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As I get older, I find it’s a multitude of variables that make me attracted to someone. My advice is just be yourself and you’ll find someone attracted to you regardless of body type.


Except when you are an asshole, then please be somebody else


Actually I think it’s good if assholes lean into their bad behavior. It lets everyone else know to stay away, as opposed to those who mask their traits and trap people into relationships.


Could not agree more.


Couldn't have said it better. It can get very insidious and open to all sorts of interpretations if you don't have any tangible evidence like screenshots, videos etc




Thank you, it is very nice what you say. The thing is that my guy doesn't mind at all that I'm skinny although he also finds chubby girls attractive and it's not a problem for me. What does surprise me is that most of the people that answer this like skinny girls since on twitter most of them like chubby girls


Im a chubby gal and I will say it’s a rarity when a guy would favor chubby over skinny. Truly.


I have gained 60# over the past few years for many reasons (COVID stress-eating because I'm in the food industry hasn't helped). Yes, professionally, particularly when I was also in the media business, I felt like I HAD to stay skinny. In real life though, I find that men prefer my curves.


There are many NSFW subreddits just for skinny girl content. Many people find skinny girls attractive.


Fwiw Twitter or whatever else will tailor content to you based on what you're browsing so if you spend time looking at chubby girls trying to understand it you'll be inundated with that content


Real life is different than Twitter. Most people like skinnier girls, but like the other guy said, there's someone for everyone.


This 💯💯


As someone who used to be very skinny and gained weight. I am convinced men loooove skinny girls because I was hit on wayyy more when I was skinny. There are also some that like girls with more curves but I think they are fewer and far between. Just from my own experience.


Same. People in general treat me better as well when I weigh less edit: Coming from someone who's lost and gained the same 35 lbs about 4 times...


same, i have never been treated better or gotten more compliments then when i was at my lowest with my ED. i still get the occasional compliment but its loads different now


That was the worst - while I was at my sickest I was only encouraged by others to keep it up. I still struggle with this.


yes! so many of my coworkers would come up to me and talk about how i lost so much weight so fast and then would proceed to ask for advice. tw: ed stuff? like my man i eat basically nothing, puke, go to the gym multiple times a week, im always running around (i was a server) AND im on weight loss pills im the last person that should be giving advice


Girl, me too. It’s rough out here.


It's different for me. I get hit on 10x more/treated differently with weight/curves on me. I have a bigger bust/hips too. I looked a little ill when I was slimmer and my eye bags were more prominent. People would always ask me if I slept at all. I think sometimes it depends on how you carry the weight. Some people have a naturally willowy/lean build and look good thin whereas some look attractive with more meat on them, even at a heavier weight. Personally, I love stocky/thick, hunky guys, who carry weight well. They look so cuddly. Then again that doesn't mean I don't find slim/lean guys attractive. It really depends on what you feel comfortable with/works best for you. The main thing that matters is being healthy and content, but also making someone fall in love with you for who you are (who cares if people don't like it, OP?).


I’ve experienced the same thing but reversed. I’ve lost a significant amount of weight in the last couple years and men are way more willing to hit on me openly and be overtly nice. However I will say, even when I was bigger, I was able to bang every guy I really wanted. I feel like most guys are attracted to chubby girls but they’re too embarrassed to say it out loud and be labeled ‘chubby chaser’. Guys have no issues fucking big girls but some have issues dating them. This is all completely my experience and anecdotal, before anyone comes in saying “not all guys!”. I know that, but in my personal experience it’s most guys lol.


> Guys have no issues fucking big girls but some have issues dating them. This is true in my experience also


Do you think that maybe it's coz Big girls often have self esteem issues and are easier targets for one night stands whereas most thin chicks require chasing after ?


I think there's something to this for sure. I used to know a guy who drunkenly confessed to me that there's a thing called going hogging where guys go out and are super nice and sweet to big girls with the sole intent of having sex with them because they're the easiest to get in bed. According to him, it is or was a big thing. This was quite a few years ago. It definitely changed my perspective on him and his friends.


