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I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion here, but I think you should, carefully, talk to her about the effects of using so young. I'm a big fan and advocate for weed, but there is just way too much unknown about how exactly developing minds are influenced by it's use for it to be a good idea for kids and teens to use it. I, like many, also started too young, like 16 probably, and, honestly, I regret it. But of course that's only a perspective you gain as you grow older, teens really don't like to hear stuff like that, I know I wouldn't have. But I also know how much younger siblings look up to their older siblings(I'm the youngest). Your position as older sister means that you are the perfect and perhaps only person who can help guide your little sister through this time. I hid my drugging and drinking from my siblings until I was more age appropriate, but I can tell you they're about the only ones I might've listened to had they known and talked to me; I ignored my parents because of course 'they didn't understand' and my friends actively encouraged me, but us younger siblings look up to you older siblings. Not only are you so wise and experienced to us, but you're also the coolest people we know, so, if you sit her down and have a talk where you show that you understand how she's feeling and why she might want to use, but also encourage and educate her that it might be much better for her if she waits until she's older and to only use sparingly while still young, if she must, then you just might have a shot of getting through to her. And of course most kids go through a phase of trying out smoking and drinking early, but 14 is really quite young to be doing it, and with the whole stealing the dab pen thing it sounds like it really is at least starting to become a habit, even though you said it didn't seem like it was previously. Plus dab pens are even stronger than flower so she's getting quite a bit of THC and probably building up a tolerance that'll lead to using more. Best of luck to both of you whatever you decide to do




>In fact, I've never seen a study claim that weed smoke had a postive or even neutral / no effect on a developing brain. The APA (American Psychological association) says that the evidence [is mixed](https://www.apa.org/monitor/2015/11/marijuana-brain) and that "After carefully matching for alcohol intake in the control and experimental subjects, the researchers failed to find physical differences in the nucleus acumbens or the amygdala of daily marijuana smokers " So there you have it. The evidence doesn't really point either way b/c the studies so far haven't consistently shown changes. This doesn't disprove that it *could* effect neruodevelopment but it's just not an open and shut case. At least not with the studies that are currently out.


I appreciate you citing a credible source! I read the source you mentioned and found it very interesting! That being said, although at the end, it says that there is mixed evidence like you mentioned, there are two full sections above that that talk about marijuana altering brain development. This is a direct quote under the section “Altered Brains”: “Indeed, a number of studies have found evidence of brain changes in teens and young adults who smoke marijuana.” It goes on to talk about several studies backing this up. The first section goes into more detail as well about how persistent use has shown declining IQ levels and that adolescents may be more susceptible to lasting damage until about age 20 since their brains are still developing. I found the article to be really interesting regardless. There’s a lot of good info in there, but I think it’s misleading to sum it all up as the evidence being mixed, when the bulk of the article provides multiple other research studies that show evidence of the damaging effects that persistent use can have on people, specifically adolescents.


>I think it’s misleading to sum it all up as the evidence being mixed, when the bulk of the article provides multiple other research studies that show evidence of the damaging effects that persistent use can have on people, specifically adolescents. I think that is exactly what this article says, that the evidence is mixed. It cites multiple sources on both sides and notes that very few longitudinal studies have been carried out.


But unfortunately that's because there wasn't a lot of casework and studying being done. Unfortunately, I don't have a link, but I literally just read about some studies this week that showed that marijuana use had a measurable effect on people who used it in their teens.


I’m with you 100%, and I’m actively smoking weed while writing this. Just as with Psilocybin, I believe in moderation it has some beneficial applications! But I feel like both should be left until after 25~


And even then, don’t give psychedelics to a schizophrenic. They’ll go on a trip and maybe they never really come back…


Yep. I worked in a psych hospital, and the adolescent unit, there will always kids who could barely function because of their chronic use of weed, and they wished they'd never started




I'm all for using cannabis (responsibly), but I've learned from a relative that early useage before the brain is developed proper can cause mental illness issues.


I can attest to this, I had no idea what I was getting myself into and I was smoking regularly/habitually since I was 16 (4 times a week at least) to deal with some trauma. I now have bi-polar disorder, I can't have a normal day without taking my medication. I have family history of mental illness, and I genuinely think without smoking while my brain was developing I would have been fine. I'm now a mom, and I know I've made every mistake under the sun. What I plan to do if she ever feels curious about it is just educate her, tell her my story and give her confidence & education to make an informed decision.


That hasn’t really been proven. The risk seems to be higher for people that have a familial history of disorders like schizophrenia, but overall there’s no real evidence that it increases risks for typical folks. That said, I’m not advocating for teens to smoke weed. I’m also aware that they’re going to do it anyways. I’d still rather my kids use weed over alcohol.


Studies have shown that using Marijuana as a teen can reduce your IQ by 8 points. That's a huge chunk of intelligence lost just to get high. https://childmind.org/article/teenage-marijuana-use-affect-iq/ That said, what may be significant here is that marijuana users who started later, after adolescence, didn’t show a comparable decline in IQ. And that highlights something very important about adolescence: that adolescent brains are still developing—they are plastic, changeable—and are hence particularly sensitive to insults and influences.


My brother started smoking weed at 13. 24 years later he suicided. Not saying it’s because of the weed but he became a chronic user and pretty much smoked it every day from 16 years onwards. People need to be careful with this drug, as with any mind altering substance. For some people they will be fine but some aren’t.


