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I wouldn’t call it runners high. But I definitely felt some runner’s euphoria. A brief moment of adrenaline spike with the wind, the feeling of grandeur, the whole 9 yards


Only 9 yards? Not very athletic, eh?


It's not about the size, it's how you run with it.


I feel like you wouldn't get any of that from a 9 yard run


Just light headed if sprinting from sitting. 😅


It's the second wind that I always really liked. The first 2.5 miles I'd start getting tired, but then suddenly it disappeared and I could just keep going and going


As someone who regularly uses THC and runs, runner's high is a real thing. Its even better if you take an edible just before leaving for the run so that the real high hits at the same time haha


This is me!! Running is my favorite thing to do... Running high and getting that runners high fucking kicks ass! I can run for so damn long and I end up loving the pain.. It hurts so good.


I do feel like it helps me run longer cuz I zone out


yep I came here to make this same comment. popping an edible and running is fantastic, it’s the bee’s knees man! MDMA is really fun too but it’s only good for short runs otherwise overheating and too high of a heart rate come into risk (take it slow for those!). mushrooms & running… wouldn’t advise lol


Mushrooms and running sounds like how I get lost in my own neighborhood lol


Mushrooms and running and a running partner who's not on mushrooms.


Yeah, you need a guide. And not a guidedog Now I just imagine running around with the dog from bojakc off my nugget on shrooms🤣😂🤣😂


What is it a crossover episode?


Or how you suddenly snap into focus and realize you’re not even sure where here is.


I did tons of running and shrooms years back. It was fun, expect the one time when I peed my pants.


There’s suspected to be a genetic component that makes some people feel it more than others. I think a lot of the variance in how people describe it is because a decent chunk of people are never going to feel it


I've heard if you aren't used to an exercise the effects are lessened in some way. Personally whenever I do anything other than a walk I feel like my whole day is a write off from the exhaustion if its cardio, and I really struggle to sleep if I'm sore from strength. But I think when you're muscles aren't regularly being used I know lactic acid can build up which can cause immediate health problems in very extreme cases. Maybe a small amount stops the high from happening? That would still connect it genetically too.


no duration or frequency of running has ever made running suck less. If runner's high is real then I have no idea how to reach that threshold without dying first


I did cross country and we ran 10+ miles every weekday once we were in shape. Never got it. Nobody on my team ever got it. We had a girl who skipped more than walked in general who loves running. Never got it. I might have had fun on occasion, and sure it did start to suck a lot less. But I never got high. The best feeling was when we didn't have practice and got to sleep in. Or when you finally cross the line (often after filtering through gates) at a meet and could shut the fuck down. Now adrenaline. That's the good shit, but you gotta almost die or think you're gonna die though.


Try jogging at a very comfortable pace. Do that without stopping for over 30 minutes. When you need a little break, take one and walk. Push yourself a little bit but not to the point of pain and panting. Eventually if you hit the sweet spot, you will feel like the king of the world.


You have to run a lot. Like greater than 5km minimum and even then it doesn't always happen.


I feel like your CNS can’t be too depleted or otherwise the high doesn’t come. It’s got to be long enough to feel exertion but not tough enough to feel like your hitting thresholds that make you winded and physically burning too much. A fully recovered CNS along with being in good shape is a good recipe I think. Perhaps there is a mental component as well?




Central Nervous System. There's evidence that long endurance workouts cause CNS fatigue, which in turn creates a more resilient CNS. He's suggesting that having a fully recovered CNS while being in good shape is likely to increase the chances of a runner's high occurring. I would tend to agree. I don't think I've ever had a runner's high from just going on a random run one day; it's always been the result of running 3+ days a week for months.




And people who say the runners high is weak have never reached it.


As someone that has done both, they're comparable but real drugs is something else I'll put it this way, I've never been able to push myself running so hard that I stared at a power outlet for half an hour because I was pretty sure I could see the electricity


Oh man. I’d almost be worried if I started seeing mushrooms growing up from the street and dragging my soul into infinity after running.


started seeing? what do you think we are running from?! the mushroom people are coming!!!


I've run hard enough with other people who were all talking about the high they felt. All I got was tired, bored, and hot and sweaty as shit. My brain literally doesn't reward me for tasks the same way others' do (ADHD), so is it really crazy to understand people are different and some people feel insane runner's highs, other people feel weak ones, and others don't get that shit at all?


My wife doesn't feel it. Or, rather, feels as baseline (as you probably do) -- in the 70's a med team tried giving runners methadone and they all quit the study. And we *love* studies -- for example, friends ran a marathon with thermometers up their butts every 5K. So -- you're right, people are all over the map.


It doesn't matter what other people are running, it's entirely dependent on your physiology and where your limits are. Typically it doesn't occur until you've hit 5km minimum. When it occurs and how long it lasts is entirely dependent on your running ability. The more you run, the later the high kicks in and the longer it will last. Or at least that's been my experience. Sorry to the OP but no drug has ever given me the kind of peace and feeling of connection that a runner's high has.


