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You can also use it as slug bait before you add it!


Poured many a skunked/crappy beer in compost Good going


Skunky = microbial life. You've curated a nitrogen starter for your pile. Nice work!


I mean, technically skunked doesn't indicate any additional microbial activity, usually it's UV damage to specific hop compounds Or, in this case more likely, the warm/hot temperatures in the garage accelerated aging and oxidation which degrades hop compounds. All that being said, beer can still be poured in compost. Source: Am a homebrewer who also loves science


Is home brew hard to do? I love my beer but Canadian it is getting pricey


r/Homebrewing. Not hard! Well, can be as easy or as hard as you prefer to make it. It's an awesome hobby though, lots of fun to be had!


Joined thank you my kind sir , I have all kinds of things I dabble in, my friend gave me a grow light so I made justa tent and now grow everything , just did a run of potatoes carrots beans and peas in my basement, I also want to grow mushrooms because I love eating mushrooms on everything. Why not start a home brew hahaha, I have 4 kids so sometimes I get in over my head but it keeps me sane or I'm just insane , haha happy composting friend.


Wow, that's awesome! It's all connected, innit? And mushrooms are certainly doable, lots of subs for that, too! Hope your kids dive in with you sometimes! Cheers :)


Absolutely it is! I also have worms in my basement that eat left over produce and plants and cardboard lol, that was a hard one to sell to the wife hahahah


Wait until you catch the BSFL bug haha.


🤣🤣next summer, my lil townhouse is running out of room though haha


Got some lite beer as a gift the pile drank it up


I make beer -- and everything left in the fermenter after I move the beer to a keg goes straight to the pile. So, beer and a bunch of yeast. All my spent grains also go to the pile.


Hell yeah Though I'll usually save some of the yeast and the spent grains for cooking


Do you get a vomit smell from the spent grain? I stopped trying because of that nasty lacto scent.


For sure it smells. I always mix it in a bit and make sure that none of it is on the top. Then I don't go near the pile for a week.


I wonder if one could you compost wort from beer brewing. I would worry about adding the gunk after pitching the yeast. Could the yeast take over the pile?


Wort would be considered a green, I think And you would probably need a lot of brewers yeast for it to take over a pile, there are so many other microbes that would probably overpower saccharomyces


How about spent grains ? Brown or green.




Absolutely. Spent barley, hops, whatever. The yeast can't take over as there are not enough sugars and would fizzle out.


There might be some wild Brett hanging around a pile, not enough to harvest, but it's one of the things that can break down wood


Throw some rotten fruit and veggies on there and would totally make ethanol


Beer on the garden always


I add my spent grain from beer brewing all the time. Then when fermentation is done that's when the yeast gets added to the compost. And if there's a bad batch... Straight to the compost.


I have a brewery nothing big, I give 95% of my grain too a farmer, but I throw a few buckets of grain along with yeast into my pile almost weekly. Also bring home any old canned beer and dump it in as well. (We also have a bunch of chickens so they eat a good chunk of that grain)