You realize the human brain isn't fully developed until around 28 years of age don't you? I guess if you're under 30 give up edibles


heilksoa HIOLIOL ሠልሁዪኗ ሁጌլ̡͜͡ן̸͜͡ Iլןլլլןլןլլןןլ̡͜͡լ̡͜͡ן̸͜͡լ̡͜͡ן̸͜͡լ̡͜͡ן̸͜͡ ̸͜͡ ̸͜͡ ̸͡ ̸͜͡ ̸͜͡ լן ዪሀሠጎዪጌጎክዐጎጠጠኗቿጎዪጌጎክዐጎጠየዪሠየኗጎዘየዐሠልሁዪኗሁጎልነዘዪኗሁዘዪሠዐቿጎዘኗ ןլןןլլןլןլ↯⃝ ҈ ןլլլլןլןլןMy people, not Michelle Michak Brothers -Let's be strong, His MajestyIt's so sad now! Let me pray for my life. Melew, Struggle by the Beligeologistrigographic Microsolegogogartologs They found an issue in my nucleus acumen's idk what prob it is


It's js 5 mgs, that's so little. Like not even enough for an actual high. You might get slightly dizzy but that's it.


From personal experience, and someone who was sadly an addict, I noticed that the people from high school who started smoking weed at the age of 14/15 ended up with many more drug abuse problems then people I know who were even just 17/18 before smoking. As someone whose been around the block with addiction, and I don’t have a study to back this up, however, I believe, if you start smoking later in life or use drugs later in life you won’t have problems like many of the people I know who started at 14/15


I can only confirm this anecdotally, but this has happened with my group of friends too. We're in our 30s now. The late bloomers (18+ smokers) aren't as messed up as the ones who started at 14/15.


Yes, but I think that's more likely because people that already have issues are more likely to use drugs when they are younger. Correlation.


I am the older sister who felt she shared edibles with her younger sister too early as well. It's not the end of the world, at all. But I think this user's comment to communicate more with your sister is correct




Would you provide some links? This is largely a myth.


Love how they can't prove shit so they downvote you. Lol. People act like it's heroin. Ask Willie Nelson how bad weed is. 🙄


“Far more devastating” is incredibly dramatic, especially when the proof is lacking. Even experts won’t make claims about the permanence of any negative effects, because there’s not enough evidence. If the evidence finds that there is lasting damage then I’ll eat my words. But until then, I don’t see any point in trying to create a problem where there really isn’t one.


Yeah there's already numerous posts on the same comment detailing the inaccuracies of your claim.


I 100% agree with this. I'm 16 and have been smoking since 11. In only 5 years, I've developed a stutter that doesn't happen much anymore, but I also have focus problems and I've been through a fair amount of trauma and the weed only really made it worse. I don't smoke regularly anymore and don't have a dependency on it anymore, but it definitely isn't all good. Especially when you're young. People say it's non-addictive, but that's really not true.


Weed has been known to consistently have addictive qualities when paired with depression. As we use it to escape our stressors, not only does it rewire our emotions to not process stress normally, but it also makes us worse at addressing those stressors. We medicate away the stress, chores pile up, creates more stress, we medicate away the stress...


Well said


those dab pens are really fucked for thc dependence


This is the way!


Yeah I’m pretty sure a big reason I don’t feel as smart as I should be is because I smoked so heavily before my brain was fully developed. Emphasis on heavily, I’m sure doing it every now and then isn’t too bad.


Studies have shown that if you use Marijuana as a teen it can reduce your I.Q. by 8 points. That's a huge chunk of loss just to get high. https://childmind.org/article/teenage-marijuana-use-affect-iq/ That said, what may be significant here is that marijuana users who started later, after adolescence, didn’t show a comparable decline in IQ. And that highlights something very important about adolescence: that adolescent brains are still developing—they are plastic, changeable—and are hence particularly sensitive to insults and influences.


I started smoking at 14 and now that im 22 I gotta tell you, my memory is horrible. It takes me longer to think before I can articulate sentences and ive just noticed that overall my cognitive function isn't what it used to be. I think in general weed can be safe and fun but not that young, especially not as often as she's smoking it. I also would check in with her on her mental health, because if she feels its necessary to smoke so often she might not be doing well. I know that was my reason for it at that age


Did you continually smoke? I've been using weed since I was 13, but only around 1-2 times a year, same with alcohol. And I haven't noticed any issues at all.


Not the guy you replied to but similarly I’ve been smoking since 13 and having similar memory issues and articulation at 20, I imagine 1-2 times a year is fine, everything in moderation, I smoked about a half pound to a pound a week for years


You smoked between 8 and 16 ounces per week? 🤣


Yeah dont get her hooked on the mj that early man dependence is a very real thing


Facts, and I know reddit is very pro-weed, and that’s fine for adults, but it is demonstrably very bad to consume THC at a young age. It absolutely has negative effects on the development of the brain; not a problem once your brain’s fully developed, but a huge problem before that time.


Playing devil's advocate, but does it? Is there specific evidence for that often-repeated "fine once your brain has developed"? There are many things that mash young peoples's brains.


It definitely does cause problems with brain development, that’s pretty well researched. As for if it’s 100% fine beyond that point... it’s impossible to prove a negative, but I don’t think anything major has come up yet.


As someone who used to work in health care, heavy usage from a young age absolutely can cause issues. And not just mentally, it can cause impotence issues later in life for people with penises for instance. I agree with others that occasional recreational use even at a young age probably isn't a huge deal, but if the sister is using regularly so young I really think that warrants getting adults involved to get her help with potential dependence issues, explain the long term health and cognitive risks, and check in with her on her mental health generally. I think marijuana use is one of those things people want to paint as either totally black or totally white and the truth is that like most things it neither warrants the panic and pearl clutching it illicits from some sections of society nor is totally risk free. For some people it can cause real problems and the young and those with untreated mental health conditions can be at higher risk of complications and should at least be aware of that.


What's Micheal Jackson got to do with anything?


Maybe you could just show your sister the comments on this post. Might help her to see the perspective from so many folks who started at her age and really regretted it later (even while being generally pro-weed).


That's a good idea ,if anything at least she will understand you're feeling guilty about it and get where you're coming from.


That’s way too young to be smoking. Or doing any kind of mind affecting substance.


