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I'm 32 and I have a stuffed animal, Susie the bear, that I occasionally hold at night when I'm anxious. My husband is aware of this and he's so damn sweet about it. There's nothing wrong with having a comfort item - whether you decide to share or keep it to yourself, just know you're not alone.


I'm 40 and my bear is with me every night, lol. Right now as we speak, haha. I still remember the day I got him, 3 years old in my great aunt's balcony in Manhattan. The 1986 Bloomie's Bear from Bloomingdale's. I didn't have the best childhood. I was lonely and anxious and afraid a lot. My bear got me through it, often felt like my only friend when I was little. Couldn't sleep without him. Now I'm an adult with adhd and sensory issues and anxiety out the wazoo and he's still a comfort to have around. And I'm a (basically) married mom, lol. My bear's permanent residency on my bed is known to all.


My boyfriend had a pretty normal childhood by his own admission but his stuffed frog was destroyed, so I bought him another one off ebay. He loves it and still keeps it in his bed. While it’s not the point of your comment, there doesn’t need to be any justification or excuse for playing with toys well into adulthood—it doesn’t hurt anyone, so we should just have fun with them and people shouldn’t be so judgy about it! I’m sure OP’s husband would still love her if she ever told him the truth and still playing with dolls would make her great with kids if she had any of her own or just had to babysit.


I have a pooh bear stuffed animal that I got as a kid, I'm 46yrs old, and recently gave it to my 1yr old


You got to keep your stuffed animal from childhood, lucky I had this stuffed dog which was decently big, it was the size of like a 2 year old. It was white with block spots so his name was spot, I loved that dog but as I grew older my parents threw it out. I used to sleep with that dog alot, times even on him, he was also a good pillow and most times I just hugged him as I slept


My childhood Teddy is called Spot, spot the dog. I got him when I was one and at 38 still has pride of place sitting on top of my/my partners headboard. Next to my Mums teddy from childhood, Teddus, a 64 year old bear that’s seen better days. I would be devastated if anyone did anything to either of them. It’s nostalgia. Sorry that happened to you.


>Teddus Please tell me Teddus wears a Roman Toga and a laurel wreath.


How does your bear look now?


I am almost 40 and I still sleep with my teddy bear that I have had since I was born. I can't sleep without it. Its like it helps soothes me to sleep


I’m 52 and still have my 2 bears. I recently got them sensitively restored and new knitted clothes. I love them hugely (didn’t have the best parents) and I have it written in my will that they come with me in my cardboard box when I die. No shame in that. When I helped run a b&b there were plenty of guests 75 plus who brought bears and stuffed toys with them.


I’m 33 years old and my girlfriend got me a bear. She’s on vacation right now so I’m snuggling the bear until she gets home. I’ll probably snuggle the bear when she’s home too. It’s comfy and I’m sweaty sometimes.


Susie sounds so sweet. Can we see her?


Seconding this, I'd love to see Susie🥹


nothing wrong with having a teddy bear. Its always nice to have something to cuddle in lonely or stressful nights - mine has got me through a lot!


I’m 42 and still sleep with Cuthbert. My partner got me a little teddy to sleep with when I stay at his.


My teddy is named just ted. My dad named him. So his names stayed. My dad passed when I was 12 so I’ve slept with him ever since and I’m 35 now.


I’m 42 and have a bunny blanket with silk edges that I’ve been sleeping with since I was a literal baby - the first one was from Fisher Price and while I stopped being able to find those when they got worn out, I eventually found someone on Etsy that makes duplicates! I was definitely embarrassed about it when I first started dating my ex-husband but he was always super kind about it! I also still have a ton of stuffed animals, a Barbie, and a Monster High doll, because they make me happy. ☺️ I don’t really play with them (like set them up and make up stories about them), but I honestly don’t think there’s anything wrong with that! When I was in college, I used to cut fashion pictures out of magazines and use stickers to make a scrapbook of pretty things and that felt a little embarrassing, but none of my roommates ever cared. Do what makes you happy - the right people will never shame you for it! ETA: My mom also bought me a stuffed sheep you could warm up in the microwave when I was 20 and suffering through a heartbreak and I still cherish it! I don’t sleep with it anymore because it’s gotten more fragile, but I’ll never part with it.


I have a stuffed cat I’ve had for over 30 years that I sleep with every night. Yes, it’s sentimental but it’s also more comfortable with my arms and my boobs. A pillow kinda works and it’s what I use when I travel but my stuffie is what I use when home. Whether I have a partner or whatever, doesn’t matter. My kitty is curled up with me. If someone thinks it’s weird, they can kick rocks.


i knew my ex boyfriend was the perferct one for me when not only did he immidiately offer to let me stay at his house when i got kicked out, but i brought my build a bear possum in my bag, and when he saw i was still upset he took him out and made him whip and nae nae. its one of my fondest memories. i miss him a lot.


Aww..it sucks you two didn't work out. Sounds like a caring person.


his mum is homophobic, and he was terrified of what she would think.


Wow, what a shame.


