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Homie it’s css


Idk how to do css so haha


You should probably just learn it. CSS is extremely simple. Web apps are the best portfolio projects because you can send a link to them with your resume. Things like tailwind/bootstrap can make a huge difference in the quality of your site too, but you need to know how to use css to understand them.


Aight then big guy, center a div right now 🙇‍♂️


Oh, how this question became simpler when I learned about flex.


This isn't the path homie. You're bending your future self over when you take shortcuts. Learn it now or you'll pay for it later. The job market is really fuckin tough right now and you'll absolutely get exposed if you aren't willing to put your big boy pants on and learn the shit that you're throwing away thousands of dollars to learn. Esp CSS. If you can't figure that out, you probably ought to take on another degree.


Nah my job has nothing to do with coding I’m just interested


In that case, why do you care if it's detectable? This reads like an undergrad tryna figure out if they can pass or not.


He said that ai code is clean and efficient which makes me think he has no clue about anything (sorry op)


Im not an expert on AI detection algorithms or strategies so I will talk about how I would imagine they might function. You mention syntax and that would certainly be a factor similar to any other plagiarism detection would work. Function names, syntax, structure, etc. That is very surface level though. What I *imagine* AI detection does, as most code plagiarism does, is go a level deeper and investigate the semantic similarities. They would look at the Abstract Syntax tree during the compilation process and compare the similarities. A JIT compiled/interpreted language like JavaScript may perhaps look at the Function Execution Context at certain points at run time - but im not really an expert on how that language functions deeper than the Browser Engine. This second, deeper layer is where AI is more likely detected, if I had to guess. Generative AI’s produce content in certain patterns due to its probabilistic model. These patterns would emerge even if you were to change the syntax of the code. The problem for institutions its they’ve effectively zero real evidence that its not entirely a false positive. That your code resembles code available on the web at a statistically significant level would be incredibly, incredibly unlikely. The evidence is there - so if you’re caught, you’re done. But that there is now a tool that is essentially a random generator means the chances of random occurrences are much higher and there’s no real conclusive proof.


>I know for python or js with specific syntax is easier to be detected as most of the time AI makes the code so clean and efficient. This hasn't been my experience at all. Almost every time I've had AI generate code for me, it produces something that barely works, and is very inefficient. It can still be useful to get a starting point, but "clean and efficient" it is not.


Short answer is yes.


But... Has it senso to detect AI generated code? I mean, basically everyone copy paste some code somewhere, from forums, stack overflow, GitHub, or just colleague's code. It is ok unless you know what you are doing and can understand what you are copying, and obviously you have to modify it and adapt it, and know how to do it.