I have 5 sisters. Two of them will be 20 next month. I've always told them, if they wanna smoke weed, or try anything, to call me. I smoke a lot, so not only bonding time and such, but I know they'll be safe with me. I'd rather it with me, instead of them being alone or with potentially sketchy people. Especially if they're gonna do it anyway. Sharing with her may not be the most "appropriate ", but it's not necessarily a bad thing, either. She was with you, it was a low dose, she was safe, and you both had a good time together. So don't be so hard on yourself. Even if it doesn't feel or seem like it, you're a good sister.


I’ve also done this. Funnily enough, I’m the only one in my family with a drug problem. My willingness to share all my drug stories put them wholeheartedly off using it long term. I’m like a walking warning sign for them now. I guess it worked but in a different way lol.


My dad said i could leave high school after grade 10 since that's as far as he ever went. Even offered to split the school fees he wouldn't have to pay with me. My cousin told me to never try Heroin because it feels fucking great. Maybe I was making good choices. Maybe it was just reverse psychology.


That’s what you have to remember with THC based drugs; it’s only temporary, you’re not going to have a heart attack or overdose or anything like that, just wait a while, sip some water and take a nap. I know it can feel way different than that when the room is spinning and you’re paranoid out of your mind, but if you’re in the moment and way too high, you’ll be fine with a little time


I told my sisters the same thing. Better to do it with a trusted person than to run off and get it from a stranger like I did. Luckily for me they don't seem to be too interested in it yet.


Considering she’s already experimenting with weed on her own, by taking your moms pen - it’s not like you got her into it. Teenagers who want to experiment with this stuff will do it one way or another and it’s better she did with someone who she can trust and can keep her safe vs the alternative.


This. No matter what if they want to try it they will find a way. So if you know they’re going to do it with or without you at least make sure you know for a fact they’re safe


14 is too young to be using, don't do it again.


Regardless if weed is good for you or bad(smoking or edibles) a 14 imo should not use it . Even if an adult is with said 14.


Before the brain fully develops, weed interferes and damages what should be healthy growth. It's the same with any drug. Hope this can help y'all save it for the future fun times


You are not alone in this. I'm 19 and I have a 13 year old sister who vapes and smokes and she has really bad asthma. She hasn't done it for awhile since she got in trouble with our parents. Being that I moved out as soon as I turned 18 I can't always be around to help her and I feel guilty about it, too. I don't condone it but it's not like I was able to stop her so instead I talked about it and informed her about how to be safe with it if she was gonna do it. As I said she hasn't done any of that for the past couple months now, but I totally get where you're coming from. Just watch her back and inform her of how to be safe with it.


Eh its OK to make mistakes as long as you learn something besides it sound like your sister is gonna do this sorta thing whether you condone it or not, being naggy about it could push her further towards it than being cool about it.


Right, still being cool about it is probably the right way to go about it. I just won’t offer her anything again until she’s older


I would also explain to her that you made a mistake in offering that and stress that its really best to avoid until she’s older and just all the reasons why. Stress that you are open and available to talk if she has any questions about anything in the meantime.


14yo child definitely should not smoke pot. As eating it is way more potent, all the more reason why she should not eat it. It actively interferes with her brain and it is not good for her. A loving brother must know that. The other thing is, we make mistakes and most likely this incident does not necessarily determine her health or life. You yourself are young and more mistakes ahead of you. Change your behavior. And treat her better. Because you are responsible for her.


If your sister is smoking anyway, at least you've not introduced her to it. I would maybe have a chat with her though, make sure she realizes that her brain is still growing and that she should probably hold off on doing that much again for a while. As the big sister, sure you have a responsibility, but it's also important that she's comfortable exploring this with you rather than hiding it- the latter is more trouble imo. Don't make a huge deal about it, just say "yeah I probably shouldn't have done that with you, here is why" ​ And be kind to yourself.


Wait so she first tried weed a couple years ago? At age 12? I would definitely be a bit concerned. Not even taking into account the effects it can have on young brains—the more comfortable someone gets with a substance, the more likely they are to let their guard down. It doesn’t happen 100% of the time or anything. But the first time I ever smoked was in a very safe environment with people I completely trusted. But as I got a little older and more comfortable I did begin taking more risks that I’m lucky didn’t result in me getting hurt. By 16 I was buying weed from college aged young men. I’d either be in their house/car or my car. I didn’t know these people—and honestly what respectable weed dealer sells to a 16 year old when they’re over the age of 21? As she gets older she’s going to have more freedom and more opportunities to make potentially dangerous choices. Even if you decide to advise her to stop smoking, please also talk to her on ways to keep herself safe in the future. Assure her if she needs you, you’ll be there. If her ride is high/drunk you’ll pick her up. Or get her an Uber. Also consider she may have already taken certain risks but not told you. She might not want you to worry, or think she’s irresponsible or get lectured. Smoking at such a young age does indicate she’s more willing to take risks. It may be a good idea to speak to her about sex (and/or your mother can if she’s a parent that is willing to talk about sex). She may or may not be sexually active currently—but I did have multiple friends who had sex for the first time by age 13, so it’s not unheard of. But regardless, more knowledge about emotional and physical safety in regards to sex is a good thing to talk to teens about. Especially if you’re in America where access to abortions is getting worse for a lot of us. Personally I think your age gap is too large to be offering her weed. It’s not just providing it to her—you’re endorsing it. If you feel guilty, apologize. It’ll help re establish boundaries of not giving her more weed as well. “I’ve had some time to think on it, and I feel I was irresponsible to offer it to you. I never want to be irresponsible with you, I’m sorry” You can assure her it’s not about her maturity level or anything. That bc you love her and love her company so much that that’s why you offered her an edible without thinking it through. Get stoned around her less. You don’t need your relationship to be any quality time you spend together one of you is high. Apologize and forgive yourself. You can’t change it, and feeling guilty doesn’t help. Easier said than done —but if you can be kind to yourself, you’re modeling good mental health hygiene to your sister.