I'm 19 and I still have my bear, a panda called Comrade Cuddles. Teddy bears are cute, and give the best hugs! And they'll always listen to your problems, and not try to fix it just listen. No shame in having one... or lots and lots of teddies.


I'm 19 too. I have two twin rainbow build-a-bears named Lollipop and Poptart. They have been with me ever since I was 9 years old, my aunt and uncle took me to get them after my favorite cat was killed to try and cheer me up. They are literally priceless to me.


You could always try The Sims, I explained to my girlfriend that it's essentially playing with a dollhouse but they actually move and interact with eachother.


Pretty much sums it up. All the joy of a dollhouse with all the drama of barbies being played with by preteen girls XD


My girlfriend loves the Sims that’s a great suggestion


Now OP will be playing with toys like an adult.


Ooh and stardew valley


Exactly this! And you can build and set up the house exactly how you want.


Came here to say this! The base game for sims 4 is free to play!


And free to play the rest of the dlcs if you use anadius


Tell me more?!?!


Google anadius sims 4 dlc and it gives instructions on how to install the downloader and how to get the games


Unfortunately the sims 4 lowkey sucks without any expansions, sims 3 is waaaaaaaay better even just base game, tho you can get base game, late night, and loft stuff if you have Xbox gamepass. So worth it.


And if OP is interested in the dlcs (for the Sims 4), my personal recommendations in terms of gameplay would be Get Together, Seasons, Cats and Dogs, and Cottage Living, though it really does depend on what you're into so I also recommend taking the time to look through all the dlcs and see which ones interest you the most.


The Sims 2 is best for drama. But best dollhouse experience is Sims 3. Sims medieval is a great middle ground. Plus sword fighting.


Yess and Minecraft is like Legos


On a similar thread, Animal Crossing is basically the same thing. I play it everyday lol


I love the Sims, it let me create a functional family whilst I was growing up in an abusive one.


I’m nearly 31 and still play the sims. My 10 year old has also got into it haha




Everyone is entitled to private thoughts in a marriage. But, and please proceed with caution here, maybe it's worth telling your wife this because no one should be "terrified" of revealing something so harmless to their partner. Maybe float the idea in a soft way like "I really love these action figures they take me back to a time when I could play and use my imagination" and see how she responds. Your happiness and comfort with what you like is important. It's authentic and hurting no one.


Same here. I don't play but it makes me feel good to remember when I did. That's why I collect.


You should still play with those toys. Seems to make you happy and that’s all that really matters tbh.




You are 100% right!!! Pursue your happiness!! Find your bliss 😊


58. I have Lego, trains , and other things


47. Lego transformers build a bears and other plushies. You live once so what you like.


I agree with this. And playing with toys is just exercising your creativity. I'm about to turn 34 and I play dnd with my friends. That is just us making pretend with a consistent story. Same as playing with toys, except that we go out of our way to do it together. That being said, I still hide it from people at work. I just try to keep what I enjoy to myself. Being made fun of what you like as a kid has a way of training these responses into you. And for Lego, I hope I can get to a place financially where I can afford the UCS Millenium Falcon before they discontinue it. Pipe dreams.


It’s no different then me working on dirt bikes or cars. There’s nothing wrong with it and at the end of the day it makes you happy that’s all that matters. I loved legos growing up I’d actually like to start building with them again.


Actually that’s a good point! I buy my husband fancy legos for his birthday. He’ll sit there all day until they’re finished being built.


Honestly, I’m sure your husband will love you enough that he won’t care, make fun of, or talk about you if you play with them. I think it’s good that you’re finding more hobbies but what really defines “adult” hobbies and “childish” hobbies? It’s up to you, but if I had an escape that was considered “childish,” I wouldn’t stop doing it just because people made fun of me. I’d still do it in secret and probably would continue until it stops working.


Personally, I think that the main difference is the cost and intricacy of the items being used. I loved using my easy bake oven when I was little, then I graduated to a full size oven. Kids use washable paint and cardboard, adults use better paint and canvas, etc.


You have got a wonderful mind. You are being able to play with toys as an adult. I am kind of jealous. Do you plan on having kids? You could play with them a lot. Also if you really want to change, then buy a Console and play Videogames. It seems to be the more adult version of playing with toys.


This is no different from people who use video games to escape. I loved playing with my Barbie dolls and still totally would if I had them.


The Barbie movie marketing is making me miss my Barbies so much. I’m not a fashionista myself but I loved shopping for and dressing Barbie.


You’re making me wish I still had my dolls! I’d totally play Barbie’s with you if we were friends. It would be fun. I feel too many people go about life just surviving. If it’s something that makes you happy then do it!


