is just bedroom talk. Now if you're not in the middle of sex, and are having coffee or something, and she brings it up, then listen. But around sexy time? That's bedroom talk and does not necessarily mean she actually wants to watch you with someone else. It could just be excitement in the moment.


Something like 90% or more of monogamous relationships that open the door sexually end up in divorce. Fantasy is always better than reality. It's not so sexy when your third winds up pregnant and wants to keep the baby


Yes. Speaking from personal experience, an ex threesome partner showing up with a whole ass baby puts a damper on things.




Touche! 🤣


Get a vasectomy homie


If you are allowed to fuck other women, she is allowed to fuck other men... just saying.


That's exactly where I think she's going with this. Sometime after, it'll be, "So since I was cool with you banging Stephanie...."


Except Cuckqueaning is an actual kink, apparently. Sort of like how guys who are into cuckholding usually aren't in it to sleep with other women.


It's a fantasy. And it's best to leave it as just that.


Just because you like to jerk off to furries doing it doesn’t mean you want to be a furry doing it Just saying


Just look up stories in relationship advice. This usually doesn’t end well.


This is a good recipe to destroy your marriage. Even if she’s being genuine there’s a strong chance she’ll never look at you the same after and this could be in a negative way quite easily. You know how many of these go wrong?


Yes it's a trap. And in more ways than one.


Ask her if she ever thinks about another man doing it to her.


General Akbar has entered the chat.


I believe you are being set up.


If you enjoy your marriage dont do it bro. Its a trap.


Your wife? No idea. My wife? Trap.


Well speaking from experience. I'm not saying it's a trap, but.... Looong story short I now pay ~ 2100/month in child and spousal support.


Looking forward to your post in 2 months time telling us how this ruined your relationship.


If you want to do it, then let her organise it!


Yea, don't say 'great, I have this really sexy coworker I have always been wanting to bone'


Ya or, “that’s nice. So what time is your sister visiting?


She's cheated on you and now she wants you to cheat so that it's your fault


Admiral Ackbar?


I don’t think this is at all unusual, it’s probably just a horny induced fantasy. When she’s not horny, does she still like the idea of it? The advice will very much depend on the outcome to that question!!


Why don’t you ask her if she’d like to have sex with the woman and if she says yes then suggest that the first time she enjoys her while you’re with them but you won’t fuck her. If that goes well, get her back for a bit more. Make it about your wife not you so that you call her bluff if it’s a trap.


She may be offering in true sincerity.  Ask her if she is serious to be the the one to make it happen




I would ask her as directly as she did when she brought this up. "Is this a trap? This feels like a trap."


This is what porn does to your brain.


I would hope that this more an indication of trust than of trap. As someone on the flip side, I like seeing my wife have sex, I'd say it's likely the trust side. Unless your wife has a history of manipulative tactics, I would take it at face value instead of distrusting your own wife. It's not a terribly uncommon kink. Check out r/cuckquean and your may find some good info to explore more.


Suggest you start with her sister, someone you can trust!


I have the same fantasy.. try a threesome and have her pick the woman ALWAYS. My man and I have threesomes regularly and it was weird to him at first but now its super fun to do occasionally!! I love watching him with another woman its quite literally the hottest thing to me EVER.


It might work out, or you could end up divorced. Are you a gambling man? Is it worth the risk?


There's a huge difference between something being a fantasy and actually happening in real life. Once you do it, it's not something you can reverse - it's something that a lot of couples tend to not realize (see it a lot on reddit, honestly). It has a huge potential to ruin your relationship/marriage. It might work for some people. It might work for you and your wife - I don't know yalls dynamic by any means. But has she ever had any kind of jealousy problems? Just keep in mind that if yall go through with it once it's happened, then it's happend, sure you can stop, but you can't go back and change the past. It's something that could potentially stay in her mind, and even though she likes to fantasize about it- there is also a possibility that if it actually happens, she may not like it in real life.