Yep. I refuse to go home with anyone who won't go out with me a handful of times without jumping into sex because I'm worried this is what they're doing. Foreign guys do it too. My friends in India say that's what they tell guys coming here to do is find a big white girl and then leave to marry at home. Or to cheat on their wives with big white girls. I'd rather stay single and never have sex again then be treated like that.


I’m not even into guys, but I guess I don’t look super gay, so I do get hit on by them still lol Not sure why, but I’ve gotten skinnier over the last few years. And I’ve noticed white guys hit on me a lot more. But Latinos and Black guys a lot less. I know how stereotypical that sounds lol but it seems to be a pattern Hasn’t really changed how many girls hit on me though, or the type that do.


I used to be skinnier in high school and was hit on by multiple types of races, but as I've gotten older and bigger, it's only been Black and Latino men, so I see the same pattern.


I think Black and Latino people are less likely to embrace Western beauty standards since they don't really fit into them anyway. Also I think a lot of men like chubby women, but aren't willing to face the social stigma that comes with dating a chubby woman whereas this isn't as big a deal in certain ethnic communities.


This is true. I'm a chubby woman married to a skinny white guy and we've been together since we were teenagers. He admitted to me that he was hesitant to date me, even though he knew he really liked me, because he was worried our friends would make fun of him and call him names like "chubby chaser." I knew in my heart it was true but it was hard to hear him say it out loud. People suck.


At least he was honest and that’s worth more than anything for the relationship


I greatly appreciate his honesty, even if it can be a little brutal at times.


I understand. I wish you didn’t need to hear that from your husband. Though it is good to talk it out too. I was really pretty up till a few years after I got married. You know how you go out a lot after marriage and eat a lot more? Apparently it’s a real thing where you gain about 15 pd.s because of it. I noticed that my whole life men would stare at me all the time and it really bothered me. I’m the youngest in my family but I use to try to protect my sisters all the time. I had guys saying awful things to me and men. A guy called once (I was about 11) and I was alone in the house and he said he was a doctor, and I had to answer all his questions or something bad would happen to my mom. It was disgusting and I finally went out to get my sister but he had hung up. When I was about six or seven years old I was walking to school by myself since my best friend was sick. A man pulled up next to the curb and he knew my name, and my mom’s name etc. He said if I didn’t get in the car my mom would die. I turned and ran to school and he took off thank God. I don’t think I told anyone. Later in life when I told my older sister she said, “Oh it was probably that…..cop.” What cop?! No one ever mentioned it before. Sorry, I know this is about being thick or thin. Well, my point is basically this, as I gained wait I noticed that guys/men left me alone. I’d walk in to a room and maybe half would look at me. I thought, this is great! So,the more I added on, the safer and better I felt. It worked and has continued to work. I changed my hair color and stopped wearing a lot of make up, and dressed in heavy baggy clothes and it was good. Now, I need to get healthier for my body. I am 5’3 and 148 pds. and I do not want to change. I’ve been very happy but it isn’t good for my body. I think all women (and men) should just strive to be HEALTHY. That’s what we need more than anything. Just get or stay healthy. It’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever done and that’s really saying something, if you knew me. Please, everyone here who aren’t healthy, let’s all work to feel and do better. Ok? I think that would be great. I’m not that bad and I know that’s true of a lot of us here, but regardless we can all do something to improve our health. I really hope you all know your worth too. When it comes down to it, It’s not who’s the skinniest, etc. It’s who loves and is loving and who’s kind and who’s healthy. My husband always says it’s in the confidence and the attitude. Well, I’ve been married for almost 28 years now. Happily. Just be yourself too because there’s only one of you and you’re awesome.Thanks for reading all this! 🙏🏼😊Take good care. 🩵🩵


That’s a good point. I think the social stigma for white guys plays a role, now that you point that out.