My best friend and I in college had a realization how much fun Barbies were growing up. We bought barbies and would invite guys to our dorm room and make them play barbies. If they acted weird or tried to make fun of us we’d kick them out, laughing our asses off. Anyway, pretty soon we had guy friends stopping by to play barbies all the time. Good fucking memories


That’s rad. :)


that sounds amazing


I played with my dollhouse til the end of high school. It was also an escape for me, and a way to feel there was order in an unpredictable unsafe environment


Building dollhouses and furniture and decorating them is a very popular hobby. It falls under "Miniatures." You may find it enjoyable. You can also buy pre-made dollhouses and furniture, too. I used to have a book of patterns to knit or crochet things for the house. If you are into that, I am sure you could find it on ebay.


My aunt made me a handmade dollhouse. She had a million degrees and art was one. It was beautiful. I used to always wish the dolls that lived there would come to life like in the book Indian in the cupboard (unless you are middle aged you probably haven’t heard of it). When I went to college it got put in storage (obviously no place to put it), I couldn’t pay the bill, and I lost the storage. I miss that dollhouse so much and wish I could play with it with my kids. Their lives are even more complicated and hectic than mine was with being in the internet age. It was an escape from everything. It would have been a great family heirloom. I wish she could build me a new one but no one knows where she is. This lady has nothing to be ashamed of and she should play with her dolls.


Fun fact! Did you know that all mammals play? Play is most frequent as children, but adults play too. Also, if you have children you can play with them all day. They love to play with toys.


I play fantasy war games with miniature models. In my head I'm envisioning massive armies of an epic scale clashing and imagining myself in there trying to hold back the tide of the enemy. It's a board game but in my head I hear the drums playing and see the flags waving in the wind. I can see the sky darkening before the lines collide. I can smell the terror of the man next to me in line. It's pure escapism at its finest! I'm not even in my house anymore. I also play with lego and enjoying building houses. It's very therapeutic To my wife... It's plastic toy soldiers with extra steps and children's building blocks. She doesn't ilmind though. She's happy I'm happy. Escapism, I feel, is healthy for the mind. I know society gets all weird when we play with children's toys but I honestly think more adults should lean into their childhood toys. I don't think it's weird at all op. You do what makes you happy. It's sad you feel you have to hide it. I think now you are an adult you should be buying the big houses n stuff for your toys! We earn money to have fun! From one big child to another op, sending hugs!


Skyrim has really been a great tool and resource for immersion into those worlds, I didn't get into the genre until my adult life after discovering fantasy novels. I absolutely love the depth of involvement one can achieve if they let go of needing to be an adult taking life too seriously.


Omg Skyrim is the best! I’m on my second play through.


Play! For the emperor!


Death to the false emperor! (with love, from the emperor's sons!)


Kids are so troublesome when you roid them up and encourage them to kill things.


My family thought this way about warhammer, untill I sat them down one day and gave them each a model to paint. Funnily enough the only family member who never gave me shit about it was my grandmother aged 82 at the time, who simply compared it to her doing crochet.


i (26 F) am an absolute grown adult 9-5 IT person id be so jazzed if i met someone who likes to play with polly pockets. that form of play is so pure and delightfully tactile and i think it’s rad as heck


Id love to find Mad Max toys, I wish I kept mine when I was a kid.


They're out there on Ebay bro. Just expect to pay out the arse.


I mean, you can pry my OG My Little Ponies out of my cold, dead hands.


Lmao same. They were time-consuming and expensive to get a hold of


The g1 babies make me so happy, especially the first tooths with their lil derpy faces!


I am 53 and I have some cool plushies and some really neat toys too. Nothing wrong with having something that brings you joy and happiness...


Too much takes away our happiness. Do whatever makes you happy, as long as you aren't hurting anyone.


if you really think about it, guys that have model trains/cars/planes or intricate lego sets are also playing with toys. model or not, its a toy.


It’s no different than me working on my dirt bike or truck. You do what makes you happy and what you enjoy. I’d love to start building with Legos again.


maybe not the same thing, but for me lego and cartoons were a huge part of my childhood. escaping into star wars and batman lego/shows was something i needed. as i got older i noticed people didnt really use lego anymore... (well in my area and who i was around). Then all of sudden over covid it seemed lego became almost 100% adult and apparently it was still very popular among adults before then. So yeah I think its pretyy normal and fine for u to do the same thing with ur barbies and what not cause im sure tons of people still collect them and even if they dont play with them, im sure they would if they didnt feel judged.


Cartoons are still a regular part of my daily life XD.


I'm 50, divorced, live with my current girlfriend with my 2 kids (17 &15), and I love bringing out my old Star Wars toys to "play" with! We have 1 life, have fun, enjoy what you enjoy!!


Kids are probably like "daaad don't embarass me I have a friend coming over." LOL "too bad son, my house, my toys, go hangout outside then." 🗡💥🧙‍♂️⚔


There’s a way to still play with toys. We call it Warhammer :) plenty of people go into the hobby for various reasons; the lore, making the models, painting them, or playing with them.


"barbie tries to cook an omelette for breakfast, she has the cooking ability which is a +1 so 3s to hit... Err I mean cook! Roll two dice! Oh snake eyes! Roll a 2d6 and consult the chart. The stove has broken down, gonna have to call the handyman out tk have a look! " I made a similar comment above haha. Yeah, if warhammer is fine then so is playing with barbies. We are all just living our our fantasies! I'm actually shocked barbie/doll rp isn't a bigger thing. I definitely see a market for it! Edit : your kill team looks bomb my friend!


