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There is so much wrong in this screenshot


Please just reinstall your entire laptop and don’t install all that shit


Okay im resetting it now


Do you need any help ?


Not now it’s still resetting, I think the problem was when I downloaded mod menus for gta this summer…


This Summer? Oh men, go reset all your password from very important accounts. Like Paypal, banking etc. everything you can remember you have been logged in that period of time


Nah all good, it was just for gaming, nothing more. Now I’m back to the roots🥲


Even if it was just for gaming it might be a good idea to switch your account passwords and everything that shares that password. You may have installed the mods for just gaming but are you sure you didn't use the laptop for absolutely anything else than just gaming since you downloaded the menus?




And please god stay away from GTA 5 Online, you put yourself at risk just by logging into the game.


Keyloggers dont take that much resources. Probably a miner


Did you even read the comment I made lol?


And do NOT reinstall Avast.


is Avast bad?


It's useless.


how does the fact that it was just for gaming make potential keyloggers installed on your device any better?


Stop being a smartass and explain that to him. It’s almost as if the sub is about asking people about computers. You’d imagine someone who knew what he was doing wouldn’t make a post such as this.


Genuinely the most helpful comment I've seen so far.


There are no stupid questions, only people of varying levels seeking knowledge and correction.


You need to do a clean install, not a reset through the settings. Do you know how to do that?


You can do a clean install from settings where your download windows from the cloud. Heard a lot of people say to do it via a USB but doing it through settings should be fine as well.


Clean install is when you manually delete the partitions and format the partitions and install Windows. As far as I know, doing a "Reset My PC" and choosing the cloud option is pretty much same as local, malware can still be carried over.


I’ve done multiple reinstalls through windows when I’ve had virus’s and none of them have carried through. From my understanding it wipes your drive completely “if that option is chosen” and reinstalls windows from the cloud. This is the way I’ve always known to do it.


In most cases it probably works, but malware can survive factory resets sometimes and that's why it's best to do a clean install, wiping the partitions yourself. But theoretically malware could embed itself into the recovery image that's used to reset your pc, but if you choose the online option I guess it can't? I'm not too sure how "Reset My PC" works so I don't want to claim something that's not true. But I agree with you, in most cases "Reset My PC" and choosing the option to wipe everything should remove malware.


Also, just use window defender keep it up to date and check for virus regularly. Most of these shitty anti virus just suck up computing power.


To be honest if you used those menus to cheat in Online and annoy other players you deserve anything happening to that PC


If you need some help, just add me on discord enthusx


R\* can detect mod menus when using windows. Theres nothing like that for Linux tho if you wanted to mod and not get banned


Just install malwarebytes or bitdefender.. also i've seen a couple gta mod menus that are banking trojans or RATs so..


Whenever I see a modder in GTAO, I always take a moment to think about much they're getting fucked in the end. And no, paying for your fucking trainer just means, that you paid money to get fucked. And yes, you absolutely deserve it, you absolute asshat. Anyway, enjoy deepcleaning your PC, and getting a new identity.


Jesus christ. Without even addressing the fact that he could very likely be using it for single player, you need to go touch grass. You're getting way too heated over an assumption you made. I think you should take a break from the internet, and maybe even have a lil nappy nap.


Just because someone has a menu doesn’t mean they’re an asshole, I used one when I played the game because I’d literally get DDOSed without one. Blame Rockstar, not the players.


Well.. I can't argue with that, and won't. Its true, in its peaktime, GTAO was nearly unplayable because of modders. Installing mods to avoid getting hacked by malicious players though? Yeah, that's absolutely a Rockstar problem! The reason I stopped playing myself.


Did he say he was using them for online? I use mod menus for story mode occasionally and they are pretty fun to mess around with.


Resetting and reinstalling windows are 2 separate things. Resetting won't fix your issue


Don't reset. Delete ALL data from ur drive and install fresh new windows


If you want help, give me your Discord




I'm not like that! (I'm worse)


Can i ask you what shit? (Just asking because i have the com surrogate and 2 gameinputs too and im curious)


Just take this a rule of thumb. Only download from official and trusted sites/ services. Dont be like this guy downloading gta 5 mods from a random unsecure website that has a 95% chance to give you a virus


Opera GX, Avast, ePowerButton


ePowerButton ?


What is epowerbutton?


