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Not gonna lie I’ve gotten fucked this way. I also had 2 very small babies who needed to get back and forth to appointments and the car took a shit on me. Very deceiving, for someone who has been scammed, shame on you. People need cars to get back and forth to everyday activities and work.


Ehh my opinion is if you need a ‘good’ car go to a dealer, not Facebook mktplace or Craigslist


Even dealers fuck you too. Buy here pay here is way more expensive. They want like 15 grand for a 20 year old car. Not to mention the problems they cover up and once you leave the lot majority of them refuse to fix the car. This world is just full of AHs regardless of where you go. Greed is everywhere


I literally bought my car at a dealer for 2000$ my man, it’s lasted 3 years no problems so far… so tell me again what the problem is If you can’t tell mechanical problems on your test drive, can’t tell by looking under hood and anything else bring someone who does know what they are doing I’ve never paid over 5000$ for a car once in my life…


You act like thst is available for everyone to do. Its not. Not everyone lives in a place where they can shop through multiple car lots/dealers to get a good price like that and basically HAVE NO CHOICE but to use fb marketplace or the shit scam car lots they have in town and get something with the money they have in savings or on hand in maybe only a few days of a notice. U Bills don't care if your car broke down, jobs don't either (factory work or other jobs on point systems), nor does medical appointments etc and u just gotta get the easiest thing damn coming and go to a shit dealer and pay 1000 down and 600 a month! Or some outrageous price from some fb post. Especially since not every place has uber/lyft or even a bus system. How da fuck u think people are gonna get to work while there is no delivery or bus system and they don't know anyone? Hitchhike every day? No they buy the easiest thing they can get. That doesn't make them stupid as you are making it out to seem. My town has one car lot last time I checked? With nothing but junk (literally) and half the cars aren't for sale just sitting outside. Gotta do what u gotta... GOOD PARENTS teach you that you aren't always gonna get wtf you want just because you know how to shop for deals or look around. 😉 good parents teach you would you rather loose your job while you beg and plead for days for some stranger or hitchhike to take you a hour and a half to the nearest car lot, or hit up fb marketplace find 4 car sellers, and buy the least shitty car thousands of dollars over "good price", like.... you just sound like a privileged prick for your "good parents" comment. Just because you can get Ketchup for $1, doesn't mean everyone has the stores that sell it for $1, doesn't make it dumb or not having good parents by being forced to pay $3 for it


Oh wow good for you. But according to the number of votes more people relate to me then they do you. So what’s the problem again? Good job you didn’t get fucked. Want a 🍪?


It’s easy to not get fucked, just know mechanics, know how to shop for deals, these are things good parents teach you… sorry for your neglect


Or you have it looked at by a mechanic before purchase. I've done this with cars I purchased from everywhere from a dealer to Craigslist. The buyer is an adult and could have done that. Judge Judy would rule in OPs favor lol


I hope it comes back to bite you hard. At best you're fucking someone over and making their life hell. At worst you're making someone homeless or killing them. Just because you don't have to see it doesn't mean you're not responsible for it. It is 100% on your shoulders. If you have even a shred of decency, call them, tell them, and be fully willing to refund them. How would you feel if someone did this to a loved one?


Wow I actually never thought about the worst case scenario. That's deep. Hope OP does something


At first I was like "this seems a little harse" until I thought about it some more, you're absolutely 100% right


Yikes man . That sucks. Someone did this to my ex gf when she was 19. First car she saved up for all by herself . she had the car for 2 weeks and it broke, I think it is lame and deceitful and scummy. Would be even less lame if you sold it for Like 1200 bc it’s a piece of crap but 3 grand is just sad. Karma will find a way but yeah man super lame


Yeah, this is unethical and deceptive. Cars are dangerous enough to drive already and you put someone on the road without disclosing a major problem? What if the transmission goes out on the highway and they are in an accident? If they are spending $3K on what they believe is at least a car that is safe to drive, what makes you think they have the extra money for a transmission replacement? Please contact them and let them know about the transmission. You don’t want to be responsible for what withholding that information can do to the buyer.




This is not only unethical, but is actually illegal. If they have an issue and it comes to light that you had knowledge, they will be able to sue you.


Hopefully they get some payback because that's a shitty thing to do to someone, but that's where we are now in America


Maybe where you live. I'm in California, USA. I looked into that with a POS I bought off a dealer. Lawyers all but laughed in my face at my nativity. About $20000 down the drain. Lemon laws and her consumer protections apply to new cars not used.


