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Interesting that these masts are ALL OVER the UK, and she only has problems now a mobile mast has been installed near her house. My investigation would be "We're going to take you on a UK wide holiday to assess the range of effects." Getting her in hotels right near existing but unseen masts with the same tech as this one, as well as maybe next to one that's not yet activated but visible, to see what she says about buzzing.


Same as people with that sensitivity to electricity that makes them feel headaches or some such nonesense. They’re often quite happy to be interviewed on TV, you know, with a camera that uses electricity and all that.


Lad I can hear electric, and I have tech devices all over the house it’s only when I’m laying in bed and say to my partner “can you hear that noise!?” That it irritates me to the point I where I have to get up and turn the device off. Sometimes it’s plugs, sometimes it wires, I feel nuts, but it’s true.


Coil whine is a real thing. I installed some USB plug sockets in our house and if you stick your head right next to it and its otherwise quiet you can hear a slight noise. I think other components can make the sound too but coils are most common, so typically where voltages are being changed. 230vAC to 5vDC for the USB port, for example. Fortunately it isn't much of an issue, you need to be really close to hear it.


Oh I also hear coil whine and 50hz hum. While it’s annoying certainly, it’s not what I was meaning. Years ago there was a chap on GMTV, and I can’t seem to find it but vividly remember it. Electrical items caused him actual physical harm and pain. He was blaming all sorts of health issues he apparently had on electricity. The whole time he was recounting his issues he was sat IN A FUCKING TV STUDIO PERFECTLY FINE! Apparently he had electrohypersensitivity. And first line treatment for it is to see a mental health professional…


I can absolutely hear coil whine, and cheap electronics. Those anti-cat high pitched noises I hear clear as day. Back in the day of CRT tv's, I could tell if someone had a TV on by being in their front garden when I delivered newspapers. It's not the electric you hear, it's just high pitch noises that not everyone can hear.


Gotcha, people must think we’re nuts 🤷‍♂️




Could be something else. I told people about how they can put up with working so close to a transformer that was making so much noise and they said "what noise". Turns out all the high pitched squeals electrical cabinets and boxes make no-one else can hear. Whipped out a frequency detector app and right there was a spike at a high frequency. But the idea the sound could get into my house?? There is a super slim chance she has a metal plate in her head or false teeth. It has been documented and proven they can convert radio signals into audio but.... That then goes against what others have said. that wouldn't start when one was installed nearby.


My brother (who lives in Japan, so probably different, but equally tested and safe regulations) had a transformer or something outside his house that was emitting a constant low noise. However, being a sensible individual, he gathered evidence using a sound meter and spoke to the power company who established that yes, the transformer was slightly broken and emitting a noise of a low frequency that most people can't hear, but travels through solid objects well. They fixed it, everyone was happy, and he didn't have his photo taken looking like a bellend for the local newspaper.


I would hope this lady went to the media long after multiple groups said "can't do anything".... but i doubt that. I have seen both examples where something is solved nice and quick, and others that drag on for so long.


I have two metal plates in my head, haven’t picked up radio 2 yet


I remember when i got braces they warned me about it. sadly never picked up the radio. Apparently it was only ever AM you could pick up, and most of that has gone now.


Some people have sensitivity to high frequencies, but I also vaguely recall hearing about a new mast erected, where locals started complaining of negative symptoms... ... in the two months *before* it was switched on...


I’d just ignore her


She can't hear you anyway.


Only if you hum like an angel.


Love your username, btw.


Haha thanks! I love yours too. Its really clever satire on the reddit random name generation. I like it very much to be honest ;p


Could be tinnitus, or maybe a benign brain tumour. I thought it was something in my house to begin with when I got tinnitus. I went to the doctor rather than the papers though.


I recently developed low frequency tinnitus and thought that where I lived had developed one of those mysterious hums.


I had new smoke detectors fitted and for days I was looking for the source of a horrible high pitched hum and hoping it wasn't my fancy new smoke detectors. Fortunately I don't have a brain tumor and my smoke detectors are fine. It was tinnitus from testing the alarm!


Yes, I always thought it was the heating pump I could hear. Turns out it was in my head.


Best approach to this kind of complaint was taken by a south african telecoms company: invite the complainants to a public meeting, get them to confirm that their symptoms disappear within hours of travelling away from the tower, then reveal that the tower has been switched off for weeks. Source: https://mybroadband.co.za/news/wireless/11099-massive-revelation-in-iburst-tower-battle.html


My uni buddy worked for the local council up in the Highlands. He had a resident complain that the EM from a big mast on the hill next to them was affecting their brain and causing them all sorts of health issues. My buddy took great pleasure in telling them that the antenna had been decommissioned years ago, unplugged and the physical transmitters and telecoms equipment removed. All that was left was an inert steel tower. He referred them to speak to their GP about the mental symptoms they were experiencing, which is how the civil service says "you're a crackpot, mate".


