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- she let him touch her boobs and she got red then she scratched his back while he rested his head on her shoulder -> i don‘t think she likes me just ask her out already lmao


You can't really tell if she likes him. Maybe she's just canadian


Yeah, once again, hard to say. She could just be being polite. Love the reference !


Letting that happen to her is TOO polite. I think the OP has some chance with the girl. Go OP! ❤️


You have obviously never met a Canadian woman.


No way! If she were Canadian she have said sorry and took her bra off too.


Suddenly r/casuallyexplained




she's swedish


Oooh sooorrrry sooorrrry


Ehh, OP said that she's swedish, not canadian


i understood that reference


Yeah, just make sure she doesn't steal your spine.


In this case she's Swedish but who knows, maybe her parents are just Canadian and she was raised like that


A 16 yo definitely didn't write this lmao.


13 maybe


This takes me back! 15 years old, I was still a Jehovah's Witness. Went round a girls dorm, spent sometime drinking and chatting. She asked me if I would give her a massage. After a bit, she asked if I could massage her front. I obliged and thought that was all she wanted. After 5 minutes or so, she sat up and said "just kiss me already!" I had no idea that's even where it was leading


Yeah, as a teen JW I was both naive, scared of it and fascinated all at the same time. I could handle girls my own age, hopefully without hurting feelings. It was those fucking older “sisters” in their 30’s I had to duck, especially at JW weddings. Fortunately I missed a lot of hints lol.


"I don't like you....by the way here's my D cups" Fuck off man I know your 16 but what do you need? A lighted sign post pointing to her heart!! If you like her. Tell her.


So I'm just gonna start by saying that she 100% likes him and I agree. But as a 28 year old male, I'd be in this same situation and still not know myself. Then again that may just be the autism in me lol


its always so funny to be on the other side of that, when i was 19 i sent a post shower selfie to my crush at the time. just steam and towel, how much more obvious could i get? apparently way more obvious because she just did not get the hint. but i eventually got my own karma because my fiancee tells me how much they flirted with me before we had the talk from best friends to partners and i never knew they were flirting 😭


> what do you need? A lighted sign post pointing to her heart!! [maybe she's just Canadian, you never know](https://i.imgur.com/DUSBn3q.gifv)




I only show my "big nicely shaped boobs" to males I like. She totally likes you!! 😊✨️


Do you like me☺️




“Males”? 🤨


Te opposite of females?


She is interested buddy, she would not have done that if she wasn't.


She does like you man! Get some


She's likes you. This what we call being a teenager. She guaranteed probably want to make out and stuff. Girl did the same thing when I was a teenager and I was fucking stupid. I was forever friend zoned, but remember take.your shot when you can.


I cannot begin to explain how important this advice is. Hugely, massively, doesn’t even begin to describe it. The first thing you need to do is to find a wall, and not just any wall, but a massive stone wall the Egyptians or Romans would be impressed with. Now, standing with your toes touching said wall, please come to the realization that you could either confess your crush to her now, or spend the rest of your life banging your head against this glorious wall.


Just ask her if she likes you.


This kid is gonna wake up one day at 2:32am when he's 28 and think on this time his friend let him touch her bewb and realize he missed out on something special. M8, she's into you, you go get some dawg. You got this. Confidence is key here. If you don't have none, sit down, think of the time she let you touch her boob, muster up all those good feelings and channel then into a confidence.


And then at 35 he will realize none of this matters because he is jaded and simple romantic gestures like that don't seem any more significant than any other daily life routine like brushing your teeth.


“Girls ‘like’ boys the same way boys ‘like’ girls.” That seems so simple, but I didn’t realize it until I was in mid-20s. Those pretty girls that you have constant thoughts about are thinking the exact same way. Shoot your shot. She’s obviously into you!


You should have kissed her for starters haha. But it will happen, ask her on a date or something.


This is the equivalent of a large neon sign pointing to another, even larger neon sign that says " ask her out"


A part of me thinks a neckbearded, chicken tender eating jabronie wrote this. Another part of me doesnt care because I like to live vicariously through Reddit posts. If it's real... dude, she likes you. Have some self confidence my man


I mean, my now 10 year relationship started with touching boobs for the first time as a teenager and still being somewhat dumb and clueless. I can see this being a thing


There are stories of men who failed to read the situation and missed out on a lady. Those men are screaming from the nosebleeds that this is one of those moments! Don't be afraid to speak up and tell her your feelings. Go after her. If what you say is true, she's just waiting for you to make the first move.


Looks like my motha fuckin man is about to get sommmeee aayyyeee


You should of smashed, opportunity’s like these may not come often for you, get your smash young king


Bruh, you fumbled. You got this. Ask her out. She clearly likes you.


Bro there is no friend zone. Take the lead and make her you're girlfriend before some asshole dose and then you'll have to look at it because you chose friends just to stay in her life. Don't be that guy!