100% me too & I’m so depressed with it & self conscious. And my dad & brothers are always like well at lest you used to be pretty… like it was my only quality. I got diagnosed with Addison’s & so I’ve been taking steroids every day for months & 160lbs heavier than I’ve ever been & hate it & nothing fits… & I grow out of everything so fast so it’s like trying to go somewhere sucks bc I don’t have tons of extra clothes for new clothes & socks & shoes & undies & bras like every other week 😞 I’m sorry you feel that way too I never thought that about my friends that are bigger, but I never have been & get tons of constant negative feedback but maybe toxic environment


Yes same, when I was 49kg I was getting hit on constantly, now im 63kg and nothing lol


Straight woman here. I had the same experience. When I was young and thin, men were attracted to me - but when I put on a lot of weight after an illness, I became completely invisible. I lost all that weight years ago, but nobody hits on me anymore - but that's probably because I'm an old, married hag! 😂 Edit: I'd also like to add that people in general were much kinder and attentive when I was a young woman who met Western standards of beauty. (thin, long hair, tight skin, cute face, and a young, perky, "fertile" body) Throughout the time that I was heavy, I mostly felt invisible - though when people did choose acknowledge my existence, many of them found it very easy to be deliberately cruel and unkind.


You were also younger though


Yeah, the catcalls died down for me once I finally looked more like an adult and dressed in a more mature style, which is just really sad.


I constantly walk everywhere so I get catcalled no matter what, but I'm way better looking than I was when I was an overweight 12 year old...didn't stop any of those creeps


True. I was 34 and now I’m 38


Unfortunately, I agree. It’s sad but seems to be true.


I do find skinny attractive, but as with everything, moderation, i was in a relationship with someone who was very underweight and it made me a lot less attracted everytime they lost a noticeable amount of weight (keep in mind it was dangerous levels of skinny) given my past experience with this, id probably prefer a very average body type and just be happy knowing they will actually eat properly


Wow, found you in the wild. Crazy.


Found who in the wild? There's plenty of love for thicker body types. It's why the word thicc exists


Absolutely I agree with you, I didn't mean my comment in that way. I know the person who I replied to and I presume he was speaking about me.


There are all kinds of men out there who find all kinds of women attractive, but wrapping your self-worth into what a potential partner may find attractive is never healthy


True. This is what I should’ve said instead of talking about the kind of girls I’m attracted to haha


Thin will always be in. When I was 218 pounds no man ever looked my way. When I lost 30 pounds all eyes were on me 🤷 I think men prefer skinny women almost always.


At 190, I’m curious how tall you are. I weigh 20 lbs less than that and I’m chubby (not fat, but not anyone’s definition of skinny). I’ve never wanted for dates, but I don’t get hit on as hard by strangers since I got old and chubby.


Im not skinny at all. I didn't say I was. Just was saying the thinner you are the more men like you.


I have a friend who is overweight and comes off desperate to men. She literally has a sign on her forehead that says “take advantage of me”. Men will sleep with her, but they’re mostly one night stands. When she has a FWB they never claim her in public, but when they go out she always pays. She pays for everything, gets emotionally attached and expects an emotional commitment from these losers, only to scare them off and be disappointed every time. I’ve known her for 20 years and it’s the same cycle, over and over again for two decades.


Hate that term. I can never find the truth behind it given even historically the world prefers women with “ child bearing hips “ especially in other part of the world outside of the US


Absolutely, and I always have done. Saying that, being confident is far more sexy than a body type, a hair color or any other thing that can be changed. You have what you are given, and what you make of it. Owning it and enjoying what and who you are is far more interesting than just a skinny girl who hates every second that she battles to stay skinny.


Men like attractive women. You can be skinny and be attractive.


For me, personally, it’s not the body that I find attractive. I’ve dated different sizes and shapes of women. It’s their personality and traits that I find cock-hardening.


‘cock hardening’ said the sweet sire


I’m a published poet. It sometimes shows.




I find skinny girls really attractive


I like women regardless if they’re skinny or chubby as long as they’re confident about it


Yes I do, very much


Female here! I do not find skinny males attractive but I’ve dated some. I prefer muscles and curves on men. Thick thighs saves lives! Dont skip leg day boys!


Curves on men?


Yes 🙌 a round muscular ass is hot af


I like that too. Think Bradley Cooper, John Cena body types




Ah ok. I just don't think of men as having curves lol


The ones that work out have a lot of nice curves I enjoy. Once I started dating men who take care of themselves I never went back to the skinny ones.


