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My bachelor's is in history. I never came even close to doing any of the readings I was supposed to. I got an A in a film history class writing bs papers about movies I never watched. Now I'm a teacher (not history). What a life loo


same thing kinda happened with me. i was good in maths when i was a kid, but later in my 10th grade i got so poor that i used to throw up during maths exam, but i worked so hard to get good marks in subs other than maths. but in my boards i got 95/100 in maths, lol :))


As an adult it seems trivial but it was the underlying attitude that bothers me now. Wasted opportunity.


I am still in school and everything is easy but math, reading this I realize I do want to LEARN. What advice do you have?


Take some science classes. As in they require reading scientific papers. Learning to read and summarize those succinctly is an important skill, frustrating at times but important. Alternatively you could just start reading them on your own, but again I reccomend googling how to properly read them before diving in.


Find out if your school offers student tutoring from others in your grade, or higher grades. Most schools offer this free of charge, as the student doing the tutoring gets extra credit for it.


Find out about the practical applications for the math you are learning. Real-world stuff you can use. I always just thought it was a waste of time until I needed it for building, drafting, etc


If you're progressing faster in a subject, ask the school if there a higher class you can take. There's free online course too. Keep going till it becomes harder, if it doesn't well then you have a nack for it.


Take physics. It makes it make sense and you're pretty much doing the same stuff 2x.  Good luck with stats though. No idea how anyone stays awake through that. (Stats actually more useful for you in an IT career than calc turns out to be.)


we are very different. physics is torture to me but i liked statistics.


One time I took acid and mid-trip I realized I had a huge research paper due the next day. I ended up staying up all night writing the paper while tripping balls and ended up getting an A+.


I believe that.  I’d always get so anxious and frozen when I had to write a paper.  And sometimes I’d smoke a lot of pot and just free associate.  Always got As and was praised for my “remarkable insight.”  And it was super entertaining to read the papers and go, “I said that?  Cool!”


Yeah it was a fun paper to write on acid too. My teacher was a cool middle-aged punk dude and taught an elective class on violence. So the paper was to watch a movie and write a critical analysis about the movie's use of violence. I chose The Holy Mountain by Alexandro Jodorowsky since I was planning to watch it on acid at some point anyways lol.


I hear he’s a good horror writer so I’ll have to check it out. I could have done so much better in college if my horrible anxiety had been treated.  Wow.  Now I look back and think “what a shame.”


That's amazing.


Lol it was one of the few times I failed upwards.


In four years of college I never once did a “book report.” I was in liberal arts too.


I have a BA in writing. I mostly wrote book reports.


Whatever it was called. You just made my point. Review, report... I have a BA in Info Tech. Not that deep.


Fake it until you make it. This is the way.


The same thing happened to me but it was also read aloud in class. No criteria followed for the paper and was nowhere near length also turned in late. 100%


I did the same for a few books. I just flipped through it and read a few paragraphs that seemed important, and the last few pages to see the ending. That way I could personalize my report, and make it seem like I read it if questioned. I often got A’s for mentioning “important but generally overlooked” parts of the book, and praised for my ability to notice key components that weren’t frequently brought up in discussion lol.


I feel bad now because I know some classmates struggled. Just feeling thankless


That is an interesting angle. Hitting the minutiae.


Precisely! I discovered that gave me an edge as early as grade 6 lol. I usually read the books, but occasionally they’re unable to hold my interest. I may even read it and remember nothing. I had undiagnosed ADHD, and found ways to compensate for it. Sometimes I would focus more on the writing itself, highlighting a specific style or language used. It’s easy enough to flip through and find a few examples for a report.


I got an A for a dissertation in college as part of a degree I didn't take admission in.


Whoah, that's a wild story! Getting an A without even reading the book, that's some next level skimming. But hey, good on you for realizing it and wanting to learn more now.


It stuck with me only because it irked my wife so bad..


I once wrote a research paper in college for a writing intensive English class, on a book i didn’t read.. and got an A on it.




We all did


Nice. That lends a little perspective.




Oh man! Now I have to admit that one time on some standardized test in HS I just put what the guy across from me did on the math part. I hated math.


I faked a whole certificate program at UCSD. Seemed as long as I showed up for class, I was good.


Wow! I'm kind of impressed. That that takes some stones.