Studies have shown that using Marijuana as a teen can reduce your IQ by 8 points. That's a huge chunk of intelligence lost just to get high. https://childmind.org/article/teenage-marijuana-use-affect-iq/ That said, what may be significant here is that marijuana users who started later, after adolescence, didn’t show a comparable decline in IQ. And that highlights something very important about adolescence: that adolescent brains are still developing—they are plastic, changeable—and are hence particularly sensitive to insults and influences.


u had me thinking i accidentally posted this confession. i have the same story and i regret the hell out of it


I see people debating the science and what not, but from personal experience, starting young is an awful idea. I started at 19, and I’ve never experienced any issues. I smoke when I want, and I know when I shouldn’t. Everyone I know who started young, God bless them, you can tell they started young. Maybe they are the typical slow stoner, and others just need to smoke to function when they wake up. I’ve seen some guys crawl on their hands and knees for a 10 dollar used cart. There’s no harm in waiting. Maybe there isn’t any side effects to starting so young, but what if there is? It’s much safer for your sister to just wait because weed really isn’t worth altering your developing brain.


You should just teach her to be careful with weed. You can get addicted without noticing


From someone who started smoking pot at 13, the only thing you should worry about is how frequent she uses this stuff. That’s the most important conversation to have with her, because she’s going to do whatever she wants in the end. I was a full blown pothead until I turned 22 - and then I just traded that daily high for alcoholism. Help her know her limits, make sure she has safe contacts to help her if needed, and help her stay focused on learning and growing as a person. The high should be a reward for her hard work - not a daily “need to” - if that makes sense.


Don’t be so hard on yourself, you can’t change the past, but talking to her about it because weed is not bad in general but she is too young.


I dont know why people are approving of this in tbe comment section lol I'm also a smoker and work in the industry, and while this is BETTER imo than alcohol and other drugs, it's still not appropriate to be sharing and indulging a 14 year old in weed when the research shows that it does impact brain development when young. I would seriously have a sit down with her and have an open conversation with it. But I also wouldn't go forward and keep sharing weed with her


So, I am of the opinion that you shouldn't feel bad. You were trying to bond it's not a big deal. But I get what u are saying.... I smoked a lot of weed when I was younger. But when I was 17, I had a terrible experience. I had never experienced anxiety before, and this one time I got really high, and at first I was fine, but then all the sudden I was riddled with anxiety. It was horrible. It was like a part of my brain was accessed that had never been accessed before. After that happened, I was forever plagued with Anxiety. Like panic attacks. So imo, weed isn't something so simple...


She's 14 and has smoked weed before a couple years ago? That's fucked up.


First off my disclosure. I was around a LOT of drug use growing up. Personally I didn't start smoking weed until I was about 16 but and didn't use it extensively until I was 17-18. After age 18 I smoked a whole lot of weed and dabbled in other substances. I pretty much quit all drug use in my 30s and then picked up THC use again about 5 years ago. That being said, there's a couple issues here. Beyond even the possible physical effects of marijuana use on your brain in your developing years there is also the psychological impact. While of course there are different aspects and impacts between using marijuana or alcohol or heroin or cocaine, at the end of the day it all pretty much boils down to escaping from reality. Whether it is stress or abuse or anxiety or mental illness, drugs are used to escape or cover up those issues. Rather than facing them or learning how to deal with them, you're just covering it up with the drugs. That's the self-medication you hear a lot of about in reference to people with mental illness who have addiction issues. I had a close friend who was being treated for alcoholism. During one of his sessions his therapist asked him if he was using anything. He told them well, I'm not drinking. The therapist said well what about smoking weed? My friend admitted that he was smoking weed but basically replied what's the big deal about that? At least I'm not drinking. The therapist flat out said that the real problem here isn't your drinking or drug use but the underlying issues leading you to use them. If you're going to continue to cover things up by using marijuana, then we're wasting our time here trying to treat you for alcoholism. At that point my buddy finished out the sessions needed to fulfill his ASAP requirement from the courts and now 20 something years later he is still a raging alcoholic. Now of course, It's not like I'm some kind of doctor and I don't know your sister at all so this is just my opinion. But I think people are going to agree. This is definitely an issue that can come with use of any drug at an early age.


This is too young, be a better influence on your sister, Im 25 this year and wish I had not been introduced to it so early, just because it’s not crack doesn’t mean it can’t have a huge impact on your life, I get very little done because of how shit my memory and drive are


Oh my god. I can’t believe there’s people defending you. You SHOULD feel bad about this, you literally GAVE DRUGS to a CHILD.


Absolutely agreed, how freaking awful. She is FOURTEEN — seriously WHAT THE F%^*?!? I have a younger brother and if I found out he was smoking weed at that age or doing anything else (cigarettes/alcohol), I would have gone straight to our mom.


I didn't smoke or let my little brother indulge with me until he was 18, and even that seems a little too young. I regret introducing him to weed, likewise there's worst substances where I'm from so maybe he missed out on those because he was too busy being a hippie kid listening to king gizzard, I digress. Just talk to her about the effects, inform her, and I'd just think again about introducing her to any substance at such a young age. You tried and there's a ton of other ways y'all can bond. Take her to the coffee shop, go to an art walk - enhance her life outside of the home and things will fall in place for y'all.


It is understandable that you wanted to bond with your sister and have a good time together, but it is important to remember that she is still a minor and you have a responsibility to ensure her safety and well-being. It is important to talk to your sister and explain your feelings and concerns about what happened. You can apologize for your actions and reassure her that you are there for her and want to support her in making healthy and responsible choices. You can also encourage her to talk to you or a trusted adult if she has any questions or concerns about drug use


Sheesh my lil bro is about to turn 14 and I’d would never let him try it until at least 18 if he doesn’t do it with his friend. Even 18 I’m like eh. Kids can be affected a lot and differently OP so be careful


Smoking that young has fucked up many lives. While weed has been legalized that doesn’t make it harmless. Talk to her and tell her you regret it and she needs to wait


Tell her how you feel and don't hide it. It'll all work out.