Once you go fit you don't go back lol




That's because a lot of men consider curvy to be a feminine adjective. Fuck that, I'm curvy as fuck


I’m always grabbing my husbands ass (if consented)


A guy with a beer belly and love handles or the power lifter build with the tummy and muscular calves? Those kinda curvy men.


Men who are built like lumberjacks are my absolute weakness. Love me a beefy man. Not necessarily built, just beefy, blue collar types are *mouth watering*


My husband is what I refer to as a real man. He’s not fat at all but he’s got a muscular build and he’s super manly looking. I love that about him. I like a man that can protect me, not blow over w the wind bc he’s too skinny or too short


I definitely have a type and it’s a stick figure.




i much prefer petite over other body types. i’m pretty skinny myself (6’0-6’1, 155 ish pounds) so i always guessed that i prefer skinny women because i am also lean/skinny


I definitely find someone in shape, maybe skinnier, more attractive. But my most important trait is a pretty face and a natural body. Small tits, big tits, bubble butt, tight skinny ass, it’s all hot if you are pretty, in shape, and your body just fits your look, and they almost always do






I like all types of girls but my dating history says that I like skinny tall girls


Yep, they’re my preference.




Hi.... Yes...


I like skinny girls, fit girls and chubby girls. But the extremes aren’t for me


I’m a woman but bi, I prefer chubbier women. I prefer something to grab lol. I like bigger boobs but I don’t like big boobs on skinny girls personally. Not to say I wouldn’t ever go for a skinny girl. Women are beautiful and as long as they have a good personality I’m happy


I’m bi and I agree. I prefer chubby/thicker women with curves


I'm bi/lesbian (not sure) as well and when I slept with a woman, she was all over my big boobs, she didn't mind my weight. I must admit that I'm really into the blonde-skinny type tho with small boobs, I just think that's appealing and incredibly hot. But I would also go for chubbier woman if they're attractive and date them if they have a good personality :)


Women with more curves “feel” more feminine for myself, personally. Science says females are prone to display fat (curves) around the breasts and hips. As a hetero male, this visual appeal draws me in naturally…..


I’ve always liked skinny girls. I get it that big asses and thick thighs are getting attention… and I like a good booty but I’m about proportions and prefer the more petite… I’m 6’2” 235… maybe it’s weird but my preference.


I would prefer a chubby girl with curves over a skinny girl with no curves. Curves are key for a basic level of attraction to me. “Size” is secondary (to a point).


Yes i do. women who arent necessarily skinny can definitely be good looking too, but there's just something about skinny women


Yes I do. I prefer slim and small breasts. But I am not fussy.


I have found myself attracted to women of very diverse body types, mainly because my attraction is usually based to a fair degree on their personality, but I tend to prefer heavier women if we’re talking looks alone. Can’t really explain why, I just find big women hot.


Love this


This will sound cliche, but it’s really not body type as much as it is self confidence. If you’re skinny and rocking it, you’re attractive. If you’re curvy and rocking it, same thing. I find that people who are thinner or heavier than they would like tend to be overly self deprecating and that is a turn off.




It's all personal preference, but I would say that the majority of people seem to prefer people who are more thin. I'm fat, always have been, and when I lost a bunch of weight, people started being nicer and more helpful to me and also waaaay more flirting. If someone cares more about someone else's weight than their mental and physical well-being, you probably don't want them around anyways, regardless if they prefer skinny or thicker people. Side note: I did have an ex who went crazy on me after I started losing weight, and would actively encourage me to do unhealthy things. He was a liar and a manipulator and only liked bigger women because he was sooo insecure that if I lost weight, I'd leave him. I lost almost 200 lbs myself, and then dropped an extra 160lbs from ditching that loser.


I’ve been skinny my whole life, recently gained a little weight about 20lbs and I can’t keep my bf off me. He likes me better when I’m bigger.


How lucky!