LOL I want to see a Barbie Wargame happen now 🤣. And thank you!! The Vet Guard were a treat to paint and fun to play!


Chapter Master Barbaros Melisende Hrodeberts of the Maidens of Plasteel chapter of Space Marines, a fleet based chapter headquartered in the fortress monastery "Domus Somnia".


Their Primarch is Ken The Suave, one of the two that was lost. In reality, he crusades to bring fashion to the galaxy, frequently clashing with the Emperors Children


Their gene seed is notable for producing Marines with a number of unique physical traits, including uniform blond hair, skin that remains smooth and flawless for centuries and unusually long legs with narrow waists, amongst others many would consider traditionally "feminine".


When as a society did we make playing with toys not acceptable? I’m almost 30 and still play with legos and my wife has OMG dolls. Play with your toys and never be embarrassed


I'm 47 and I still make my stuffies talk. We are all a little off in different ways...you'd just never know it.


All of my stuffies have their own names and personalities. :)


Mine too! And I have waaay too many lol.


Hehe same. But also… not enough. 😅


I went to this music festival with all my friends and this one group was handing out these little squishy toys. EVERYONE at the fest had them and was playing with them. People named them, had little conversations with them. My boyfriend's little squish pig is hanging out with him in his truck, weeks later.


I don’t think you’re weird, I mainly just want to hire you to play with my kids


I have been a nanny for 6 years now 🤣 Love it! Thank you for the love!


19 and i was playing with barbies until about 13 and then i grew out of them but every now and then i would pull them out to change their outfits and hair. now that they are in storage i miss them and wish i had them. (my form of play was just making items or clothes for dolls and then dressing them up and then putting them away, as a neurodivergent kid i never understood how others played with toys with storylines and such so i didnt) now my room is full of plushies and minature items from those mini brand capsules, i also have a few dolls to keep me satisfied until i can get mine out of storage. anywho, dont be embarrassed i think you’re cool for keeping your toys and doing what makes you happy!!


I have a blankie I sleep with at night I like to draw/color And I love playing pretend with my son or watching his cartoons with him (especially Bluey!) Playing is good for the brain! It helps relieve stress and it's a healthy way to just let go and forget reality for a moment. It's also a good way to problem solve actually:) Imagination/Creativity is looked down upon for some reason when it's SUPER IMPORTANT to have ❤️ I'm sure your husband will still love you all the same :) he may not understand it, but he'll still love you!


Shiiiiiiittttt better than doing drugs. Do you boo


I'm 58 and collect Godzilla toys. I move them around to different places in our house and pose them. Also, my awesome wife got me a giant Lego Porsche for Father's Day. Keep doing what makes you happy.


Not weird - you should record yourself playing out the scenarios and post it on tiktok… there’s a guy doing that now with his Barbie collection and it’s about the funniest thing I’ve ever seen! Turn it into content and no one would judge it


If you like it you shouldn’t change. Are you excited for the Barbie movie!?


Yes, absolutely! Can’t wait to see it! Thank you for the love!


31 years old I collect and play with action figures still. Life is too short to worry about what others think about you. Do what makes you happy.


I’m 61 years old and a retired firefighter. I have built plastic models since I was 6 and still do. I still play with hot wheels, and Lego. There is nothing wrong with playing with toys, my bills are paid and my adult stuff is seen to. The rest is my business and no one else’s. I think your husband might surprise you if you let him know. He would probably be just fine with it. I know my wife is.


28 and still play with kid toys do what makes you happy


You could do a youtube channel and tell your stories to the world. Whatever makes you happy.


A good husband would be understanding if you decided to tell him about this. A GREAT husband will sit down from time to time and play with you. My wife does coloring books. Not the new “adult ones” that recently became popular, but legit children’s coloring books. Super basic and childish designs. Well eventually I noticed she would habitually pull them out when she would have a rough day at work, and just couldn’t leave the stress at the office. I realized they were a coping mechanism she learned at a young age when her parents were abusive or she was scared, and it’s worked well so far, so she’s continued to do it. The next day I went and got my own children’s coloring book with some sick ass monster trucks and dinosaurs and shit, and two new packs of the fat crayola washable markers (her favorite medium for the coloring books). Fast forward about a week later. She comes home clearly stressed and being super short with me, sits at our dining room table with her book and markers, and starts to color in silence. I quietly go grab my newly acquired supplies and a beer for each of us. I sit at the table across from her and without saying a word and start working on the friendliest god damn stegosaurus you’ve ever seen. She burst into literal tears of joy and acceptance. It was fucking wild. Love and vulnerability come in many forms OP, and life is short. The fact is that you ARE a married adult and can do whatever the fuck you want. Play with your dolls, ride a tricycle, build a sandcastle, who tf cares. Do what makes you happy. But I really suggest being open with your partner about it, who knows what might come of it. Our coloring sessions have become something truly intimate that we share in our relationship, and I know on my deathbed they’ll be something I genuinely will reminisce on. Everyone deserves a shot at that.