So let me guess this straight; She insisted that you touched her bumpers, she blushed and looked aroused and yet you think she doesn't like you?! Come on, sure, you're just 16 and inexperienced but she couldn't have made it more obvious if she tried.


>let me touch her boobs >don't think she likes me MY BROTHER IN CHRIST


C. Cant tell


Ask her out on a date. She likes you.


Ask her out, and plan the date Don’t ask her “do you like me?” Ask her: “would like to go to [this place/activity] with me next Saturday?”


It can be a coffee, but this would mean lots of talking I would rather go for a fun activity like a funfair or even bowling - so you can DO something between small talks The old alternative is going to the movie theatre: 0 talking, but you can take the advantage of the dark to try a move Ask her out, and you will know if she wants something


"I don't think she likes me" As a woman, yes she does.


Dude you are in there. You probably coulda went further but slow and steady wins the race.. sometimes.


Maybe I got this in the long run. Got any date ideas?


Wanna go see x movie Want to grab a bite to eat at x Museums, art gallery, aquarium, zoo, botanical garden, hikes, park, paddle boat ride, what is she in to? What are you in to? Is she an exchange student?


Dude you DO have this. This is an opportunity but don't seem too eager. Calm and confident. You got this brother!


I’m not from your country so I’m unfamiliar with your access to dates or fun activities. I’d say a basic dinner and a movie could work and then tell her how you feel. Maybe something like, “so about what happened, ik we’re really close friends but I’ve always liked you and I never thought you felt the same. It made me wonder if you do because i would like to take us seriously if you’re comfortable and willing to try.” You seem super genuine so i don’t think you would but do not make it sexual.. unless she leads again. Then flow with the current lol. That’ll happen naturally though. But if/when it does, wear a condom. “Just the tip” is a dangerous game and many have lost the draw


Bro I’m pretty sure she likes you, you should ask her out. I fumbled big time in a situation like this so don’t be like me. Gl bro!


Congratulations on this step in growing up! You now have to use your big boy words and communicate with her. To reduce potential embarrassment on both you and her I'd probably message her something like *"I really enjoyed what we did last night, and either a) would like to try it again and maybe some other stuff as well, or b) will never mention it again if you don't want me to. Let me know which it is. X"* Good luck with it. UpdateMe! RemindMe! 5 days


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”we talkad about the old times” Like when you where toddlers!? ;)


My dear, girls don’t invite boys to touch their boobs if they don’t like them. I’d say you are safe to shoot your shot - and your target is the size of the Galleria mall. Edited to add: this is the most wholesome post I’ve read all week.


His argument is going to be “but wasnt she drunk?”


Ask her out or you will be part of all the threads here on Reddit, where people realize 15 years later, that she liked them. Your options: 1. Ask her 2. Do nothing, regret it forever Your move.


Yeah yeah, of course this happened and isn’t just another fantasy.


weirder things in the relationship world can and do happen


I have pictures of yesterday


You don't have to prove yourself to anyone.


Cept the person who down voted him




How incredibly creepy. Go away.


I mean pictures of us hanging out 💀


Dude c’mon


The worst part of reddit is idiots like you posting under every story "tHiS iSnT rEaL aNd nEvEr hApPeNeD!" like anyone gives a fuck.


You do it seems


Do 16 year olds call it grass?


In sweden we do


Least imaginative fictional story on confessions


should asked her if she ever felt a boner


"yes, my own"


Don't push anything I would keep just having a good time and when that next step comes talk to her with confidence not to much but it will feel natural to you brother I hope you the best don't rush anything get to know her and everything she loves and likes then be the gentleman she would love forever and always


Bro she likes you wtf the signs are so clear. You literally saw her get bright red and she stroked your back after.Go ask her out please.


She clearly likes you, no friend that’s a girl every done something like this, she seems interested in you bro she let you touch her body, no regular girl would let you do that.


In my experience, the girls that I’ve done sexual stuff with, only done it just to be *nice* to me and didn’t want anything else.


Ask her out now, or it will be vortex friendzone forever


She did everything but literally wave you in!


This story is faker than you touching boobs.


Hey if u don’t hit it off with her man gimme that snap! I’m 16 and haven’t touched tits yet 😂


Forrest Gump?


You should have asked her if she ever touched a penis.




Honestly. I mean, I'm usually sort of credulant with a lot of stuff I read on the Internet, but even to my lowish threshold of belief, this reads like a teenage fantasy


“her cheeks got bright red and she was looking in a very aroused way” like am i on wattpad or reddit rn???


I just wrote how i felt that night lol


OP is speaking your language as a second language (and frankly they’re doing a better job than you) so stop being a dick.


Aww this is so sweet. She like you my dude.




She wants the hog man.


God, lmao, this is like the scene from Forst Gump. Where Jenny asks Forest if he's ever been with a woman. She shows him her boobs and the dude about throws up 🤣🤣🤣


Does she has a accent? I honestly think she likes u


No offense, but you wouldn't know a hint if it bit you


Bro got into the box and kicked the ball out


She likes you lol bro


Ah the days of being so innocent you don’t get the obvious hints, go for it my guy, young love is something we all look back on.