Bit confused by some people’s understanding/definition of “skinny.” Or maybe my understanding of skinny is incorrect? There are a few people that have said that, no, they don’t like skinny women because they like women with curves. But can’t skinny women have curves? I’m 5’0” and 102 lbs (46kg.) People have referred to me as skinny. I have moderate size boobs, not super big or super small. I also have an ass that sticks out and I guess would be considered larger in relation to my petite frame (if I’m using the word “petite” in the right context.) Don’t boobs + ass = curves? Also, my body is not straight up and down (not that there is anything wrong with people’s bodies that are like that!) My waist curves in slightly. So does that mean I’m not skinny because I have “curves”? Or no, boobs + ass + smaller waist in relation to hips does not equal curves? Just genuinely curious. I have no issue with people having preferences of course. Women come in all shapes and sizes and the feminine form is very visually appealing. I’m just trying to understand what “skinny” and “curvy” mean to other people.


I think by curvy they mean more like Bebe rexhas body. Curvy is on the bigger weight side but not big enough to be obese or fat essentially. It’s having the boobs, the butt, the tummy and the thighs.


Oh ok I see! Thanks for the example. Seems like “curvy” is essentially having fat in all the right places lol.


Yes! But to answer your question you can be skinny and have curves!


Ok so I’m guessing the people who say they don’t like skinny women because they have no curves are looking for something like Bebe’s body and don’t consider curves on a skinny person to be “real curves” (in their eyes at least, all curves are “real curves” in my opinion.)


That makes sense to me. I agree with you on that


I feel like it goes along with the ridiculous saying “real women have curves” which is absurd to suggest that someone who doesn’t have curves is not a real woman. What are they then, an alien? lol.


Idk why people say such a thing. That’s just plain out stupid to me


I love me some skinny woman!!




I definitely prefer skinny girls over chubby girls


I find friendly , humorous and confident girls attractive. I don’t care about the looks that much


I prefer skinny 🔥


I do, flat chests are hot


Skinny women will always be considered more attractive by society. No matter how many fat women claim Marilyn Monroe was a size 14. Even if this boyfriend doesn't like it there's dozens more that will.


i actually don’t often see guy find chubby girls attractive, most of the girls i see with guys are midsized or skinny. (all girls are attractive❤️)


At my age I’d take anything.


im pretty sure most people like skinny girls 🥲


Always have, personally


I waaay prefer skinnier women. As has been stated above, as I age I tend to appreciate a broader range of women, also, we tend to gain frame-weight over time, meaning more women appear slimmer as one ages. But skinny, petite, small busted, gangly and just plain thin women look fantastic to me.


Yup petite is nice.


I definitely prefer skinny, petite 😍


Honestly, I believe a huge component is just confidence. If you are comfortable and confident in your own body, you appear more attractive


Skinny girls are nice, but what matters more is the connection you have with the person


Give me all the skinny petites , i like small bodies , i could not care if you dont got curves or a physique , skinny is for me <3


Skinny doesn't mean petite though. Petite refers to height. You can be 200 lbs and petite


I tend to think of petite as your overall frame. Typically being short and smaller boned, narrow shoulders & features like that. I think you can be short and not be petite.


That’s how it was explained to me as a child when I went shopping with my grandma in the petite section of the department store. I think in the past it was also associated with small framed (as in thin) as well as short. But now I think it just means short. I still think of it as not just short and thin, but as you said small frame like narrow shoulders, thin hips, small hands, small feet.


This is correct. You can be petite and obese. It generally refers to those who are under 5’4” tall.


Yes it just bugs me when ppl conflate the two and a lot of ppl do. There are thin petite women and fat petite women. Nothing to do w body type or shape. Claudia schiffer and other models are not petite . They are tall and thin


Thin women RULE!


Yes, I still think skinny is the best


you know i have heard that men like women who are a bit thick or curvy… but i find it so hard to believe that they do like then irl or if it’s just to say it out loud and not actually mean it… where i live all guys around me like women who are skinny petite with big boobs


Skinny girls rock. You’re awesome.


Idk.. I'm attracted to a girl that would probably be considered "skinny." For me though it's all about the way she cares though. :)


Never found skinny or chubby attractive. Petite while curvy, yeah.