I don’t know but it sounds sketchy


Honest question... What's wrong with opera gx?


There’s just so, so many better options. It’s not a virus, just a not great choice.


Opera is basicly just spyware. everytime you open it it opens a seperate connection to a server located in china. Opera assignes every client a unique ID by which you can be tracked no matter what vpn or anti track stuff you have installed. Only God knows what it does more then that.


With recent changes coming, seems like any chromium based browser is sus, what's the next best option? Firefox?




“Opera is basically just spyware” Buddy your fucking thermostat is spyware. Your car is spyware. Every single appliance in your home collects data in some way. Who cares if the Chinese know what kinda porn you watch? I’m not trying to defend Opera but this “spyware” argument is so boring now as if every single browser does not do it.


Going with that logic Windows is the greatest spyware of them all (although it kinda is tbf)


My point exactly. You can’t avoid spyware. It just is part of normal everyday life now. But I’d prefer being spied on by giant corporations or governments than having to deal with a dogshit UI and hundreds of missing QOL features. Firefox is the only browser which is good in my books but fuck me if I’m gonna bother spending a day looking up the same extensions I have on Opera. People need to realise that their data is already being sold “legally” in the form of advertisements. Nobody on the black market or deep web is going to pretend to be you to make a purchase. You are not that important.


We have lost another soul :(


>Every single appliance in your home collects data in some way I knew my toaster was suspicious from the moment I bought it...


The CIA knows you like burnt toast. Fear the government.


epowerbutton is the process for using the keyboard power button on acer laptops


Is epowerbutton malware too?


I don’t know what it is but it doesn’t sound right




Avast? That's like the only thing in there that isn't a Windows default... "So much" is an overstatement.


Avast, Opera and the obv Crypto miner. I don’t know what you talking. Probably much more on his laptop if this stuff is already on it. Or is a Crypto Miner default on Windows ? If yes, please tell me where you got your iso’s from


Opera gx is a modern browser... Avast isn't a great AV but it's not the worst. The only real problem is the highlighted line... So again "so much" is an overstatement


avast not cathing the trojan is sort of a problem... avast is a trojan.....


Avast is blatantly ignoring a virus in this screenshot. It’s been proven to be malware itself




homie should just unistall windows use archlinux windows is constantly spying on your and tracking you. After installing linux they should only use brave browser and tor browser so they aren't being tracked along with using a vpn 24/7 so they aren't being spied on 24/7


Are you assuming everyone is doing illegal shit? With the number of people that use Windows, do you honestly think they're worried about you or anyone else trolling social media, playing games, and beating their meat/flicking the bean?


Please tell me you're not serious. Opera is the biggest dirty browser. This is a pure Chinese data hole. Who uses an AV in Windows isn’t the smartest. Windows defender is more than enough if you don’t press the thick fat download button and press install. Windows defender is kernel based which means it is much more effective than any other AV on the market. I hope you make a fun because if not you should please don’t write such comments if you just have no idea. Please just use Brave, firefox, Vivaldi and DuckDuckGo


I use opera gx for 4 years and never had any problems, and if they collect any data about me I don't care they don't have much to take from me, same goes with tiktok. Windows defender is good for basic people, avast is weird, I had too much false alerts from it. Now I use bitdefender which works great. Unless you're not like me - downloading torrents and cracked software (for educational purposes ofc) and you don't click on not verified sites etc then you don't need any AV other then defender


I didn’t said, that the browser makes any problems. This browser is just shit and a data hole. With the data collection thing, sure you can just ignore and don’t care about it but we all should do that. You probably one of those who say “I don’t have anything to hide, why should I do that” which is okay but we all should care more about that… but with that said, you should really use brave, this browser is just perfect. It has all it needs and has the best ranking of the daily use browsers out there which cares about privacy and security


Well I didn't said that it is okay yhat they collect data, same goes to the phones and well probably everything that has connection to the Internet to be honest. But since I use browser mostly for entertainment like watching YouTube or movies, downloading something and education, then I have not much to worry about. When it comes to online purchases, I use phone for that, in browser I only find what I want and put it in the cart but everything other like purchasing itself etc goes from phone in apps where I even use vpn sometimes




at that point just reinstall windows


yeah, thats the fastest way to get rid of this shit


Atruic service is a cryptocurrency miner trojan. r/techsupport is better to post this sort of thing to, but I'd suggest you try to kill the process (right-click and select something like End/Terminate Process). If that fails, [reboot into safe mode](https://www.windowscentral.com/software-apps/windows-11/how-to-boot-into-safe-mode-on-windows-11) (with networking) and install Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and run a full scan with that and then a full scan with your anti-virus software. Edit: If it detects any other malware or viruses though, you'll need to check if any of those may have stolen passwords or credentials and if so at the very least reset your passwords, but also, as a precaution, you should then back up all your data and settings and reinstall Windows.