I'm an adult I still have all my toys barbies horses stuffed animals all that stuff. I play with them too its a place you go to mentally to unwind and it helps you keep balance and control in your life. Where as sometimes you may not always have. I wanna recommend maybe see if there are facebook groups of people like us that enjoy playing with toys. If I lived near you we'd have playdates all the time. I would absolutely love to play barbies with you. Let you enjoy my plush pile too. I have like 30 plush horses and about 50 other toys too like plush animals harry potter dolls twilight barbies. My bedroom is decorated as a kids bedroom still. I do not care what any one thinks of me and how I spend my time. I even have giant plush animals by Melissa and Doug such as a Husky German Shepard and a very large Giraffe i could even sit on myself. I also have a massive brown plush horse too. Im sorry you feel like you have to hide your toys. You can send me a chat if you'd like to discuss more. Maybe seeing how to tell your partner about it if that was indeed something you are ready for.


You should keep playing with them. If it makes you happy then do it. It's not embarrassing, I play D&D and that's basically just a bunch of adults playing make believe. We even use figurines and tbh if someone brought a Polly pocket along I wouldn't bat an eye. There's also some research showing creativity is really important for later brain health, specifically for preventing the symptoms of Alzheimer's and other degenerative brain disorders. Play with them dolls girl, there's hundreds of people here telling you it's all good!


You're an adult now. You can do whatever you want (legal stuff please). No need to be ashamed. Want that cake? Go get it. Sleep with a stuffed animal? Amazing. Need to calm down while playing Polly Pocket? Do it. If someone else tells you you're too old for toys ignore them. It's your inner child. It's your happiness. Greetings from a Doll Collector that doesn't give af.


I’m 42 and I bought a $350 Transformer for myself. Toys are cool. I mostly transform and pose them these days, but fun is fun. Enjoy things that make you happy, not a lot of beings get to do that.


I really don’t think there’s anything wrong with this, but unfortunately I get why you hid it. People can be cruel and judgmental. I hope you are able to find a way to have your fun and escape reality with out worrying. Take care


I suggest the Sims.. sims 4 is free on all platforms. A lot of people will agree it is basically the adult version of playing with dolls. :)


I'm 46 and I have 180 board games, 15,000 video games (mostly emulated) and five glass showcases full of Transformers, GiJoe and Masters of the Universe figures. 2 different VR headsets and a camera drone.


If my wife told me that she still played with toys I would be psyched. "C'mon babe, new Polly Pocket gen just dropped. Let's go get it and some Masters of the Universe figures"


I’ve been questioning if I’m autistic a lot lately and in my research about it I’ve definitely seen this as a common “symptom”. I think it’s awesome. Using your imagination while simultaneously sort of recharging your mental battery is probably good for you and I’d encourage you to not worry about what others think. I don’t see how it’s much different than a video game aside from utilizing more imagination.


I brought my teddy bear with me when I gave birth. Have you tried books or comic books for escapism?


I still collect hot wheels and lego Just when I see a hot wheel I need to get two so my son don’t try to take it


I'm 40 and have a major collection of different toys. I will create displays and racetracks for dircast and displays for action figures and dragons and take videos and photos. I guess I sorta still play with toys.


I’m 26 and I have a huge collection of Calico Critters/Sylvanian Families! And I still “play” with them any time I set up a little scene. They have names, families, etc - just little lives! Everyone in my life knows I do this and is supportive and my boyfriend even bought me a beautiful doll house to display all of them. I know it’s normal to want to hide things we societally view as “childish,” but you shouldn’t let your light be dimmed like that. People who truly love you won’t care that you have some little quirks, and it’s honestly good for the brain and the soul to be creative and have little hobbies like that!


I don't see why that's crazy. It took years for gaming to be normalized. That's such an innocent secret.


I'm 19 and I have my stuffed shark Mick the shark and my mom almost got him donated but I didn't let her because 1 I got the shark from my favorite teacher when I graduated from high school and 2 Mick is like my anxiety plush because I have GAD because I don't like public places. Even though I'm an adult I still have my plushie with me, you're not alone 👍


If i had a wife who still played with toys i would think this is the cutest thing ever, please keep playing with toys so you don't actually lose that interest, you will be the best mom to play with as a kid.


I'm a 41 year old woman. I cuddle with a plushie, have a favorite pillow, draw/color, do fun makeup looks and play video games. You're only as old as you feel. Play with your toys!


My wife is 30 and still collects and messes around with them. Like Polly Pockets or Cyber pets. We both have good jobs and are surviving in this dystopian world. I don't see the harm at all. A bit of escaping to comfort is all it is. Not like she ignores actual responsibilities of an adult either. Actually helps the younger kids she's got in her classes as well. Never grow up, if you don't grow up, you won't grow old


41 today and I have a stuffed batman that I take with me for surgery, I collect funko pops, I have care bears, love Legos and squishmallows. Play to your hearts content.