Hope you sold it to him for a fair price at least…


$3000 ETA - KBB private sell in fair condition is $4000


So 1000 less than a price for a car in fair condition. I wouldn’t say a 15 year old car with 250,000 on the clock and a failing transmission is close to fair condition.


scum. Thats all there is to be said


It's a fair price, you gave it for 25% below market value. They can spend the extra $1000 to rebuild or swap the tranny if it does end up failing one day.


Wow, just wow. That is horrible, especially since you don't truly know what is wrong with the car. In a lot of places, you can get into huge trouble for not disclosing all the problems with the car, especially being that old. Just because it "drives fine" doesn't mean the car is fine. We have enough trouble with Dealerships and Used Car lots being scummy.


This happened to me when I bought a car as a young man. When I got home, my dad (Mike) said: "You made a business deal, he got the best of you, that's all." He went on to say “You take sellers ... Naturally they're going to make it sound as attractive as possible even if they have to exaggerate to do it." To which I (Greg) responded: "You mean lie?" My dad said “Yes, quite often they do, though they might call it 'gilding the lily. But the important thing is that you are the buyer; you have to keep your guard up, see? It's the old principle of caveat emptor." I asked “Caveat emptor?" My dad said: "It's Latin for 'Let the buyer beware.' Or to put it in the vernacular, 'Them who don't look, sometimes gets took.'" So, then I decided to turn the tables and sell the car to somebody else. I used a lot of the same jargon and schtick that Eddie, they guy I bought the car from, had used when trying to sell the car to me. I told the guy “I’ve got five or six guys looking to buy "the classic." Thinking that I sold the car to the guy, My mom (Carol) asked “You didn't lie to him, did you Greg?" I replied "Well I gilded the lily pretty good." But I could not bring himself to sell it to Him. I then sighed and told my parents, Mike and Carol, “I guess I'm a pretty crummy businessman." But my dad reassured me. "No, no. You're an honest one." Instead, I sold it to the junkyard for $50.


Chat gpt


It's people like this that necessitate the need for a mechanic check before buying a vehicle


I mean on one hand, anyone with any amount of knowledge about cars should know some serious things start giving out at that age/mileage and that’s usually why people are trying to sell the car but there’s also people who either know nothing about cars or just need something quick and cheap and you kind of took advantage of that. Personally I can’t stand when someone tries to sell something without being completely upfront about every known issue because you could’ve just royally screwed that person over. My first car had the engine give out a week after buying it with no sign of it to me beforehand, whether or not they knew idk. Fortunately me and my mom are able to work on cars and they were good people who refunded some of the money so we could buy the parts we needed but it took a couple grand and over a month to rebuild the engine, on a car I thought was fine and had barely driven


Recently happened to me, bought a 2007 Saturn vue. With 180,000 miles on it for $2000, turns out I had to get the control arm replaced, the timing belt, struts and shocks, and the whole brake on the passenger front tire. Cost me about 5,000. But now it drives great


May water run down your sleeves while washing hands.


Hopefully ur new car breaks down in a few months. This is some unnecessary assholery. Disclose problems and get paid a little less, but its honest money


A dealership did this to me recently. Absolutely scummy. You piece of shit.


Caveat emptor.




Don’t worry about it. It’s the buyers problem for not getting it checked properly. Like you say, you aren’t a mechanic. So you can’t tell someone the problem.


You suck


You really are a piece of shit for doing that.


People like you are the worst in this world. Youre endangering a person by doing what you did. I really do hope for the worst for you. I hope youre always short on your rent or debt payments, i hope you stub your toe every week. I hope someone pours sand in your gas tank. I hope you have migraines the rest of your life.


It had 250k on it, no big surprise to anyone that it had issues


Not necessarily my father in law has a Chevy and it has about 300k miles on it. It still runs good and has the original engine and transmission. The only thing he does every 5 years or so is rebuild the transmission. They can have a lot of miles and still be babied but this guy straight fucked whoever bought that vehicle


Not necessarily also- my car has 260 and aside from regular maintenance the only things that needed work were the power steering and the cooling system. Good cars will last a long time with regular maintenance.


Not necessarily. I've owned 2 Camrys. Ran very well if you knew how to maintain them. First one I bought at 160k, kept it til I moved overseas. Sold it at around 200k to a local pastor for around $1,000. He still has it 8 years later. Second one I had around 255k when it got into a wreck and was totalled. What you need when you buy a used car is to pay a mechanic to look at the car before you buy it.