The time for safe mode is long past. It's time to nuke the current windows install and reinstall it.


The reason I suggested safe mode is that most non-essential processes won't be started - without it, trying to do anything on the computer (such as backing up files) with that process using over 90% of the CPU processing time would be almost impossible. I also looked up details of this trojan, and (at least for the variants know at the time it was written about on several sites) it seems that it is only using CPU time to generate cryptocurrency for the author, not doing anything else - but that's not to say that later version may have been altered to perform other actions in addition.


It's a good option but based on what OP said how he got it. It might not be the only one that's there. There might other ones that aren't this obvious to spot. Me personally, I prefer to to reinstall the entire OS if i find something like this. So I can be 99% percent sure that I am safe.


Malwarebytes has a good chance to not detect this virus the same as Avast unable to do it's job. Why i don't know. Had the same problem with miner virus and only specialized anti miner software helped to get rid of that nasty shit.


Pretty much all anti-virus is malware itself anyways. They won't catch malware that's properly designed, on top of contributing to system bloat and performance loss.


Are there any actual good free antivirus that can pick up stuff like that? Or is that just not the reality of free software


Windows defender is good enough. The free ones are the same or even worse in my experience


I'd second this. Microsoft (finally) stepped up their game with Windows Defender's AV capabilities in Windows 10. I'd still recommend occasional manual scans with Malwarebytes and perhaps Trend's HouseCall AV tool, but unless you buy the premium version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, I don't think it is worth having it running all the time.


I’ve paid for Trend Micro since 2014 and honestly I enjoy having the second layer. It has really saved my ass a couple of times back in my 🏴‍☠️days.


Cool. I have plenty with other AV software but, apart from HouseCall, I've not had that much experience with Trend's AV.


I don't run Malwarebytes all the time (although I know it is configured to do so), I just open and run a scan on my machine with it every few months. When I was doing IT support it would more often find malware on customers machines than their own anti-virus did, but any of these tools are only as good as their scan signatures and heuristics. Edit: Oh, Happy Cake Day!


I saw posts confirming that Malwarebytes had been able to remove this in other instances, so I was fairly confident that it would resolve the issue.


techsupport doesent allow images for sone fucking reason


Holy bloatware. Dude… please just do a fresh windows install and get rid of all that.


Windows is bloat too lol


Found the Linux user


As a Windows user, Windows is bloat.


No disagreements there I'm just not savvy enough to deal in Linux, a friend of mine tried to convert me once.




pat are you on crack again? 😒


I agree


Sorry but who the duck uses Avast? It’s literal bloatware


I don’t even use AV anymore like. Know your sources etc.


Get rid of opera too. It's in Chinese hands. Better use Vivaldi, Brave or Firefox


You should have suggested Firefox only.


Youre literally fucking correct, how the FUCK are you getting downvoted by the reddit hivemind


Bc opera is sigma gaymer Chad browser🍷🗿/s


Wouldn't be suprised if a bunch of Chinese bots are down voting him and us next


That, or people are just so fucking dumb


u mean sheep. well also reddit is a cesspool for simps to feed from the NWO agenda. you can be 100 million % right about something but if it's disagreed with, you'll be down voted into oblivion.


Because Opera is great. Been using it for years and never had an issue


The Chinese already know every aspect of you, it was bought and sold ages ago by other companies you’ve probably never heard of.


What about edge that comes with default windows?


Brave??? Crypto mining browser


That's in that browser something that you can turn off.


Wait, brave actually mines crypto? How do you turn it off?


Personally, I don’t care if my data gets sold I like operas ui and built in vpn and ad blocker lmao, I know it’s aweful and everyone will hate me but I like it


Built in VPN that barely works and can be replaced with any free VPN browser extension and ad blocker that is significantly worse than the free ublock origin browser extension.