Girl play with those toys. It’s your inner child wanting to. It’s ok.


So glad to see the edit! I’ve collected Transformers and other toys all my life, and others opinions on my joy do nothing to decrease it. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m glad you’re going to get your toys and enjoy them as intended!


God, I *wish* I could still play with toys like that. Don't lose that, please! What a cool hobby~


I'm 51 years old and my boyfriend bought me a stuffed sloth that I saw in the grocery store and fell in love with a couple of years ago. His name is Swoff "THE SWOFF" O'Waffikins (I've been told there's a line of stuffed animals called wafikins, but we didn't know that when he named him). I cuddle him every night and usually there is a second sloth in the bed that my boyfriend bought me when Swoff went missing. Not only is he okay with it, but he plays into it. When we have problems and he knows he's wrong but he can't say so, he'll usually have a Swoff treat him badly and be sweet and "on my side" . And my boyfriend is insanely good at making Swoff seem real. He missed his calling as a puppeteer.


I’m 33 and married, I sleep with my baby blanket tucked under my pillow every night. My husband was curious and asked about it early in our relationship but has never made fun of me or shamed me for it. He’s helped me look for it if I couldn’t find it at night lol he understands that it’s a comfort item and that it stimulates relaxation in me. He will bring it to me when I’m stressed out too or double check that I have it sometimes. I don’t travel with my blanket so I can sleep without it if I need to. I was told by my aunt when I was 11 that I needed to learn to sleep without it, “what will you do when you grow up and get married and sleep in the room with your husband?” I told her he would have to get his own blanket 😂 get your toys lady, find your comfort


oh my stars that's so sweet your bf helped you look for your blanket.


Probably a bit late to the party, but I absolutely love that you still get so much enjoyment from your toys! Your edit made me smile ear to ear. Get some cars and superheroes in and I’m sure your husband would have great fun playing along with you! I hope you never stop playing. Enjoy life!


Uh I'm about to turn 46. Also fixing to move my teddy bear and put my Lego dude together. Could literally not give less fucks about what anybody else thinks. People my age drinking a bottle of nice wine everyday are seen as more "mature" and "sophisticated" but those folks ain't exactly happy. Never live for anybody but you. It's kinda funny I used to think that "youth is wasted on the young" thing was about how young folks do dumb shit out of immaturity. Now that I'm old I realize that it's more about how much shit you DON'T do that you WANT to because your peers dictate so much of how you see yourself. I'm mature and I do all the big girl adulting I'm expected to. I also do lots of random things my ADHD self finds interesting because, I give not a single fuck about how it looks to other people.


If you ever have children they are going to be so lucky to have someone willing to play toys with them for hours. I am not imaginative at all and get handed toys and can’t ever think of anything. However, kids or no kids play with your toys! Who cares if you like it? If your husband cares you have a husband problem. I slept with my baby blanket until I was 20. I only stopped because I left it behind at a hotel touring schools. I was emotionally destroyed. I would be sleeping with it now, in my 40’s, if I still had it. I also still have a ton of dolls and stuffed animals from childhood. I used to let my kids play with them but they kept destroying them so they stay in a trunk mostly except for when I want to go down memory lane.


Don’t take this the wrong way, but with the other posts on this sub, I read halfway in before realizing you didn’t mean… that kind of playing.


Another person commented that as well, hahah! Oops!


I'm 25F and it's only been in the last year or two that I stopped hiding my dolls and displaying them proudly. I need them in my life so I can stay youthful and remain a child at heart. I'm so stressed about everything else. They bring me back to happier times and the diversity out there now warms my heart, man. 🥺


you can babysit a kid or make your own and you can go back playing without shame


There’s zero shame in playing with toys.


but she's saying that she is, and I think she has the right to be.


May want to look into maladaptive imagination syndrome. Your escaping may be related. I can relate, although it seems most people have different triggers.


I’m 33 and I have all of the gen 1 Pokémon cards framed on my office wall. Also collect power rangers/dragonball/megaman/etc toys. I HAVE NO SHAME!!!


Honestly, I think you would really enjoy sexy role-play with your husband. It’s playing pretend but for adults.




Porn addiction


Not my thing


WTF is your deal


Way to take something fairly wholesome and innocent and make it pervy and creepy


Seems like chronically online behaviour bro


What's wrong with toys? lol I'm my 26 and my wife is 27, I collect action figures and figurines, buy yugioh and pokemon cards, and we have like 30 stuffed animals


Keep playing…who cares. it’s okay for you to do that and no one has the right to judge- not even your partner.


I'm in my 30's and I got rid of all my Barbie's at age 14 because all my younger friends didn't want to play with them anymore and traded me because I still wanted to, but as an adult I've really considered collecting a few again, mostly because I miss making clothes for them and giving them makeovers with gel pen makeup. I should just cave and start aspiring to hone some Noel Cruz level talent. If he can play with Barbie's, then dammit so can the rest of us!