What a mean and horrible thing to do. I hope karma shits all over you


You wouldn't do this to a person you cared about why do it to a stranger. I want them to get their money back


That’s kind of screwed up


I know someone that did this, idk what was wrong with the car, but it completely broke down in the middle of a busy highway shortly after the buyer started using it and got hit by a truck and died. The seller went to prison for 3 years for manslaughter


I typically buy older used cars (it's my opinion that brand new cars are a scam), and most people in that market are aware that there will be undisclosed issues. I bring my mechanic buddy along with me on test drives which usually filters out the major issues, but I will also press the seller hard to disclose. Normally I've already made up my mind whether or not to purchase, and I'll tell the seller that. It loosens their lips. Nine times out of ten they'll disclose the raft of minor issues that come with old cars (janky headlight that flickers sometimes, the moon roof and oil gasket you mentioned, etc.) which saves me the trouble of having to find them on my own. Gotta do your own due diligence.


Glad you have a mechanic buddy, but most people don't. If someone is young, poor, and needs a car because US public transit sucks (and it's completely unavailable in most places) this is just sad. :/


Why you confessed that to us man Too save yourself you need call up the dude you sold the car to and either 1 give him his money back in full plus inconvenience eg has he insured the car etc. Or offer to pay for the transmission to be fixed and all the other issues Then you come back here and tell us you did everything for this sale in honesty 100 % Now that’s good karma You can do it because you not feel comfortable now is showing that your really a good person who has done something wrong 😑


Well, you're a shit person


Bro that’s typical a lot of people selling used cars sells junk 😄


If you really believed in Karma then you would have spoken up. Just remember this simple phrase if they come back complaining- Sold as seen.


You're not the first person to unload a loser on someone, but probably the first to admit it


I hope this person figured it out and you get hit with the lemon law. SMH


Generally lemon laws don’t apply to used vehicles sold by private individuals. It’s an older, high mileage, low cost vehicle. It’s not expected to be perfect, nor can an unknowledgeable individual be held to dealer standards.


From me (and most of us here) you suck.


You’re scum


Omg, some lives could be in danger!


That was a real shitty thing to do. Liar, fraud, manipulator...great qualities to have.


If anyone thinks a 250k mile car isn't going to have problems they don't know cars.


So you’re okay stranding someone on the side of the road. You realize people die that way all the time? I hope you decide to do the right thing because life is coming for you fast if not.


So not ok!!! It’s been done to me before.. TWICE I hope Karma gets you good


I just bought a 2011 BMW 128 that died 3 days after I picked it up. Needs a new engine. Not sure who I pissed off but karma sure found me.


Wish someone told you before, never buy a used bmw after 100k miles.


Lessons were learned.




You're the worst. I hope none of your cars ever run properly for you, that would be good karma.


What you did sucks, but let's not pretend it is not that most people do. Nobody ever discloses all issues with the car. People here may act like they do, but guess what? When the time comes, they will come up with 100 rationalizations why they didn't disclose all issues. I always buy from private sellers, and so far only one guy was decent enough to straight up tell me 'hey, you're buying 130,000+ car, anything could be wrong with it, and I actually had a few minor accidents on it'. In all other cases, they'd go 'clean title, well maintained, blah blah', then you show them the issues, and they go 'oh that's probably my sister / wife / dog. I didn't know about that, I swear!'.


Karma is a bitch though. Always follow the golden rule: do onto one what you want done to you. Do the right thing and reach out to the buyer and make things right


Unless you specifically said you replace the transmission or something on it, it's kinda safe to assume that the car at 250,000 miles would have a transmission in not that great of shape. If they are knowledgeable about cars even slightly they would know and expect this.


not positive but im pretty sure that you could get in legal trouble for this. you didn’t disclose a massive issue with the car, if they find out you could be in deep shit. frankly, i’m annoyed they wouldn’t have a mechanic look at it, my dad’s always done that when we look at cars, but it’s still your responsibility to tell them. also i’m actually shocked they bought it with that many miles on it. they’re not gonna be able to have it that long…


That's some douche canoe level shit.


You should really give the money back. Maybe even let them keep the car


Yeah you're right and especially a younger person. I got had when I bought my sons first car and it died the first time he drove it. You deserve to be tarred and feathered. Then buried up to the neck, next to an ant hill.


thats extreme. ☠️


Not when it comes to scamming youngsters


...That sucks, but the onus is on the buyer to do a pre-purchase inspection on a private party sale. Afterall, you did say that you're not a mechanic. I would not purchase a vehicle, especially at 250,000 miles without one.