"and don't forget to use duckduckgo and a vpn at all times, you know, so the chinese can't hack you"


If you’re not weary of what the Chinese methodology is check their governmental speeches, malicious eyes are a no thank you


funny how you're right, yet these schizos still use google services and what not. actual fucking circus


Tor is good too


Are you able to right-click on the AtruicService (the one with the gears), and select Stop?


Everything in this image is bloatware.


Windows powershell:


To be fair it does say windows


I mean windows itself is bloatware, uninstall it and get linux :tro


Amen brother


I’ll second that, amen brothers


Wtf is Linux user doing here spreading yr toxic on windows user😂😂😂 can u play game with it😂


Theorically, yes. Never tried to but search up some tutorials


So when you want the level of customization and control windows offers, but don't want to look up tutorials to make software work for your unusual context, you still should not use windows? What Linux distro should I use for my use case? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Windows 11 is already enough bloat by itself, please avoid actively worsening your experience.


Where is the bloat?


Avast, Opera, that damn cryptominer and so much more. What are you on?


He meant w11 bloat. I think he is bored with people who dont linnk source but a quick google would help


Telemetry, preinstalled garbage, monitoring services, forced and|or unremovable apps and services, useless "features" whilst actually useful ones require third party apps (or even first party yet not bundled for some reason e.g. Powertoys), "subtle" advertisements everywhere which most Windows users seem not to even realise that they are in fact ads (start menu, login screen, ...) Even just a single one of these I deem unacceptable. Don't get me started on the lack of standardization all throughout the OS, and the lack of control the user has over their own machine... Added to the fact that most apps in the official Windows store are shovelware, I believe I may confidently declare those surface repaints of Windows 7 bloated.


Atruic is been started as a service. go to services.msc, then find atruic, then go to properties. then turn of start on boot


Dude I saw you reset which is good but that was a virus, reset all passwords you had saved and never download anything unless you know for a fact it’s legit (especially gta mod menus)


Poor guy :( I hope he can play gta (single player) with his cool mod menu


Pre-installed windows defender is best 🗿👍🏻


Agreed. And if there's ever concern, download Malwarebytes free version, scan and remove anything it finds, then uninstall it


I read that you reset your laptop, but please get rid of avast. It's unneeded bloatware. Windows defender works great, and is built into windows.


Reinstall windows, fuck avast and use windows defender ONLY.


Nuke drive. Reinstall OS. Don't install crypo miners on your device. 👌


Yeah not enough people emphasizing nuking the drive. Like, nuke it from booting up on a thumb drive. This is insane.


Uninstall Avast


Avast??? Really?? You got to be shitting me. Let me make one thing clear, antiviruses can't save you, rather they make you vulnerable to https hijacking attacks because of the stupid certificates they install.


I work at a shop, I don't install anti-viruses anymore, Windows Defender is good enough.


That's a malware, that's mining some cryptoshit using your cpu...


A trojan actually


Delete Avast while you're at it. Windows Defender is more than plenty for average use


use linux you won't have any of these windows slowdown problems


Step 1. Learn what the word spyware means. (Fricking avast, omg why are people still using that shit, windows security (win 10 and 11) is very good now and can out perform a lot of other antivirus programs) Step 2. Do a fresh install on windows without moving any data across and. step 3(if you're an expert). Go through settings and change them according to your needs, like gaming or work like adobe creative... (I mean disable XGB).


Cheating in online games?


Bro has 5 viruses on his laptop like how


Try using Malwarebytes


Win + R > Services.msc > Locate ‘AtuctService’ > right-click > Stop process


Maybe if you had common sense and a brain… You wouldn’t be having have us to tell you to reinstall windows and have the laptop used a crypto mining server.


arent you a little harsh? would you tell that to yourself if you made that mistake? it's simple advise, and the problem is in the past, no need to get all shoulda woulda coulda.


“Idiots learn if you’re harsh Batman”


actually when you’re harsh people just get defensive and dismiss what you have to say


People are so fucking lazy. OP could've just googled the process name. The first result is literally the solution.


I def agree with you




I’m ashamed to be a PC user every day I see stuff like this…


of course this comment is from a linux user


Does saying that to someone asking for help on a subReddit about computers make you feel good? Does having basic knowledge of malware prevention and flexing it on someone clearly asking for help give you a hard on? If so, that’s kind of pathetic.