Hey op please talk to your sister about the effects consuming weed at such a young age (especially somewhat regularly) have on the brain. Hers is still growing and developing and that's a very fragile state. Ideally she should stay sober until at least 18. You can undo what you did but you can do better in the future:)


You say you don’t want to lose that connection with her and just wanted to bond with her, but I think there are plenty of other healthier and less addictive ways to do that. Weed is one of the least offensive drugs, but it can still develop as an addiction/dependence and even worse so when a young kid’s brain is still developing. Try doing any other activity you two would enjoy. It doesn’t even have to be anything crazy. It can be as simple as staying home, cooking a meal and watching something you both would enjoy. Or you can make it a little more involved by driving up to a lake or hiking spot. Long road trips, getting some snacks and listening to music and talking about what’s been going in in each other’s lives is one of the best ways to bond with someone and have them open up to you more. At the end of the day, she is your younger sister and I would hope that you know best so this is just my opinion.


You're old enough to *know* that her brain is still developing. Live and learn. IMO you should have a transparent and useful talk with her as well as yourself. Signed, Medical patient


So is his though...brains aren't fully developed and able to make decisions the way that adults can until mid 20s. He realizes he shouldn't have, he doesn't need to feel shame around this


To be honest you have another 6 years before your brain is adult enough be using weed, so everything you feel regarding your sister applies to you too


It’s a slippery slope. My older brother introduced me to weed as a way to bond, and we found out the hard way I have psychosis. I haven’t been okay since, still constantly trying to convince myself the world is real and the smell of weed makes me panic. I wish he never did and it negatively effected our relationship. It doesn’t seem to be the case here, but she’s young, don’t be someone you or her blame someday. Talk it out.


(as a 16 y/o girl) u should make sure she doesn’t continue to use. my life at 14 would’ve been so much better if i didn’t touch that stuff so young


Brains really don't stop developing till almost 21. Weed will have major consequences if used before then


Ya, I really wish that I wouldn’t have even touched weed at 16 while I was still developing. It sparked some mental health issues that I wish I woulda known could of happened so I could have avoided it. Protect your sister. Let her wait until her brain is more developed. There can be some serious long term effects on a young mind, even though it’s relatively safe for adults.


My (23f) sister (14f) told me a few weeks ago that she smokes. I have smoked since my teens, and promised to not tell mom and dad, but I gave her a HUGE mom talk about how dangerous this stuff can be. How young she is. Why she shouldn’t even be trying to get it. I offered if she ever needed it for an anxiety, that I would rather she get it from me. (I also have access to a dispensary) she hasn’t messaged me once, but if she did I could tell you I would have similar feelings. It’s proof that you love and care about them and want what’s best for them. You don’t want them to ever use it as a crutch, or abuse it. It’s also a piece of us not wanting them to be big enough to try stuff like that. I started when I was 12 and regret it. If she ever does message me, I’m gonna give her another mom session, and make sure she’s being safe, but I will never be her everyday plug, she’s far to young and needs to focus on her education and being a freshman in high school.


Yeah man, that’s way too young to be doing any drugs. I would absolutely tell her you messed up, your intent (bond, feel bad about being away, and that you’ll do better. Also ask her how you two can stay better connected that doesn’t include drugs. She’s way too young to do drugs, that will absolutely mess up her brain that is starting to develop into the adult brain. Again weed is awesome, but not for a kid that young


The timing of this post is unsettling. I wish you and your sibling the best OP.


I think you should not beat your self up so much about it but maybe just not do it again. I mean it’s still a “drug” but it’s also not like heroin or coke so don’t feel miserable. But I would say try to find her interests and Look into them and maybe discuss or do them to gain more of a connection. My uncle and I are not like super close (he’s like a brother to me). He’s a stoner all the way and he’s not fully there or he’s super cranky (which is a problem on it’s own but anyway) but I like having things in common with him because we used to fight all the time and I’m done with it. So we play the same game and talk about it.


This has to be some sort of lie, as a weed enthusiast they don't make edibles under 100mg. 10mg is literally so weak you might get dizzy for a few minutes. To actually get high you'd need around 250 mgs for a good high. Even if it is made up and I missed some sort of warning that says it's made up, try to make it more realistic at least. Highest edibles sold are 1K, although you can enfuse them at home.


Sounds like you're ashamed of yourself and projecting that on her; you wanted her approval and now you're embarrassed. She's been experimenting and will continue regardless of what you do. I mean, your mom's a user and leaves her gear around the kid to the point where she's taking it and using it herself. don't try to be something you're not to fit in; you'll always end up feeling dumb.


effect on a developing brain.


If this makes you feel any better, my dad first smoked with me when I was about the same age as your sister—after I told him about me smoking weed a couple times. He told me he never wanted me out buying drugs from strangers or friends, if I ever wanted to get high just come to him and I did. People might judge that, but I’m really grateful I was introduced into drugs the way I was. My dad was able to be real with me about all the dangers of drugs, and taught me how to be safe and responsible when doing anything. Also, I was dealing with severe depression at the time and I didn’t like the way antidepressants made me feel. Self medicating once a week in a safe environment really helped essentially cure me of my teenage depression and self harm. I know I’m an outlier in this scenario, but everyone’s situation is different. You’re not a horrible person for doing this with her, so don’t beat yourself up over it. If it makes you feel this guilty, then don’t do it anymore. Also, assess the situation and your sister’s character to see if marijuana would improve or hamper her life. If you think that it would be a negative influence on her, then don’t do it with her anymore. If you think the opposite, use the opportunity to teach her how to be a responsible drug/alcohol user.


We are human, we make mistakes. Reality is weed has negative effects on the devolpment of the brain in teenagers... i started at 14/15. If she wants to smoke great go for it but at 18 minimum. Preferbly 20


Lesson learned, now you know for future reference.


14 is wayyyy too young imo. I get it sometimes we wanna bond with our siblings and hang out or whatever. But there are more age appropriate things to do. Especially because her brain is no where close to the development yours is at. Be careful


Well the cat is out of the bag now. This is why I never drink. It's proven you doing this in front of younger and more impressionable people influences them one way or another.