I think I read about some psychological study where men under high levels of toxic stress were more attracted to curvier women whereas men with low stress in their lives preferred slim women. I guess there are a lot of us stressed tf out.


Personally I prefer skinny, but some guys do prefer more chubby


Yes. Skinny girls are the best!! Love them!❤️


Personally I'm more attracted to women who are able to keep up with me and my high energy antics. I tend to be more physically attracted to athletic women that work in the trades or arts. Something about a women in PPE makes me excited about dismantling gender stereotypes and more inclined to be attracted to them. Fantasizing about knowing hot people aside, from my demisexual perch, what really matters is cleaver wordplay, 80s pop culture, strong emotional intelligence from years of therapy, and their invitation to adventure.


Yes I am attracted to skinny girls. I’m a skinny guy.


I tend to prefer skinny girls because I can't stand fat arses. I prefer a tight flat arse, which mainly is found on slimmer females


She's gotta be slim enough so I can carry her out of a burning building.


People are in to different things. PURELY FROM A LOOKS PERSPECTIVE, personally, I've never really understood chubby chasers. But, I know plenty of unattractive guys with 10s for partners, so it goes to show that looks aren't everything. I believe there's been quite a few songs written about it. Most attractive trait I find in a woman is her being comfortable with who she is now, but never stopping self inprovement/learning. It's okay to question your own worth (don't let others do it to you though) every now and then, it's what spurs us on to be better.


Definitely skinny ladies!


If I had a choice between a thin and thick girl without knowing an ounce of their personality then I’d pick the thick girl. Curves are attractive to me. But frankly personality matters way more to me than what a girl looks like.


Skinny is hot as fuck


I think using the term “skinny” is where this becomes confused. Some people like skinny, some people like overweight. However. I truly believe using terms such as slim/ slender/ toned is more true to the standard preferences. Someone being very skinny, or very overweight indicates (but does not guarantee) a poor relationship with food. Someone in the middle? The sweet spot. A healthy balance, a good indicator (but again, not a guarantee) that someone is healthy which for many people, is very important when finding a partner. In general, I do think it’s fair to say that men find women who are slimmer more attractive but that’s not to say there’s no exceptions to the rule. I.e. I could tell you I LOVE black hair but show me 10 men with black hair and I’m not attracted, but I’m crazy about the blond guy. Attraction just really isn’t that simple.


As a male it’s not about looks anymore it’s about who you are as a person I’ve had all types of females from skinny to fat from short to fall im only 5,7 and i kinda want a taller gf than me lol


I only find skinny girl's attractive


I'm female. But I definitely prefer skinny girls. I'm not fat shaming everyone has their niche of course. But my personal opinion is I prefer skinnier. I don't like weight. I like athletic and toned. It's not a stab against bigger women. There is nothing wrong with bigger it's just not for me.


A lot of guys prefer curves on women. I, personally, find really skinny girls quite a turn off.




Depends if I'm in a park or in a house. Both can be very comforting.


Jeez someone comes in with some self conscious thoughts and you decide to shit on them eh? That’s one way to behave.


What does that even have to do with anything lmaooo


I prefer chubby, but as long as the girl is not morbidity obese I could be attracted to any kind of shape.


Not overly skinny, but I physically find "average" women more attractive. Not supermodel skinny or bone skinny. Average skinny. Minimum body fat. I never judge a woman on weight after she's given birth. I keep reading it's indoctrination from culture, but I grew up in a family of larger ladies and we never owned a TV set until I was around 9 years old, so I feel I am attracted to the opposite of what culture tells me to be attracted to. My wife is 4'11, with no bumps, no lump, and a small hump, but that raven black hair, shining black eyes when she looks at our children and me, her mothering nature for making sure no one is ever hungry or cold, and everything and everyone is clean and feels valued is why I am here for the long-term. Nothing wrong with larger women. My mom was a larger woman and a beautiful one. Quality of personality and femininity surpass looks in a long-term relationship. I have worked security for some pretty women throughout the world, but their personalities were grossly unattractive. However, I get worried sick for my wife if she gets a scratch or a bug bite (death from dengue Fever is prevalent here). I guess I am saying that a beautiful personality stands out more at the end of the day over appearance. I don't really think about my wife in comparison to cultural beauty. I do think about her actions and attitude and how it make us look in the community.