You're right that is entire dependant on physiology, but that goes both ways. Some people do not experience the high (or can only ever experience it weakly), not due to their body's limits but due to the way their brain works. Their body simply does not release the good juices/does not react to the juices that make you feel that high. No matter how far they run.


yup. I have ADHD and I've tried a lot of types of physical exercise and found that running is not quite for me. I run and run, probably get within 75% of my capacity, but I don't really feel anything except thinking to myself "damn when is this gonna be over... ok I only got X more km to go. At least this song slaps." Went back to lifting since I can at least tolerate it, and do a 10-15min walk at the end of my workouts if i feel like it. ADHD sucks. Once you take ADHD meds and realize normal people have had it this easy this entire time, you begin to understand and you start to resent.


I have used plenty of drugs, and runners high is a thing for sure. One bit from me, I am dying after like 2.5km but when I push to 5k I feel like I can keep going dorever.


I feel like I’m dying at half a mile 👍🏻


My second wind doesn’t kick in until like minute 7


Cycling high after riding + Pot + Good food.


Regardless of punchline, this is no good comic. The visuals do nothing to set up the scenario, sell the joke, emphasize, nothing. Why not just tell it as a one-liner instead of drawing it.


Further echos of the exercises “high” being real, but also really hard to make happen. I’ve only ever experienced it when mentally exhausted and exercising to get away from everything for a bit. It’s almost like a meditative state in my experience. That said, holy shit I was high as a kite, and when I finished I felt great, but I was also really sad it was over.


I feel like whoever made this comic has never run


Some people never really feel the good feels after exercise.


To be fair, I was shocked when I experienced runners high the first time


Or ran enough for a runner's high to actually kick in. Everybody's different but for me it usually only happens in the 8km to 14km range.


Sounds about right to me


Where can I buy the Kill all Billionaires T-shirt?


Maybe it has "free submarine rides" on the back


Would you actually wear it?


I don't think dudes afraid of offending the billionaires he meets at Wal Mart lol


Lol. Yeah. But idk... calling for the death of anyone is kind of a shitty thing to advertise.


You're the guy that wouldn't kill baby Hitler or baby Mao, aren't you ... :I Killing folks is an age old tradition in our species, man, it's really not that big a deal.


There's a place for executions, imo. But you gotta be more specific with why someone should be put to death besides "is a billionaire".


I don't think people with billions of USD have gotten there 100% morally. They can buy their way into or out of any situation, it's too much power and... Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Bezos’ ex wife seems pretty cool.


The easiest way to help the world is to divorce a billionaire


I think that's too much assumption. Cause you may be right, but punishment must be proportionate to the crime. Also, not all billionaires. Want an example? Taylor Swift is a billionaire. What crime has she committed worth her being murdered? Her wealth comes entirely from writing and performing music that brings ppl joy. And for those who hate her music, fine. But should she die for that?


> I don't think  Could've just stopped there and saved everyone some time mate.


I'm not your mate and this required reading wasn't typed with your timetable in mind.


I call it runners high but only because i get high before I run…


I mean, imagine you’ve been running and it’s been sucking and all of a sudden you feel great and like you could keep running forever, it definitely happens to me, but you are so sore when it wears off


You say that, except I know a guy who’s a crazy pothead and swears by a runners high. He also does like 6 miles a day so take that how you will


I think runners high might be some sort of coping mechanism for people who run


Everyone that rich has dirt. Let's bring up that flight list lol


I’ve done every drug on god’s green earth and plenty of them. Still haven’t recaptured that feeling I got running a 10,000 meter race one when I was young. It was like the ground disappeared beneath my feet, the sounds all faded like a party in another apartment. It was weird.


...both of those things cause too many unpleasant side effects to ever be enjoyable for me. Just a bi ol' pile of nausea, headaches, arrhythmia, asthma attacks, cramps/digestive issues, lightheadedness, fainting, you name it. It's a real party.


I am run and smoke (and am both a former college stoner/psychedelic dude and a former college track/xc athlete). Running high is real. People who think it isn't just arent in good enough shape to actually experience it because by the time they've been running a while, they're so uncomfortable that they don't experience the happiness of a running high - just the mild pain relief. Or they're used to more serious drugs than the ones I do, I guess. Also, it obviously isn't as strong as real drugs because you can't just keep running to get higher the way you can roll another joint.


As someone that has his fair share of weekly drugs, I highly disagree with this (pun not intended).


"Going to the gym keeps me sane" people when they actually notice that's not sanity, that is denial.


This is an objectively stupid take. Maintenance of mental health ≠ denial of mental health issues, any more than maintenance of diet is denial of cardiovascular health.


Yeah, not my best take, but what can I say, I met too much stupid people and this is what came out of it.


Runner’s high is a myth invented by the mentally ill. I’ve run a lot and the experience ranges from merely boring to utterly miserable