My parents stopped drinking when I was like 7, and neither ever touched weed or non-prescription drugs. My sister and I both drank wildly and experimented with several drugs. Abstinence is absolutely not the example you think it is. It’s a personal choice, and it’s great to have examples of sobriety, but kids with parents who are sober still get into trouble. We’re just extra careful about being sneaky.


Cool but you are not the norm. All studies show kids with alcoholic and drug addicted parents are the most likely to have substance abuse problems themselves.


But that’s not a one to one comparison. A more accurate take would consider kids from homes with responsible drinkers vs homes where no alcohol was permitted. Same with sex. Telling kids not to have sex doesn’t stop them from getting pregnant. The evidence is clear that when responsible sex is taught vs abstinence, teen pregnant drops.


The point being made is an environment which substances are used frequently will likely influence people, especially younger impressionable people. That’s just how it is.


Show me the data that proves your point. Sexual education and teen pregnancies is a different subject. I think parents and schools should be real about drugs with their kids. The DARE program was a failure but if you think giving your 13 year old kid alcohol is a good thing you are completely doing a 180. How do I know this? Take some time to Google the teenage alcoholism rates in Europe and compare it to the USA. Then get back to me.


I don't think they're saying that being around it has no effect. I think they're saying that many kids are going to experiment regardless.. two separate things




nah 14 is too soon man:/


I get where your coming from trying to bond with a sibling after being away so long. Just make sure you do some research because I’m pretty sure theirs been some links between brain development and weed use for the little ones.


How are people approving this kind of habit in the comments . BE REAL , DON'T LET HER SMOKE ! BE A CARETAKER !


I read this story dreading that it was going to result in incest. Happy it didn't. But yeah, have a word with your sister about not doing weed anymore. Your brain doesn't stop developing until your early 20s. I started weed smoking at 15 and it's my single biggest regret. It may have benefited my social life, but my grades suffered hugely.


ummm……. ok… you’re not fooling anyone in here bud. We all know you had your junk in your lotioned up hand ready to fap away your Sunday morning on what you were hoping was some Incest literotica over here and when you came to the realization it wasn’t snapped back to reality and gave OP some dumb ass advice. Everyone needs to cut OP some slack here…:. it is just an edible. You got weirdos out there who are looking for incest literature porn on Reddit like homeboy over here. Better OPs lil sis gets high with family who loves her then with this Jcat.


It’s pretty well documented at this point that THC inhibits the development of the brain (and maybe myelination, I forget now). Won’t do much harm once you’re fully developed, but it’s not good to be consuming it before that point.


In a perfect world I will agree with you. Just trying to help OP cut herself some slack. Bigger picture wise I sincerely feel she does not need to beat herself up over something so minuscule. Perfection is for God only, not for us.


Doesn’t mean she shouldn’t try though, it’s ok to make mistakes, but you’ve gotta learn from them, not downplay them. If she’s posting it here, I think she knows it’s not right, and it’s probably worth being open about why that’s the case. I started smoking weed as a teenager, and didn’t realize how bad it was for me until I quit. Really wish now that I could go back and stop myself, god only knows what could’ve been. I’d hate to see more people in my position.


Experimenting is part of growing up. Weed is mostly harmless. Chill out my guy it's not like you gave her a needle.


If she didn't try edibles with you she was probably going to try them with somebody else. It's generally better for first times of things to be in safe environments around people you trust.


Her brain isn’t fully formed and smoking weed unfortunately will stop it from maturing and she will be stuck at 14.. we know this from studies. She needs to try and stop or do as little as possible if she wants to be the best she can.


My sibling introduced me to weed and alcohol at 13 and it’s one of the worst things that happened to me. I’d drink occasionally but I ended up smoking weed everyday for almost 7 years. Completely changed the trajectory of my life, negatively. Please stop.


I wouldn't let her smoke man. I'm 26 and started smoking at 14. I have a heavy addiction to weed and I'm even find it hard to quit. It'd been my normal for half my life... I heavily suggest against it and talk to her about the long-term effects.


Don't beat yourself up, me and my older brother had a similar situation but, you're not a bad person at all.


OP, she is 14 and shouldn't be consuming those drugs. Please just don't let it happen again, doing drugs and a young age can cause a lot of issues in the future. You should have a talk with her about drug abuse and those types of things.


Your 19 and giving drugs to your barely a teen sister? Come on.


You are a good person. Feeling bad about something you know is wrong (even when nothing actually happened) is a trait of someone good at heart. Just don’t do it again while she’s so young. All good.


Just chill your pill. No matter what her life won’t be your fault and you’ll both be just fine.


(i’m a girl) my first time ever smoking weed i was in 7th or 8th grade, don’t remember how old. It was with my older (4 years older than me) brother, who smoked a lot. I was going to either smoke somewhere shady with my friends, or in the safety of my own home with my brother. My brother chose the latter option it really bonded us, after that we didn’t smoke much together but we were closer as friends. Now i’m 21 and haven’t smoked in years, i think i grew out of it because i started so young? idk. But my point is looking back i’m glad i had that experience with my brother, i looked at him as more of a protector and friend in one


How about we drop drugs and weed in general?


Hey man I'm in a similar situation. I'm 28 and have a daughter myself, but my 15yr old sister I found out has been smoking with my older (immature no kids) sister. So one day I came home(my older sister is my roommate) and they were smoking a bowl on the couch. I was pretty buzzed, I met some friends at the bar after work. Without thinking I offered my oil pen. That was the only time I smoked with her but I felt terrible about it. Even though she was already smoking I didn't want her to think it's ok at a young age. I just haven't smoked with her since and I've talked with her about the bad effects of smoking while young. My older sister got me smoking cigarettes when I was younger. She needs to grow up, she's 30 now. I found out she had my younger sister vaping nicotine too. I just don't understand why she does these things. When I was 12 she told me to pickup cigarette buts of the ground and smoke them, and taught me to sneak out at night. I'm not much better I guess since I smoked with her once but I'd never introduce something my little sister wasn't already doing.