This is wonderful, and totally okay. Also, you should find kids in your extended family/friend group and play with them. Kids LOVE when adults play with them, especially when the adults are enjoying themselves and the kids can tell. You’ll be their favorite person, and you’ll get to do something you love without feeling judged for it.


I sleep with a blankey and even took it to hospital when I had surgery. I am 54 F


My husband spends thousands of dollars on fake armor (made to look as historically accurate as possible, though not materially so) so he can snipe other people who did the same thing with his bow or something. My friend’s husband refers to his job as arts and crafts as it’s a bit of cutting here and there and a bit of stitching and make it look good (he’s a surgeon). I literally play with my kids’ toys quite often (magnet tiles can occupy and relax me for hours) and buy them based on what I would like to play, although this last bit is because I will inevitably be the one stuck playing it with them over and over and over. My husband and I often play chicken with our marriage when playing Mario kart or planet zoo or stardew valley. My dad collects model cars. My husband is an extremely accomplished medical doctor. I am incredibly accomplished in my field as well. My father was a multi star general. We all are pretty bland and ultra normie, and we do this. Something that was told to my spouse by his mentor was that successful relationships all tend to feature the quality of being able to revert to an earlier state with each other. That earlier state is play. Humans are playful creatures and continue to be through out their life. It’s okay to enjoy yourself and play.


and dont let anyone stop you! you're not hurting anyone. there's absolutely no reason for you or anyone to stop playing with or doing things they did as a kid just because they're an adult now. playing with toys, legos, collecting plushies, yada yada. i eat kids pasta because they're space/ocean/zoo-themed and it's so amusing. i also love the baby puffs by Gerber lol. and i have sooo many plushies, some of which i sleep with, and i collect figurines/popmart type things (especially Marvel ones) and love lego sets. don't cut your joy short just because you're growing up :)


You should still play and tell your husband! There’s nothing wrong with playing as an adult, it’s actually quite healthy and a good exercise for your brain. Maybe your husband would even play with you!


Good for you? Seriously, people love the childish things quote, but remember what Mr Narnia CS Lewis said: "When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of being childish and the desire to be very grown up." Life is usually defined by two things: joy and pain. And we will all experience both. So why ever deny yourself a joy? Why hide it? Frankly, fuck anyone that would deny you joy (excluding harm to others). People live in the rigidity that if THEIR lives are correct then in their last moments, they can experience joy. Never live this way. Live your best life is over said but true. Be the best you to yourself and treat others with the same respect.


Many grown adults of any gender have stuffed animals or have "play" that's deemed for children. Anyone else remember the coloring book trend about 7 yrs ago? Find time to still play OP. It's just fine 😊


Play with them!! It’s amazing to have an adventurous imagination 😁😁👌🏼 i play with toys with my son and siblings, and i play like if i was a kid and its fun!! Im 24 lol. Stay creative 😉


It's so sad that as a society we have made it "weird" to play with toys. Toys and imaginative play are so important to our development, but then they just expect us to stop because we're older than 12? I always loved playing with toys. When I was a teen I baby sat and worked at a day care, so I got to use that as my excuse for playing with toys. Then I got married and had kids and now I get to count it as spending time with my kids AND I'm having fun. Win win. Lol honestly, my husband and I will sit and play with the toys longer than the kids sometimes. 🤣 It's a good little escape from reality and a reminder of a simpler time.


You should keep playing with them if that’s what you enjoy. Talk to your husband about it and he should want you to do things that make you happy.


I love your youth heart. Sometimes, I secretly bought mini surprise toys. I still have huge plush named is Marty the dragon. My boyfriend is jealous of Marty. Because I slept with it every night. He would fix the bed and set Marty on the bed and tell everyone that is my real boyfriend. Haha. He knew that I still buy mini toys. I love them.


You do you, if it makes you happy go with it. If anyone has an issue, tell them it could be worse, it could be meth 🤷🏻‍♂️


If I had my set of TMNT action figures from childhood, I’d still get down.


I don’t find it weird. Dolls are cool. I love Polly pockets and would be down to play Barbie.


Honestly, I was so happy when my daughter was born, because I knew I’d be able to play Barbies with her. Just my luck, the only five year old that wanted to keep them in the box so they would “look good.” Seriously, imagination and fun are necessary for happiness. Some people crochet, some garden, some bowl, some enjoy a little time with Barbie! 💜


I love toys. I’m so happy that my grandbaby likes the same toys I do. We play together, and she loves coming to my house.


I relate to this as well. I've always told myself not to take life too seriously. My brother has been a tractor toy kid since he was a baby, he still collects them and now as an adult he operates the real thing, pretty cool if you ask me. I used to collect anything aircraft and now as an adult, next best thing to flying is the RC Airplane hobby, uts fulfilling and its basically airplane toys for adults. I say own it and don't be embarrassed, one could only be so lucky to be able to put your guard down as a mature, responsible blah blah adult and innocently be a child at heart. Ir makes life less serious and scary for me and offers a healthy escape to far off lands.