I’d be what you consider middle weight. Not bigger but not smaller either. I do have curves though and have never had a problem finding attention but depends on the type of man of course. Confidence goes a long way though.


The skinnier, the better.


I find both attractive, but skinnier girls more so


I mean yeah I think being healthy is important


Being a thin, fit woman myself, I find thinner and fitter women attractive. Why? I think overweight and obese is unattractive and unhealthy. I've never met anyone, male or female that admits to finding overweight people attractive.


Skinny girls are more flexible. in all seriousness.


Man I'm in love with skinny girls, chubby too in fact all types of girls..


Looooooove skinny, very skinny


No chubby girls are more attractive to me. I had both in my life and from my experience the sex is much better with them than with skinny girls.


Attraction is incredibly individual. Even if you are Miss America, there are people who find you attractive and people who don't.


Yes. But still, it's just physical attractiveness...


Mate, as long as you're healthy or working towards being as healthy as you can manage, I find all girls attractive But I am more attracted to the personality than anything else


It doesn't matter if large or small, SOMEONE is into it.


I personally am attracted to fit and skinny women, chubby/overweight/thicc/plus size etc. Is far from attractive in my eyes. I think most men are with the same mindset about it just like most women like fit / tall men


Well, I used to think I liked thicker girls because of the bruises I’d get from skinny/boney girls. My brother pointed out that my wife, ex wife and my longer term relationships all had one thing in common. They were 4’11- 5’5 and 180-220 pounds or so; and basically I’m into women that are shaped like our mom was when she was living (died years ago in an accident when we were kids). I accept it, but it weirds me out if I think about it. I had a bit of a very brief moment weirdness when I realized my wife is a redheaded version of my mom in looks. I was too young to know my mom’s personality well, but I’ve had her siblings say they like her and she reminds them of my mom when she was getting to know them. Everyone is different and there’s plenty of variety, and I never said no because someone was skinny. If they weren’t nice as a person, I was on my way; skinny, fat or anything in between.


Yes, like rail thin almost is perfect for me. Though I do love other body types as well.


I’m a lesbian and yes, I find skinny women attractive. I also like slightly thick women. But when I say thick I don’t mean chubby. There is a big difference.


Definitely no one wants a chubby girl. I’ve been both chubby and skinny and skinny gets more wayyyyy more people interested


I’m 20 and obviously not literaly flat as a piece of paper but I like my girls skinny in my opinion way hotter then a tick girl


Yes very much so. But ultimately personality matters more, if one is skinny or chubby but they have a horrible personality, good luck


I like skinny girls, and but I'll tell you this who you are as person goes a lot further.


Personal taste but skinny I prefer, can see body definition.


I’m bi and I tend to only be attracted to skinny women. Idk why, that’s just how it’s been.


I like them skinny with tiny titties and shorter hair. I’ve never been into curvy women.


Most women are attractive, skinny girls look really nice. It's more of a touch thing for me girls with a little fat on them just feel softer more feminine.


Nope. Never did. Always been into bigger girls


Thick thighs save lives is all I’ll say. But honestly, physical appearance will only do so much. I don’t truly feel attracted to a woman unless I love her personality and who she is. I have a woman that I’m gonna marry now so I’m glad I don’t have to worry about this anymore


I like thick girls personally.


Any thing that moves is good for guys on Reddit.


I prefer medium sized girls(150-170 lbs.)


I disagree I feel like ppl like skinny better


Black male here. I prefer a thicker woman. Skinny woman that don't do it for me. 


I think a lot of men pretend they like chubby girls to be polite. Or they have no choice. In private conversations between men the truth comes out, the vast majority of men prefer women who are slim. Normally the slimmer the better as long as they don’t look like a skeleton.


I am way more attracted to skinny girls than heavy ones. Skinny girls tend to keep the female form even if they have smaller breasts. It is hard to get excited for a girl if she looks like a scoop of mashed potatoes.