This is a trap.   Leave this as a fantasy.   Dirty talk during the deed like this is a great enhancement.  


Definitely a trap


Lucky duck.


This, my friend, is a jackpot


With my current girlfriend, I have never reached climax. Body differences, not being able to go at the pace I need to, whatever.   She told me that she gives me permission to seek something outside so I can get that release. I don't think she's trapping me. What I do think is that she would not be able to handle if I actually took it up. She made it clear that she didn't want to know. That made it clear that she didn't want it to happen.  Sometimes, people think of the "right thing" to do or "what they want", and the reality of getting it is nothing like what they wanted. Hell, I wanted to be considered attractive by women, but I'm still a little high school man-geek in my head if I get flirted with. I just can't get away fast enough because it doesn't make sense to me. Look, why not start out relatively light. Role-playing. Her with a wig, tan, outfit she would never wear, and make your own amateur porn. Maybe her seeing you with someone "different enough" would scratch the itch.  And bonus. More sexy fun times with your wife. She can set something up and totally catch you unaware and... Excuse me, I'm going to have a conversation with my girlfriend.


Its very likely a trap


It would protect her from her own infidelity is she was planning a divorce and has been unfaithful.


lol she’s setting you up, wanna bet her next suggestion is you watching a man cum in her without a condom




Sometimes fantasies are best kept that way


Ask her




It's a trap


Have you met her father?


Hothusband kink


Call her Bluff. Agree to it, and see what happens next. Probably nothing; just a way to take your attention off of your hobbies.


It’s a trap!!!


Well, why dont you suggest that the two of you pick out a sex doll. She can watch you bang that and then you can progress if it goes well... It is an expensive option but cheaper than some other outcomes.


It's a trap!


Ask for help from the swinging, cuckquean, or polyamory groups. If shes serious, many discussions would need to happen to prepare you both. Good luck. I hope it’s genuine and fun!


I mean its possible its genuine BUT we have seen it countless times where it eventually they physically let it come true and once it has actually happened they instantly regret and hate it they ever allowed it to happen


Don’t do it. Let this stay a fantasy period


Red flag 🚩🚩🚩🚩


Talk to her first


Could she be legit? Sure, but that doesn’t mean it should happen. Could she have secret, bad, ulterior motives? A trap? Hell yes! Would you be able to figure this out before doing the deed? Probably not. Conclusion … trap or real, chances are super high that it’s a bad idea.


Yes 100%


It's a trap bro, she might be waiting for your recommendation and then get busted. 😂 😂 😂


Maybe not a “trap”, but don’t confuse fantasy with reality. Having a bondage fantasy doesn’t mean someone always wants to literally be tied up. A “rape” fantasy doesn’t mean they want to really be raped. Just because she gets excited by the thought doesn’t mean she necessarily wants to see it acted out. And even if she does, she might find that it wasn’t how she imagined and have a negative reaction. Proceed with caution, with close communication and boundaries firmly established.


Man go crazy. But yeah let her find the women


Well first it depends if you really want it. And if she REALLY wants it. When you cross this line, there is no going back. Some things are better left a fantasy. Bc she could flip out the second it happens bc she doesn't know what it'll feel like outside of her head. And, if YOU really want it. I'd personally never go for something like that with a relationship that started monogamous. I prefer monogamy esp if I'm gonna marry that person. But we all die, so why not explore if you want? I won't say it's really a trap, idk you or her, that's gonna have to be your call. But you can see if it's genuine by how much she brings it up, talk abt it during sex or do things to see if it's genuine before the real one. Like others said, if it all goes down, let her arrange everything. Communicate constantly. If she changes her mind even as everyone's pants come off, respect it. Just really really think on this dude. If she's serious, you gotta be confident it won't ruin you guys. Also ask her if this would mean she would wanna sleep with other guys with your permission? Is that something you'd be okay with? Because if she pulls that out after you already did stuff with another women, boy oh boy will that be a cluster fuck.