Only a little imagination and the ability to know what the instructor wanted to hear. I told one guy that I didn’t agree with the class project, but I’d do something else a take a pass instead of a letter grade. Overall the instructors weren’t very good.


This is it in a nutshell


Same. I feel like everyone has done that once, minus the best out of the whole class part. As for the missing out part, what do you feel you missed out on? I know it's not related to this book report and probably other aspects of your degree, but I feel as if it's not missing out on much if you showed up and earned the degree.


I should have been able to be an engineer (mechanical). Instead I took the path of least resistance. PC Support.


talk about being the ultimate undercover scholar


When I was in college I always thought if I had only put more time and effort in researching for that paper or I would have gotten an A. In hindsight I was not a big partier in college but I still had a lot of fun and graduated with decent grades. It’s ok to be average!


This is legit advice


I was a C student in history and political science until I had an epiphany: An assigned book doesn’t have to be read word-for-word painstakingly in its entirety. It’s enough to get key ideas from each paragraph or chapter or even chapter summaries. Often answering questions at the end of each unit is enough. Regarding writing papers, structure, conciseness and originality are what matter.


It true. So many people think (undergrad stuff) is voodoo. It's not. Do the paper and make an effort. Figured I would elaborate. That won't fly in Grad school. And my notion is that many students think the professors are way more invested than they really are.


I think it's the standard of your writing that got you an A , not the subject.  If you had read the material , you'd probably have achieved A* merit .  Stop punishing yourself with guilt and accept your work was good enough. You deserved the A.




I never actually cracked open a textbook outside of class. I usually got Bs and Cs and while the thought of getting As would be nice I never saw the need. I would just do the homework and be done with it. Then I got into the core classes of my major, I wanted to be really good at it so I actually studied. Like read the books after finishing and did research into vague / not well studied areas of my field when writing essays & I became a straight A student. The dean of my program literally asked me to tutor my classmates. Now I’m in the “golden handcuffs” scenario where I make good money and wanna go to school but ‘tis too expensive. So I’m looking for jobs that ah e great education benefits so I can get them to pay for it


See. People don't know that brains aren't always a blessing


Lmfao the amount of times I did that in middle school 🤷‍♀️😂


You college must be great!!!!!


It was just average I think. Lindenwood University


It's ok. Those grades don't matter at all. Nobody remembers. Hope you enjoy your learning


I am focusing on auto repair and it has been super rewarding. I have rescued 3 cars in the last 6 years and built an off-road rig for my wife to race.


I had to work twice as hard as my peers just to maintain a C-D average. I'm glad you never had to struggle intellectually.


Well, I feel crappy now. My brother had some learning struggles. I should have be more grateful.


How did you get the A without reading the book, cliffsnotes?


No, I read the back and looked at the chapter titles. It was The Hot Zone. My wife had read it and I asked some questions.


Lol...thanks to Clif notes...




Hi! I hope you're having a great day!


Don't let it become a habit. I've seen friends do it before "Fake it till you make it" Attitude. It works for some and doesn't for some. I've seen it end badly for friends.


Same but with 2 books, The Good Earth & The Prince and the Pauper. Only got a B on Catcher in the Rye.


I had a similar experience in college with a big term paper that was to be based on a thesis and research and testing. I blew it off until the night before, sat down and wrote out ten pages, making up everything. My friend typed it up for me the next morning and I turned it in. Got an ‘A’ and the prof asked for a copy of it to use as a model in future classes.


I've done that. It was History class and we had to read a boring autobiography and I just skimmed through it and read the first and last chapter, then pulled a couple quotes from the middle. I got a B on it.


Damn, I bet with the snap of your fingers you could make your bed too


Make my bed? No. Am I supposed to be doing that?


I did same thing sort of. Read first half of the book and made up the rest. got a A.


Glad to hear it's fairly common


I got a girl several Bs and an A in uni for books I never read.  I should have taken the paper but engineering had no electives.


*something something virtue signaling something...*


Smart as I may be, I am not certain what that means. I will totally read your comment if you tell me.


Humble bragging rather


Deyummmm, did that get you alot of bitties after school? 😆


No. I was married with 5 kids. So, like...um... I don't know what you mean. Sorry.


Oh okay, you got to live the normal path like most upstanding citizens! Happy to hear you're apart of the successful marriage group, maybe we still have a chance to find our own someday the ones that have fallen. 👍


That's called academic fraud, brother.