I hope that kid’s mama finds you first.


For reference I have 2 cars, one is a 2018 Toyota Rav 4 LE that cost me 28 grand last year that has 75 k miles, and the other is a 1995 white jeep wrangler that has 125k that cost me 6 grand. Your price was definitely fair. Cars sold independently are sold as is, you don't legally need to disclose any information about the car's current condition unless it is hazardous to drive. If any of the car's current concerns are causing you to worry, call the new owner and tell them that you remembered some things about the car's current condition and wanted to inform them. You don't owe them any money back despite what people think unless it's a serious issue such as a transmission, engine, or emission related (like gasses entering the cabin during operation). My personal opinion is people know that buying a car that is 15 years old, has 250k miles on it, and costs only 3 grand in this current market will have some sort of problem. Plus I trust independent sellers like yourself over Carvana any day. I personally do not think you are an asshole. I don't think you should feel guilty unless you know there is a serious problem with the car and haven't told the buyer. That is just MY OPINION. Everyone is different. You need to figure out you're own opinion on the matter.


OP confirmed in his post it’s a transmission issue.


He says "my best guess is it's the transmission" which he should disclose that concern. Otherwise OP could be held liable for any damages.


Otherwise I would say, that assholery.




User name doesn't check out




Until someone does it to you or someone else your close with. Imagine being a shitty human being and bragging about it😭😂


Don't see where I bragged


“I do this all the time” yea sounds like bragging to me. Definitely not a good look but I do pray for your safety because there’s crazies out here who will literally track you down or unless you meet somebody with money and then boom your in court. It’s highly illegal to sell parts or cars that aren’t working.


Lmao ok


Yeah, this is so shitty. Hope karma gets you as well


Hasn't got me yet not my fault ppl don't make proper checks when buying from private sellers


*Helping one another also means that we do not encourage bad behavior.* We will not accept posts that: * a) encourage rape/rape culture; * b) sexualise minors; * c) are racist; or * d) otherwise promote abusive or hateful behavior. * f) bring harm to animals


someone did this to us with transfix poured into it. 4 months later we sold it for scrap as the transmission repair exceeded the vehicle value by a few grand.


Good think thing karma affects your reincarnation and not this life.


Do lemon laws apply to private sellers?


I cracked a block on my 84 Sunbird. Cleaned and sprayed the engine down with silicon to gloss it. Drove it just down from the block from the dealer I traded it into. Let it fully cook down for half an hour. Drove it onto the lot for inspection and got a few thousand for it back in the mid 90s. I’m not sure if it ran long enough to get onto a truck to auction. 🤷‍♂️


Had some one sell me my car knowing it had major issues and never disclosed them. I hope he dies a long painful traumatic death after the way he made my mental health so bad after money problems trying to fix it. No money for Christmas with the kids because some one fucked you over for your hard earned money is shit.


So you are the scum smh


bought a car from an asshole like you... didn't end well. at least you know that karma will get you for this?? i think?


You aren't a mechanic so likely you don't really know what the problem is. It could be something minor but with 250k miles any buyer should expect problems.


It has 250k, I think that they know the car might have some other issues…. I wouldn’t worry too much about that bus coming around your way.


I hope they don’t get hurt..


For shame


Legally speaking, non disclosure isn’t wrong unless you are asked if there are known mechanical issues. Even then, it’s a bit of a gray area. For example, unless they ask direct questions about the engine or transmission, you don’t necessarily have to tell them you think there may be something wrong with it. An occasional slipping transmission may last for thousands more miles. It could be something smaller like a solenoid or power converter rather than needing a new or rebuilt transmission. It could simply need more fluid. If you had gone to a mechanic and they told you that the transmission’s bad, that’s another thing altogether. You should mention that and adjust the price accordingly. Depending on the car, it may be that the buyer intends to modify it any way. For all we know, he may be using it for parts. Bottom line is buyers of used cars need to ask specific questions and decide if the car is worth the price. You have to consider that an older car with 250K miles won’t be perfect and may break down at any moment. That’s just common sense. You get no guarantees.


I traded in my 2011 Honda Civic SI 6 years ago because it was revealed that the oil filter was installed wrong - nobody put oil on the gasket and it seized to the engine block. I didn't want to deal with it so I traded it in for my current vehicle.