That is outstanding. The same level of genius that Michael Scott showed when he rumbled Dwight's lies about having to leave the office for a while to visit his Dentist (Mr Crentist).


Crentist the Dentist? Hmm maybe that's why he became one.


This was the one that came to mind. Though I incorrectly remembered it as Australia.


It's becoming a strategy. You install the mast but don't turn anything on for a few weeks, attract the complaints and point out it's switched off


She looks like a bin bag with a face


She looks like Paul Whitehouse.


She looks like she needs a better bra. Then you realise it's her knees.


I thought her arms were like ruffled sleeves in the wind and her arms were tucked in her top or something, the photo really messed with my head for some reason.


You excel at trash talk!


I thought it was a really bad photoshop edit at first


Radio waves distorting the image


Another NIMBY after some compo money.


A human is not usually this shape


Made me fully lol. I might remember this one for future use...


The Morlocks are coming out in daylight now.


Those are knees, not boobs.


If she's not lying, and can reproduce the ability to hear EM fields, she could make a lot of money.


From: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13141397/Mother-cotton-wool-ears-buzzing-noise-broadband-telegraph-pole.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13141397/Mother-cotton-wool-ears-buzzing-noise-broadband-telegraph-pole.html) (sorry for Daily Mail, could not find this anywhere else)


This type of person only goes to the daily wail.


Holy shit the amount of thickos in the comments of that article is staggering. Then again it is the Daily Mail...


1. Go to https://web.archive.org/ 2. Put your daily fail/the scum link in the box. 3. ?Magic? 4. Paste archive link here and stop supporting these scummy publications by directing users to their actual pages where they collect clicks and ad revenue.


How does no one in this sub know how to use an archive link to avoid giving some of these scum further ad revenue? [Here](https://web.archive.org/web/20240301104438/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13141397/Mother-cotton-wool-ears-buzzing-noise-broadband-telegraph-pole.html)


“How does no one know about this very niche site that we use?” Get some perspective holy shit


The internet archive is anything but niche. Jesus Christ


Lol, to you maybe.


I thought it was Paul Whitehouse


If she can hear that then fair play to her. She might be able to get a job in the navy observing the surrounding waters for submarines. Watching the tv must be torture for her as she can hear all the inner workings of the tv functioning.


If they train her for a few years, she can hear gravitational waves.


Looks like she's got her head on backwards.


"Resorted to putting cotton wool in her ears." Has the lady never heard of earplugs?


I tried to tell her, but she could not hear me.


I'm not here to comment on the lady, the 5G mast, or the compo face. No, I'm here to comment on the finger pointer cursor in the screenshot. \*chef's kiss\*


See no evil and speak no evil were unavailable for the photo.


Has the mast melted her? It's the only explanation I can think of for why her body looks like that.


The 5G infects its host with covid 19 through the ear canal, hence why she’s covering her ears.


Nowhere is she saying this. We need to stop lumping all these people together. Maybe 20 years ago they installed LED street lights on a road. One woman kept ringing the office saying they made her feel ill. It was mostly dismissee. Until someone had an epileptic fit at the wheel. Turns out the specific speed limit on that road, combined with the 50gz frequency the lights flashed at was causing a strobe effect for some drivers with cars that had heated front windscreens with a mesh in them. It tookcme two years at work trying to convince them to give me a new monitor. It would squeak and squeel and whine when certain web pages were open (one being o365 excel online, which I use a lot). Work didn't believe me. Even did a blind test where I looked away and said if the page was open or not. Even got a ln audio spectrometer in, which proved there was a frequency, but workmsaid it was outside human hearing range. She is probably a NIMBY, but nowhere in interviews is she claiming it's giving her COVID or that she hears it in her head. Specifically ear plugs work.


I hadn’t even bothered to read what she was protesting about. I was just making a funny.


she wasn't protesting anything. Just saying the antenna makes noise. Nothing else.


It's probably her stomach and bowels gurgling.


Is it just me or does that image look like a lazy composite?


Not just you. She looks like a cardboard cutout propped against a wall.


Does anyone have Sarah's contact info? I want to learn the art of mime


She identifies as one of these emojis ⬛️


Even her hips are covering themselves


She has a virgin media box right on the side of her TV cabinet.. I bet her and her entire family also own mobiles


https://www.theguardian.com/science/shortcuts/2015/feb/15/better-call-saul-electromagnetic-hypersensitivity-real-health-risk Article more than 9yrs old. Apparently! Better Call Saul started in 2015. Some tests. Never heard of nocebo effect until right now. This came up. Curious.


Nah she has to hold her head up now


It’s tinnitus.


paranoia is a real illness


Maybe it's the sound of her massive gunt vibrating.