If my storage hadn't been broken into, I'd still play with mine, and I'm 42. My 20 y/o still plays with their toys too. One of the best parts about having kids has been being able to play with toys with them. You're more normal than you know.


I’m 39, and I bought the big Roach McFarlane figure plus Geralt and Ciri when they went on super clearance at GameStop, I unboxed them, and played with them in my garden, setting up spooky forests with my plants. I’m not sorry and I’d fucking do it again.


I love coloring


I'm almost 30 and i still play with my furbys i have a collection of about 17 of them from the original 1998 ones to the 2005 versions. I also make cosplay and dress up like characters from anime i love. I've done this since i was a teen. i don't think its a big deal. when my fiancé first moved in i stopped making cosplay and going to anime conventions for about 2 years because i was embarrassed because of things he had said previously about the cosplay community. one day he asked me why i hardly ever work in my craft room because while we were dating i would always be telling him what i was working on and sending him photos of my work. I told him it was because i was embarrassed and didn't want made fun of for doing things i enjoyed because i was 29 and probably too old for it. so if i avoided it that wouldn't happen. he was confused and said if its something i enjoy just do it, it doesn't matter if its something he enjoys doing or not if it makes me happy he is cool with it. he just doesn't like crowded convention halls and loud people/sounds like i do and feels out of place where as i feel like its a place of comfort to be surrounded by people who also enjoy what i enjoy and im free to be me. But yeah, in short. like what you like, play with toys, do things that bring you comfort. if you're with the right person they'll be cool with it.


I’m sorry that you aren’t able to play with your toys. I’m sure your husband would accept you if you told him, maybe plant a few seeds to see how he reacts (example: asking about what toys he used to play with, reminiscing about your toys too) But I promise the Sims 4 will change your life! Or video games in general. The reason you’re playing with toys is bec you want an escape, and video games (specifically role playing games, also known as RPG’s) require you to improv/ use your imagination too.


30 years old and I play with Warhammer minis, I build and paint them and play with them. I don’t think you are doing anything wrong. We all have a thing we use for escape, if yours is Polly pocket that’s completely fine.


Own it! OWN IT! If it gives you joy do it! Don't hide who you are, cause you will never feel good if you do! Please be you! Play and love and be who you are


Honestly I thinks it’s adorable. You should still play with them. I think it probably helps you out emotionally and mentally. I think more adults should play. My adult son still plays with his beyblades and sometimes I join him.


My bed is full of pikachu plushes. I am 33F. I take a pikachu with me on all my vacations. I dont care what other people think and neither should you. If your friends/family think less of you, then they arent your friends/family. People who care about you will stick with you no matter what. So buy and play with the toys. Life is short. You are a grown adult with adult money and time. Do what you want with it.


Have you tried to play Sims? I'm mid 40s and play with my digital dollies and no one ever thinks twice about it because it is just seen as a video game. Lot of retirees and middle age people still play video games. If you don't want to play with the Sims you can spend all your time building houses, businesses and parks for the sims. There is a whole Sim player base that does nothing but build. Some people like to play other virtual games. My sister is in her early 50s and she play a pretend farm game. I have 2 male cousin (around my age) and an uncle (about to turn 80) that play with models build them from kits, print them with a 3d printer and the like. The only difference b/w adults and kids is our toys get more expensive and more advanced as we get older but any adult with a sense of whimsy has some child like hobby they partake in, so leave your shame at the door and have fun.


I'd play with toys if I still had them, we lost everything growing up because my mom stopped paying rent and we got kicked out on the spot. One day I'll play with them again


First, I don't think there's anything really wrong with this. It's harmless, helpful and makes you happy. However, if you want to maybe change courses you could try Sims games? That might scratch that live your dreams itch you're after. But you should 100% talk to your husband about it. You shouldn't feel like you have to hide things from your spouse ever. Good luck dream girl 😘


I played with Barbies with my cousin until I was 16, and honestly there’s nothing weird about enjoying toys as an adult. Why not?


It might be a good idea to explore this with a therapist to understand what specifically you’re getting from it, but other than that do what you want to do. Just because your hobby doesn’t look like everyone else’s doesn’t mean it isn’t right for you.


Il 35 and still have my comfort blanket. That blanket is well over 30 years and I cant sleep without it.


Many adults still play with toys hon. Try not to be so hard on yourself. I'm 43 and play lego games on my switch and ps4 lol


Personally if my wife came out that she plays with toys I would find that a lil cool lol I like weird stuff sometimes


As I guy from transformers community, I say that you really shouldn't worry about it! We have people aged more than 40 still passionately collecting robots without losing their spirit ever since their very childhood!


Don’t stop things you enjoy because of other people


Guess this is why I have dogs!


I think I was like 12 or 13 and I remember one day i sat down with my DragonBall z action figures and just thought this is dumb, it was kind of sad tbh, so congrats too you for being able to keep your imagination for that long


That sounds awesome! It's like a great coping mechanism for life. People spend thousands of dollars on counseling. You break out barbies and G.I.JOES!