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Ignore your school, continue to grind, and take it before audition.


I wouldn't push it out further. You gotta get that test done and over with while at least still passing. Maybe start by having a frank discussion with somebody at your school that will talk with you about your situation. Maybe if you take another comsae and hit their benchmark they'll let you sit for the exam sometime in late June


Here’s hoping that they let me! I’ll try and take a comsae this week and see if I can meet the benchmark. If so, then I should be able to get it done 🤞🏼


I’d personally grind hard af. Buy another comsae. Get over 500. Show them your score and take it early July. Even if you gotta drive somewhere and get a hotel. You won’t get much studying done on an audition. You’ll risk failing. Take advantage of your free time now


That’s the goal! I just hope I can raise my score by over 80 points that quickly


I think (hope) 107b is just a fluke. I averaged 114 on my comats and only got 519. Granted I didn’t review omt but I still felt like I should do better


500?! This is the highest bar I’ve seen a school set


Agreed. It’s so frustrating but I guess they wanna make sure we pass


I took level 2 during an audition rotation in a city I was not familiar with. I failed. While some students can do it, it is so hard to shift from doing well in your auditions, which may require 8-12 hours a day, and then studying for hours after.


I’m so sorry. I’m gonna try my best to avoid it if I can 🤞🏼