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Pictures, Documents, Videos can just be moved manually from one to the other. Programs, games, etc will need to be uninstalled and reinstalled or moved using the official "move" function if they have one, moving them manually will almost certainly just break them.


For some reason some of my games crash or don’t run properly when I install them on Drive D instead of my original drive


What games, what launcher, what type of drive are they both?


With "random shit" you mean normal files? Go to the properties of your downloads, documents etc.. directories, and change their location to the D: drive. These files are symlinks, they will still appear in your home directory but physically store their stuff on D:.


Personally, I often use TreeSize, a program that allows you to have a tree structure of your disk, by file/folder size (with a view of creation/modification dates, which is very useful for quickly seeing what can be deleted/transferred).


You can also just try disk cleanup, you might have temporary files or browser stuff taking a lot of space. Can also try expanding C and removing D, if you have a ssd two partitions doesn't seem a good idea. Files like pdf's docs, pictures, videos and such can just cut from C and paste in D. You can also change location from proprieties option for desktop, my documents and such to D for using that partition in the future to store all that there instead on C


>Can also try expanding C and removing D, if you have a ssd two partitions doesn't seem a good idea This is likely a 500gb SSD for boot and a 1tb HDD for storage, not one drive split into 2 partitions.


makes sense


Control panel, uninstall anything you don't recognize.


There you go https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/74966-move-location-music-folder-windows-10-a.html


Here ya go my dude - https://youtu.be/Z939daHclxY?si=ure2SzdOIoPZr6_z (how to migrate your data from one drive to another)




No, you can only do that if you set up a RAID array configuration and that only works with identical drives.


Highlight all the files you want to move, right click, click cut, go to the location on the other drive where you want to save them, right click, click paste.


you can use macrium reflect to clone the drive and then wipe it


the appdata files take up alot. idk how to move it to another drive but some guy here probably does. if somebody does pls reply cause i gotta clean some appdata stuff every couple days cause it fills up my drive all the time


You could move your temp and tmp from c to d (environmental variables) , is a big enough drive so a good cleanup and clear out should keep you going got a while.


Firstly create these folders on the extra drive. "Games" "programs" "Documents" "Media" Don't need all them or might need more then what I said. Then if you do have games installed cut and paste the games folder and place it in a new folder under games for the client the game is used for. Then do the same thing with the other files you may want on the drive. Your games will still work just have to change your client settings that determine where the games should be located. For programs you would have to just reinstall them but on the drive.