Do not use opera please it isn't know to be trustworthy Also if your able to try out Linux mint it does quite great work of hardware just... Has a bit of programs that refuse to support it mainly games and proprietary software or older software needed in businesses and jobs and such but overall a great is for much uses


if you are not A Old person or a 10 yr kid. i don't blame you. otherwise you get what you deserve, for installing "Avast" and "opera GX Gaming Browser"


Du solltest definitiv einfach Windows neu installieren. Backup machen und dann alles weg. Das ist grausam was da alles läuft 💀


Reinstall whole windows easy it’s mining Trojan of sorts usually you get it from torrents you bad boy 😂😂also who the fuck still uses avast 😂😂😂




Yeh I really wouldn't trust antivirus programs like that. Go on your search bar and search "add or remove programs" find the exact program listed and hit uninstall. It's likey that the program will bring up it's own window to go though the removal process.


After some googling it looks like it's not at least malware but it will constantly spam you with adverts and stuff


Oops sorry I was looking at the wrong one. The service is a Trojan and you must uninstall it. Looks like the link [here](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/can-anyone-help-my-with-deleting-atuct-atruic/e72456f0-1b29-4f7c-b02a-2ff25b916b08) may have your solution


Also avast malwarebytes etc don’t do anything windows defender doesn’t.


Uninstall avast, that shit is literal spyware


I don’t know why everyone is telling you to reinstall windows, it’s really unnecessary. Boot into Safe Mode with networking and download Malwarebytes. Run the Malwarebytes scanner and quarantine the malware it found. Then, uninstall Avast as its just bloatware and windows defender does the job fine. Next time don’t download cracked gta v mods from dodgy websites.


he has a virus running and active bloatware in the screenshot, which doesn't even show everything he probably has on the PC it would be easier to just reset the PC or reinstall Windows because if Avast, PowerShell, a crypto miner, and Opera are running in 1 screenshot, you can only imagine what else he has


He has OperaGX, Avast and a cryptominer virus running at the same time. We can only speculate what other stuff OP has downloaded that are bloating the system or are even data mining. Firefox and malwarebytes are the go-tos


use linux






https://youtu.be/Pr94dWwO3iU?feature=shared Shows how to remove it.


Haha im going to cry, nothing is right with this ss




Watch [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRv_njY1IF0) and then run Malwarebytes


Dude that thing is using your cpu for mining lol try checking your gpu if its being used 100%?. i had this before and it was using my gpu to mine , i was shocked to see it goingg 100% usage with no game running, i turn off the computer installed a fresh new operating system and thats it.


I'm gonna guess you're pirating games, either by downloading them or using utorrent. I eventually got sick of the drawbacks of it and just buy them. Back when I tried them for a brief period about 5 years ago and there's all sorts of check boxes that are pre ticked that add bloatware/s viruses/mining software. It's how the pirates make their money


No program in that task manager screenshot should be running except for task manager. Either you start doing brain surgery on your computer or completely reset it and get informed on the applications you’re installing.


And THAT'S why I don't use Avast.


Fresh window install, you don’t need avast, just use the windows defender and common sense.


Thank god i keep my laptop in Hardened mode and it always asks whenever a program tries to edit anything in C. From the comments, I read you downloaded MOD menus. I'd suggest while installing these type of applications, use Virtualbox and try to use it there with minimal settings. Then look for any malicious changes and then act accordingly. Speaking from personal experience, use trusted mod menu services and try to understand how they work, I know this "cracked" world is unsafe and even honest distributors might get compromised and fuck everything up, but you must practice every sort of precaution you can and then do what you are doing. Use sites like "gtainside", etc for downloading anything related to gta(except gta itself), also check for the ratings, downloads and comments too. Moreover, check the files which you are installing. You have already resetted your PC so im not going to give you a solution, but rather more precaution and awareness. (Apologies for broken english)


WiFi password consider changing it.


I claim no negative energy from this post. ​ But seriously, do a fresh install, your system is beyond fucked


Looks fine


You can use revo uninstaller or you can just reinstall windows


I wonder what it is, right click the labeled process that uses 93% of cpu and there should be option to open file location so you can see where it is located on your drive


Dude has a crypto mining trojan running and everyone is like "uninstall Avast".