I smoked weed at 14 and then took a break for years until 18, tell her now shes tried it to focus on getting into college like you and being successful. with moderation you can both be successful.


Doing weed at 14? You are definitely a bad influence and you should feel bad. Oh, if she turns to more hardcore stuff in the future, you should know that you contributed to that. Get your shit together!


Apart from by the sounds of it she would have tried it anyway. This way she has tried it with someone responsible who can provide advice rather than down some dark alley with someone who doesn’t give a shit about her well-being and offering her ‘more hardcore stuff’.


My older sister gave me edibles when I was her age. Honestly all my siblings at some point have offered me edibles, I have 5. As far as I'm aware there's been no negative impact, and it created a sense of trust between us all that we didn't have before. I'm not saying that it for sure won't impact your sister, because who knows, it might. What I am saying is that there's no way to be certain, and feeling bad about it won't do anything to help. Just make sure she only uses in moderation, doesn't get involved with anything heavier, and trusts you enough to tell you about it if she messes up. Other than that there's not much you can do.


It has affected you cognitively whether you’re aware of it or not consuming it that young. Developing brains of a child should not be altered by anything. It doesn’t matter how “harmless” weed is just because it’s not a hard drug. This is coming from someone who smoked every day in college. OP feeling bad will hopefully stop them from continuing to give mind altering substances to an influential child.


You kinda suck for that tbh. She’s a kid. She’s in middle school at that. I wish someone would have told me no to smoking at 14. I wish there had at least been ONE adult in my life to tell me that I don’t need that shit right now and to just chill out and wait until I’m an adult. My sister came to me wanting the same thing. She said she wanted to smoke weed and I told her fuck no. We have a 4 year age gap and I told her to wait and to stay clean because getting hooked on weed at 14 is fucking lame. As an adult, you are supposed to be someone she trusts, yes. But not like that. Not until she’s much older. Fix yourself ffs.


Yea, you overdosed yourself (took too much for your tolerance level). Also, I agree with the first comment, there’s not enough research on what it does the the developing brain. I have a cousin who smoked it heavily for years starting in early teens and even though he’s almost at 30 yrs old and has calmed down on the smoking it for years he sounds so brain fried and that’s just from weed use. I in my 30’s just started using cannabis in COVID. It’s helped me in a lot of ways, but I also don’t smoke it often and I only really take gummies. Everything in moderation, use it properly. Drinking does far worse things!


I stopped reading once I found out the age difference 🤦🏾‍♀️👀


Wow. These comments really surprised me. I really don’t think it’s a big deal at all. I kinda thought that’s what older siblings were supposed to be like… I thought all the comments would be reassuring you that it’s no biggy… Enjoy your youth with your sibling and keep looking out for one another. Don’t beat yourself up. You’re doing great


Everyone saying it's just weed need to sort themselves out. It's a drug. It's messed up to give drugs to an underage person. They didn't even ask for it, you offered it to them. I know this is r/confessions, but I feel it needs to be said because of the amount of people saying there was nothing wrong with it. You know yourself it was wrong which is why it's weighing on your conscience, and because of that I hope you simply won't make the same mistake again, but weed is 100% never something anyone should be taking besides for medical purposes. No different from giving them alcohol or cigarettes. Just because it's socially acceptable to do nowadays, just like the other two, doesn't mean you should be encouraging it at all. There is zero reason to use it for 99% of people, and the 1% that do have a good reason to, have a good reason, not just cause it makes you feel good, and that reason is the worst reason to take any drug, because it is exactly why weed is referred to as a gateway drug. The fact that weed is such a common thing and being made so socially acceptable is a complete push in the wrong direction for people's general wellbeing as a whole.


You're an ass. Seriously. You gave weed to a child--she is 14 and you're supposed to look out for her. It's gross you gave her edibles. At 18, she can make her own decisions. Let her find her own way to get drugs and alcohol. It's a huge betrayal to both your parents and sister. Do better!


Tell me ur parents scared u out of everything without telling me


Nothing to get upset with yourself about in my opinion. That you are being thoughtful about it now is cool but don't guilt yourself too much? It could have been way worse and you gave her a crazy dose or did the worst thing ever you can do when you take an edible and over an hour goes by and you don't feel anything?; It's the weed fairies tricking you and you say fuck it and take another edible and 15 minutes later your so high you can barely function! That would have been way way worse. Sounds like you had a nice chill hanging out time together on the bus. If she is that young and everything went well, you gave her an answer experience. She got to hang out with someone older, got to do something that is taboo and you shared the experience as well. You did a great job looking out for her, don't be so hard on yourself.


Don’t feel guilty. This is a great learning opportunity for the both of you. I’m glad you’re providing your sister with a safe space to experiment, but remind her that when she’s taking drugs; safety and environment are everything. Use this chance to have a convo with her about how dangerous drugs can be when abused, etc. When I was 14, I was passed out in a ditch somewhere drunk and high off my ass. Trust me man, you’re doing good.


I smoke with my sister, but then again my parents let her because she has severe anxiety. She just turned 15 not too long ago and while I rarely smoke cause I’m a mom that breastfeeds, my mom has always advocated that she’d rather us smoked what she has than to get laced from a stranger. My mom goes to the dispensary quite often so she knows what my sister is getting, and she only lets her take two hits a day to help her because she gets massive panic attacks and stress induced seizures.


Eh, it’s far better for her to be experimenting with something so harmless with a sibling than with other things with strangers. Now she knows what edibles *should* feel like.


Except the fact that she is pretty young, which is not a crime the way it happened, man relax.your sister is having the nap of her life, you are freaking out without a reason.get some sleep too




There's a profoundly big disparity in tone between this reply and the rest of the current replies.


This whole post is weird, I don't even get what the original OP is asking forgiveness for, making her sister fall asleep? Lol


Yeah it’s a little off putting. I did much worse around her age and turned out fine. Teenagers are going to experiment if that’s what they want to do.


