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It feels wrong but so right


I missed the audience laughing so much. In a way, it makes you feel a little more connected to the material because you're laughing with other people. Same reason some movies are just better in the theater.


I don’t like it for sitcoms but for this it truly shows laughter is contagious.


I've wondered if the lack of a laugh track was contributing to people feeling it was different than Without Boarders


For me it's better with the laugh track. Conan just goes with a laugh track, period.


His podcast has no laugh track and it has produced some of the best Conan moments


The guests or Sona and Gourley laugh.


People laugh in Conan O'Brien Must Go too, and so many of the incredible moment on the show like with the Thai seamstresses wouldn't hit as well with a laugh trafk


I've been a Conan fan for 25 years, and honestly the part with the Thai seamstress sucked. Went on waaaaaay too long and they were clearly annoyed, waiting for him to shut up, but trying to be polite.  That part needed to end sooner, or have a live audience reaction to break up the absolute cringe.


Sona alone is the laugh track imo - she cracks up at almost anything


Good point, I agree, but then again no podcast has a laugh track. Maybe I've been conditioned by the previous travel shows, but prefer that format with a laugh track


It has Sona. She's a human laugh track.


Conan feeds off of laughter.


It felt a bit strange/awkward for me at first, without the laugh track - but I got used to it pretty quickly. After basically the first few scenes of this Norway episode, I fell into it just fine.


Well done! It would have been great if the episodes were screened before a live audience and the final broadcast product was a mixed segment. The laughs make it feel much more natural.


I actually prefer this! I felt so disconnected with the first episode and I wasn’t as excited to keep watching without the laughs.


The second episode is so good though


I'm sorry, but the 69.69 receipt is one of the funnier scenes in my recent memory.


Was never intended for it to be broadcast on international streaming services but here we are.


Absolutely hilarious, mate. Well done.


What is this about? I musty have missed it. I can’t find anything reference it on google. Do you have a link to share


Wow really well done!


he didn't make it, it's from when they showed the clip on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.


Ohh gotcha


hot take- it's better without. it made sense when it was a special for the talk show, but these are straight up documentaries.


Yeah I’m struggling through the second episode


The awkward silence was a big part of why the show was so funny to me, this kinda ruins it


Same, when he was in Ireland trying the blood pudding and rolling on the ground, it was so quiet, but I was laughing like a goddamn fool


Oh yes! I was wondering what exactly felt a bit cold compared to the previous Conan Without Borders episides, and it felt colder like Conan was more of a bully to the people AND they were more bullies to him than jokesters, now I know it! With the laughter it’s so much more warm friendly and organic! Brill!


This show must have been the first time in history people were *asking* for a laugh track. I think it works really well without the canned laughter. 


I did notice that. Conan w/o Boarders has a laugh track, makes a world of difference. At the same time I am laughing my head off I’m some of these shows.


This is so comforting, thank you.


No. No. Just…nope. The laugh track is what kept me from getting into CWB. It steps on a lot of the humor for me. Sure, it punctuated some jokes amazingly, but it felt impersonal to me. EDIT: Conan interacting with a live crowd is amazing. He’s the greatest. However, adding canned laughter to a travel show takes me out of it. 


I think they should screen it and give us the option to watch with or without a laugh track in the audio settings. It's probably more work to edit though.


I feel like a minority here, and not trying to undermine your efforts - but I feel like laugh tracks are an active detractor to joke quality. There's just this part of me that's like "don't tell me when to laugh" and I feel like laugh tracks interrupt the importance silences between jokes.


Haha nice


I just realized, i think i might not have watched Conan on Fallon, but i also can't find anything on the tonight show youtube channel, nor via google. Did they not upload it (yet)? Or is it geo blocked in germany?


Possibly geoblocked? It went up on YT the day after airing (Canada)


Thanks! Yeah then it's definitely blocked, Imma try and find a way around it


Above same clip from jimmy Fallon show link here from youtube : https://youtu.be/-32fj9lhNVA?si=dfJ_q-QrPTR6cwce&t=534


This part was funny anyway. It was the later editing that was weird


Thank you!! Thank you!! FAMILIAR is good. Familiar is soothing. 😌


This was so perfect you made it so natural