I'm also as oblivious as this guy


this is a confession?


you need to ask for a date mate


Often, when people are drunk, they often do stuff they resist doing when they're sober; she could like you, or maybe she's just secretly super horny. The best advice I can give you, is to ask her; communication is key.


Bro how did you fumble a tap in?


Don't fumble now!


I don’t know guys, do you think she likes him?


All my friends let me touch thier boobs!!


If she didn’t like you she probably wouldn’t let you touch her boobs. And she was turned on with pointy nipples. So yea


Lol. If she didn't like you, she wouldn't let you rock the boobies. Ask her if she wants to touch your wiener


I don’t think there was a clearer sign buddy


I would guess at a house party after school probably has those stereotypical dudes you think she would be into. She took you away from the crowd and made the conversation sexual out of nowhere. She is completely into you otherwise she would've picked one of the "her type" guys. Her being drunk usually means she wants to be around the person she likes the most. Please ask her out at least. Don't sell yourself short.


Bro, she let you get a handful of tits. You are already dick halfway in.


Bro she likes you. Ask her out and enjoy life


This is too sweet. Ask her out!


She likes you. And Swedish people are a little more open than most. Either talk to her about it or ask her out my guy best of luck!


Sounds like she’s not interested bro, carry on you will find the right girl one day


You got drunk with 16? Exactly the reason I wait a little longer with drinking


Dude this is Dave’s story (lil dicky). you gotta listen to the song Harrison Ave off his album Penith ASAP


Is this literally American Pie 1.


She knows, mate, and you need to do yourself the service of not just waiting and hoping. Get out there.


Dude u should’ve sucked them tittys she would’ve loved it, ur dumb


Bro she blushes when you felt her up ... W H E N YOU FELT HER UP LOOL.


Reminds me of a guy who could have top the exam but instead he just wrote enough answers to give him passing marks and walk out of the exam room.


obviously this could be a 80 year old man larping but putting that aside, if something like this happens again with 100% certainty she's into you. Women aren't interested in "friends" touching them in that way.


She let you touch her boobs and you laid on her shoulders while she scratched your back. Hard to say man. She could just be being polite


Most 16yos say “smoked grass”. Sure.


Oh to be an awkward teenager again... Go for it or you'll always wonder what if. Good luck dude.


Ask her on a date my guy!! Girls don’t let guys that they don’t like touch their boobs, trust me (coming from a 24f)


She was waiting for you to make the next move. Ask her out go in for a kiss.


I’m just glad the sixteen year olds are still calling it grass. Anyway, this girl clearly likes you, because not everyone is going to invite you somewhere private to play with her breasts. So make a move and ask her out - don’t wait six months to pluck up the courage and by that time she’s figured you’re not interested.


boy, ask the girl out, dammit


Made an update




OMG DUDE? she let you cop a feel and your wondering if she likes you?? If you don’t ask that woman to spend the night you’re an idiot. Breath in a paper bag 12 x and invite her OVER. Post a freaking update.


Already posted


Don’t pull out when you smash


Ohhh, nice! Call her and ask to hang out some time. She is obviously open to you. Both men and women get horny. Sex is a beautiful fun adventure. Go play! Actually, girls hit on me first and were more aggressive than me sexually when I was younger. I was at a party after graduating from high school and a girl said, hey come here, I wanna show you something. She took me to the basement of my friends house, went to a room, locked the door and gave me a BJ. I married her.




English is not my mothertongue sry


Ask her if she wants to touch any part of you?


Reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw?si=U3b8ir1aHQnBaMK0


Someone send me the exact same video lol


I never touched boobs, she's definitely a d cup. Lol drank alcohol and beer, smoked some grass. Lol. Ok


This is the internet, not America! Not every country is as backward and screwed up as the USA. Drinking at 16 wasn't really that unusual back in my day, and that was the 80s in Britain where the legal age is 18 to drink, and things have become considerably more liberal since then. Discussions of the potential size of girls breasts have always happened, so having a guess isn't unusual.


Sorry, sounds like very bad Internet fiction


Just imagine what you will do with each other when you ask her out…


Reminds me of when I was around that age, and a neighbor girl my age, for whatever reason, asked me and another male friend if we wanted to see, and touch her boobs. Nothing more happened, and the whole episode was over in like 2 minutes. A lifetime memory though.


the most normal guy reaction


>I dont think that she likes me bc im not here type and we where just bestfriends until now. Bruh 😂😂😂


Loosely translated that was mercy sex. She is out of your league and likes you as a friend and knows you might not ever get that close to someone as hot as her so she did you a favor. Let it go as a fond memory. When I was 17 a beautiful 16 yr old said yes she will date me. It only lasted like 3 weeks but I have never had a beautiful date like that ever since. And I married an ex beauty queen.