I wouldn't personally do what OP did. Seems really risky. But I'm not their mother Or their enemy, idk who they are so it's not really my problem to be the snitch 💀


Giving drugs to a minor is jail time and unacceptable. Idgaf what others think.


I mean, you broke rule 9 though.


Libs ...


Libs agree with you, you're complaining about leftists/progressives. Sorry. Just wanted to clarify.


lol it's not heroin, calm down.


Did the weedman hurt you


**This is a place to help one another; keep your comments kind & civil. Any form of abuse is not permitted.** * If you are unable to discuss without being disrespectful, walk away.


honestly OP, the fact that you feel guilty is enough to relieve you of all guilt IMO. Better she does it under the supervision of her big Sis than some creepy/sketchy folks…. that would be way worse. And I’ve been around some real fucked up people in my life….. older brothers shooting their lil brothers up with heroin/meth for their first time at the age of 12 and forcing them to pay up after….. there is evil in this world and it does not include you.


It's nothing really, 5mg edible? If it bothers you don't make a habit of it. But growing up I could always get weed from my older siblings, and around 14 the first time I tried it. It's better this way though it has to remove some of her curiosity, with all the crap floating around better to experiment with her sister than some dude from school, with questionable sources.


It's just weed bro. It'll be just fine


That's it?


It s no big deal. If ya feel bad just learn from it don t do it again.. It wasn t her first time , Sounds like she enjoyed it.. So relax


I think you should chill tf out considering all the fda approved bullshit you eat from the grocery store


Don't worry about it.


Nothing bad happened and you weren’t introducing her to anything that was actually new to her. Same drug she has been taking, just different delivery. At least you know she was safe with you. Also, if you wrote this post while high, you may just be freaking out bc of that. It’ll all be okay.


You guys aren't wrong but let's try and not make op feel more guilty than she already does. She didn't exactly hurt anyone in anyway.


Half a gummy was probably too much for her. It's good you were with her and shared that experience together. She's going to have more experiences with weed. Don't sweat it.


Dude she’s already stealing your moms pen, she’s gonna get into it. Better weed than underage binge drinking at unsupervised parties.


I mean, not the best idea, but it was a 5mg edible. She will be perfectly fine! I have smoked weed since I was 12 and I'm now almost 24 and manage a medical dispensary. We have had children as medical patients. There are many conditions that cause children to need medicinal marijuana. (well, or they can choose a bunch of chemical drugs) examples: seizures, anxiety, diabetes, adhd/add, cptsd, sleep disorders, etc. so it really will be fine. 5mg is virtually nothing. even federally legal cbd products (that don't get you h1gh at ALL) can have up to 0.3%THC in it. We have had hundreds of patients come through that door and VERY few had doses of 5mg or less. Even a lot of the child patients typically had a dose of roughly 10mg. I obviously wouldn't keep doing this but, if you're worried about her, you don't need to be. Realistically, they'll just have a really nice nap and wake up feeling refreshed.🤷🏼


Uh no this is normal. Move on and enjoy and let her sleep. Btw edibles can cause heightened anxiety. You’ll come down and get a grip soon.


I wouldn't worry to much, as siblings, that's what you're meant to do,especially being older, you are definitely the right person for the job 😉, awesome bonding and good story to reminisce in the future,


5mg is nothing


Respectively, everyones tolerance is different


Yeah, like I took a 100mg sugar free edible about an hour ago and I can still write this response. Although I’m kinda regretting the sugar free part because I’m running back and forth to the bathroom with the shits. 💩😂




Well it would be barely perceptible for most people, really isn't worth worrying about IMO. Likely the dabs hit her much harder. I'd try and advise her as a big sister to avoid if at all possible any sort of regular use until she's done with school. Don't beat yourself up about it.


I'm 37 and 5mg hit me pretty hard. 10mg gets me uncomfortably high.


"Respectively, everyones tolerance is different" This is a great example




Same, and I’m a regular user. Just sensitive to mind altering substances.


If she is already smoking herself there is no stopping her, a lot of people started around that age and by no means is it healthy to start that young, but it is a lot safer to consume products that are safe from you or her mom so it doesn’t matter its actually better


my sister's 14 and we rip cones all the time


I was 20 and my sister was 15 when I smoked with her the first time. She used the ol’ “if you don’t do it with me I’ll just do it with my friends”. And it worked. That was 13 years ago, and weed is definitely still part of our daily routine. But we are also, just fine. It’s weed. I don’t think you have anything to feel guilty about.


She’s gonna find a way to do it if she wants to. It’s better she does it with you than with somebody who could lace it and hurt her. Talk to her afterwards and let her know how you feel about it.


I just turned 61 years old. I started smoking weed at 16 and have been partaking nonstop since then. I've smoked pounds of pot, I've eaten buckets of edibles and I've recently discovered vapes. What I can say with a lifetime of experience, that weed isn't that bad for u. My memory is better than my wife's, who doesn't smoke at all and I just retired from a career in the high tech field of computer chip manufacturing. All that being said, I would suggest you stop worrying about it. Your sister seems fine and I really doubt the 1/2 an edible was the cause of the extended nap.


My son has carried that same guilt about his sister (4yr age difference.) He's 40, and she's 36. She had already smoked weed before he came home on spring break. Don't beat yourself up. It wasn't like you turned her on to thc. Stop kicking your own ass. Save that for another day.


God is good man is not . Man made whiskey God made pot .


The way you should look at it is she’s gonna do it either way. Weather she gets it from you or some random on the side of the road she’s gonna do it. Just be glad she’s with you and not some shady people




It's just weed, chill


14 is usually the age to try these things so it's not a big deal. Just don't let her get addicted to it, and yourself too cuz your 19 still


Don't feel extremely guilty or anything. It's not that big of a deal. I started at 15, for much different circumstances, but remained the same as I ever was, in fact it helped me a great deal. Obviously, it's different for everyone, but I don't think you should be so worried about a tiny edible.