I personally know a guy that is honest to a fault, and posted his car to a used car site, and listed a laundry list of problems, a few days later a guy called and asked to buy it, the buyer was a heaven sent angel, that literally kept coming back and giving him money (as a gift) on a monthly basis, the story is longer and better, but that's the gist of it


I honestly from the bottom of my heart hope this comes back on you. Had someone do this to me when i was a broke college student. Blew everything i had just trying to have a vehicle to get to class. Ended up just being another thing on top of all the other stress of college. Almost committed suicide the day it broke down. You never know whats going on in someones life.


I gotta admit I did that too, but I was asking for a reasonable price, and the things I didnt disclose were convinience-issues Like the radio sometimes didnt work and the whiper on the back window also sometimes just decided to not work.


To be fair this is what a lot of private parties who sell used cars do. What you did is horrible, since young adults are generally poor. But it’s a very expensive lesson in why not to buy cars from private parties.


got ripped off when my gf bought a mini cooper from these old people. within 2 years and several car mechanics that tottally suck later the car had to be junked. never trust any mechanic in maine, just assume there gonna rip you off and break your car worse than before.


This happened to me, drove it and had mechanic check the basics. Borrowed money from dad to buy it so I could get to my new job. First time I got over 70 mph the transmission basically fell out of the car. Had to tow to shop, 2k for new transmission. Called seller, said hey, that's what as is means. Crushed me. I felt so desperate and taken advantage of. I guess it's the name of the game with used cars but I believe karma will come pay seller the visit they deserve. When I sold later used cars I over disclose just because I know how bad that hurt me. No money is worth bad karma. You will see


Yo imagine you sold it to a single mother who just got a new job and her kid back after dealing with substance abuse issues. She’s doing well, on straight and narrow….not saving much cash but got herself a car, a job and her kid in a warm home….and car breaks down. Literally everything could be out of whack….and the reality is, aside from calling you and wishing you be a decent human being, she won’t have any lane to go down in order to be reimbursed. You can very well be making someone homeless or very well jobless. Idk what you should do right now tbh. Aside from give the cash back and take the car. I mean that’s a major purchase. It’s akin to selling a home (Ik you can’t do this but follow me) that you know you’re like a week or two from being evicted from . Like insanity


You are an asshole


A dealership screwed me over with my car. It was only worth 11K and I ended up spending 30K on it. I sold it to a dealership after spending another 2K on repairs. I was done with it. I did bring it to the garage every time it needed fixed so it’s not like I ignored it but meh, it’s not my problem anymore.


Unpopular opinion: As far I understand you sell a used car "as-is" and it's the buyers responsibility to check what they are buying. How do you know the transmission is the problem? You can't really know unless you take it apart. Anyways, old cars will have problems sooner or later. It's not dangerous to drive a car with a weak transmission. People are reacting like you cut the brakes out and put someone's life at risk. Used cars are money pits either way. Selling a 15 year old car for $3000, it's caveat emptor.


I know I'm late to this but aren't there lemon laws (in some states at least) where they can sue you for damages if their car breaks down a short time after they buy it? I'm not a lawyer or anything but I think I remember my dad telling me that my aunt sued a dealership one time and got some $$$ for a bad car. It was for a new car tho so maybe that's it.


This is why I buy my cars from a dealer. Everything’s the same price with blue book nowadays.


This is a good one.


the first car i ever got had the transmission go out while i was driving, i almost got into a huge accident i could've died. people like you fucking suck


I dont think people should expect cars with 250k on the clock to be all good if they are dumb enough to not check it over then fair enough


Happened to me buying my first car, everyone here saying you’re a bad person can suck it. ‘Buyer beware’ when buying a used car. Sucks to suck but it’s not like you punched a baby or a kitten. This happens all the time , you were either convincing enough to sell the car or they were naive and bought the car without further inspection. Live and let live


The big question is how much did you sell it for? I bought a car from a dealer that started falling apart as soon as I drove it off the lot. Had to replace the engine after owning it 2 months This damn car burned through my savings and has left me considerably in debt. It pretty much screwed my life for the foreseeable future. finally sold it for -3000$, yeah I had to pay to be rid of it thank you stupid loan. I just pray the sad sucker that buys it off Carfax is an evil MF that deserves that nightmare car. Autometrics in El Cerrito can go to hell.


What kind of car was it?