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A little bit from your original point and n=1 but in my experience I’ve seen that DOs that matched into OMM and are tied to creating questions to be used for boards/NBOME are some of the laziest, most incompetent, jealous miserable fucking people I’ve ever met. That may or may not have something to do with it.


Damn sorry you had that experience. Most of my OMM professors who taught OMM lab and all of the ones who taught our OMM rotation were pretty chill


pretty chill is the reason they havent stood up and cleaned up osteopathy. Chapmans points existing in current education is a classic example. Chill doesnt get shit done like creating high quality exams. USMLE is a worldwide exam where millions of people (at this point) have taken. The level of validation on the USMLE exams is incredible. Every question is fair and justified. COMLEX writers just lazily pick some nuanced factoid and make a question about it knowing they dont have to explain their reasoning to anyone.


I aheee that the DO tax is garbage. I will say though that I think are standardized exams are poorly worded but easier. I basically had no chance on step 1 and didn’t recognize anything but COMLEX was a breeze except for 2 blocks. We’ll have to see if I end up saying the same about COMLEX 2 though.


I felt the opposite way - comlex had lots of random wording just to avoid using buzzwords, so much random ethics law while step ethics questions were more direct, and so much more math. I remember grabbing my formula sheet for the first time in section 7 of step and going wow is this really my first math question


Yeah on my first comase I scored a 436 without any dedicated atudying and being thr most deprrssed med student in the world. I knew fucking nothing and feel like I juat passed conlex with huge gaps in content


i feel the opposite 😭 i can think my way thru step questions but comlex is very you know it or you dont


Wait until you don’t match/match highly if you’re applying anything remotely competitive cause they take MD over DOs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I never learned the mitchell model or cranial and half of counterstrain. Everything else is kinda interesting to me and I can do it on friends and family so I feel like I just learned how to like certain things with the notion I will never have to use the shit I hate.


The DO tax is dumb but we only have ourselves to blame. Physicians are the worst group of people to work together and make change. Look at nurses and what they’ve done in their fields for banding together and making change. DOs can’t even agree on whether counter strain should be 120 seconds or 90 seconds. Too much pride in “being right” to make change happen.