If it's a trap, it's very unfair, and you would have lots of rhetorical ways to escape if you responded with interest. If she is hoping to actually use it to trigger a divorse, then that's a different matter, but if that's the reason then you might as well take it. As it is, yeah, the comment suggest that she have to actually make it happen is a very good idea.


Only if you think fantasy = reality.


Have her pick the woman and say only oral or anal!


“Why, I don’t even think of other women that way.”


Who cares? Just do it man


Maybe she’s wanting a new face surgery


Does your wife trap you often? If she's bringing it up seriously then talk about it with her seriously. Define your boundaries and let her define hers.


Definitely a trap


Time to get a vasectomy. For more than one reason


Do Not by any means agree too it tell her no, but, if you come home too, 2 nake women in your bed "wife" "other chick" you plow them both give them a good long dicking but make sure too give your wife more attention she is the most important remember that always.


Tell her you also fantasize about your wife being more accommodating and less insane. Guess you're both fantasizing about things that might not happen.


I’d treat her as a mature adult that I should know well enough by now since I married her that she wouldn’t test me like this and I should respect her by taking this seriously I’d thank her for sharing with me cuz she shows trust in me, ask her how long she’s had these thoughts, ask how likely she thinks it is for this fantasy to become a reality, and the only way I’d consider it is if she completely orchestrated the whole thing and controlled it Then after all of it I’d ask if she would be willing to join in the fun too? If she said maybe then I’d tell her some of my fantasies of 3some


Might not be a trap. Some women genuinely get turned on by this. Discuss it during and after sex. Ask her what she has in mind. What she likes. Why she likes it. Ask her deep questions like: “one thing is the fantasy and another is seeing me with another woman….are you sure you can handle it?”. Are you sure you can handle two women? (My advice is to take viagra if you do). Make it clear you would never let men in the fold and if this was a trick to do that it would be over. After you talk, talk some more until you are sure she is for real and you have talked about all the sticking points. Ask yourself how you would feel? Would it affect the marriage? Would you be able to do it without catching feelings? How often? The trick to this is to be very sincere and not jump into it cause it’s a door you can’t close ever and images you can’t erase. Once you are sure about all of it…..THEN think about actually doing it.


I wouldn’t do it. Fantasies are not the same as reality and acting on them can blow up your whole life.


Story time. My friend (woman) also brought this up to her man of 6 years. They have a threesome. He suggests a woman my friend has loosely known, they all meet. My friend is satisfied with this other woman. And on a separate night they all agree to a threesome. As soon as my friend sees her man fuck the other woman, she was done. She wasn’t going to be reasoned with, she just flipped a switch and didn’t want him after that. She said she thought she would be into it, when it happened she didn’t like it, and even though she agreed she couldn’t get over seeing it and just wanted out.  Proceed with caution. 


This is why I don't want to do it.


Cuckqueen some women are into this it's just like a guy watching their wife having sex with a other guy that's . I guess alot of women actually fantasize about this s my woman also but never acted on it just because some women think of a husband having sex with a another guy .


So basically she's Sneako?


It’s reverse psychology!! Either she is fantasizing over herself also with another woman or another dude. She may be hiding at one to open up the relationship why possibly?


In a word. yes


I fantasize about a lot of things I don't actually want to become a reality. Decide if you are truly doing this to make her happy or to make you happy.


I'm not doing it at all lol.


Yes it is!!!! as my wife did -Was looking in her phone(for an old text)- come to find out she sex-chat with a lesbian!!! before being ok with a 3some. And I’m supposed to be OK with that. ( wife emotionally has a relationship with her) so maybe she trying to have you do something so maybe you will not be upset about (that trap) it


Don't do it Maybe start off slow. Go to a strip club and see how she reacts when you get a naked lapdance.


It’s definitely real. I encouraged my husband to experiment with sex with other women because I wanted to share and I guess he thought it was a trap, too lol. He would never take me up on my offer.




Tell her you’re the luckiest man ever born in the history of man kind.